
5:30 PM

5:30 pm.

Sacred Portal 116

This is sacred portal 116 the only time Arden drew from the Sacred Portals was 116 and 117.

he was 16 then 17 his name begins with A=1.

I drew the same pages 3 times over the course of the next same day and subsequent days.

I have already established that the sacred portals are literally Electro Magnetic and use the frequency emitted by the person drawing them forth.

it aligns to the Cosmic Egg.

*Serenity just gifted me 3 Pebbles painted wonderfully, with one of then a Egg.

Its the idea of cracking the code of the universal Womans Mind code.

Which was never really about Survival and Materialism and fear of feeding her children, It was the acknowledging that whe already knew everything her twins Ball and phallic SElf knew but it required the Supreme Expression Language Frequency ( S E L F) which she would and could recognize herself was already in her.

Language LANG U A.G…E was the code

Simplicity to Complex.

But its foundation was A B C – Simplicity and from there she could align it from there to Heavens … Eden Eternity and Infinity to I.

Her Self.

116 / 6 11

A P/ Attained Perfection Stephen Johnson.

K F./ Fort Knox

Arden Fred Knox Gemino.

A-A.F/ F-AA Ferrill Arden-Aurelia

Do you note the Peacock Feathers and the letter T.

Laura Walsh was in Harmony because I asked her to send a money code not as a test but because her harmony was already established at least with her highest self.

She offered to send 20.

Then never responded and never did.

( I guess the intel and knowledge I gave her was not even worth of her human avatars response)

It was given by Kim. Tree Sage

20 20 TT all quite naturally.

Now, do you see the Peacock Feathers and recall who gave me the peacock feathers and also to Liberty…?

Benjamin C Krajweski.

I know he did it naturally from his heart, but something was also moving within him, which gave me one and then liberty which means that thing was divided seeing myself and Liberty as Equals or perhaps it was saying it was yet to decide because its play was not over yet… nor was it.

Now please see the image from Athena Olympia which I shared from her page of a leaf that formed the same smiling Lips as that of the fave of two females in one-two faces in profile.

Sacred Portal 80.

9:51 pm

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