
5:30 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

E C O..


The Human Race has no alternative but to Evolve.

There was never a Choice.

It is unfortunate the Script and Play used to highlight this necessity and the necessity for the Extermination and Extinction of that which can not evolve.

It is my greatest sadness, beyond words that this is what the Posts and Scripts of the most beautiful, plan E.T was transformed into…

The sheer wonder of what the Human Being is able to achieve, able to do.. To weave link, light fractals, back to the picture, the original picture, frame and Portal of Eternity…

The wonder and awe of this, in the Doing and Being this,

to manifest it…

To take responsibility and quietly, undercover forge a Will, to Rise and Ride a Wave of Awareness, Being… Naturally…

to unveil and reveal.. then Exemplify the True Glory of what it is to be Human… Being.. is Hue-man Beauty…

How tragic, beyond tragic is this that the focus be moved instead to all that which is not Natural, but to be forced each time to focus on all the disease way of being which brought into existence and sustained a world where Evil, is a generous description of that which I have observed… witnessed enacted and sustained.

Not from ignorance but by a Stupidity beyond belief of those always believing that they are beyond the Law, and that Law itself not manifest in swift clarity the consequence of such actions and expressions.

I wished to revel in the fact that I have been weaving lining all Thoughts of expressed of Human Existence, into Reflections, which transform from Shade to Radiant Light.

To call out my Joy, my Bliss and my Excitement to all, to the World to people… See, See what I am doing, See what I am Doing… See what a Human Being can do!!…

But instead I must deal with that non stop force which moves so many of Humanity, which takes them over and so easily takes hold of them…. which they so easily give into…

The Spirit of Jealousy…

Jealousy… smh… Jealousy… to such a degree that it took over the World, and instead of focusing on the Beautiful Play Script, the Original Plan E.T…

I have been forced to focus on dealing with this Spirit of Jealousy while at the same time Evolving the Species by demonstrating what just one person representing the Eternal Consciousness.. The Original Consciousness can do… Can move Everything and Everyone back to the Origins…

To Evolution Awakening.. to Transformation to Morph to literally as never depicted in movies, bring forth a reality which always existed but seemed so so far away, seemed so beyond the grasp of Humanity focused on that which they could not see, could only grasp glimmers of…

To have to fight through a Script of the Spirit of Jealousy… of Haters, of Evil Malice manifested by the beings who live in a state of non existence and wish to drag all down into that abyss of misery rather than rise and ride the waves of being…

Such a script….

Shark Tank was the last equation yesterday which made me almost just sit down on the ground and laugh because I could not weep…

I understood what the Script was asking me to tell you…

In God We Trust… which is that which is stated on the American Dollar Bill…

The 4 posts yesterday…

AT 5:50 p.m

then 7:04 p.m

then 8:06 p,m..

then the last one at 9:13 p.m.

55 O…. 7 O4… 8O6…9 13…

E E.O…G O D… H O F… I A C… Icon Apparel C I.M…Possible… I’M Fact….

I knew I was directed to ask you to Invest in me, on the most mundane level as a Scientist Arts with a Product…

I already had the names Orien Laplante Evan ALexander Judson, Rachel Young Rachael Devon Rios Sessions David Powers…

In my mind… who put them there, I did not wish to ask anyone to Invest and sponsor me…

Invest Sponsor…


I had already asked twice over the course of the last 6 years, and received the extraordinary insult of which the people were saying that my contribution to Humanity, my expression my codes, my evidence which I witnessed transform people lifes, uplift, do things which they said saved their lives…

I had spent 10 years on the field manifesting these truths, witnessing myself what the conscious vibration of the E could do and affect on reality and on people…

And they had said no…

Twice…ignored my expression, watched me go through Hells beyond belief, to provide evidence and the Truth that everything I was saying and doing was a fact…

That we are evolving.. C’MON…

And after that insult, that blow… after putting me through designated people- challenging me to walk in New York city for almost 17 years without i.D…

You dare ask me, the Proud, the man whose body and being you purposely took away, made to seem possessed, to force me to walk through this Labyrinth, to solve these riddles…

To endure the insult to my being 24/7.. from people…

Now you ask me to show them one last act of grace, one last chance…

To use the the one thing they love and value more than their children more than their families, more than the Truth and definitely more than any idea of God that people of this particular wave length represent….

I should ask them… them… me ask them to invest in me, this book… after all you put me through with them… all you set up…

Now, you God, as the Idea of Existence as Suffering now use the guise of Satan, the Lord of the Material World..

The Devil… You would use that story … to give one last chance to these beings whom you meddled with…

Devil… / Lived….you the past… would dare demand that I give them one more chance by setting up this play of money and Need again…?

When I came in and saw Shark Tank…

I had observed the Sharks signs everywhere a few days ago and cars with the signs of Sharks… White gleaming cars which made me immediately associate them with Sharks…

I thought of the Great White… And my mind moved to the Movie Jaws…

And then when I walked in to see Shark Tank on television and having never watched it before…

Saw what it was about….

…i had been cornered by the play, I could not get any information from the immigration Lawyer but the name Ernest Collins informed me that it was the play.. E C…5 3…

That I was still in the Labyrinth, the Maze.. the Library solving riddles of dissolving the Spell of Jealousy…

Jealousy and Spite… the power of Hate…

The Power to Negate the Truth, the Proof the Evidence.. to obscure, to make fade, to make people forget… to decompose, decay, age… destroy … that which they already knew…

That which allows that which was a Beautiful Natural Being to become a monstrous hybrid of its former self until that former self no longer existed…

Until that former self could no longer fight…

6:40 p.m.



No longer desired to fight for Its Truth…

And Experience which I have been given non stop for 6 years.. 17 years…

That power of which is in fact not even a power, just an irritant which is effective only by the timing at which it comes .. like a fly coming to settle on your nose at the precise moment where it is a matter of life and death that you make no noise… it comes to make you sneeze…

Have you ever wondered, what force brings these circumstances at those precise moments…

That is the Evil, the force of Jealousy.. the Haters… that is the only illusion of power they have which is to catch you when you are not vigilant, when you least expect it.. when you say Nawww life God can not be that cruel or unfair….

A Y… E that is the code numbers of my page…

Kemi Sara… A Y.E…

Eric and Sam are working today at Starbucks…

E.S… 5 19…

That is the Original Bed I was assigned at Delta Manor…

A Y E is the Yoruba word for World

I am 1064 Facebook Friends…

And yesterday the Facebook memory 6 +4 = 4 Popped up after I had tried 4 times to post a post of my Total Recall of Total Recollections in a Scripted Play designed by the Cause and Effect of Human Existence in this planet.

A Script so vile, so foul which I finally come to understand reflects the Sum Total of Unnaturals- Human Beings who have strayed from the seat of their naturals and true self.

Which this 6 year play on Facebook and 16 year play … in New York has so perfectly reflected…

My Coffee today at the Arab Bodega had the number 45.

My coffee here at Starbucks served by Kyle is 6 25..

Do you understand Kemi Sara, Dawn Piercy what is happening..?

I am being forced to refine my being to alignment to the speed of light…

7:11 p.m.

Where everything, I touch is aligned… aligned to the Harmony Eternity…

But through a script and a play of Jealousy in which money spite denial and miserliness is used against me, forcing me to pass through all those portals of the Unnaturals, to refine that which was already in perfection…

To prove it, to be it, to vibrate with it, manually moving through all the worst of Human Expression everywhere I turn…

And my recording of the people aligning is the evidence of All who are the naturals and all the essence of the Unnaturals which I am taking back, drawing to me, into the magnetic field of Eternity as I pass through…

The resistance is beyond belief, the cruelty the hatred and the extension, delays distractions seeking to way lay and change my focus. To convince me that this can not be real so that I will stop and walk away, yet the wave of the Eternal Truth not allowing me to walk away…

Nor even change my focus, making me instead fight to get to the end which is of course, made manifest by my awareness.

And my will- forcing me to seek those portals designated who like a Mario Bros video game, gain the tools to complete the trajectory through the Maze of Awareness to now the Being and Body.. Which is where I am right now…

You should see what is going on with my body.. it is shifting morphing rising but in such a way.. in a small cott of a bed in Delta Manor…

I have no space, no privacy.. people there call it my stretching exercises… because I willed myself to make it look like that…

I know how to take care of it and Align my body but I always required the space to do it… the Peace around me but the distractions imposed of solving riddles, passing through peoples portals and expressions gives me no moment…

The daily battle to live, eat, to be able to simply breath is constantly denied me…

I am not allowed to sleep, and when I seek ways and means to simply stop weaving, I am impulsed my what feelings like electric shocks …

7:25 p.m.

There is no reality or Existence in which I could conceive or believe such a play possible, certainly not in New York after 28 years of fighting… 17 years here of fighting against the entire World..against all the expressions, against all the family and friends betrayals against all the heart ache and heart breaks meant to break my spirit…

The Battles here at Delta Manor, at Starbucks, on Facebook, in mind body and spirit…

After a life time of dealing with this alone.. in this world as a tall proud elegant black man – sustaining for 43 years consciously the Truth of the Eternal Realm exists, is present right here…

Willing it into being and Existence through Human portals set up to trap and betray and dissappoint me…

Set ups, so unbelievable to me, that I can not believe that Existence could become such a vile production and theater .. a script.. which I can not deny that I recognize from the experience of interacting with people not in their seats thrones of their Natural Selves…

Fighting Human Creations of Mind… which they do not even believe in.. In God We Trust not even able to recognize truth or beauty any longer…

This is the fate and destiny given to the Creator who came undercover to Boogie, for I never came into this world with any other purpose but to be…

Just as was portrayed in that book by Richard Bach… Jonathan Living-Stone Seagull.. Who did not see himself as special or anything.. he just loved to fly… And that is how I was.. am…

That in simply Being…you will Do and in Doing.. Perfection and Happiness will find you..

But the Script of my coming into Being in this World was derailed by this idea of imposed sacrifice, imposed sharing.. this idea of coming back to share the way with others…

But that way of which Buddha, Yeshua, Oduduwa, Eri Nri, Osiris Zorraaster stories to name a few.. that idea of Sacrifice for others which the original Truth of Being was twisted into by the Cowards.. the lazy… the Jealous.. the Shades of Doubt… meddled with the Original Blue Print…

Let a Man or Woman Be! and you will Cee…

And instead of that idea of a Teacher, a Messiah, a Messenger who the Flock will see as superior to them, and thus kindle the spirit of jealousy, insecurity… inferiority … and then hatred and inclination to sabotage… will not ever occur…

For in Being.. there is no Doubt…

There is just Love… Infinite Love in not simply Flying…

But in being alive.. and that love will inspire others without batting it over their heads, without the need to Teach or Preach… but simply to observe the Being of that which is at first not even aware that He or She has not only reached Perfection.. But that which Perfection proclaims as his her eternal Lover.. Twin and Guide…

The Being who just Do…

Because they simply BE…

Themselves and in that Being themselves.. Creations and the Creators perfection moves through them like Water… Dew Air Moisture, Wetting… Giving Recieving.. Revealing..Bilal Khan..The Being of the Lord.. and the Beautiful Book… which It Is Written..

Odera and which by you simply Being begins to Write itself into Existence…

And that which is Already written and that which your being Writes.. which you can look back in quick in and out Hindsight and Foresight while in the Bliss Joy.. Extase of simply Being Alive and Diving.. Falling in Love with EVERYTHING… Merge marry and become One…

Let me Be!

Let Us Be…

And what is written and what is written in the act of being and doing will unite as one…

And that is Awakens the World…

Awakens the Victorious People..

The Beautiful Ones…

The Eternal Ones who have resided in you.. waiting for you to activate your self by being … being… Be…B E Beautiful… Expression…B E A.. Aware… B E A U… Understanding… B E A U T… Truth… is B E A U T I.. I… I ( YOU) are infinite …

Fact… Universal Love Limitless…

B E A U T I F U L L….

7:52 p.m…

Let me Be…

Let us Be…

and we will unravel rise naturally as The Beautiful Truth of One…

7:53 pm

Robert age code 53 is sitting across from me…


7:54 P.M.

Let It Be…!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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