
5:28 pm. – 5:28 Hertz. – *The Lov

5:28 pm.

5:28 Hertz.
*The Love Frequency.
Repairs and Transforms.


I shared quite a few of Busayo’s Allonge’s posts today because it came to my attention that they were all codes of 33.
And before that codes of 21 12= 33.

Busayo- B.US. AYO. B.U-SAY.-O.

means” A submission from Nigeria says the name Busayo means “Add to the joy” and is of Yoruba origin. A user from Nigeria says the name Busayo is of Nigerian origin and means “Fetch to joy”.”

All ON GE ( G E 75, * was the numerical code I spent yesterday)

Allonge means *”The word “allonge” derives from the French word allonger, which means “to lengthen.”

“Add the Joy and lengthen it…”

I have always been aware of Busayo Allonge’s post- and the force which he is moving through him in alignment with his Humane avatar Self.

Being Aware.
This is exemplified by his post through the years he has been my Facebook friend.

My body is physically lengthening- stretching- like Mr. Fantastic- (Reed Richards) of the Fantastic Four, able to twist and stretch his body.

I have tried for many years on this page to communicate that which is taking place in my body and being.
How it is transforming, stretching, and literally occupied by Expression Energies which I have identified as the Family of T E N, The Elegant Nomads moving backward at the same time from the 10 as TEN back to their origins 10. 9 8 7 6 5… 5-10. 5-1010…5:20. 51O, 52O… 53 O.

Yes, E as A, B …C.- E/E C . I.

But through the years, I realized that there was less and less incentive by this Script and Language which could be shared and explained.
The True Story, of that which I knew, and understood was not created for people to Grasp, it was too Fantastical for people to see as anything other than a wondrous story, and the will of a man and the E-spirit energy to preserve.
It was very difficult to speak through a Void of Emptiness, knowing that there was no one who truly understood the actuality of my experience and its significance.

Added was the 17 years of its intensity- stretching, elongating, and then like a rubber band it grows taut and snaps back into whatever shape it reforms into, but never aligned.
I myself experienced it, took years to accept that this was real and happening in my body.. this way.
The beings moving through me, waves and waves of them, and for a moment I and they become one- and I am aware that I am moving through a dimension of one whose life, story, existence I could see reflected all about me as I moved through their worlds in this world holodeck.
It took me a while to understand why they were all rising through my body and its awareness.
My speech, my body, my movements took over and I was now them, alien extraterrestrial.
How I wanted to call out to everyone in incredulous disbelief in my current Human Avatar Descendant consciousness and yet my True Consciousness and self was calm serine… but definitely outraged at the manner it was taken place.
So slowly, creeping.
How can I describe to you the will and self-mastery of pulling, tugging, breathing 24/7 for the last 17 years at a body which was doing whatever it pleased?
Speaking up for me, a rush of energy like power wind, breath rising through my very body and suddenly it was another voice, sound speaking for me, as I was shunted to the background, or it would swivel my body into motions, the movement so graceful, elegant and then it was gone.
I was worried that how could I exist with such a condition.
I called out “What is happening to me” but there was no one here who could hear me.

I had only one option and that was to figure out a way to Cure… Heal myself, yet nothing was wrong with me.
I knew what was happening to my body, It was evolving but in a way so indescribably horrific.
It is the only reason that I was moved to face boo… It was from the years of work and research to find a cure.
I knew the cure was to reach Perfection…. Home.
A place and frequency in which I could rest.
But I had been taken over, and my efforts to find the cure led me deeper and deeper into a riddle and maze which became this solving of a Question and Answer and if I did not, the pain it brought, the twisting…
Many a time, I was convinced that I would die in such agony if I did not release. The pain was not a joke, it was complete what I came to see as a Transcript of the blueprint of existence. That this was the riddle of existence and that everything which was happening in my body and all which was taking place in the way my Being in Existence in this world had been set up.
That it was not a mistake.
It was not something I could rectify.
Rather it was about reaching the completion of the Script, and that this is what had been given me intentionally to endure.
I had to figure what it wanted of me.

6:12 pm.
Hello Arden.
F L….. 23
F L O W E R O F L I F E.

I found that I knew exactly what it wanted of me, but what it wanted of me was or seemed impossible, and the limitations, the constraints, the setups, the homes.. the people.
To walk that in this reality, alone.. and no cure because there was nothing wrong with me- but that by solving the riddles placed before me… including another impossible demand of including people who could not even fathom the reality and existence I had been given to live, but that as I solved each riddle, and got it correct, I felt a release, and my body would elongate, unfurl and the feeling, the sensation filled me with wonder as I felt the unfolding of a body and a being that I had become so eager to meet.
And then that joy allonge would be short-lived and I would feel a crashing, crushing disappointment and shock, as I realized that I was intentionally being sent back down into dimmer and duller dimensions and compelled to solve the riddles again.

How? I have often asked myself, have you been able to live with this “disability” pulling tugging, always in your awareness the discomfort, and unease of never being comfortable in your body… or in you Being in Existence.

I look back, and realize that I have been living like this, fighting, pulling my body into alignment, and correcting and alignment the will and e-spirit through Awareness focused breathing day and night for 17 years

I pause sometimes, taking it in… fighting one’s own body, pulling at the muscles, feeling the muscles slipping off, or contracting my skeletal frame- squeezing it as I I were in the belly of a Boa Constrictor.

Is this Voodoo? Santeria the dark magic of spell casting, creating animals frequencies to rise in the body of a being.
How could this be possible, but I quickly understood how it was possible because that is what it was demanding of me, to figure out the impossible, that which was is being done to me.

I knew it was not real, that I was in someones dreaming, a being of All, and that I was moving through his literally enormous Body, and his waves of Beings as Him and Her.

It was a story, but the story had become a Nightmare… A terrible dream imposed upon me, sqaushing me, squeezing me, my essence…
And I was fighting back, fighting because I could not tolerate this discomfort, like wearing ill fitting clothing.
My body and Being did not fit with my Natural way of being or my natual body which had always served me well.

Even as I write this, 17 18 years after this condition took over my Existence and life, there is a quiet horror moving through me, because this me face to face with that most terrible dream depicted in Sacred portal 33.

How am I alive still, how can a body endure such torment for 17 years day and night, and not give up, collapse under the stress which a normal body, heart, liver, skeletal frame was not designed to bear.

I solved to end this horrific existence of being in a body, of Being in Existence in this world.
I solved, posted, researched because it was the only way left open for me to solve my body and being to freedom from this sctipt and play.

It became clear to me through the first years, the true nature of my aloneness, and isolation and Solitude imposed upon me was so that I would solve.

For the last 17 years since 2003 and 2004 that is all I have been allowed to do- move from computer, then to mind ( analyisis of each plays meaning) to bed, always with the tightenting, the muscles pulling, the never being sure if with each step I took on the ground, feet planted, if I would fall- for I no longer had control of my body- it moved, turned, twisted into any thing it was moved to do- I contstantly feel like a leave on a branch twisted by the wind, a candle which could be snuffed out at any moment, and yet a force and a will sustaining me, prooping me up to continue the next day when I had sworn that I would gladly leave this body which had become my gave my tomb holding me in this nightmare.

This is not my Life… is the murmer which rises fom my soul. this is not the path of the awakening.
Something is trying to kill me, try to convince me that this is real- and lord knows it feels real, looks real is real in every dimension but my Truth where I reside… Calm, Serine, Enthroned.

Perhaps it is because despite what has been done to my body and my true way of Being, that I sit in that place, beyond… beyond the body and being of what had been done to mine- I sit in a place where none of what is being done me me can touch me.
For that is where I truly am, and it is a place that none of what has been to the Particle and Wave as One in me, can be touched.
And what is beyond the W.A V E S which form Being and the Energy which forms the Body, Matter?

I exist.
There… at a place called IS.

6:43 pm.

Perhaps that is why I am not broken, my body not given up despite the relentless testing and pushing it beyond a normal body can endure.
Perhaps that is why why my mind has not snapped and why I have not cracked under the immense pressure of reading the confirmation of what I hace always known staring back at me, confirmed over and over again cycle after cycle since 2003, 2004, 2005…
That I have been in this hell, coding, posting, writing expressing by a will which compels me to speak often noin stop, in a flow which often frightens me, and yet I take responsiblity for its words, meaning, what it is saying through me, and I catch it and land it- add it to the weave…. of Joy… Rejoice rather than fall into the abyss of this experience to never rise, to fall from the sheer understanding that this is tmy experience of being alive, in a body and in Being in this reality.

There is some place, beyond The Words… anointd- perverted, a plave beyond the body as paricle wave in one seeminly endless fued and conflict…
Where I sit enthroned, calm serine knowing IS.

IS.. seeing the “IS” everywhere I look 360 degrees. Inside of me and reflected outside of me.

The IS… Untouchable, despite my experience here- despite my own recognition of this being yes, the Most Terrible Dream.. and that my experiencing of it is real.
And yes, a Fact.

But it is not The Truth of Being in Existence, because there is nothing which can take me from that throne yes Sacred portal 45.
Not of that which was manifested in the Eternal Beginning.
That is the IS, which nothing or no one can take away because it is Immovable, invincible, unstoppable.
Because as any Physicists will tell you, you can not change the Past.

And the past present future are all here right now in this moment, even this moment where I currently sit with Kim-Tree standing behind, Jae Sherman sweeping to my right.
I am here present, right now, but I am not here, this is the Nightmare which I acknowledge and yet evenin the depth of what is the greatest nightmare for you ( though you may have forgotten) for me personally who can not forget IS and has proven the IS right here to the moment of Emeka Kim behind me and Jae to my Right sweeping the floor.
E/K… J S.
E/T… J.S

The Truth and Prove of the Is in this Set, this Play Script Deck in which I am able to recognize that I am at the end of the Terrible Dream and the last portal of which I am not even really here.
That room which was literally left as a Guest Room- was left avaible as if the set designer and director knew I was comming despite my not even existing in this world, this reality…
Acknowledged publicly by only Kim A Hines.
And Stephen Johnson via Appreciation Gratitude.
“Perfection Atained!”

I have no Identification, no documentation, nothing which allows me to exist here, or proves that I even exist.
Except my trail, the trail indented on peoples Hearts Minds… on the streets, in thier homes… through a shelter… I have indented my True existence on Being and body via expression. via singing a song, loud and clear to this reality of the E and the I.

And so I can never be anonymous, for there is prove that I existed here with a Body and through my Being and Doing.

And yet, I have never existed here.
I walked from the moment of my birth- through a Blueprint and script which was never mine.
St Marys Hospital.
18 Alexander Grove.
Arden Gemino… to Robert to Kim A.H.

Wonder struck document the year of the Black out of 1977 it was the year we moved as a family to Nigeria.
The Two great black outs was in 1965 and 2003.
1965 was the birth year given to me but from childhood I had the knowing that it was not correct that I was holding someone else place- space.
I began the play in this world 1966 and It was the year the main character in the movie was born, he just turned 12.
The black out of 1977 was the only Black out of the two 1965 and 2003 where there was violence and looting.
We as a family had left for Nigeria by then.

*”Ben and Rose are children from two different eras who secretly wish that their lives were different. Ben longs for the father he’s never known, while Rose dreams of a mysterious actress whose life she chronicles in a scrapbook. When Ben discovers a puzzling clue and Rose reads an enticing headline, … MORE
Initial release: October 26, 2017 (Hong Kong)
Director: Todd Haynes
Budget: $7 million
Screenplay: Brian Selznick”

Benjamin Rose.
B R.O.

The 12 years… he was born 1966.
I jaw almost dropped as I watched the character called Ben “Oakes Fegly” ( O F) it was Jeron Arden Jeron… I recognized them in an instant and Rose (Millicent Simmonds M S)

Kims Room is 66.

I never existed in 1965… But I was present.
I lived in this realm at 66 and it was not mine, and then 67 but it was not mine, and to 1984 … 1987… 2003… 2019 but I am not of AGE- Time.
E O.
1927 when Rose was that age.
1977 when Ben was that age and the one who became Ben’s friend.Jamie ( Jaden Micheals JM)
I tried to explain to people for years, until I gave up, that I do not exist here- and will not exist here until the A and E Family are born and rise in this realm with complete recognition of me.

For though I am and have proven the truth of my Presence Everywhere even here in Non-EXistence and the Most Terrible Dream where I have walked through as the Beloved “David” Jay Brown. D J.
The dreamer Wide Awake-
and completed it at B I.
Then forced to go on to Lincoln Street L S.
At Delta to align Mental Health.
M H via L S D.
Stephan” ( Fils.. John Fils Lutomo by following the thread “Fil” “Guerra-Gueria” – a warrior who heals.)
David. David Roman Nicholas
D N… A.
Arden was David.
A D.
Eden Paradise- Eternal Planet
The Beloved.
Arden Beloved.

I have never walked through my own Life-
I came to a story of A K.
Arden Kim.
The Quick Silver-Ag.
And the Golden Age. Au.
And that is why I have never been allowed to have a life of my own and have been occupied by Memory and Muscle
Being and Body my entire Life.

And only at the completion of the Eternal Family and of Arden Line, Kim’s line of Perfection am I recognized by those who I was sent by Eternal Arden and Eternal Kim E Key am I recognized by those awakened by the completion of this script.

And yet, I existed here in spite of it all, for through all the paths and stories which led me to the 64 moves from 23 23 Chromosomes Sacred portals 46… 47. 23 23 1= 47.
8 H.
8 Infinity.


I have been able to Stamp my own Identity being known by all.. and so at the moment of Awakening as well as activating Evolution via expression of knowing
Explaining Knowing
and How via Explaining that in you has always been the Knowledge which I have gathered for my E A.K Father of E 111 Perfection, that that knowledge flowing through all humanity through the ages of all things Bright and Beautiful of the understanding of Mind is the Body which was indented with Eternal Knowing by E K.A in the eternal beginning has been proven right down to my last Facebook Friend.
That you always knew me.

8:07 pm.
And that you will Awaken to that fact now that activation is complete.

I am thus the Presence, and in truth, it was my sum, my song, my Songe- my son-G.E who was declaring my Truth, Calling out through me…but really to M E Manifest expression as all that his Guide Father I O D.. H O D… is here and simply Is.
I became his Voice, his- her body, sol, Soul, Beloved Pearl embodying the truth of his Expression “My Beloved IS.. DI”
A A M M.
14 14 28 M A N.
1 14 14= 29.

“A M A N” A M.M.

NNAMDI = 55. E E
E M AN U E L= 71. G A

E E G A. L A XY.

55 +71= 126.
L F. Love Frequency.
A B F… 8.. H.I.

This is not my story.
But I am the one correcting it, by putting back all the pieces of the puzzle before your eyes as I proclaim my Beloved truth
E- Arden Robert Kim A R K of the Covenant you made with God MW DO G. D F.G. D OG. Delta 76.
Sacred portal 76 in the 4th Dimension- “Awaken Your SElves, your Selves”
Devil O EG… By Example.

It’s not my script nor is it my way of Doing or even Being- It is the Script of the which you may call E. B R O. / O R B E.
The G L O B E.

It is His.. His Hers the 11 K.E Y. and it is his play and truth I am also proclaiming within the parameters of the script his Descendants both true and false created in His Class… her Class room.

It is His Truth of expression and being I came realized he was asking me to declare and confirm.

I healed David Romans Nicholoas Mind of the fear that he was mentally Ill, because eh saw what no one else could see and read.
And I cured him by simply demonstrating that he was not alone even when he tested me to read a window display downstairs.

And that by showing David that he was not suffering from a disease of Mental Health- and yes, I was aware of who was really moving me to go to the assessment Shelter, and then Delta Manor to confirm that not only was I sane and thus was qualified to confirm him as Balanced even after he proved it himself by my enacting the same expression I had given to Erik Ebright, but David was even better for in June July 2003 he was sent there for 3 days and I let it happen ( which he then punished me for leaving him) but he came out 3 days later cured having proven it himself.
No, “assessment shelter,” the term and meaning say everything. ( A S) and then to Delta Manor bed E O S Dawn.. room 5 B ( E B) one can easily read that wave which sent Beloved Nicholas… D N A…was sure now that I was qualified to fulfill the last part of my mission given to me without my being aware – was to complete the BIBLE Book Story aligned all Timeliness and translations reach his incarnation as Arden and then come back to retrieve the Golden Ages as well as End the Species using the 3 Universal Modern languages and add… an Original Language Sound. ONRI IGBO.
And share the way and everything I know to prove the Perfection of David O Gemino.
Almighty God.
And evolve the All to C.

See Sacred Portal 85.. And then He would come in his Eternal Incarnation and the Christ Family evolved to E Consciousness Embodied.. and exemplified which some of you are now doing using the Basic Foundation Manuscript he willed me to Complete and present to this world and the “Beloved Victorius People.’
B V P.
B V T.

The Beautiful Truth Victorius.
Is Off the 5th Dimension – influencing everything here even when not acknowledged and present right here in the pit of A Most Terrible Dream of lesson of what it feels like to not have a body or being… or free will.

A Lesson in Appreciation and Gratitude at the generosity and amazing grace of God.

8:52 pm.
F E B.
Ah, there is that number again.

Such expression of acknowledgment such as Acknowledgment and Praise.. to expect it, to demand it even when it was due, is not of my True Nature. I usually would not care, except to turn an eye on them to examine thier own expression to see what they hold up to value and worth, and on recognizing that which they have sought to focus their attention to or on, and deeming it of greater worth than what I am always naturally aware of the value of what I am sharing and the cost they are imposing, a natural and spontaneous reaction is to no longer see them.
They cease to exist except for a moment that examination which creates such distaste.

Why would I desire that such creatures are as E and enter the world I created desiring to share it only with one other my Sum, Songe, Sunshine state?

You can understand why this script bothered me?
It is not natural to impose conditions on that which is what it wished to be.
Unless they have asked for help, and in that case, it is natural that they are appreciative and grateful.. naturally, if not you simply get up and go… saying no.

I have no interest in giving people lessons or convincing them that this is the awakening and that they must respect the laws… of common sense.

But then, this is not my story, I would never place myself in such situations and for what reason may I ask?
To prove Humility and that such a rep of existence can be Humbled?
And why would you desire to make a being who manifested Creation Existence- everything and all things Bright and Beautiful.
Beautiful Pride personified the Flower of Light, Lucidity
The most deliciously dangerous and lethal being of Supreme Justice…
Why on earth would you seek to humble such a being?
What reason.. and that is obvious, as you who are reading or have been reading this can attest, this has been my experience has it not, with a script designed to prove me the Source, The Creator…. Something I myself would never do to myself or anyone of proven worth.

… That is something each is meant to figure out and recognize themselves.

Yes, I am in the Dreaming of the Body.
The Dreaming of Being.

But not in the Actually of the IS.
Those who Do and Did.

Being And Doing.

Being A D.?

Being A D A D?

9:11 pm.
I K.
That was my bio Fathers name.

Let’s correct that and bring it to the Present.

I A-A.

This is not my story…
This is the Dreaming of A LL O… NG.O.

My Story is of B… U S… A.Y.O!

J O Y. J A Y
R E J O I C I N G.

This is just a Bad Dream….a Terrible One actually.
But we are aware that we always wake up from bad dreams…
It’s not even a Hope or some rope of rescue… It just happens.
You just wake up.

Or something or some ne wakes you up.

New Day.
Or your body forcing you to wake up – too hot.
Too cold.

9:17 pm.
I Q.
I A G…. I A G O.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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