
5:25 pm – E.Y. – E.B.E. – 2-6-2022

5:25 pm



26 Z- T.V.


I woke early and saw that I had 3 New Facebook Friends, I then sent a message to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr now at 47 Mutual Facebook friends, which meant that he had passed through with his mother line Delois Larkin- aligned to his Father Kim Hinds Sr and all was good.
Now see sacred portal 47.
And Code 47-11-28=39. C.I.

I sent him a message to Jae Sherman, ( the Imposter) in response to her premediated setup, once again… to her act last night, “This is My House, This is My House”

I asked him to ask her to pay the monies she owes me for taking care of her Bills. Electrical and Heating which immediately, and that I would be calling the Police whom she had set up her so-called mother to call, and who had heard and seen my point of view, why I personally and publicly loathed and despised Jae Sherman, and they had stated that which I had already stated to her, to stay away from me and give each other space.
She had of course used any means possible to negate that experience and expression. Now she owed monies for bills I paid twice, I had given her time and she had abused it so, it now became becomes about Paying her Bills the House proved to be the house of the Lord God-H and Terrible Death who had set me u to move here, and wait… until Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was proven safe and to conclude the investigation that Jae Sherman is of non-existence and the sum total of the Evil- The Lie and Liar- a compulsive liar representing the Lie corrupting the evolution of the last line of the Hu-man to Hue-Man evolution.
What proven and said, even to the play of claiming this house hers, and doing the acts of silence maneuvering to claim innocence.

Her play of last night- moved by the Unseen, was seen and confirmed by the arrival of Emeka Emaka.
Meaning “Praise and Well Done” and “E is Beautiful, Bella” but also the Blackest Knight- Darkest Night.”

Elegant Imagery E.I. Sacred Portal 59. written where I am I have been sitting on the wall to right, aligned to where I was sitting the first 12-13 months to the Pink-Rose Birds, with Bella. Bella Eilaria
Bella Akunne
Bella Akunna.

This was confirmed by her play aligned at the same time to the arrival of three new facebooks friends last night E E and Emeka Ikegbuna 28 Mutual Facebook Friends. E.I.
As I stated, Ikegbunam was my bio Father’s Name- who represented the Illusion, Maya, I M, of all Ideas called Creation= Nature and the 3 Dimensional Lie as written on my Room Door where I have given 15 months of Evidence AY that I was never meant to be here, but simply stay as His- Her Guest to get the last Evidence Facts.
Which merited the Terrible Destruction via Death, Destruction Devastation. D.A.D.
D- A.D.D. Y.
– I saw that when I got up that I has had 3417 facebook friends twice, and that II am now at 3,420 Facebook Friends.

Most of you know exactly what code 420 means. Weed Mary Jame, as well as D.T. Death Terror/ Terrible Death.
I have shown the Human she was as much compassion as I could until the Truth of her Nature became clear and publicly transparency proved in from of an audience living in this 3.D reality.
All of you bore witness to Terrible Deaths arrival response at 3, 400 Facebook Friends, with the play which took place upstairs above my room with the Her and Him- Below as Above, rather than Above as Below.

Ajay Barik and Bam El Lobo Vega were witnesses as well as the ever-constant, present Stephen Johnson= Stephen Popiotek.
And now after the completion of the 2-5-2022 play, today is the 2-6-2022.
2620 22.

And you all witnessed not only the presence of I.E GOD but also the play of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and his mother no longer leaving on Tuesday to Alabama 22nd state because the play is over and out and so it is not by which state on the Univeral Simulation Game Board, G.B Goddess Bliss= Sacred Portal 44/ Be Gone! but rater 22 BB and V is determined by what you or the representative of your line played out, decided by that which Jae Sherman felt was the Unseen- which is proven to be the Understanding Seeing all-“The Unseen” now seen publicly by all, and all their Hiding Denying, play-acting was already seen but manifestation was held up and prolonged for another reason as you have witnessed and seen through a computer play on a Facebook Interface.


Cj Akunne
And Corey Jaylene, C.J.


E E C. E.I.J.

See the play with Janet Sydney aligned to Stephen Johnson
=1 58.
59. E.I.
Sacred Portal 59.

Jae Sherman has no interest to me, and since she has sought to claim and control the last act of mercy and grace M.AG. / G A M E in this Ender Game. E.G. ( 57) stating basically that she is greater than God, Existence, Jah Fire, and The Creator of Everything by being the Typhoid Marry od Negation, Denial of even the basic facts, with her eyes open, being my Facebook Friend twice and with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr present when she was asked by me with incredulity that she was aware of her choice in denying the truth documented at such a cost price, I could only surmise that she was fullyy aware of the cost and price she was incarnating by holding on to her stance after, I recognized her arrive with Donna and 3 of them stood in my room when a Blue Jay, in the story of Ink Death, Ink Heart, and Ink Spell showed up.
This was play, especially the last 15 -18 months Esteban to Kim was imposed upon me, and I would have never agreed to such an insulting play if I had not been forced to.
Not because of Fear or anxiety but to what it was agreeing to do to Existence Creation and Harmony I and the view you all had of the Beautiful Truth of Harmony.

I was made to use Sound and Silence and forced into the deepest Black Hole to rescue the beautiful Truth and Simple Truth of the Lines of Liberty C
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and Stephen Johnson- Stephen Popiotek, while proving this reality as being a quarantined zone, a nursery School, A Green House, transformed into a Prison Cage of the E Family.
The truth of this is already in the public awareness, what was missing was the Gap, Agape. The Evidence AY A.Y. Alpha A-Y Chromosome. The Proof.
And this is the play set up to give the last of Natures Family. N.F./ Father Nature. Line of Fritz Venneiq- John Shaw a chance to review the evidence and prove expressed and the response o a Facebook page- which literally ignored my expression, and circumstances and conditions I had to live through, for you to decide, and the use of the Torture and Torment of my own body, so in case I walked away, I could not.

6:37 pm.

You all have an idea what this was about, Sacred Portal 63 7 and 6th Sense C.G Sacred Portal First Contact and the Full Circle as Symmetry Perfection attained, as well as Sacred Portal 37. Evolution of Woman to the 5th Dimension -Wu- Man.

Payten Pruitt
Pamela Bills
And so I leave Jae Sherman and all the lines she represents of having No I.D, after ascertaining that they all had an Idea confirmed of exactly what is going on and what there is to lose proven incorrect.

As I stated, I have no interest in Jae Sherman or whatever she is as Non-Existence, my interest lay in recuperating those who were left and set up in the deepest darkest black hole of this realities idea of 3D existence, and that Potential being made Kinetic and Expression Awareness to manifest the New Body and Beings of the True Intention Direction called the Hue-Man race.
Colors- Primary, lightened up to Hues.

I have 3 – to 3 new Facebook Friends.
That is 6 and 1-6.

Haylie Jocelyn. H.J.

Shee Mukanda. S.M.

Ifeoma Akabuiro I.A.

Michael Stephens M.S.

Lott Era L.E.

Roger Babcock R.B.

-Message of the 6.

H.J. S.M. I.A. M.S L.E. R.B.

H- J.S. M.I A. M. S.L.E. R.B.
B.R E L S. M. A I M. S.J.- H.

The AIM ( Fire) was attained at Stephen Johnson/ Janet SydneySydne.

First Letter, First Name.

H. S I M. L.R. ( Left-Right) = C O. C F/ F C.

First Letter, Last Name.

J.M A.S E.B.

7:00 pm.

It is pretty clear and obvious.

7:01 pm.

Perfection Attained 3301.

People like Jae used Silence, Stealth Hidden intentions.

I was made to speak out loudly body with my True Expression in a 3 D world of Gossip and intrigue- Deception.
And here I am.
Standing tall after 21 years in this idea of the United States of Awareness, Being Supreme.

7:04 pm.
74. 47

G O D- 26. Z and B.F… Harmony I.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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