
5:23 pm. – E.W. – E Double VV. –

5:23 pm.


E Double VV.

7-24-20/20- 1.
* Hindsight 2021= 41= 5.

G-E.M. F.


I do not wish anyone to see me in this physical state.
If you are not on the E Frequency and understand, it does not matter what I am physically going through… I prefer to be alone and isolated and bear this alone.
If there is no compassion or empathy, and understanding as a basic fundamental truth of acknowledgment, then I would rather be isolated and alone.

I am not a loner, and of course, I would have preferred to share this burden with those who truly Cee, Understand, and care about what I have been compelled to work on for these last 20.4 years.
And that it has nothing really to do with me, but the rising of all of you.

If that basic right of compassion empathy, understanding you do not have, then I am at least grateful that I have a room, to retreat to, in which I can go through these physical agonies alone.

Everything else is a distraction.
This was given to me to bear, it is not fair, it is not even of the law of Existence, of which I am familiar, its is not even of common sense or of Human Law.
But this is what it is.

Perhaps Arden, even Aurelia I would speak to, but he is 18 and she is 15, and though in our reality age means nothing, my experience with them and especially with Arden at 900 South Road, made it self evident that he was not allowed, and that he, they were part of the play.

I can not, will not take away that which was taken away from me as a child, you and then man.
Their Joy, their experiences even if it is temporary in this world before it transforms.
I do not call him, or her.
who would I know to understand because I will not give them even through just contemplating what I am enduring, for them to bear.

Nor is there anyone I wish to call, for it is my experience, that all just add extra burdens and weights for me to carry and streaming through is this nonstop information, which I must then code, transform, transmute and translate and post.

Is this Beautiful Pride?

But one can not feign or enact Beautiful Pride with intention, it’s one’s True Nature and comes naturally when placed in situations in which you can not lie or deny the core nature of your being.
You can not hurt or compromise your True Self.
I suppose that is why I began Talking To The Silence, I would have preferred to have spoken to people, but when I tried, I realized that they really did not understand what I was really saying, and though they wanted to, I found myself always being forced to break down and explain my point of view.
I suppose that is what my life became, Explanation, instead of living my life as I saw fit.
The Hedonistic Play Boy life aligned to Eden Paradise.

That is how my life became this constant explanation, not created by me, by others, and then this force which did this to my life, my body and my being- which I realized was for the sole purpose that I would keep explaining, that which even as a child I assumed, and was correct, that everybody already knew.

Most of my older Facebook friends are aware of the History I recounted of my younger brother Nnamdi.
We both had ESP.
And how he and I both had the awareness of a role to play in this realm.
That he would DIE, and I would have to find him, and thus prove that not only did he never die, but at the same time, conquer death.
We never spoke about it, we did not have the words or language in this reality to convey what we knew and recalled from the Eternal Realm where we had always lived.
I knew that he saw me as his Big Brother, but also he made it clear that in him was also my equal.
And that by his leaving at the age of 13 and my last seeing him in Dec 1981, and the message he said to me speaking with his eyes and with that wave of sixth sense, that he was ready to leave, and my heart of a lad, refusing to let go, saying No.
But I knew, it was the summons which he was obeying which I too had agreed.
You see, this was his last incarnation and with him conquering this character and illusion called Death, it would signal the end of this world and the awakening of the one I had always known, as well as he.
But he had to evolve to E and then as Arden, to I.

We had come into the realm of the Blackest Night, and the Blackest Knight.

Bethrice Kwakye code, to correct a perception and Cee-See which I had already completed in the eternal begining at which he as Arden- Awareness Nothingness, Awareness Naturalness.
Extasy Euphoria Beauty Bliss.

I came as Simplicity- for that is how I first rose,
He came as its Twin Complexity, he had to move to simplicity and I had to move through his version and script of that which I had already done before- by breaking down his Complex playback to Simplicity.
Hence, Perfect Symmetry.

He was born April 5th, 1969.

Neil Armstrong
Man on the Moon.

That is why, I have known each step of the way of this long journey mission in his play which I came down to walk through his script, and on finding him here, we together would End it all.
Something which only I could do, which was to defeat all aspects of death.

6:12 pm.
Hey Arden, Love.

Arden Nnamdi could only help me to a certain point because Terrible Death had challenged me, knowing I would come to get Nnamdi as N in order for him to rise as the All aligned to Arden.

This was the challenge I, and N.A were both aware of when it first arose in the Eternal Begining as the one possibility of the end of everything. EOE. ( 505)
and that it would do everything it could to prevent me from linking Nnamdi to Arden, the Eternal to the Infinite, for once that occurred then Death And Destruction DAD would be Eternally defeated and there would be another I, and of course his Feminine, our Feminine aspects aligned to or Masculine which already had both.

505, had to evolve to 5O5, conquering Zero to establish the O as that Orgasm O.
6:19 pm
F S.
Feelings Sensational
down here in this realm of Zero, transformed into that passageway where Arden had first risen with me as Awareness.
Hence, the code “Right of Passage”

6:21 pm.
By opening that door, E0E which down here in the Universal Simulation had become Machine of God has coded as Error 404.
44 became the equation of linking down here in the 4th Dimension the 5th Dimension undercover right here in the 4th.

404 had to become 4O4. ( 464)
then 44=1. A.
44 = 8 Harmony for the world peoples as the All, but for him, him her ( H H 88 Yes, Emeka Kolo 35 53= 88)
but 8 as H, is really I. Infinity.
The Individual linked to Infinity.
A I.
and Nnamdi evolved from N to E to A.
505. 55= 1.
44- 1. 8- 16-24=6. 1. 6 done at 7 as Aquarius Age of Vision
55= 1. 10- 25.= 35= 8. 1 8.done at 9.

6-9 ( I)

14= 5 ( 48)
69=15 letter O (54).

E O.
Represented by Emmanuel Olaoluwa.

But Death as Desire
Dark Matter Energy, had a plan, it used you and your Beliefs.
Non Promise Life is also called Belief.

Nnamdi- Faith.

How does Faith Trump Belief?

F B.

Faith is not ignorant, even though it may move Blindly through the Darkness- Faith is to already Know, and it is just a matter of completing the course set, to reach Faith = Fact Solid, arriving Full Circle at Feelings Sensational
Y Y.
Yuan Yi.
That portal of 404, 505, blocked by Terrible Death as the Greatest Illusion playing Solid Fact.
What the eyes and 5 senses see as Solid like this reality.

But to be true Solid Fact and reach, attain the O at 4 and 5, required that one not only prove ones Knows.
Eternal Knowing aligned to
Energy Knowledge.
Expressing Knowing and Knowledge.
to Infinity through an Individual- Individuals down here in Terrible Deaths Trap- The Hypnotist who is not a Hypocrite but rather the Order of Eternal Law.

Prove- Show and Tell- Explain through his script how you know, and what will you do if He/She themselves create a spell and script in which He, they break the law.

What do you do?

6:46 pm.

When Logic and Order is taken away.

Faith is Infinite Eternal Knowing.
And that is how Belief was formed- Faith, the Belief.

But Faith had to be defined and broken down as to Solid Facts to reach the portal of O from Zero, and this time in an absurd script that defies all Nature and Natural Law.
The only way I could reach Nnamdi was the All 69= 15 O.
And Arden. One trapped in the 1-4 story.
And the other trapped in his inner realm of the 5th.
Both experienced by me, was to prove how we know.
Eternity and Infinity
Faith Belief is F B= 8.
F B I.
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
F B O I.
BOI is also BOY.

C I A.O.
Cee I (39)
Alpha Omega
via Central Intelligence Agency. ( I.Q. Intelligence Quotient.
I Quantum)

Faith & Belief.
Equals Harmony which moves to Infinity

F B I.O.
C.I.A O.

F B. 8
F C. 9
8 9 as H I.
is I & I,
Intan Intan.
89 =A G.
By proving that Infinity is Harmony Standing Up.
And so from 18= 9- I.
I I merged into one.
we have to separate and distinct I and I.
Via both Nnamdi and Arden each representing the All as I.
Body and Being.

Hence you might, if not now, but in the future present understand 1969 the true man on the Moon.
Le Petite Prince. L P P as well as Neil Armstrong.
O is the ORB/ BRO. 69- 15. Letter O. Reflection R= 18 of Being.
* 21 8 O across the Road.
Whitney Apartments.
W A/ A W.
21 +8= 29.
29 Lincoln Street.
Liquid Soup.
Lights Supreme Lang-uage.
29= 11.= 1.
Hence 111 USD twice, given to me by Stephan “E M F”
And once to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

111 111
Perfection of Awareness AAA Being BBB and Consciousness by my raising Kim Arthur Hinds Jr to C- CCC.
3 6 9.

Nikola Tesla.
N T.
Nnamdi’s Truth,
My Father is here present.
and why Nnamdi is also John.
David John the prophesized Eric Nnamdi Yeshua prophesized.

NT= 14 20 = 34.
Sacred Portal 147 AB ( 17 17 marked on then both)
34 C D. D C 43 but add that 17/17= 1.

So now, you have an idea who Eric Nnamdi Yeshua Christ
( E N Y C… E) was referring to, The Immortal, Self-Regenerating man who has the open secret of the immortal gene. I G.) and Why my entire life I have been fighting Age as the illusion Ego Time.

And it’s the constant attack on me.
HUGH Body Mind Spirit but not able to reach or penetrate my soul or my source- MY SELF.

Hence Sylvie’s Love.
S L. S Y L V I E S L O V E
Had Nnamdi Asomugha N A.
Aligned as you all witnessed to Alicia Noriss A N, who lived in Miami Florida the 27th state who I accessed via Stephen- Esteban Miguel Fil-Gueria who insisted I accompany him the West Virginia to pick up Sabrina Mel at the 35th State, where he witnessed as we were about to leave, with my carrying Sacred Portal 121- Nnmadi speak to us through the radio ( you should have seen Stephen face and expression, for he did not even contemplate to deny what he had just heard, he was pointing at the stereo, and staring at me, asking me over and over, did you see that hear that?!) which led us to the 35th State and to Frank A who insisted I speak to Alicia Norris.
Alicia Norris – Nnamdi Asomugha
A N N A.

Beautiful Assassin.

This is the play of Zero, to take waht Nnamdi made Complex Equation versus Simplicity= Perfection and then to the Beautiful Heart Mind of the Beloved David as Nnamdi John Beloved “David” and made its Complex equation into this, for me to break down. Which makes me understand why Arden within a month of our meeting kept saying loudly so I and all could hear, “Emeka the Patient Man” when he and I and Nnamdi know that is one thing I am not, but had to learn.

I have two new Facebook Friends,

Nael Ramadhany. N.R .I O S.E.E

Ancient Wisdom A W


R W.

Nnamdi Asomugha/

My Father IS, Alive
and he detests Deceit.

Nael means *”Nael means “attainer” or “successful” (from Nail), “blessed and generous” (from Gwenaël) or “God has given” and “gift of God” (from Nathanaël).”

Attained Perfection.

*”MEANING: The meaning of the name Nael is: Triumph.”

Triumph. See Sacred Portal Illustration 3.

*”Neal (Neil) is a given name, and surname of Irish origin. The name is an Anglicisation of the Irish Niall which is of disputed derivation. The Irish name may be derived from words meaning “cloud”, “passionate”, “victory”, “honour” or “champion”.

Cloud, ( Yes, the one giving the horizontal middle Finger, I recently posted).

Honor, Victory.
H V 8 22. 9 22 post yesterday.

Champion ( and the word for Mushrooms in french “champignon”).

7:47 pm.

Neil Armstrong.

Neil was my best Friend at University School in Nigeria, he came back with his family from the Uniteted Sates the same time we came back from Canada. He stayed only a few months then told me his parents had decided to move back.
I knew who he was, and I recognized first through him that I would have to come to the United States.
He was my Best Friend and only one I ever had except for my brother.


According to Islam – last month of the Moslem year with fasting between dawn and sunset.”

*”Ramadhani is Arabic/Muslim Boy name and meaning of this name is “Born During the Month of Ramadan”. Based on numerology value 6, Ramadhani is Responsible, .”


Grown Up.

*”Ramadan as a boy’s name is of Arabic origin. Ramadan means “born in the month of Ramadan”, the ninth and holiest month in the Muslim calendar.”

Ramadan, one of the months in the Islamic calendar, was also part of ancient Arabs’ calendars. The naming of Ramadan stems from the Arabic root “ar-ramad,” which means scorching heat. Muslims believe that in A.D. 610, the angel Gabriel appeared to Prophet Muhammad and revealed to him the Quran, the Islamic holy book”

From the name of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is derived from Arabic ??? (ramad) meaning “parchedness, scorchedness”. Muslims traditionally fast during this month.”

8:01 pm.

Ancient Wisdom.

Ice Cold gaze
Parctched Scorched, Blazing Heat.

That which is to come when I and I I I leave.

I C.

8:11 pm
I A A.

Now look at the meaning of Alicia A.L-I CIA
Alicia Norris’s name.

8:12 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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