
5:22 pm. – E.V. – 7-4-2020- 1-21.

5:22 pm.

7-4-2020- 1-21.
7-4 = 11 28- C.I.


At 3:26-3:27 pm.

Aryanna Luna Leon (A.L.L) sent me a message from Hawaii.

I responded to her at 5:06 pm.

At 5:09 pm she sent me her response.

Our dialogue ended when I signed off at 5:11 pm.


I received intel from Kim Arthur Hinds Jr who had met two of his former classmates Paris and Janet at his workplace.


My last Facebook friend is Munachi Anachebe.
2×8 16 ( 88)- 2
8×6=48 ( 88 88 88)-6

16+48 = 64.
64th Move.
F D.
Fifth Dimension

And the day before it was Jorge Pedraza J P.
and it aligns to Jules Palmer.
He arrived as my 16 47 Facebook Friend.
16-2(8) after the 88 Intel from Laura Walsh.
16, 47= 11 28
7-11- 28,
7-28 is my sister’s birthday.
7 is actually 8.
Hind Kim B H.
H A-A B.H.
I A-A.B I.

That means that it took One Full Day from my receiving Jorge Pedraza as a Facebook friend before it manifested in Kim Script at the club he works at as two people as females from Kim Arthur Hinds Jr past.
From his former High School from Spring Field.

Jorge is present.
He is from Texas the 28th State.
And currently lives in New York the 11th State.
he is one person as J P.
Not two as Paris and Janet in Kim’s Script, as P.J.

I lived in Paris and I know a Janet in my personal Blue Print,
Janet as a young woman I met, who was aware and pivotal in the New York play when I first arrived.
As well as the song which was playing the first day I arrived in New York from London, England.
It was the song, the Cab Driver was playing as he carried me from the airport to Nick Levine’s friend Chucky, at St John’s Le Devine.

6:02 pm.

I remember having sort of butterflies in my stomach at my arrival and on hearing the Janet Jackson song “Control” I was fully aware of what the play I was about to enter into on my arrival 3-20-2001 in New York, for a play I had not been allowed the choice to refuse.
By 3-21-2001 it had begun.

6:04 pm.

A Battle of Control and Power.


Graduation Cap on my desktop now with P.J on it.

6:12 pm
Hi Arden.

Yes, the DeskTop Arts and Science has Arden’s Flash Light. ( F L) over seeing the entire play on my Desk Top and was perfectly aligned to his Graduation without my being aware until the last moments when Liberty informed me that he had graduated.

So if I was not doing the art with full awareness of what I was being moved to create, then who was moving me.
My Awareness obviously as well as my sixth sense.
I was aware that I was moving Facts- solid objects each imbued with meaning, vibrating, but you tell me, who was moving me?

How is it that I would find a wine fluted glass here in the kitchen of 219-217 South Whitney with the code JP on it and two large flowers framing the letters P.J, and two small ones.

And then a few days after I received a Facebook request from Jules Palmer,
then 2 months, 3 months later at 16-47 Facebook friends aligned to me, and my mother 11-22-19 47 and David Roman Nicholas11-22-68, I receive a Facebook request who message in the name and timing align perfectly to me via name meaning, perfect timing, initials to the New York, where Haris lives and is now moving to Tennesse with his family.
I have never been to Texas, the 28th and Lone Star state,( my grandmother’s 8th and last child Julie Umeano lives there) but I arrived in the USA to New York where I spent over 17 years, 17.8 to be precise.
And now found myself for the last 2 years and 8 months in Connecticut, the 5th State.

And what would it mean that 2-3 months after I public Transparently indicated to all, that I found that glass identified it meaning as the Z for the World as Jyjamas- prepare to sleep and not rise as P J 10 16= 26 Z and B F-H.
That I am Jorge Pedraza 8th Facebook Friend and his initials are J P and not PJ and he is male.

And then, after attaining completing that a Forest People name Munachi Anachebe “Me and My God are waiting at the Ground Floor” as my last Facebook Friend 16 48th, alined to 88
8×8= 64.
Aligned to Maureen Brown’s excellent and hilarious Coca Cola -Cocaine bottle which had 20 Likes and 64 shares on it when I shared it on my page; the exact same type of old fashioned, original I gave to a young but sad, proud young woman who came and sat beside me on a bench at Univerity Place in Manhattan, over 17-18 years ago, who I could tell was going through a hard time and was carrying with beautiful pride, which made me instantly recognize her as the Inner Espirit of my sister, causing me, to tread delicately and ask her, if I could buy her a drink to quench her throat, carefully not infringing on her privacy and keep quiet as we sat silently side by side on that bench.

6:40 pm.
I never buy that form of Coca Cola-but it was there on display and I knew that was the only way to show her, that I could see her, Royal and as Beautiful Pride.
And my going to the bathroom and she vanishes, leaving a Celtic Tartan bracelet watch on the Bottle top as a gift, appreciation, gratitude.
The same Tartan Celtic garb we used to be dressed in as children- * My Bio Fathers Best friend John, was from Scotland, his name was John.

How is then that Kim Arthur Hinds Jr finds a day or so later that Paris W and Janet A.
Appear as if a delayed response to what I posted on Facebook?
P W.
J A.
P J. W. A.

J P. AW.
“A.W” being the initials of Libert’s last sister, and the last born of her family, The 6th, just Azure, Libertys son is the 6th and last of born on Liberty’s children.
Liberty is the 5th of 6.
Her sister Amie is 6 of 6.

5 6= 11… 2. K.B./ B K.
Kim and Benjamin came to see me while I was staying at 900 South Road.

66= 1.

Jeron is the 5th child, I met him while he was 5 months in his Mother’s Womb at 29 South Lincoln.

Liberty Amie
L A.

Jae Sherman mentioned today that in the movie “Alien” with Sigourney Weaver, ( South Whitney. S W) that there is a cat on board.

7:04 am.


*Jonesy, also referred as Jones, was a cat kept aboard the USCSS Nostromo as Ellen Ripley’s pet. While the cat’s official purpose was to control rodents aboard the ship, he also served as a source of relaxation and entertainment for the crew.
Jonesy: Died Rank Ship’s Cat Serial/ID number
Rank: Ship’s Cat
Last appearance: Aliens”

Jones means “J ONE S” as in John.
“The Grace and Favour of The Creator”
Is she alluding to Sacred Portal 59.
And is she, telling us that she is Sigourney Weaver, because of her three cats, and her waxing for a moment on the tough as nails nature of Sigourney Weaver?

That she is the Alien Predator or sending a signal as a Mole or Spy that there is an Alien present here.

Or in a delusion, self-created of what this is.
– A Distraction.

That is the one constant.
An Irritation.

And since this play has been confirmed as being real, and fact even it what she is- the delusion, illusion Lie.
It means absolutely nothing, except that this represents that which is being destroyed, sent out of existence, the Lie as Forgetting.
The distraction of focus, that which is sent here to drag you down.

Non Existence- The Pitt and the Black Hole of all the experiences I have had hear Past Present- the Sum Total of the Lie.

7:21 pm.


Denial of The Source and the Illusion unto itself as The Brick Wall.

The Excuse.

And after what just played out here a moment ago- The Familiarity Breeds Contempt-with her and me lying in wait, a trap sprung and she walked right in.

I have been fully aware of this from the get-go.
She and all she represents were not meant to exist.

Those who deem themselves equal and Superior to The Source.
Denial of Reality and the Truth.

7:26 pm.

A secret weapon.

I am just irritated that it took this long to confirm that which has been Constant to me, despite it rising and falling hiding- the frequency is the same.

7:28 pm.

It just hides and lies in wait, weight as gravity to pull you down and away from the Focus.

So now that this is done.
As you can see, I had not expected to post this, but I was fully aware of that war of I Cut still going on.
I watched it being set up, over a week ago.

Like Stephen Johnson she is part of the play Z, Stephen appears to have left his character and has been identified as Loci, rather than Loki,
just as this one here is playing a character, and must get out of the character she is playing and become real and so far, in refusing to recognize The Source, The Creator living right next door for almost 8 months, reading my page, interacting with me and us both…
Everything in Existence has recognized The Source, and the inability to do at this point.

7:35 pm.

They just do not exist.
47 is J P. 10 16.
it becomes 116 and 8.
Best Friend.
17 and 8.
H Q.

Not those permanently living in their heads and their brand of wicked mischief.
Stuck in characters.

Basically, you can’t fake recognition and Respect.

I do not exist for her and all she represents as the 3/4 who cease to exist, except by how she has chosen to see and perceive me.
She or he or whatever, does not exist for me, because she does not recognize what is before her, She represents that which does not acknowledge the Truth and that they can be wiped out if the existence and sent to that place coded on my page.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr just told me that Serenity called.

Yes, the movie yesterday… the boy.

The only answers, for those who deny the source, the moment, and the truth, again by placing themselves over the moment proven, is for them to sent there themselves.
Because there are no amount of words, evidence facts, even allowing them this up close- there is nothing which will make them recognize and transform.

It 7:47 pm right now, nor do I appreciate being set up this way to conclude in a drama, set up and play, that which is self-evident.

I know exactly the role it plays.

Age code 47.
Born 19 74.

After all, avenues have been exhausted, there is only one way in the end for people to know this is real.
It is to Manifest it.
Yes, by that time it will be too late, everyone has been set on the path they incarnated including the Absolute Ultimate Liars Deniers.

That is why all this mercy- it’s self a lie, for this is not giving people grace, it is holding up manifestation to test examine check that which was recognized at first sight.
How can you truly expect anyone to believe what they know to be true if it does not manifest everywhere, not this veil I witness even today when I went to the laundry, again as if nothing has changed in the world.
But it has and everyone is aware.
But as I walked back with my body again going crazy, then exhaustion, then all the people I had met who all were aware and yet around us same as usual hence the EXCUSE for going back to the attitude, bad behavior, and manner which is why the human species were scheduled for Extinction.
Holding it up, for this long, with the excuse that it was because the people do not understand what that implies…

Of course, they do, that is why they are Illusions, they never created to be real, but just to play a part in compare and contrast a video game.
And if you give them choice, they will deny it from here to eternity.

It’s a realm of liars.

You can expect them to tell you the truth, most times they do not wish to even recognize it in themselves.

So it does not make sense to ask them, you see the setup beforehand and then you watch what plays out. Period.
And then it must manifest for ALL

We all know this, Manifest it into reality, yes it too late to for those going out of existence, but I have already got all who are real, completed the blueprint- script along with that one thing added.

All this, is Dead, from the Past and not even present, it sis the sum total of the lie of the Past that never was.
Just Lie.

So only Manifestation Ends all this having to explain, prove, show, and tell.

Let people experience and live it for themselves, all these coding warnings, set ups are nothing more than an excuse.

Set the Wave in motion, let those who are real, rise and those a lie cease to exist, going out painfully as prescribed.

The One who rise, I promise will show Appreciation Gratitude Awe wonder euphoria.. respect naturally.

And the others, they can be weeping, wailing gnashing of their Teeth screaming out to the vide “Why”
But you know, I know, they know and all know the answer.

W H Y.

8:21 pm.

All this has been a waste of energy.

They will never change or transforms no matter how much grace and love kindness will strengthen threats.

They will not respond.

Ther Dead.

8:23 pm,

H W.


I am yes, Alien Father,
A.F T… E R D E-A T. H.E
I am the Big Black CAT.
The Black Panther.
Sacred Portal 59./ 95.

7:11 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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