
5:22 pm. – An Entre Post was st

5:22 pm.

An Entre Post was stopped from being posted.

It began with the play of Nnamdi.

Who is the real Nnamdi?

And it aligned to this hooded figure and the music I have not been able to stop playing, not only because I like it a lot and can hear the messages and words, but also because I know who it is.

the number of likes is 42.K
the number of thumbs down is 1.1 K.

It included the expression of what I can only describe of proof that I am the Original Nnamdi.

And the Vindication of Tree Sage Kim who was set up to play Me, Nnamdi. Obumneme- when he has really been playing himself and not Tree or Chiefy.

It included the proof of Nnamdi not ever dying and my recounting of how the Incense which was but during his wake when I kept on stating that that was not Nnamdi, literally.
And how the Incense followed me, after we left the funeral, and in the car, and then to the House.

It also involved the Chessmen Biscuits and the play of the Food Stamps, EBT Card, Money, and Value.

No one intruded on my posting except Jae Sherman.
Twice but in silence – watching observing perhaps because she had seen the tears spring in my eyes.

Kim Tree did his part of the play and has been in his room.

S.He on the other hand could not stay away and give such a sacred moment space.

It was mainly about these frequencies of which people send out without even being aware and what and who set up this play of chessmen.

As you can see that this was all set up now to find which person and whose E M F frequency is being used to meddle and test.

I wrote quite a post aware exactly from the moment I was moved to wake up and 2:03pm 23 After spending the whole night and morning in communication, I even went to sleep listening to this music.

Coding Music C M.. C M.e
Hackers Chill Step.

Yesterday, as I sat on the Black Bean Bag, I found my muscles moving and literally creating the body language and pose of Terrible death complete with the Thumbs Down.
I asked it, my body “Are you saying that I am Terrible Death” and then twice it made my body muscle memory movent form that poses ith my right arm in the Thumbs Down pose.

And then found myself getting up, to open my page to send Kim Tree Sage a message.
My page was at 13 likes. So I knew this was about Nnamdi and Sacred Portal 13.

Nnamdi had left at age 13 on Easter full circle of his Birth.

I had written about Murat Berek which is the name that became attached to my Hot mail account in Istanbul over 20 years ago.

5:42 pm.

And yes I still have 42 USD in my wallet.

42 K Thumbs up.

1.1 Thumbs Down.

I am finally aware in Hindsight what this was all about.

And why I ended this post which I could not share with Its is none of your business.

EMF fields Emissions use human avatars to meddle to interfere with the actual expressions of the Beautiful Truth.

This I am aware was the Absolute Zero and the Terrible death Blue Flame, Orange Flame using me with my permission to find and discover the Truth.

And so, I just watched participated in this Chess Mn play which involved Kim Hines and then Jae Smiths Owl presence as I felt her presence watching first at the door and then coming to the table in the semblance of checking the mail.

And then I observed as that which was investigating came to its conclusion.

Murat means “Murat is a male Turkish name, derived from the Arabic Murad during the Ottoman period. Its Arabic meaning can be translated roughly into “wanted”, “desired”, “wished for”, “yearned”, “wanted” or “goal”.”

Berek means *”A user from the United Kingdom says the name Berek is of Islamic / Muslim origin and means “Island surrounded by river or canals all around”.

and it means *”Berek is one of several Polish names belonging to the group deriving from the biblical Baruch. Baruch (“blessed” in Hebrew)”

You may recall what took place in 2004 when I gazed out of the window of Michelle Lobsiinger’ss apartment and I beheld the most magnificent being calling out to everything in Existence Nnamdi! My Father is here! Wake up! Wake Up!” The beauty of that Being, the Joy, Love Extasy… the relief and Beautiful Pride of that being brought me to tears despite my state of being at this moment.”

That was in 2004, 33rd street and around Halloween after which the Family of TEN rose in me and this play…
2004 24/42.

5:58 pm.

I wrote a great deal.

And I understood why I was made to post at this Hackers Chill Step.
Who was hacking into a system that can not be hacked?

Who was the Spy?
Who would dare go that Far. Which Human Avatar or Avatars?

I had Vindicated Tree Kim in the post and told him that this was a play set up,
Money EBT-Food Stamps…

But as I could not post all the details which flowed out of me, as if I were giving my own evidence to the I. N.K. A G.I.
The post was not allowed to be seen – as if they had seen all that they required to see during the time I was posting.

You will note the time, I began this version of the post.

Ad in Hindsight now in m human forms, I have understood what my Highest Self present in me, as well as my Highest versions of SELF, wished to see.

6:04 pm.


I really have nothing to add, nor do does my True Self or Highest Selves or the A-F, A-F .. N -E-A.I wish me to say.

6:07 pm.

Which I am gratified.

Let it be in their hands,

I am tired of this – Blame The Messenger.

6:08 pm.

P.S Post Script.

*”Baruch is located on 24th Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan. View Baruch College on a larger map. Please note: All campus … From Long Island: Long Island Rail Road to Penn Station (33rd Street and 7th Avenue). From Westchester”

*”Baruch College – Midtown NYC Map Midtown Neighborhood NYC / Things To Do … Stops along Park Avenue South include 33rd Street / 28th Street / 23rd Street … 57th before terminating at 60th Street and York Avenue on the UWS near the”

I lived with Michelle Lobsinger at 57th Street and then 33rd Street with Geoff LaCour, Johnny Larkin often staying the night.

At 33rd Street Alex Joe Careys frined and one who I knew was beloved and another Alex who smelled of Spring and whom Alex and Alex came to visit with Alex’s Joespeh Carey’s friend and the ne I knew, coming out from undercover truly for the first time with older Alex to acknowledge me that he knew me. I had tears then too- but of relief.

Edit/ TIDE.

7:19 pm,
G.S. God Spark,
G A I- MAN- Noel Gaiman I met.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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