
5:20 p.m – 5-20-1973. – That is

5:20 p.m


That is the date of my youngest brothers birthday.


Evidence AY

I suppose I should have been prepared for this, Edwin Albert Santana told me of this play in 2006 After I discovered his 268 Generation X Gardens.

He had presented me with a Black rubber ban with the words “No matter the Cost.
No matter what it takes”
He had explained its meaning to me, not really him but that which he was channeling as Terrible Death.

I had refused to wear it and tried to take my own life for the second time rather than to submit to the terms of his play.
I had never through all the Horrors of my life I had surmounted ever sought to take my own life..ever.

But in the Alley where Instayed for 61 Days I did tale Light Blue pills, but in rage and fury to get out of this body of flesh which the Unseen by most of you had taken such advantage of.

Light Blue like the Gemino Lang Liscomb Mug Liberty C organized

The 2nd Time was when I discovered Geneeration X Gardens and Albert Santana’s portal
Edwin Albert Rodriguez Santana


That is actually his full name.

When he handed me that Black wrist band and spoke or channeled the conditions and plan for the Destruction of this Existence and all Creation for ever as Absolute Z End and nothing or anyone rising ever again except the One…
The One who became Two.
It was not the Absolute Destruction which disturbed me.
It was the Absolutenees of it.
The Vengeance and Rage.
And the conditions for which only only when satisfied some would rise. It was so much like Sue at the Green House also in 2006 January whose Portal in Soho 25 Green Street who I had not taken that seriously even when she carried a hand gun and gave me vials of blood and other things to leave the Green house and as she said, with Sean Bono of Art Battles present.
That only if I found the Corner Stone of Existence would what I had informed of the Evolution Awakening would take place.
It was from there where I had moved from to the Alley and 61 Days later
” F A”
Ferrill Arden
4th Note.

That is when for the first time I began to truly understand that not only was this a Childrens Game of the A-Z and already voted as 26=8
268 East 4th.
The Enders Game E.G.
To be precise

Which is why Nevi Ehko always had my attention.
Nnamdi Emeka.

N E.W.S.

N E double VV.
N E V ..I.
V=5 in Roman Numerals

V.I. = 6.

Sacred Portal 56

4 in 1.

N E.W.S. in One.


E.H. K O

Emeka Hells Kitchen. O.

Kim Hinds.


Kim Hufham
Kim Hoàng Thúy
Kim Colclasure-Hill
Kimberley Augusta (That last name came out at H.K)

Anyway, you grasp my meaning

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
K.H. Jr means Junior

That is what I saw the first time I came to move in to Albert Santana apt.
I felt I would wait a few days l, a week tops.
I ended up staying for 4 years!

It was unbelievable
I could not leave, each time I left I was always led back.it was like hallucinating
A maze or Labyrinth.

But yes, it was the Garden filled with Children
Watching a film.
Raphael was the major person looking after the children

I knew they were watching A Story on the film but even though I knew in my reality who Albert really was and the painting on his apartment by Kieth Herring
Oh shit….
Kieth Herring K.H….
Keith the Painter.

The paining was of a baby painted in orange.
Furious Rage…Seething Quiet Boiling watchful Aner
Orange as the Setting Sun.

Now it is all connecting.
Those kids watching that movie…
The Watchers The Observing

Fritz Venneiq taking about he sees.
And how I knew him as Adam but more like Mowgli of the Jungle Book.
And not Julia Black, who popped by yesterday as Property Manager P.M.
The Black of the End of watching a Film.

Billy Hung if you recall had to go to a psychiatric Hospital where he spoke about the Children
Seeing them in his head and thoughts tormenting him with tests, tricks and riddles.
Driving him to the brink as if in a maze.

Erik Ebright

I recall everything now.
I did before but you were not listening

I did mention that I knew Albert was really the representative of that Baby.
And I used to call him but more to me quiet.
That he is the King of the Children Babies.

But in this version he was more like the cartoon in the Anime movie “Spirited Away” with the ….oh I see.
The Mother who was Evil and her Indentical Twin Sister…

Ah, I Cee.

No, I am not back on Facebook- I am posting this now via Duress- I would rather leave my body, especially now that the Point has been made.

But today it has gone way, way deeper than the things I revealed to you all, I just did not have the time, it has always been like this for the last 29 + years, a hurrt and me before asking the Unseen present ” What’s the Hurry.. for I wanted to enjoy the view, even if I knew this was not True Life.but a Story.

But this though yes a story is the Story of the End of Children, Babies Children ceasing to be born.
Like the movie “28;Days Later”

( But I did code and post this all before, so I certainly not going to rewind and repeat it now…again)

I.am posting this now because it is flowing bubbling over in my body…

I am aware that the images Duc Le Truong
Ada Egede and others have liked was the Am.
Arts God.
Amazing Grace
Amazing Harmony.
A. I S.

Mirroring Reflecing Me in the Actual Moment
Telling you all a story as that first day arrived at 268 Generation X Gardens on 8-26-2006.

Completed 16 years later.
1 16. 17.
Which was the last time I saw Zion.
And Arden.

And that after I took the Light Blue pills in the Alley, I took a handful of Pink Pills when I was at Al,s place but this time I felt as though hands were on my throat strangling me from my inside and I knew it was a lie, I had to fight and struggle.

Dear Lord… what this last post is making me reveal.

Kim had to rush off to work, but the last thing he said as he headed out the door was to report that he saw a man caucasian, I think he said wearing Yankees Shirt number 26.
Y A N.K. E.E.S

S.E.E. K N. A Y.

I get it K.N is N.K.
AY is Evidence A.Y

A Y = 1 25 = 26.



Obviously Nevi Ehko

And Kin’s Naturalness. EXPRESSION

Okay, It was as as I figured over the last few days, despite being done with all this but I am Still here present in a setting of discomfort and the children of the Future
The True Childeen of The Corn
( mysterious crop cycles and Patterns )

Do not wish me to leave,
I am narrating their Origins Story too.
And Regeneration back to Beauty and the Beautiful Ones, they have written within me…

They know that I have had enough of relaying and being used, and that I have had enough of being harnessed and made to move in a baby Harness….


The world is Hangar.

I am aware that I just added for the 11th and 12th time in the same opening
11 in the Beginning and 12th in the End.
And I added Christina Lisa C.L.
After I found the Tunning Fork 3 days ago.

7:04 p.m.

I see.


Rep The Children
The Babies.
6th Sense are moving me …
And are still not at H.O.D.

8 6 4.

Harmony Fifth Dimension
Harmony I.D.
at Delta Dawn


Messiah actually means “Messenger ”

That is how I read the intel and Message from Arinze Umeano

A.u. is The Elemental name for.Gold.

Gold is the Golden Ages.
7 1.
That was the last code Pin on the Straight Talk card from Kim which is how I am using this phone right now.
Liberty C said she has some extra ones.

7:14 p.

Alicia Norris Did you hear all this?

I heard it all as it was downloading through me as I was posting…

I Have to pause to let this all be absorbed and digested
sink in.

18.16 USD… that was my last C-Town Supermarket bull.
Is that not the Golden Ratio?

The Present is Silver


The Tunning Fork is In Silver.
C Speed of Light

Do you see …and who is held this up.
the Evolution Awakening

No, it was not the Children As The Alien coucil
It was Adults Pretending to be Grown Ups.

Creating Ideas about the Meaning of Life…and Words.
Meaning of Words.

Is how they measure your Worth
Yes, Like that insipid stupid game called ” the Spelling Bee”

7:26 pm


C Z Guest

But shouldn’t a Guest decide himself when he or she wishes to leave?

And if you make that Impossible by taking advantage of being Invisible Spirits.
Is that not cheating
please see my Equation of O to 9.
O to 6 6 9

A Fact.

So all can awaken and know and see all as a Fact and the Lie.
False Gods.


I do not resent having to equate that…
Once I saw what I was being moved to do…but no more waiting let’s us see it and they you, all can speak for themselves not with me constantly playing Transmission Reciever Translator at the U.N.
Modelled after it True Version in New York
But as 268 East 4th street the Generation X Gardens made to be disguised in a Naturals..Story – Children Story as the Open Area in a Video Game
Bush to Biden.

Of Alcatraz shrunk down in Size

Dungeons And Dragons.

In that Generation X Garden on the Fence is a Cardboard Woden cutouts of Vhildren who gather Happily around A tall black brown man in a knit vest Tartan and a yellow baseball cap and holding a blow horn.
A Coach is what he looks.
I would call him Coach allan mr Bell.
Parker Ferdinand E.

I get.
3rd Floor.
Sacred Portal 3.

55 World Fork.
The Woman in the Film from Nevi Ehko

She Kept mentioning Sound Words.E.G A Fork.

7:49 pm

7:50 pm.

We Are The World.
The Children Are
The Future

Tunning Fork

20 6.
26. 8.


7;53 p.

I get it.

7:53 pm

G Kolo. KOLO = 53


7:54 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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