
5:18 pm. – E.R. – E 18 – E-A.H. – E A

5:18 pm. – E.R. – E 18 – E-A.H. – E A

5:18 pm.

E 18
E A.I.

E R I. C. E.

So, I had to go out to buy some water and sugar and went to the Pegusus Fuel station 5-19, and the Amigo Market Bodega- and a young Asian-American walked infront of looked up at me, he was wearing a T-Shirt with the number 8,
I spent 2.65 USD and 6.50 at the bodega.
Code 1965 is actually not me but my Bio Sister Line 65 FE- MI-NINE. FE- MALE. FE-LINE.

Laura Walsh.
But I was used to play that role too.

I spent to the local C.V.S and I spent 8.07 usd.

So 12:87 USD at the C-Town which is to my Right and C.V.S to my Left top of the road. C C. 33.

Sacred Portal 87 is the bringing of the world to its senses with Afrodite and Venus Map- Aphrodite.

12:87 is A-B 87. H.G. Hitcherhukers Guide.
And L.H.G. Rep Liberty C and Lauren Hill-G.

Now after todays play, it was simply 2,65. 6.50 and finally 8.07 Usd.

and 8O7.

Which aligns it to me and Sacred portal 22.

* I am obviously being and doing it, so one has to wonder, who or what was contesting and challenging it, me… The Source.
And going so far, to move me to leave my body, risking, that with my leaving through my body, the end of all possibility of any rising at all.

Hence, those and that which is full aware as depicted by this last portal being the “Spirit World” S W. Denying the E-Spirit, content in its knowledge that the Human Beings will do nothing at all to prevent it, or intervene- but in this case, even speed it up “I just came to say Good Bye, J.S told me.
Rather than come clean.
Hence perhaps, you can see my revulsion and disgust, and utter contempt at the fate of this species, so merited and earned.

But not the Beautiful ones, Naturally Evolving, who themselves are rare.
Hence you can understand Liberty’s role as the carbon copy line representing the World and Kim Hines Jr representing the Carbon Copy of the Universal Body- Ore.

Yes, as Kim noted, Oregon 33 state. OR EGON-E, O.R. E.G. ON. E, and yes link the meaning 33 Vertebra and all the meanings of 33. age of Christ.
I am not of that story, I am aligned to Alexander The Great who left age 32.

So merging it with the Yeshua- Jesus Christ, as Eri, Nnamdi, Yeshua- his story.

32+33= 65.

/ 331/
133 Extinction 133 Evolution 133
One is M.C. 13 3.
the other 133.

I noted rgat I had left the Micro Wave MW at 13 when I went out and again when I came back.

5:46 pm.

Two stories, and reps of 1975.
Which expression of that years has been equated as Truth Staya and which one- which denied it to the very end, as a lie?
The denial of the E.
As Origins of All and Everyone.

I have 3 New Facebook Friends, bring me, us, back to 18 77.

In 19 77 we were surprised that we had to move to Nigeria. it was my grandfather’s insistence, and I was mildly surprised that my bio father agreed, he had sworn that he would never live there ever again.

7.7 is 1.

Arden is a Gemini.
Arden Gemino- Gemini

And he is 18, as in 18 Alexander Grove where I was conceived and where I lived with my “big” sister.

Liberty told me that Arden is about to move to 576 Horseshoe Hill but to the converted Barn. It is the same place where Ferrell Gemino now lives.

1877. is 181.
Liberty once sent that money code then 81
1 9


Muhammad Asim. AS.I. M= 13
Art Science- I.M.
/MISA, but we know that Art manifested Science. so it is A.S.I.M “1 19-9-13= 20 22 which aligns to Mission Impossible. set for 2022.now moved from 5-27-2022 to 9-30-2022.
20+22= 42.

Kim and I have 42 mutual Facebook Friends.

*See the Twenty USD Bill.

But remember the code on the photo of Arden 9 years old is A.S.
1 19, so it is A.S 9+13
A S.22.

“Asi’m” in O.I.Nri Igbo means “My Lie”
But in this play is aligned to Noami Sims- Top Model in the 60’s, first Black International model and wing maker. Sim Card, which is still on my alter.

A.S.V. Victor.
Anyanwu Victor Chiagbanwe
Victor Manu

Muhammad and Yeshua. M Y.
Muhammad and Gabriel. M.G
Muhammad Eri M.E.

That is enough.

My computer went off as I was coding Micha EL Bias.

My youngest brother is 2nd born and first born son Micha- Nnamdi. I felt it coming so I am fine. He was born 2011 aligned to me age 10.
But let me save this and I will continue. And Complete the code of Muhammad Esim.

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