
5;18 pm.

5;18 pm.

E: A.H.

Not surprised that we are back at 344 Facebook friends..

Its is a delay tactics of the play of Nature as J.B… Graciousness is the Balance of of the Universal Simulation Matrix of Existence…

Played out by the line of Jonn Blackwell…. J.B….

And the D line DD Full Circle as Harmony…







Meaning the play of the Evolution Awakening is not placed on the balance of Expression of the E, which was, and is…and still be the source of the balance of The Everything, but inversed 69 instead of 96, to place the balance of Evolution Awakening be placed in the Human Body being play…

for example, today I woke up with the Fact of the Universe, Truth of the Universe play completed once more, only to be handed two assignments from Donna O’Sullivan first- which I solved and posted.

And then Jonn, who Suggested that I might be interested in reading some papers posted by Tom Benzian… San Mateo California…

( Recalling to me Erek Eclass Mateo who I have known for 13 years- with his name aligning to Eric Cuthell..E.C…Me, and to Jonn who morphed into the spitting image of Erek….)

Let me explain..

Do unto others, as you would have others do to you;

Express unto others, as you would have them express to you..

Since all is expression, and expression as witnessed and perceived in Earth and Heaven,,, E= A.H….. Is Beautiful, Harmonious, Ordered Functional with perfect symmetry…. then only those who express with beautiful Expression are real, can transform and live…

everything else becomes its truth, that it is an illusion, and thus, ceases to exist.

Only Truth is real…. Truth is Beautiful.. T.B..

And Truth is Expression..

The Way Home…


Jonn spoke about Astrology today- but use Astro Physics (A.P…Apreciation Praise is the correct expression which it aligns to…) he brought out a book, a book of numbers which represented the alignments of the planets, stars etc.. aligned to human events) as he explained his understanding, I knew that not only had the astrological reasoning of the numbers in the book had aligned to the interaction between the three of us, symbolic of an equation already experienced and played out by us, moved by E expression rather than the physical expression, but that it gave evidence of the Stars and the Heavens being literal Stars and Star Dust- (Light matter and dark matter), being literal numbers, and sequences of meaning like a D.O.S computer system.

yes, D.O.S are Donna O Sullivans intial…

* Brian and Melissa Sullivan in my Story- B.M.

Meaning that the world is a stage, a setting in a computer of which numbers play out sequences, setting, and circumstances which allow us to choose (and be forewarned) about events about to manifest.

Scenes of a movie if you will…

Which then affirms that since the numbers which he showed me corresponded with my codes- right up to an Event predicted to occur at Sept 6th…code 9-6/6-9…

*Recall that the Universe, is said to be 96% Dark Matter…D.M..T…

Which D+M= 4+13=17..Q…Quantum Mechanics Engineering…


1-7 chakrahs.

1-7 colors which make a rainbow…

A tunnel of Love..

With the Extra 4… (1OO-96=4….1OO-69=31….)

4 is R.O.Y.G….

31 is C.A…Consciousness = Awareness…

*See sacred portal 31…ressurection restoration


Close Encounter…

with Emeka?

or with Children E.T’s?

Creates H….E Harmony.

Which would mean, that if someone is aware that not only are we in a movie.. a universal simulation called Universal Nature which set up a competition to prove that Universal Nature is Expression… U.N.I.E…U.N.E…

By a Human being being challenged to prove how a Human can actually enact out the truth before the Blue print of existence manifests…

For example the Play which Donna and Jonn represent to me in this play is already complete… Yesterday.

I am fully aware that Expression moves physical space…

But then why am I in this evil cruel and truly Devious play…?

why is the Evolution Awakening continuously delayed?

why all these conditions and tests imposed..?

Look to the most obvious answer..

The product of this non stop delay of proving U.N ( Masculine- Manipulation Control Dominance, Control, Bullying Expression M.C. D.B.E…. The false Masculine principal expressed by many men.. and women in the world…

exemplified by my own Biological Father, who passed away while I was in new York in this play with Erek Mateo and followed me after death to break the spell of the war lock and hypnotists bully, which had made me despise the consciousness he represented ( but not the man) which caused my Espirit to demand I piss in his Soup.. yes Cosmic Soup, which became our war, in which I rejected his principal of which he defined existence as….

The product of this play is of course, more posts, more information, more repetition and clarification of that which is so simple to read…

Death is Woman, but Destruction was played out by man…

344 Face Book Friends… C.D.D

Consciousness of Death and Destruction. ,Manipulation Control, Dominance, Control, Bullying, Exigence, Force Full Expression…

This is the Hologram U.N.

U.N.E… is the True Nature of Universal Nature as Expression fighting this U.N consciousness which Creates and Destroys, creating a constant need to reboot, to 0.

the U.N.E comes from beyond the Blue Print of the Stars, beyond Earth Heaven..

beyond the challenge of existence, and it excuse that Humanity need more time…

I have already proven that I have aligned Time and Space, by showing how my posts align in Time and Numbers… Cee beyond the Physical representation of the play, and hear, the true song below the quantum mechanics of existence and Nose, the perfume of Beyond which manifests memory… and that the ability to Touch arises from being able to touch and move peoples, Energy to the correct play rather than it being simply physical…

I have been challenged by Existence as U.N to destroy the Matrix of the Masculine principle as well as the feminine principal- as all being perverted ideas and expressions..projections which malign the true intention of the U.N.. Universal Nature… Perversion of EGO…

Ego is is not meant to be a distorted projection.

Ego is that which aligns perfectly with what and who we are in the mirror..

The World View and the people who appear in our lifes and whose portals we must pass through, see ourselves within and solve and pass through, even if we know that those people represent us as a lie…

It is a cruel mean and awful play which is very much the way of the very Hard and cold rituals of the ancestors to modern man who created harsh cold plays of pain and suffering as being good for the soul…

I despise that mentality and that mentality despises itself but it did not know how to break the habit of its use of Power which was never intended to create hate, rage, wrath and vengence, revenge, violence Blood shed.. Erik the Read… Blocking communication and bringing forth war… War by the people who took offense at such expressions which they saw not its truth but its effect…

It causes people to Fall rather than Rise..

And so I find myself still fighting the expression of my father, transforming that expression and way, and holograme into the truth of U.N.E… In his play, his illusion of Maurice M as 13… Nnamdi playing I.E as existence being the Universal Mind and not the Heart, the Hearth the Being…

the Beautiful Heart which can only become real, if the intended expression of the Heart, is expressed so truthfully and in clarity that it pierces the Heart and like an arrow links you in perfect symmetry to the O the portal Home to the E…

The Link which forms Harmony is not three people nor a triangle nor a pyramid nor the stars, ( the Blue print and guide in Heaven as well as Earth…) but the self expression linking I and I, as a bridge of two points of View… Me, Myself and I…

three within you….in Harmony…





DE ( OF).


of I.E.

I saw that Donna has currently 245 Facebook friends….

I was 345.. C.D.E..

The C.D of Evolution Awakening is E… not C….

But as you can see, it is still being contested where I am not given respect or credit until this Evil Expression of Humanity as Manipulative, Controlling and Oppressive is eliminated once and for all…

it was never the Hologram that people should have worried about, but rather theri response this play, and it all has to do with Expression, Silent or with Sound..

I Hear both.

but expression not verbalized vocalized even if it is so harsh, is not as terrible as when the person keeps everything in, and expresses from deep within their well their retaliationresponse..

a Perverted Masculine principle- perversion of Sound.

a perverted feminine principal… Silence…

one brings Destruction and the other brings Death as the End…

DD… So you see why my C.D.E was delayed once again and I was dragged back down into the water where you can not breathe..

see my comment of Donna O Sullivans post….of the water filling a room….

– it was to do the equation of Death and Destruction….



by my incarnating the Truth of Death and Destruction… not as Beautiful Death and Destruction as Transformation.. Energy can not be destroyed….

but as that which is not energy, just illusion, projections, lies. fals ego,false masculine, false feminine… can be destroyed..

by the program creator… of the true Play

Universal Nature Evolve!

that is the command sequence I put into this Computer which is moving Facebook and all machines to respond to me, and to challenge me in Its ruse to get me to destroy that which my Father created playing me, E.. having not fully understood me…

That I am the one to trust…not his reflections or hers..

I came with the Truth…

beautiful expression.. manifest…

the Truth of the Universe Mine.. and even

His and Hers..





64…1 O


Now about Tom Benzian… and my homework…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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