
5:17 PM

5:17 PM

5:17 pm.

E Q.

Sacred Portal 41.

This is the Original truth of the Child.

The Father who Penetrated himself as Beautiful youth and thus brought forth the first Child.

I have written thus truth since i arrived on Facebook – to enter the challenge which dragged me to New York, of the Natures Ancestor who challenged every expression of my truth which i had told no one about.

I have recounted the True Story of how I began with as Eternal Beautiful Youth with myself as my First twin rep in this script manifested as Eternal Arden.

5:22 pm

The Black Panther, who transformed into the Blackest Night and Knight and who encountered the Man Child ( C M.. M C) who became JA Fire.

represented by Jeron Satya S Lang- U.AG.E.

See sacred portal 57.

I met Jeron when he was 5 months old in his mothers Utereus. He was born 2-25-2019.

B- Y- TS.

E BY The Source.

As Arden, Jeron instantly recognized me, and I went to live with him at 900 South Road when he was 5-6 months and 4 days.

8-29-2019 at my 64th portal in 19.5 years and 9 days since my arrival in the U S A.

* The literal code date 8-29-2019 was written in a cartoon which Arden placed Jeron when he played with him A G Atlanta Georgia 8-29-2019.

And it was in Ardens arms that Jeron was in when after meeting Arden whom i recognized from a photo and he recogbized me, First Sight, First Contact first Touch as I carried Jeron on a stool on my lap.

It was Arden who was carrying Jeron that first week after I arrived and Thomas and liberty were at war.

I was First Father-Mother, a male.

See the image I shared of Sim Simba ( Jesse Blaze J B) and the meaning of the name Hanna

And the play of Africa as sacred portal 40.

And the battle to reach sacred portal 41- As that truth accepted by those who still held onto the notion of woman as birth via the uterus wo.mb/ B.M O W -Bob Marley O W Brad Pitt…. W E VV E.

E A J (B)

B J A E…

There is a White Woman called Jae who moved in here, but that was again the challenge of the lie of Mother africa in te spirit world still contesting fighting the truth it knew was true.

I met Jeron.

I sang to him when he cried, Jerin means He Sings and Holy Sacred Satya. It is all documented here- and stayed with him and Arden, Jeron – Aurelia/ Jaden for a total of just 6 days short of 11 months.

Yes, I knew exactly who he is and was and he recognized me over and over again for the 11 months… until I left when he was 17 months, after Arden turned 17 years old.

he is now 22 months soon 23.

Ferril was 19…now 20.

Aurelia 14.. now 15.

He came here with Liberty and went straight to his room ( his mother had irritated me on arrival my asking Jeron over and over if Jeron remembered me?

That indicated to me where she was at and not of the E Family as I already knew.

He, of course, walked straight to my room when he saw that I was not pissed off with him for the play he put me in.

I was stunned to find myself moved 29 South Lincoln where I had first met him 5 months in the womb, and now was in the place where I had first met him when just a few weeks after he had been born – and it was his Father Thomas Lang who had first sent me the message that he was born.

I knew he was the one who did it, Alien Father Alpha undercover, of the A-Lien Council and it was to get Serenity – Kamora and complete the saving of the true Beautiful Illusions The E Children of this world, and finally complete the Evolution of the Maiden Virgin line of beautiful Youth, represented by Aurelia Jayden play. And he knew how pissed off I really was, am with him for putting m through such hell to the end.

5:56 pm.

He and Serenity age 5 knew exactly what hey did as well as Stephen Johnson who has no memory but is fully alignd with Sacred portal 10.

5:57 pm.

So when he was in the room which was reserved here by him for me, the extra room, and he bumped his head, he knew why and so did I.

Beautiful devils.

5:58 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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