
5:17 p.m. – 5:18 p.m – Right now.

5:17 p.m.

5:18 p.m
Right now.

I first wish to wish Stephen Johnson a Happy, Happy Birthday on this day 3-23-2022.

Code Age E.G.

Perfect Timming.

And I the play of the Little Dog, I have..just revived Intel from Kim Arthur Hinds Jr I called Animal Cotrol, it turns out that Kim noth inhabitants of 217 South Whitney and that one was aligned called Malcolm who is the one who owns The Little Dog.
He knew him from onehe told me about called Marcus.
That its is two African American men who live downstairs and both had White caucasian girlfriends
And that the girlfriend of the one not called Malcolm was the one making all the noise,and his voice-their conversations I was hearing was and saying it was from upstairs was all a trick of acoustic of this poorly built and planned house.

He said that he told me, But he did not or must have forgotten or placed under a spell.

Kim.arrived when the two officers came in perfect timming as the two officers knocked on Douglas door to enquire about the owner of the Little Dog.
It was not Doiglass who opened the door but a Tan man who made it clear that he did not have a little dog nor was a female living there.
The officers were unperturbed by this, saying it was just the truck of Sounds

But I was astounded not by the play of sound because it was always about 217 but rather that Kim was aware the whole time.
It is true this building many come and stay for a while and go, any people live here, and the girl upstairs was the sound not from Douglass space but was sound travelling up from the back at 217 which made it seem that they were on the top floor.
So that means that the one meant to be living in the room that I used to live in 2019 is actually Douglass who lives alone and probably simply has guests.

That I have been coding a phantom person who lives above me this whole time while Kim was aware, andsaid nothing nor sort to insist or clarify…
And today is Stephens birthday and I got my phone at last switched on makes summer with anger that it was my codes which clarified all this, except the mystery of the girl upstairs who never existed yet who I could hear loud and clear which I knew Jae Sherman was aware of and via lies of omission kept this illusion of sound Sacred Portal 75 going on for this long.
But I coded Jae Sherman as the Source of the unholy trinity who was born in 1975age code 46 -47;in a few momths.

That means Jae Sherman was for a while aligned to Stephen Johnson J.S/ D.buying time for S.J to rise through this play from Z to O.
And Kim used as a sort of Sacrifice which I had to fight through and as I had posted that Jae Sherman was the the source of sound bending creating the lie and the evil in creation and trickery based on how evil was used and though that did not change what I coded and concluded today I received the confirmation of how and why the deals of this End Game was able to create this sense of confusion and conflict all from beings here in the play, Key players were used to seek to Torment me as long as they were able to rise.

And use Kim for his weakness, which Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgieria so often privately to me called out.

I can not begin to speak on what I still figured out my observing why Jae Sherman and Kim were considered Twins as 11.
But Kim proved by my constant intervention and scolding that he is an Individual aligned to the True Script of 2019.
And not this one as its Lie, but its Exho…
Aligned to Liberty C and her play of deception to Truth.

What can I say, all I was put through while seeing all the deception through the literal script I could see and read, as my body twisted all because of people withholding intelligence’s and believing they could get past me as Terrible Death
Taxi Driver as Kim Noted.
Who gave him a lift yesterday

Have you seen the movie Taxi Driver?
With Robert De Nro.

The Taxi Cab,which I took from the J.F Kennedy airport in 3-20-2001 playing Janet Jackson CD “Control”
10 10 3

1 3
And 23.

Today is 3-23-2022.

Its Stephens birthday age code 57.
End Game.but I am here with Kim and I am Steven Emeka.

And Kim is here with me.
Eneka Kolo.
35 53.

15 15
Esteban M.F
Meet Kim in a place called Heaven, the same place he met the other room mate in 217.

My first show on graduation from central St Martin’s in 1989 was in heaven nightclub it was about The Evolution of Woman dedicated to my Grandfather who had just died, he has asked that I attend his funeral but I did not promise him I woul go, He assumed I would.
But I did not full Trust him or his intentions especially when the 19000.00 naira he gave me he made me write and sign for it in the company ledger and it came to 5.000 US which I paid back by sending my Uncle Sir Pius Ndula in 2013 5:000 USD and the same amount to my mother
Scared Portal 55.
Thatis when Kim’s father was born.
I am not with Kim’s Father here, I am with his son.
That is how and why I knew the phone connection would work, through Kim.

A promise made to E.M.F but also Alien Father, My self.

7:41 p.m

Disgust and Content

I call in CAB.
Taxi Cab.

True C.

T.D 20 4.

7:43 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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