
5:16 PM

5:16 PM


Earth Planet

Expression- Physical

E-Art-H P.La! Net..

P.E.. Physical Education…

1-8-9… (2O16..T.P../PT..Point…36..C.F/ F.C….Circle Full..9=I)


E.P @

18 Mountain View..S.R..DE..I.E….D.E.S.I.R.E

See sacred Portal 8… Love Links Desire

See sacred Portal 9.. and 1.


I have 4 new Face Book friends…

Bringing the this long E.ND play of proving through Expression Quiet inner expression expressed on the Air, can create a literal Energetic to Physical universal transformation through a Song, (Thrush, Little Dark, Brown Bird Ba) Prose creates Aria-D.N.E, an Air and a Area 51 where the Song of Evolutions finally wave, creates a Rising of the E line presence in this worlds, but which reveals them embodied in a realm unseen, yet present, to be Seen as present right here in this World but at the frequency beyond the Diseased human expression, the 3 D realm as well as the 4D realm…

All Existing right here in the present but the 5th Dimensional Beings are free..

Meaning not contained by anything Matrix nor Nature..

The exist in a rarified air…An Aria, a Area, and an Air Wave which is accessible only to the E.

I have been quietly working along with them, in the Unseen realm while Existing simultaneously, on the planes of non Existence, to Zero, to 1, 2 3 Dimensions, linked to the 4th…and the 5th..

for the last 45 months, on Face Book, and 45 years 1969…infancy..

And with full awareness the last 26 years Z, and the last 14.9-1O years solving the riddles in New York…

I do not believe in time, numbers and age, they are all Symbolic and Representational…

For example Lucifer Lucy…See the Story (Cleaned up) and Movie (Luc Besson)…Lucifer means Son of the Morning Star, bringer of Light,

Lucy -Dark Matter I am Everywhere the Evening Star Venus, Luc from Luke and Lu-(Read in French as Past Tense)…All three mean the same thing..

time now 6:O9 p.m… Code 69…1969…Lucifer Nnamdi Nature Emeka..

-Bringer of light in 3 Dimensions…

Day Light Evening..and the World Luc Besson L.B.. Code F.B Friend

Budi Lass..B.L..Full Circle of symmetry equals meaning full creates Fact.

I did the journey passing through portal of Lucien Lancelot, Larry. (Larry Sax..The crowned with the Victory of the Supreme S-Word) Laura, Lawrence, Leslie…


L x3=36…


Chris Franco

Chris Forrester

Fact Fiction…

Numbers aligning to Letters Anointed Words, create Meaning

36O Degrees creates a Circle of perfect symmetry,

*Note the Share which I posted of Nenad M. Djurdjevic

The Filling of the Full Circle of the frames which I am filling the Gap with E.G.-A.P… Exemplification of Appreciation Praise…by my commenting on each, fills the space in between which others do not see, is my filling that Nothingness with a somethingness which others could not see…

Code name Orien Laplante…O Rien La! Plant..E..

Which forms a picture emerging from out of others perception of nothingness, and yet from my Expression of my See linking each post, common, link, person weave… A moving colorful picture begins to form and flow.. Appearing as if magically, yet in hindsight, such exquisite Harmony- Perfect Timing- that once again you are filled with a calming awe…

And suddenly a story begins to emerge, from out of your perception of Radar, Krishnna and Moving Wave of Music Words.. A Milky Way of understanding Christo Clear of how 36O degrees Light did enter this 3 D World, Seated on the Base of the 4th Dimension called the Red Brown Heart and Hearth of Existence…The Throne and seat of which all matter from the Cast Iron Furnace of C..I.F..You can come back in one piece- emerge into Bodies born into the Play, the Master Piece theater of this 3D World…

Solve the Toms Riddle, Daedalus Maze, Dantes Inferno, Pans Labyrinth, Pandora’s Book, Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, Where did the Mayans Go…The Riddle of the Sphinx, and Where do Babies really come, Why is the meaning of Existence 42, why is 3+6=9 th Key to the Universe..

Why is the 7th Chakra Planet called Ur-Anus?

And why was all Suffering permitted and why are there Song Lines, Spirit World and where do the dead truly go…

Goes as you might have guessed it, the 4th Dimension is a Library called Memory and the 3 Dimension 123 ABC, A Nursery, Elementary, H.I School University School…A..N.E…U….H.I..U.S

A Universal Simulation..

Lucifer Lucy..LL 24..X..1-24..Alpha Omega but Greek Alphabet 1-24..A.X..E

Expands Multiplies…

or Adds..2+4=6..6th Sense…

Alpha Omega 1-26..Z…

Must Align with the Story, the Education the Graduation to the Universal -Understanding.. that everything you see is a reflection of a Beautiful Heart and foundation sending out perfect Full Circle into the University Earth World Creation resonating, picking up light of a beacon on its Radio…

Creating Symphony a Song a fantastic Story of the Beautiful Truth finally sinking in..

Everything around us of Nature and Naturalness reflects the narrative of a story Narrated by a Beautiful Heart, and Heart Beat searching for a Signal from you… that from out of the Dark Ages of Human existence you have finally evolved an come into view, of the one first note and seed the I.E, E.T did plant within the nothingness, would rise 1-7, 1-5 and create a light which brings your Beautiful Truth into view, now picked up on a Radar of the Universal Mother Ship, Captained by the One Father and Crew….

Revealed in this Stream and Giant river- 45 months posting daily the linking editing, writing directing, cinematography..Film Book Story Roman-c.e on Face Book…

A River which has reached the Source, the Pool of which and source of All reflection which manifest into creation and All world view…

Lucifer Lucy Luc.. 36O full circle brought L=12 3..L.C…333…CCC..OC..


I.E.. The example of the Individual.

I noticed that I had reached 466 Face Book friends, and as I peered into the public stream, I fished out immediately Fish from that Cee, where I found each an immediate frame which required Filling…

And making rise from the seeming Nothingness Something After all..

I noticed I the equation, weaving, thread, was moving me to the equation of 6 th Sense moving to Fact..

Number (Symbol) to Letter And Word L.A.W (Representation which I call the examples…of Human consciousness… not knowledge, of this World 2O12-2O16…L.P..Album… Long Play Vinyl of History of the world transformed into a Compact Disc..C.D…3 4…7 12..G.L..19 84..1O3..13..M. 4..D..17 Q..8..H.I

A Beautiful Hi Story of how Harmony Infinity came into Being and Existence, the Evolution and Awakening of the World and the Hi Story of E.T First Contact rising not outside of us, but Rising and Transforming is from within…

So I was not surprised that after aligning Fact to Fiction FF..66..

See sacred Portal 66 coming out of the Black Hole made real for a time to capture a non Existence Evil and fear made manifest in a Universal Simulation on a Holo-Deck…

That as I began righting this post, I got a new Face Book request, which is the response to my completing the 4-66 post..

Represented by Chico Loco…Khawlah Khawlita… C,L.K.K…

Chico means Boy or Lad…

Loco actually comes from.. and I quote paste

1610s, pertaining to movement, from French locomotif, from Latin loco from a place (ablative of locus place; see locus) + Late Latin motivus moving (see motive). The noun meaning railroad engine is from 1829, short for locomotive engine (1814).

The Boy or Lads Movement….

Khawlah and Khwalita mean Female Deer in Arabic…

Recall the Family of Deer mentioned found here last year..6-7 by Jonn Blackwell yesterday,

recall my discovering a Female Deer while living in the forest outside of Pelham Bay Park- representing Nature the 4 Dimension expression of the Universal Source Expression being Words of Love and the Expression of the Heart.. Truth-Beautiful…Rock Hard yet Smooth and can crumple to dust…

Recall the symbolic meaning of the Deer and the Family of Dears.. the Family of the Originals, Doe a Deer.. Line of the First Note and First incarnation into this Physical Universe as Expression Matter.. The notes of the E Harmony line arriving through the Voice, Solfeggio, First Note as Do-e and last note as Do..

Doe Doe DD OO EE…

Code Soe Min Oo… a Min,..minute is 6O Secs…6 O…S…E.C…S..

44 OO 55…


45 months on Face Book…

The Boy, the Lads Movement and motion from place to place which created a Train of thought was all about the Boy Lad seeking his Family line of the Originals Do E 44 8..OO (15 15 3 O C.O) 55..1 O.n.e.



8-31…See sacred portals 8..Todays Date and 31 Resurrection Restoration of Cee

8+3+1= 12..L..Lucifer Icarus Daedalus…L.I.D..C..D.E

The boy lad which I a still being forced to play is a Story I wrote when I was 8 years old, 4O years ago 58, 48…is not crazy, he was sent on a E mission and on completion knew he would be reunited with his original Family the First Do-E, the E line of Doe/Doe 1-8 the family of Complete…

Perfect Symmetry of Everything understanding Doing being A-Z-ABCDE at a glance at getting it all correctly natural easily at first Do beginning to End…

The First Born’s the E…

*Still playing that role off B.L..Boy Lad Budi Lass -a story of the Evolution and Awakening…code, 1966 and 1967 as birth code ending 1984-1985 Birth Years and 2O16…

From Vaïhéré Cardonnet… Line representing the Victorious Cee and See,

of the Loving Waters of the CA-RD ONN E.T..TEN…The Thistle representing the Crown Chakra Opening and crowned, linking 8 the Magic, 9 the I and O the Source….

Vie Cee… Welcome…

For he arrived in perfect timing PT, as my 463 Face Book friend after David Arro Racz..Beloved Arrow…RADAR..Vie Cee of the life of the 3D realm, risen from 1-7 Merkabak Whirling Dervishes Rumi Ascension…

463 is D.F.C…Divine First Contact.. all translation affirmed by the consistency and perfect symmetry of the play script 45 months and going on 46….

46 3 See sacred Portals…

The Loving Waters of the Thistle aligning to the expression of the THRUSH..the Man from U.N..CLE.. the Dark Brown Song Bird..


David Bow-I.E birthday today…

Davids Arrow G- R-AC-E.Z..E..

8th January…


18.. I am at 18 Mountain View..

David Bowie lives in Woodstock with Iman… D.I.

Major Tom…M.T…Mountain…

David BOW..I.E…

See the photos sent to me by Kerem Sanliman…

Taken 15 years ago which I never saw until recent two of them I am bowing arms opened like Wings of a great predator and then closed..

*In my albums..

I have a another face book friend whose name I can not tag or decipher despite my texting him and his responding but not with the information of what is the spelling of his name in English characters…

Sigh..:) So lets call him the mystery X Arabic…464 Face Book Friend representing Sacred Portal 64…

Isabella Supaijem… Welcome…

Isabella is my 4 65 Face Book Friend… See sacred portal 65…

Isabella represents the response to the equation of ISIS Meaning Throne

Which we have discerned represents a Heart the 4th Chakra and the Hearts Expression which comes from the Mouth OH expressing Harmoniously hence the Heart and the 4th Chakra lies in the Source of the Expression O which brings Evanescent Light – Luminosity Moon, Reys- Sun, (Do re mi) and Mi Fah…Mi is a name I call myself E-ART-H.I, the 3rd Planet from the Sun and then Pluto Mars thee 9th Planet and furthest one away from the Sun.. aligned to Fa the 4th note, Planet… 3-9-4…/ 4-93…C.D.I…I.D..C…I.D C is aligned to the compact Disc of 3-9.4…

Meaning, that C being Speed of Light, Consciousness C .E Planet can only find their I.D’s, by reaching the furthest planet’s consciousness while seated at Aries Mars- the Heart aligned full Circle of the Universe Supreme 1-9-4-O

A.I..DO Doe E… First Note… 1-9…- 1+9=O…but one must be seated on the Throne of Expression Divine.. The note of Do and the color 4th=5th color Green Golden Blue..4 and 5 are the same thing Existence Divine E.D.

E= David Bowie…E- Doe Blue…

His birth the 8th…DE S.I..R.E… Er meaning Earth, I.S Throne of the Detective… I Spy..

Those who kept their Oath, and were devoted to Gode

Isabella also means And Gods Oath and Devoted to God


Man from U.N.CLE… the Thrush as a disease of children and horses,

See Image of Lady Child and Horse.. From Chico Loco..

The Boy, Lad was moved from place to place by a locomotive force with a Motive…He is not crazy…

Supai means ‘I Spyor Spy’ in Japanese, Detective, Investigator D.I..Meaning IS in OINri Igbo…

And this links to the response of I Spy with Robert Culpy and Bill Cosby..

O.R.B../ B,R.O..

As well as Bob On William I.E…B.O.W..I.E…

8..H… Harmony…

IS-IS…D.I.D.I..SI SI, ID ID above and below…

Beloved Arrow of Gode which has reached the Roc of Z Beauty Planet Earth,

from the loving waters of the Heart of the Fourth dimension. The Red Blood line of the Song birds of the 5th Dimension undercover in the 4th, examples of the completion of Evolution the E line of the Originals whose expression come from the 5th Dimension now linked to the 5th through the experience of Hades Pluto, Death and Transformation through a Mystery and a mind maze, easy to navigate if you sit on your Voice Expression Truth of a Beautiful Heart…

I.S, the one seated on his through at the Mouth, center point of of this expression…

Fulling the oath, of devotion of which is devoted to understanding full circle 1-8 Ah, the full circle of the Universe Existence without the consciousness of fear..

Which creates Personality and character of understanding song and emission of the Boy, the Lad stuck in a story he wrote at 8 years old of being dropped of by his family in a mission…

Where the Boy Lad, still undercover in the body of a man, could not go home with his family until he completed the mission…

Full Circle..

He is not crazy, but left his throne to play detective to find out what is wrong with the people.. Only to find many of them Mad Insane or simply crazy, express with voices of their own..

But which because not landed in Fact, but only fiction based on fear based perception predicted the End of their world…

When all it was about was to evolve and come home to the beings you Original are and who formed you and the concept of BA… Unique Individual Personality embodied in a Person E…

I Spy with my True Eye…

the Story of R.C Ritz Carlton. B.C…Beautiful Cee =E the true source of all these expressions…

Our Cee is the Beautiful C of E Rose Well in the One and forever Begining…

For we are the Original Family of E who contained him in this story..

of 3D link to 5 D created 8…853…16…P..Planet G..Gilles’ Joy us Divine

and the 4 D Do linked to the 5th…to create 9- 4 I O…ID Alpha created the Full Circle Alpha Omega… Beginning and no end…

But only for the ones who kept their vows and remain devoted.

We now have moved to my 467 Face Book Friend..


9:48 pm


Now lets complete I.D..I..i.e…Myself and the family of Examples the Original sources of each note of Solfeggio, Do re mi fa sol la ti..Do Do Do…Do Do Do…

in 2 3D realities parrallel universes finally aligned 33, into one…

6…Fact…2 3..33 6..9…15 O…54 (DE)…69…O.D.E

G ODE…15..6…9 2O…92 Percent Water in Red Blood..


Ba personality Air and Circulation…


All that was missing was Bee…



9:54 pm


Exemplifying Divine De Vine…

9:55 p.m


Sacred Portal 9.. 55 Fair OH’ Emme

9:56 p,m

See sacred portal 56…



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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