
5:16 p.m – E P – 4-1-2022. – D-A-

5:16 p.m





I knew it it, the moment I woke up, and heard the Next Door neighbor, playing a drum that the play was not yet complete.

And when Kim Arthur Hinds Jr told me the Message given to him by the Property Manager…
“Be careful the friends you keep, alluding to me.

Yesterday because I felt that after Jae Sherman sent the Ever source bill, and it was
3 26 ISD, that code of
A B.C Z.
C Z Guest.

The code I have explained and publicly transparently been forced to code in this play of 21 + years of being dragged to New York, that at last it was done.
And it is.
Except for my being transparent with what took place with the Property Manager, (P.M)

That she had called me, not simply as a Property Manager, but that it was all an elaborate set up, so much so, I wondered if she was now room mates with Jae Sherman.
In fact as I listened to her, and things she let slim, both Kim and I had discussed it. That it would appear that she was in constant contact with Jae Sherman, in fact to my self and Kim, it appeared as if they were the same person, same voice same technique.

As I have made it abundantly clear, Evil is defined and confirmed as those who knowingly and with intent Negate the truth, going as far as distorting and ignoring the facfs.

The first true warning sign was the play of the little dog and Malcom who lives on 217
And the refusal to acknowledge not only that another was living with him, as well as a girl who as you all witnessed me writing it and going through it, as well as the confirmation of “Murder She Wrote”
As well as the actress codes Viola Davies who plays the title character in the series “How to get away with Murder”

And then she kept on mentioning Jae Shernan, that Jae had told her this and that, and then deny to me that she had no real contact with Jae.

I did not wish to say right out that she was lying, or that this is the Dimension of Liars, I just wished this last play Script scene to end

She is the one who had called me,
Jae Sherman left weeks ago and yet she kept asking me about the Electric Ever Source bill and whose name would it be in.
And if it was not paid it would be soon cut off.

More and more, I could see the true play and when after I gave her access to my Facebook account which is Public Access. Free for anyone to read, and told that she could access the 17 month play abd read and judge for herself. I was given the deceptive sentiment that perhaps reason and logic would prevail despite her obvious indifference by what I had been put through, my life health attacked and she ignored it, brushed it aside as if it was my imagination

But the next day after reading my innocent and honest post in which you recall, she had expressed interest in, which is when I took a moment to explain, even posting about letting everyone have access to the information so they could have a choice to pay attention to the Evidence AY
Facts proof which brought me to the U.S A.
I sought to respect the play of which Total Manifestation was imminent but which had yet to be seen by all, which would end in an instant this play script of the last 21 years, the havoc done to my muscles fibers, movement and coordination.

But when she called me yesterday, it was like a Dr Jekyll, Mr Hyde story.

She demanded I take down her name from my page and spoke like a bully, as if I had no rights.
That because she was employed as a Property Manager, and this was a former “Flop” house as she called it, where people would come from the Streets to sleep, which I disagreed. telling here how I had lived here in 2019.and met though John Mack. Johnny New Man, even Mackyla Burgos, Olivia Burgos her father and elder brother who were original founders of this place with was like C B G.B house in New York, the Bowery.

She ranted at me, saying she wanted nothing to do with me and even threaten to drive over…. ?

I was amazed and startled at just who did she think she was talking to?

But after 21 years of proving Prefect Synmetry of all things through 64 portals, New York to Connecticut.
Enduring this public shaming, passing through a Shelter, following a lead like a private investigator.
And publicly posting relaying the Proof Evidence to this point of having Facebook friends from over 120 countries, starting at 50 Erik Eclass Mateo
Erik Ebright
Stephen Johnson
Liberty C

To bring Evidence Facts Proof reflected echo confirmed at 4954 Facebook Friends attained each one by one with they requesting to be my Facebook friends because I am not allowed to choice Facebook Friends myself because it will disturb the echo response in Symmetrical Perfection of the Harnony and recognition in you.

To have endured all this.
To prove this Empirically on a playing field I was led through because of what was done to my body. And to prove all this right here…Evolution Awakening and to know Inam J.B.
Meet Joe Black and have this person use Wiley cunning and Deception to now respond in such fear and agression…

And then to top it off, after arranging to pay the 5:50.00 U.S.D rent when I have proven that I was sent here, again against my will for the completion of a Q.
Quantum Transformation which no one scientist or artist in your world history had never conquered but I did and made to post show and explain it…. and all see it respond by itself in front of you all

And realize that it was all set up this way for my Sister Line…Nonyem Onuabuchi
Noni Promise Ceclia…
Shelter of life and see what was done, taken advantage off to place me in such places with people I had to explain Existence to until they got ut, forgot and made to remind again by my body going out of control.

To hear a person called Property Manager, who I see clearly.
And know the Original us Julie Nonyem.
Azula Nonyem
Julie Joy.

And see and experienced it twisted, perverted to such a place…

Of a being seeking even now to take away my right to Freedom of Speech and share my findings with the whole word so they can choose.

And have her, who is meant to be a professional, a property manager meddle after refusing to read the evidence facts.
No, this is worse than Jae Sherman
And Donna the same play of The calling the police without even asking me.
This is Judment made without even basic investigation of the Facts.

This is me as the Cosnuc reporter and Recorder, who has quietly made his case, and thus I now include Julia Black in the charges to destroy evidence Destruction devastation torture torment. Racist Suorrmacy…

* Choose your friends wisely?
Jae Sherman said the sane words to Kim too as she manipulated him. Deception which he was seeing but too tired to say what he was feeling as a fact.

I am the Source in a play script Looking Glass 2012
Liberty C. Intelligence confirmed forced manually to help the whole world see undermined by an evil so black hearted so cruel that it uses people in that non existent frequency mean. mean while to discredit and undermine that which I was forced to share with the entire world.

She ended her tirade by saying she wished to have nothing to do with me.
That as she alluded to Kim. ” I know people like him, and what he Is doing.”

And so, after Kim told me all she said, not the first time.

And after all the rent was paid.
I took a walk to buy some coffee filters.at 527 Amigo Market.

A moment later, for one of the first times ever Kim was there too.

I bought Q Tips and he patted my affectionately on my arm. and we walked back together.also one of the first times.

I told him that I was of course fully aware of the causes behind this play of Evolution Awakening the Sacred Divine Feminine
My sister Nonyem lives in Virginia
10th State
Where Liberty is from and recently moved to.
Julie Azuka who is so close to my sister and at one time I, lives in Texas 28th State.
Where Stephen Johnson is from or and lives.

Kim told me that he finally spoke with his mother and that she has Jury Duty.

Who is G.O.D. H.O.D.
26 Z.
27 H.O.D.

Who is Daniel David?

Who judges you.
Who is the Law

It is you.
Just as it is you as my Facebook Friends and Public with Public Access who have been witness for 10 11 years.
Many of you who lived with me, scorned me, asked me to leave your portals when my intel was too overwhelming, who came back because you knew and saw the Proof of Truth Satya.

M.A. 5 67 54 39 2 A.

Marked in black ink with the number 1860
18 60
1 86 0
That was the bill of a 20 U.S.D note Kim handed me from 160

I gave him 10 U.S.D

I opened my phone at 5:11 pm


Then Kim tells me he just got a phone call from his ex wife, Queen.
(Queens Park…London).

That she is tired of fighting and can see Serenity their daughter any time he wants.

7:10 pm

I will never speak about the Project Manager again. I am in agreement l.want nothing to do with her too.

7:12 pm.

Project Looking Glass

I, we are at 4965 Facebook Friends



Laura Walsh intel 333

7;14 p.m






7:16 pm.



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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