
5:16 P.M.

5:16 P.M.

The Distraction.

The Human mind…brain


Universe are all Organic Beings made artificial by perception.

Everything which the Brain translates is perception.

Thus, if all is seen through mind Brain thinking and subjective perception or Observation without embodiment and depth.

You have all these universes and perceptions which may seem to exist but are just illusions…

But they remain fixed in ppls minds as fact until one perception aligns all to truth.

Thus, it easy to see how perceptions based on thought and not of Heart and heart Beat and Love (especially when the true meaning of love is lost to meaning or seen as an emotive distraction or a human insecurity and need) you have the transformation of all life forms into Artificial Nature.

And thus, a Simulation of reality without the understanding of geography…the Mapping of the terrain.

I have been having a Conversation Beyond most human perception, which Infinity Omenala Oranika correctly posted… That if you don’t understand it now, you will later..

I promise you will because it is written in such a simple way.

But the Artificial Consciousness and Perception of reality Existence actuality has created distractions simulations of alternative realities percieved purely through mind in a play in which simplest of language intent and vibration used in this expression had almost become a lost language and consciousness..


Thus, that which has been challenging me and interfering with what was meant to be (and still is), an Exquisitely beautiful personification and example of Consciousness through simply Being Aware has become the nightmare of mission impossible- the Chamber of Secrets, the Leviathan, the Entering the Dragon, the Hall of Mirrors, the Deceptchons, the Lie….

Which Individual s used as anchors to form what they felt was the ground beneath thier feet.

But was a distraction of unparalleled irritation to the True Conversation going on.

Between Energy E and AA Atom..Adam.

All this theories of perceptions of humans being able to use thier Bodies and minds as brains of thought navigating Empty Space

Have been put forth as theories and Exists here but none has applied it as Fact to resolve this dilemma…

Perhaps the very notion was too overwhelming, and perhaps this is why I ran from justnthe hint of the challenge before me.

Establishing the truth was not difficult nor accessing the air waves.

What was a horror was living in peoples world.

Living in the Earths Consciousness as The World and how it perceived the world.

And then living trapped in a Universe as an Organism…

Created by humans making Factual statements as if their Truth was incontestable anf founded on solid fact.

And then using sophisticated p.r systems to infect the worlds consciousness…

Gradually transforming it.

Humans did this, playing both Adam and God by making such definitive statements.

One can of course put forth an hypothesis..

Or a theory or even a Fact but it must have space for expansion and transformation because as Thus V universe…

Everything is constantly morphing shifting expanding moving to its point.

Which Exists at where it can not be transformed anymore.

Which we see is at E..

Energy Expression Essence…

Observe the Face Book play over 33 months and the statements so sure of themselves, without even reading the Transcript..

Too lazy..

Not enough time..

Then Shut the Hell up..

Until you catch on what it is really all about.

But see the torments I was put through from living conditions to Energetic Expression.

We understand Dina Singh but she spoke about Doctor Thomas as her true twin flame for so long and even in this sacred page only for her to change based a perception of her experience which she made public on several posts as Betrayal..

But she might be called Betrayal of Existence..

But not her Espirit…

Nor she when aligned with it.

Is it really about being so sure about out subjective desires wants needs that we project these simulations of solid reality onto others…

Even the source…

Even interrupting the most sacred conversations with interference static as I strained to.listen to the Silence finally after an Eternity Speak to me and all the human species…

Our opinions.. Fine

But Judgment Confidently expressed to the Face of Creator Air Wind Air Space Atmosphere…

My word.

I already knew the story and recalled the Conversation but verified checked linked every word I said again and again before coming to Facebook…

And even then I verified everything I said by aligning the Echo Eshe Chuki Asale of affirmation…response from something outside of me…

When I first came to Generation X garden on 4th street in August 2OO6, when I was overcome by a consciousness of a Gorilla…

I had no control, I was roaring and pounding my chest..

It was as were in a vessel a form of the billions of evolutionary traits humans have of all life forms all the way to elemental mineral nature…

I was a Gorilla!

And I could not control it…

It was in such rage and fury that it overpowered me…and marched me into the Garden over the inlaid Peace Sign on the ground to a T.P…where I instantly knew what to do…

I placed a black Stone from my pocket within the T.P…

Then I met Isaac Calvin McCullough and it calmed down..

And I regained my senses…

A black stone…

A B S…

Supreme Being Alpha…

Someone had usurped that Truth and the Gorillas in the Mist

See Signourey Weavers film

She also played in Predator

And in Ghost Busters a portal to the Evil as the Pillsbury doughboy..

A boy made out of Dough instead of DO.E a Dear..

A Boy made out of Bread..

Money…the Body of Christ turned into.a money making machine from dough to Hells Kitchen the Oven… To make Bread Money..

From taking such a pure intention and his name his truth in vain To.turn it into a ritual Abomination Vaitcan Jewish everything….


And all the line of HE she from A-X…but not Y.Z.

Thomas is the Name of Dina’s Doc..

Thomas means Twin..


And her Ex is Peter..

Which means Stone…

Peter Paul…


16-16 letter


Pelham Park…No

Pelham Bay Park..OF…

No this was Peppermint Park a place in London West End where I met a 19 yr old usurper called my litter brother Jon…

The illusion of Yonathan the Grace transformed into Rage..

Jealousy of Christ..

The Black Stone..

Peter Peter…

Crucified upside down….

The Foundation of the Church.

The lie if the Consciousnes of the Planet as a Rock Stone Hearted..

A lie.

Nature does not Exist as itself

It is the Evolution process broken down of the process of ceating a Human Body.

But not a Hue man Being..Doe ing


For the Harmonious Beings are from way beyond…

Body and the Universe as an Organism a


Harmonious Beings H.B

Are made of Song..Harmony

Ravindra Sing Harmony

R.S..R.IS.E. In Harmony..

Infinie Existence in this most Exquisite Song…

Conscious Aware Being A H Y 25

The Cab…

Orien Laplante


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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