
5:15 pm. – E:O. – E:A.E. – 9-1-5. –

5:15 pm.



When I saw the code of the DOG, in Beanie Filgueira page, I was aware that this entire play was about Loyalty to GOD.
Loyalty to the Truth.
Itt was confirmed from Kim Arthur Hinds Jr image of a dog, Jae Sherman’s Dog mug suddenly prominent in the dish rack. the T-Shirt she gave me with The Wolf, and Wolf Myra Wulf Mut play.

What are Dogs famous for and who is their first ancestor?
I found a card it fell out of the suitcase. Afghanistan. Yellow and green card.
Afghan Hound.- Beauty.


The True Christ Consciousness.

At 2:22 pm today, I received a message from Liberty.
It was clean and pure, and she had returned to the Christ Consciousness, ( the True and correct version)

I had always known that Jae Sherman and Liberty were connected on frequencies, so when I saw her message and Jae was standing beside me at the time, asking me if I required anything, telling me she just got a job, pet sitting, relieving her of the economic pinch she had been feeling ( and yes, it was me, who coded it), I was aware that Liberty would soon follow suit.

And it was the same, relief even greater, for she has two little sons.
Her ex-husband and friend, Chris offered her a helping hand and a repreive which enabled her peace of mind.
She offered to share with me, her blessings and the code was, is 55.

I am at 1855 Facebook Friends.
So I knew, at last, Liberty Jae- Jael Liberty.
Jeron Lang.
J L= 22 V.

There was the number 1, 17 on my page, when I opened it today, still my mind on leaving this play.

18 years of this physically “disability” when nothing is wrong with me.

1 17 is Sacred portal 117 but more importantly A.G, Arden Gemino.

I was aware, that Liberty C, had finally been brought home as well as the world she and aligned to Jae represent, but at such a phenomenal cost, that Libertys C’s offer of sharing her windfall with me, I appreciated, and felt I could use it to help Kim and Jae pay the rent, I asked her to send me not too much, enough perhaps to help and that Kim and Jae for paying the rent and bills.

Of course, I was my father’s guest and contributed even to the basic levels, but I still wish to leave.

There must be Evolution Awakening of the People and this planet, or everything A.G, as Almighty God, Almighty Truth, Nnamdi as Truth put me through, even breaking nature and natural law, because I had been used to do the job that was reserved for you.
Find God, and Know God, and call him by his Name.
Do not use manipulation, because of fear.
Search for him ( Him and now Him Her, under every rock, investigate and use empirical evidence, facts as proof.
Know the personality and truth of God, before casting him- Him her in a role that you created, without even knowing his name, or recognizing him.

You see how much he loves, even sacrificing me for you, to prove his ( His and now her) beautiful truth and intention and plan for you. To be independent of him and experiencing all parts of his nature, true as were as false, and then putting the pieces of the puzzle black.

Jae Sherman said she had a sixth sense dream, that everything was going to be fine.

I had been hearing this voice, and yes, I knew who it was, telling me that I did not have to leave my body, that I was correct, that it is not through my leaving my body, but through Beautiful Death as transformation.

5:42 pm.

5th Dimension- Ceclia= 42.
Self = 42.
Arden= 42.
Meaning of Existence = 42.

I have no reason to believe that or anything it had to say, I already knew, I had corrected its script since I was brought to the U.S.A to enter the most unforgivable play script.

Do you know what it has felt like?
Being betrayed, and deceived over and over again, made a fool of over and over again?
Ignored as my body became a venue of torture and yes, rape, to evolve man and then woman back to the dream of the One Father, from the moment I arrived in New York, in His Script now His and Her *”S.HE RM AN” when I had already begun that work the moment I arrived in this world, evolving Nnamdi to Emeka, and N-E, N-E.

My trust in truth and the E Family is totally destroyed.

I already knew the script, and to bring to death, as leaving my body, over and over again, for 29 years, and no manifestation.

5:50 pm.

No I, I am glad for Liberty C, and for Jae S. But I already knew, I saw Liberty in Eden, I knew who Tom Lang was right to his German and Puerto Rican ancestry.
I saw Jae rise to see the awakening with 16 days of our meeting, I recognized Kim Arthur Hinds Jr as a mass of original potential as Magic, the true meaning of death- Matter Transformation, and aligned to my bio family DNA.

I already knew all this, even that which was delaying the play.

But do you see and read what I was put through?

Liberty is taking responsibility for the E Manual and becomes that which I already knew, Librarian Editor, L.E.

5:55 pm.

All that challenge, and contesting and torment and conflict, created.

Do you know, why I invited Jae Sherman and accepted her offer to buy me some Juice?
It cost 3.69.USD.

Ruby, do you know the logic of code, 369?

He who solves the riddle of 369 has solved and gotten the Key to the Universe. Nikolai Tessla.

Liberty’s tell no has the code 69.

Nnamdi- 1969, 69 is really 96.
96 came first and it mirror reflection 69.
3 69 Nikolai Tesla. N.T.
36 9/ 963. 96 3.

Please take a look at sacred 96 and & 63.

I was Loyal and Devoted to Nnamdi of Father Lord Allaha God, Yahweh, despite what I was given to endure for my troubles, I was loyal to the Beautiful Truth of Woman as Lily of the Valley Psalms 23, when she had become Lilith, and see what I got for my trouble when he is actually my Sum, Atom. Ah-Tom.

And all the while, it was your responsibility, your play of his plan for the Chosen ones, the most brilliant of the species, not decided by you, or your societies rules, who by the way are insane, but by the potential he and he, she saw in you all, as long as you come clean- instead of allowing your selves to be swayed by the lie and then becoming the dumbest and most stupid beings and the base of Zero instead of the Full Circle in One.
Blaming and Falsely accusing one another, not able to see your blind spot.

6:12 pm.

I am not doing as was done to me, holding humanity hostage, by my desire to leave, I did my duty, solved your scripts, did that work, found the Truth God as Truth- Beauty, Called it out, shouted it out, fought for him. you through a script which finally made me understand, I wished nothing more to do with something I so trusted who had betrayed me ad deceived me, manipulated me, and yet I completed the Script, and then you keep me waiting, after treating me like your slave when II am your Source?

Simply because I came as what I originally was in the eternal beginning a Beautiful youth than a man?

6:22 pm.

To be honest with you, I no longer recognize who you are.

6:23 pm.

But you are definitely not of me.

To put a being, through such a script, the only one who stayed loyal to you to the very end and completion, coded it made that which was unseen and made invisible, through such a hell.
Taken advantage to the point of such indifference to the extreme masochistic tortures on me, for staying loyal to your Truth and evolution of Him, to Her and mack to Him with Her and forget about I.
Your source who brought death back to live, Life.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr left me 2:22 Usd.
On it was a code inked 220.

Today Liberty send me a message at 2:22 pm with an offer to share a code 5550.

As if I am stupid, not Liberty, Tom, or Jae, Donna, but for me who is solving aligning your truth.

What would you really have me to say?

Yet, you called me the Bully?
Did you see your own Cause and Effect?
It manifested the concept of Zero- A very Bad Idea- The Black Hole, and you sent me here, to South Whitney because you played Almighty God and blamed it on Arden Gemino as I and on I.

6:37 pm.

Let me, pause and then I will code the two new Facebook friends.
1855.1, 28.

A Man, The Source.
And the meaning of existence.
And you made me a nobody, non-existent, and thus able to do with me as you pleased.

6:39 pm
6:40 pm right now.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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