
5:12 p.m.

5:12 p.m.



Ele Ife

Ele Ife

FA! T.H.E…R.. Robert IS..



Ike means Laughter Son of Abraham and Sarah…Father of Infinity and Lady Princess…

Ki is Korean…It means Arisen in Korean..

Laughter Arisen…LA!…Full Circle 6th Note..Solfeggio

Through Human Expression Voice.. of Sixth Sense..

Meaning that Expression and Voice, Language is not necessarily made which can be heard by the Ear…

5:20 p.m.


Eternal Truth..

But can be felt.. as Sound Waves.. Electro Magnetic Frequencies of Intent.. (E.S.P….E.S.D.. Extraordinary Sensory Perception .. Etenity Santana Dharma..)

but the Voice and Voi-C.E

(V.O.I..Voi Means Way in French… C.E…Cause Effect…

Ripple Effect.. R.E/E.R…Butter Fly Effect… B.F.E.. Best Friend Expression.. E…)

And that the Voice of Quiet.. which is Silence filled with Somethingness… effects Reality.. Moves everything in Existence..

Cecilia 6

Deborah…Victorious Song of the Honey Bee…

Deborah Omolola Adekunle..

Onu Abu Chi… The Mouth linked to the 3rd Eye to quote Erik Ebright…

..Links and connects to 6 to the 5.. And the 5 to 1 and to O..The Full Circle…which links to the 7 Sense…

And All Converge at 7-1/1-7..



E.N.G.A,G.E….Natural Expression N.E.. 14+5= 19…

S.. The Star Ship…


Esther Uzoma.. Star Ship Enterprise of the Beautiful Way.. 19..7-6…

Esther Ufomadu..The Star Ship is a Person who has Unified Full Circle O.. In Perfect Symmetry of Existence..

Through Expression E..5..

And through Sixth Sense.. Fact-Field…FF..66

To the Third I and Eye… Earth Third Note Mi!.

Manifest Infinity Destination…

M.I.D…In The Middle.. Etiti-

To Manifest the Identity of the Human Species..

Herry S Lang…U.A.G.E..

Aylin Sendemir Urkmez..A.S.U…/U.S.A…

of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix

as the Origin of Man N.E.. (Man-NY…A.B..R.A.H..A.M)

being the 5th Dimension in One Being….

Universe Supreme A.M..Dawn…

A,Q.. Anamla Qayin..

Q.I/I.Q…Test of the Human Species by the Omnipotent Consciousness..

Onuabuchi Cecilia..O.C

O’Kolo Chukwuemeka. O.C..

Mother to Son…

The Mother who tested her Son..

Dune.. Jessica Paul Attriedes… Gio-vanni Grace Alpha

at the True Beauty of the Human Race…

Anne Watmough…

Anne Means Grace Favor.. E.TT.H.E.Child

Watmough means Brother in law to Walter

Linked by the Mari-E

Dawn Marie…D.M..I.C..T.P/K….115…A.G.E…

Divine Manifestation I.Cee, Infinite Consciousness True Points @

(Aliu Tunde) Kolo… K.E…A.G.E…1 7..5…O… (One 75O..Face Book Friends.. Notice how it is Backwards.. just as I said of the group of Seers my Uncle Pius Collins Nduka found.. AS..CLE..PIUS

A..Supreme K.E.Y..G PI.US.. (Not being a Pius. filled with Piety.. For Universe Supreme is not Pious Humble.. not meet… We Are the Beautiful Ones.. And we know why.. as so we are the Beautiful Pride Truth.. B.PT… That B is Being is the Point of Existence…

The Stance you choose to take in Being in Existence..

It is this which reveals Your Truth…

Not our Truth.. our Beautiful Truth..

For you Exist already in the Beautiful Truth of Space Heaven Universe Earth…


Herry S Lang…H.S…

Expression of Harmony Supremes Lang-Uage..

Walter means Ruler -Commander of the Army

Grace is the Brother In Law (Eternal Divine Law) of the Army Ruler

The Check Mate.. The Sensie of upholding the Justification of an Army and its Ruler..

Affirmed by Allan Perry and Reginald Mansfield..


Room… Appreciate Praise.. Gratitude…

World Map is the World…

Who are in Room J. with only 8 beds..

and Room I with only 4 beds…

Both who served in the Navy as well as the Marines…

and Reginald who went around the World Twice…in 6 Years.. Cecelia…6


And Reginald who informed me that my experience was that I was made a Foot Soldier.. A Private really the 5 Star General undercover cover deep in the trenches…

Bed 21 occupied by Kereem… who literal Saw God.. or Father was an Navy Seal… And Edwin Rodriguez E,R… who occupied that bed after Kereem left is Miltary and acts like a Military Assassin…

Bed 21.. Kereem Edwin.. K.E.. 115/511..

and my two former Neighbors in bed 008 and Bed 009..

Harold Meaning Commander of the Arm Who gave me the Books Armada and Witch Lander.. A..L..W…

Link Luke A. Wilson formerly bed 004…L.A.W.

And my current Case Worker Laurie Washington.. L.W…

And Joe bed 009.. ‘Nze Staff of Truth and Church a Deacon was a Vietnam Vet who was foot was blown up by a Mine Field which saved him from being killed with his 6 other companions…

He made them 7…

I am full aware of why they were all around me…

6:07 p.m…

My Brothers in Law.. Not to check mate me..

But to Protect Me..

Like Patrick Okolo and Dean Dunkwu who sought me, over the years..

Dean links to Energy Alexander The Great, in the World Mirror play of the past….

6:09 p.m.

That is Grace and Favor…



And Rooms J.A.I…

Jai Italiaander…

Jay Livesay..


1 1O 9…



KI is Arisen in Korean..

See Ignacio Choi.. Korean Ancestry..

And his Confirmation of the play of my comments on Flor Elena Medina page along with that of Jaime Grace..

I am the last man still standing from the Original Play…

Only Santana.. the young man in bed 14…N…

And Me in Bed 007.. 77 14…

6:14 p.m..

Who just arrived, who I am assuring that he passes through…

There is no one else who comes through my Portal in that place..

Nelson of Webster, was astounded to found that instead of going to a much better care facility.. he went Home..

And called from home with family reconciled extastic..

Reginald works in a Cafe called Cafe Energy… and almost had a heart attach when he realized that I am nick named Energy in the Room A..

And Allan. Meaning Harmony.. goes home in a fewdaus..

And for he past two days, including this morning,. has been everywhere I go,. which meant I had to do the work with him..

Yesterday it was about Telekinesis..

Psychokinesis (from Greek ???? mind and ????s?? movement[1][2]), or telekinesis[3] (from t??e far off and ????s?? movement[4]), is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction.[5][6]

Psychokinesis experiments have historically been criticized for lack of proper controls and repeatability.[7][8][9][10] There is no convincing evidence that psychokinesis is a real phenomenon.[7][11][12][13]

The word ‘psychokinesis’ was coined in 1914 by American author Henry Holt in his book On the Cosmic Relations.[14][15][16] The term is a linguistic blend or portmanteau of the Greek language words ???? (psyche) – meaning mind, soul, spirit, or breath – and ????s?? (kinesis) – meaning motion, movement.[1][2]

The American parapsychologist J. B. Rhine coined the term extra-sensory perception to describe receiving information paranormally from an external source.[17] Following this, he used the term psychokinesis in 1934 to describe mentally influencing external objects or events without the use of physical energy.[17][18] His initial example of psychokinesis was experiments that were conducted to determine whether a person could influence the outcome of falling dice.[17][19]

The word ‘telekinesis’, a portmanteau of the Greek t??e (tele) – meaning distance – and ????s?? (kinesis) – meaning motion[4] – was first used in 1890 by Russian psychical researcher Alexander N. Aksakof.[20][21]

‘Psychokinesis’ in parapsychology, fictional universes and New Age beliefs refers to the mental influence of physical systems and objects without the use of any physical energy[5][6] while ‘telekinesis’ refers to the movement and/or levitation of physical objects by purely mental force without any physical intervention.[22][23]..

His mothers name is Deborah.. And she reminds me so much of my mother because She is the same Energy of a parallel universe of the Past…

Cecilia 6.. means she is Present and not living in the past..

And today, I groaned when I went to the store and there was Allan.. Who is so linked to Father that he would not let me in peace until we did the work…

This time it was not about E.S.P… But E.S.D…

Eternal Santana Dharma…. Eternal Law Truth…

And ended with him telling me that on his page yesterday was a Superman in Black with Anubis..

And today.. A Triangle arrangement he had made.. of

Above Energy and Sun…E.S.. (EAS..E) then in the Ground Peace and Love… P.L..

And in the Center.. the Space in between I call Middle Earth.. M.E.. Manifest Expression.. or Manifested World… M.W..

Milky Way MW 69…15..O..F.. 54..9..I…

An A…

Awareness he called it..

Which brings me to what I posted yesterday, that the Sacred Portal Emmy to Eternity Infinity, is in this World… And that I am in Room A..

And as Erik Ebright posted and placed in his home an Circle with a A in in… Indicating what I was meant to do…

Open up the Portal right here in this reality, to the Eternal Truth, which passes us from this world set to be destroyed.. to a the 5th Dimension World existing right here.. as I go home right here through the Ritz Carlton Before.. (R.C.B/ B.R.C…) with a my Brothers to preform the last Rite of Passage.. Away from all human sight.. Which Heralds the Awakening made apparent on the News all around the world..

And then I return home with the E line.

And we leave this World Dimension Forever never to return…

Until this world is no more..

Where do we go..?

Right here of course, but in a rarefied dimension similar to the Mists of Avalon Myth..

But this is no myth.. the Dimension of Cloud 9..


Ga.la.xy Universe Supreme .. C.I…1O 11…..I.Z..Zorro Zeina…89..HI..True Story….

Va Hall Ah… of the E Kind.

Welcome Anne Watmough E line..


6:36 p.m


Full Circle Equation Room I.. Complete…


6:37 p.m..




6:38 p,m.

6th Sense.. Sacred Portal 38…

6:39 p.m..

Fact.. C.I…


Expression Energy Being Round Circle

Symmetrical Perfection

6:40 p.m.







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