
5:12 p.m.

5:12 p.m.


5 3

5:24 p.m..


5 6


20-2-1 O….

T.B..A-O. Truth Beautiful Alpha Omega… Awareness is the Full Circle of Symmetrical Perfection.

907.. 906 907…909… 908…909…

97…96… 97…99…98…99…

I.G…I.F…I.G….I I….I.H…I I…

I Grace…I Fact…Infinite G-ode Individuality-Infinity,

Infinite Harmony…Infinity I.A.M..E

See Sacred Portals…each links to form a meaning.

As do the the Face Book friends names and meanings…

I am not sure how many times Amit Dhawan A.D has been my Face Book friend, not as many times as Michael Trahe…

But close..

But as Michael Trahe, he appears in perfect harmony with the Weave which has linked this 50 Month Face Book True Weave O Full Circle..

From 2012-2017….

Which I just calculated is 58 months.. 58 months and 31 days including today…

5:43 p.m…

*Strange how I have been using November 2012 as the Starting Point when it was actually March-April 2012…

And yet the Harmony is at 58…C.A…With March 21, 2012 as the starting point…

I was at Akil Davis (A.D) home with Evan ALexander Judson…

E.A.J…on Green Street, Classon Subway stop.

I am now 58 months and 30-31 days later, at the end of this day

in Room 5A..Bed 56…

EA.. at 10 T.E.N.. Completed..

Which links to Evan ALexander Judson.. E.A.J…( /J.A.E)

E A J=10..Ten…perfectly… And I did the greatest work there with and aided by Evan ALexander Judson…

E.A.J ..C.E


5:51 p.m.

E E A.. 🙂

Room mates Evan Akil Tim… E A.T…E.N…

And I left after hearing Nnamdi in a vision dream saying I must leave the next day….Which turned out to be April 5th, his birthday…

*He would have turned 43

I went to A.Santana at 268 Generation X Gardens…

*Yes Nenad M. Djurdjevic his share music he was listening to..

Kari Jobe… Kari Job.e.

K.J… 11 10… 11 1O…

E GA LA XY…1O 11 C.I…

Kari means Pure of Heart.. Tremendous, Gust of Wind’ in Norwegian..

Pure Tremendous.. P.T.

I had to close friends in Paris and New York both tall both Norwegian and both Blond.

*The name is derived from the Greek Makarios (or Macarius). In Norway, Kari is a popular female name. This name is diminutive of Katharine, meaning pure. The corresponding Swedish and German name is Karin. In Iceland and Faroe Islands, Kári is a male name, based on a Scandinavian god of wind of the same name

It means in Old Greek Pure;Torture… PT.. The Point?

And Beloved in Italian…My Bed Neighbor is Italian…

(Jose is Spanish…Puerto Rico… I…S.P.R…IN G)

From the Hill Fort… In Welsh.

Carol..(Praise) in English…

Dark Haired One in Celtic..

Free Man in Germanic.

and in Old Greek..Maiden Virgin… M.V… Maida Vale

And yes it has been Pure Torture… doing this

Jobe means..

The name Jobe is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Jobe is: persecuted’.

Yep.. Pure.. Tortured and Persecuted… P.T.P… Full Circle.

And all the meanings link to all the meanings..

But why my experience, and why I wish to leave and never return to this realm because of the Torture and Persecution… of the Pure..

6:19 p.m.

F.S… Feeling Sensational… just the thought to be gone from Delta Manor and this World I have lived in for 49 years…

+2 The Twins now back to the E line… E E E…123..A.B.C…

When I saw Amit Dhawan…Akil Davis

I already knew the code is not Akil because I did the work with Evan ALexander Judson which the play aligns to..

Da Enlightens… D.A.E..

A.D.D.A…1 4 4 1….Add A… Add Awareness…Add Alpha…

Jose comes from the name Joseph…

Which means God The Creator will Add

Link Joseph Carey J.C…Joseph Ejiofor Joe Fisher Joe Nonso…

And Jose means

The name Jose is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Jose is: Raised; who pardons.

Raised R yes. Pardons.. No…P.A Rd On Splendor-Stevan.. yes

P.A Stands for Praise And Appreciation

See Nenad M. Djurdjevic who is Pious Nnamdi… Pious Patrick Nnaemeka Nnamdi…P.N…is 14+16…30…C.O…Add I.A…


Trifolium Trefoil… TT..40…FF..66..Both Link and Align to Nenad…

But I am E.. And I embodied TT..4O. 16…Room 4B at Delta Manor…

And 66 which is Me, but is also Nenad M. Djurdjevic which means that he and the line of Naturals are being Freed, by my playing a Free man who stayed in Prison and the Cage of this Set Up, when I could have left, fought to get a job, go with Michael Prunty, or fought to get my passport, spoken to my Siblings First Cousins Aunts who all live here in the Sates….

Instead I chose to stay in this Set Up, because in a sense there was no choice.

The Naturals The Pure, The True Humanity had to be Freed…

Francis Frick from the Prison of both Body and Being….

No, D.A.. Devils Advocate Enlightens…

And A.M…IT…D.H. ( 48..Beautiful Death-Transformation)

A.W..A.N…A.W..( A.Double V.. A.VV..E) A.W.E…

A.N…/ N A… Which means Grace

No Da Enlightens is the code which links to the play..

* See The Meaning of the name Amit Dhawan…

A.D.E.. which is Crowned in Yoruba… link Kerwyn Vincent..

But I have not been crowned, but he did leave this place before I did as I had promised…

Noni Promise ..C…

So here is the Code…. 908 is 9 O H… I.O.H…

I full Circle Symmetrical Perfection-Perfect Timing Harmony…

Which is Light

Jose Clara…Clarity….

Not just Evanescent White Fair Light Love and Laughter…

It also Clarifies..

Elizabeth Clarizio… E.C.. 53…

From Bed 49 Nenad M. Djurdjevic had 490 Face Book Friends when I linked his page.

Nome Alaska is where they were imprisoned.. The Naturals…

to bed 53..Keith Grant…The Debt had to be Paid to Death as Destruction Tarot.. XV…15…

But see my Sacred Portal 15.. The Jolly Green Giant of the 4th Dimension comes down from the Mountain to bring the Land Milk and Honey… Jack and the Bean Stalk… One boy climbs up and a Boy and a Giant -God.e comes down…

Body and Being…

Agua and Aqua…A.G U A…A Q U A… G.Q..Magazine…

Steven Colbert… Recall the cover I did the Equation of while at 18 Mountain View… Maida Vale…Maiden Virginia..( my Sisters lives in Virginia.. 7-28 birth 6 4…F.D..)

No 15 is letter O.. and then 6…

And besides it is called The Royal Road

And I passed through all those portal T.H.E.. Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana.. R.M..R.S…

Rosario Mari bed 58…

Rachael Devon Rios Sessions.. R,D..R.S…

Still I… E.. R.I.S.E…

7:04- 7:05 p.m…Time now when I paused.




77 14..N..O O E. NO.O.E… ( My No..O.Eternal Expression full circle)


Tarot 6 are The Lovers.. T.L..20 12…32 5..E.

So who is the Devil..D Evil… Delta Evil..

X-is 24th Letter 24 Hours in a Day…

V is 22…

46… Fifth Dimension… And the Amount I had in my Wallet today…

But you must also now add 1… The Magician…

1A.. Room 5A… Was in Room A 007, 3A… 5A now…A…3 5..AA

46…11 28… My birthday… C.I..O..

See the 47 play USD last night…and Nenad M. Djurdjevic 2:47 pm reply today…


7:11 P.M..Keith Grant Bed 53…K.G…The Weight ( 193 Kg is my weight.. Actually 193 pounds.. which is 87.5433 KG…

Which is sacred portal 87..

Bringing the World back to their Senses and Sensies…

It is sacred portal 54…Mother Father Dancing in E Harmony

And 33

So interesting I knew that 193 could not be KG but I just did not even care any longer to even check…

53 K.G…Becomes G.K..Grant Kolo 7 11

Always Open… All Ways O.P.E.N…A.P.R..I.L…

( Awareness-Appreciation Plan-E.T-Praise..Infinite Limitless!!!

Amit Dhawan see meaning..)

4 7 Is D G…

Dette Grant.. D.G… 4 7.. 11 28.. 39.. C.I

And so 53 switches to 35…

Room 3A to 5A… 3 5 A A…A-Z-A.. Via 4B

A-A 27…

Time now 7:27 p.m

7:28 p.m.

24 +22+1… X V A…F D.A…

2015…49-53…..53-49..4..Delta… 4B…

D,B./ B.D…

Death Beauty- Beautiful Devil..!

42 24.. 6 6…

12..L IS A…

3 Tre Tri…3 3…

Weight 193.Pounds… S.C…A.I.C…

/C.I.A…. 87. 54 33…

Hmmm it would see that the one who holds Humanity is the Beautiful Devil Death Harmonious… I.,E

See sacred portal 48…D.H../ H.D.. Haun Delguidce…

(Jonn Blackwell.. J.B… James Jay Bond 007.. bed 7.. from 49 in 2015.. 15 the Devil is the Full Circle of Perfect Symmetry and the people called Him Evil because they could not escape the Circle because he knew they were not yet clean..

Their Bodies Of Water… B.O.W… And their Awareness Being..Consciousness .. did not really exists…

Haun Delguidce Means Grace- Gode Judges Consequences from the Judges Chambers…

Ha UN…D E.L..G.U…( 7-21) I.D…C.E…

DE (I) Limitlessness Guid.e..C.E..

See sacred Portal 35… C.E.. The Point.

Amit Dhawan…A +D= E… ADE…1 4-5.

Asan Amit is a common male name, in India and Israel.

India Israel… I I… 99.. 909…

Amit (Hindi: ????, Bengali: ????) originates from the Sanskrit word amita (????:), meaning infinite or boundless.[1] amita (????:) essentially is the negation of mita (???), which means to measure [2]

In Hebrew, Amit (Hebrew: ????) means friend. The word appears in the Bible in a context suggesting such a meaning.[3] However, Even-Shoshan dictionary suggests a Roman source (esp. French: Ami). Though traditionally a common male name in India, it is being increasingly used as a female name in Israel.


Hebrew meaning: Friend; upright

Sanskrit meaning: Infinite

Infinite… Limitless Boundless (Free)

Kolo means Friend



Indian (Panjab): Hindu (Khatri) name based on the name of a clan in the Khatri community. It is popularly believed to mean ‘runner’, ‘messenger’, from Sanskrit dhav- ‘to run’.

It also means Splendor Luster White…Light

The runner, the messenger.. to Run…

Yes My coach..Mr Parker is still with me.. who wanted me to train for the Olympics…

I am sitting here in Parkchester… Bronx…

P.A.R.K…Same alignment Chester bed 36 Room 3A then Chase Bed 36 Room 4A… I am in Room 5A.. Bed 56.. But it is in the exact same position as Chester and Chases bed in Room 3A 4 A… 3-4..AA..

Today is the 20th… 36+20…56…

Thus the full circle completed at 4-3..

E=CMe 4/3…

And so we leave the Circle and ascend by 20..T..

2O… Two Full Circle… TWO…F.C..6 3..9…I…18..9..R.I.. R.E!


I have not stopped running, my entire life. with voice body, legs mind. expression and recall the guy with one leg chopped off I met in Room A 2016 whom I knew at the Green House arriving just before I left? He was the one who drew a portrait of me which began to cause conflict… He called it the Running man.. and later the Eternal Dancer to my surprise recently

Johnny Camille will recall as well as Pierre David…

Upright… To move the Infinity Sign Lying down…to standing Up Right… U.R…

Splendor is the Sur Name Top Name of the Family of Ten..

Luster means

-a gentle sheen or soft glow, especially that of a partly reflective surface.

the luster of the Milky Way- Robert Radiant…

Infinite Limitless Boundless… Friend .. Kolo in American Indian

The Immeasurable… Hmm?

The Running man, I O, 1 O. 10 Balance, J.B,- the Spy undercover, Jay. ( Jay Livesay and Jay Reid) of Lives Say and Deaths Reed, of the Splendor and Radiance of the Eternal Beginning and now Existential Death of the End…of the World and Milky Way…

Who measured that which was thought to be impossible to measure…

How can something be immeasurable and yet not negate itself by being measured…?

It is simple by taking the measure of a Man…

The Measure of a Man is what which manifested Infinity Eternity and though Eternity and Infinity are immeasurable…

It can be Measures by the Being of the Man, by how long it took in years to reach and attained what he manifested in the Eternal Beginning before Awareness Being Doing and Ceeing…

To Rise and stand upright 8 lying down to rise upright…

45 Degrees from 360… 180…

@ 180 East Treemont… E,T..

45..D.E…I../ I.D.E…

He.. I used Naturalness and I was thrown into the Nothingness by the 9…

To see if and how it was done…

How did one create Infinity Eternity.. and how would they know when it manifested…

By making him enact it…

50 years.. 52 yeas…

49 years…?

Since age of 7-8… 42 years.. 24 years…?

50 months… E.O.. On Face Book.. Nov to Feb…N.F…

Neil Furby…

Cloud Champion.

Answer It took but a but moment… Which is the meaning of Eternity.. and within that moment was The Infinite (TI) – Infinity Born… T.I..I.B…90 2…92..29…

8 is TEN.. 10… 8O…666..666…18 18… 36 360…3(6) 3 3 3 (6)

90..x 4… 9O4…I.O.D..E..I..

8 45…360 Degrees..

360 Divided by 54…6.6666666667…6 9 (6) 7…

1 (6) 9 (6) 7…

I called my uncle with 1.97 left in my Phone Card..As 6..

What this means is that I.E Rose in Every Thing, Every Where in Every One, E.Go, Every Man, Everything Else at the same time..

58… 30 31 is how long it took to Explain it all…

But it took from 1989 to 2004.. 15 years to Raise the Past..

The True Beautiful Devil… Where humanity is trapped.. well now 2/3rds of them…

1/3rd Rise now Free…Naturally

8:39 p.m.


I can not believe I was just compelled to share and solve that…

8:40 p.m.


O D H A W A N…

A.M..I.T… 20 9… B.I… Bergamo Italy… Nenad M. Djurdjevic

and 29/92… 11 11.. 1 1…Albert Albert King King 6 1 FA

And the 1..A… 5 1.. E A

5 6.. 11..1…

18 18.. 36/63…

F.C..Full Circle First Contact

9 9…


Jose R…

I….R.E L.A.ND…

Black Irish…


8:45 p.m..


H I D E!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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