
5:11 pm. – E K – E A-A. – 4-11-20 2

5:11 pm.
E A-A.

4-11-20 21.
D A-A. T B A.


I have headed this post with Nathaniel T B.

I usually do not even get acknowledgment from the representative as the Human Descendants Avatars when I acknowledge them.
But over time, I have learned to no longer be pissed off by this- It is their Eternal Selves who I am acknowledging and on rare occasions, the Human Being too if they are at H B- Being Human.
Being Harmonious, Beautiful Handsome.

I have learned not to be offended anymore by people in this reality’s lack of acknowledgment, or appreciation of Gratitude.

In fact, I am usually astonished when they do.

5:20 pm.
E T.

I expect so little from people in this realm, and after all, this is a script of the End of the Story, thus the lowest representation of Being, but it took me years to come to terms with people’s behavior here.

Just as I had no intention of writing that last post earlier.

Or that it was scripted for me to attain that cosmic anger and rage.

Yes, Kim- Tree Sage worked at Cosmos International.
C I.

Stephen Johnson Kirtakeya – Pleaises-meaning coming together- and then the Chilli Peppers- Anger- the Trees- the image.

I realized that I was intentionally distracted from what I had intended to post and write.

I have long since, given up on this script and the people, and have only been posting because I have to get out of here, and since I have not left my body yet, I am still being taken advantage of, by both the Naturals and the E.Tzwho I now hesitate to call “Family” any longer.

Because they allowed this Script, to manifest, they made me walk through such an evil and vile script to rescue the line of Nature and then link it to Naturalness then Eternal Truth.
They were all willing to sacrifice me, my dignity to complete your evolution through an impossible script.

I have been in the U S A for 20 years + working like this every day, only because I was cornered in a script that I could not accept would go this far, so I kept on moving through it, sure that it would redeem itself back to Beauty.
But there is no redeeming feature about it because they relied on my forgiving them for using me as the Sacrifice in a script which they had created for me to walk through – to make it like a movie worthy of the Evolution Awakening of everything.

It has been a lifetime of lies- I have had enough, and would not even be posting today if it had not been to that Manipulation Deception and use of The Story as my Body, use of money, and all the things one requires to exist in this 3 D Lie.

I have been doing this a long, long time- whatever joy and excitement I once had, as I stated is long since gone, replaced by a Hatred of them all.
But Pure Hatred, which allows me to be unmoved, and to not distort the True Clarity they sacrificed me to bring.

The setup today, the 8 USD the – 55 I have manipulated yet again for the millionth time, then having to interact with people avatar descendants I no longer wish to see ever again, beings I once loved so deeply because of the Eternal Family I could see in them, even that is gone.

5:39 pm.

In a way, the only reason I am doing this now is because of MY SELF.
Emeka Kolo.

5:40 pm.

In all honesty, I do not care one fig if any of you rise and transform.
That is how far this has gone, and how a warm blazing love for you here to the E-Spirit Realm has turned Icy Frozen.

5:42 pm.

But I can not stop being fair, and transparent in my dealings and elegant with the very, very very few, who have not caused me Ire.

I used to be so conscious of your feeling, emotions, experiences here, and your point of view.

That has all vanished, because the truth, there is only a certain amount of Giving you can give, generating energy from Nothingness, having never been able to accept love from you, even when some of you tried.

This is what you have created as the Evolution Awakening play and was given to a man to walk through day and night for an entire lifetime to solve and come face to face with your constant betrayal and negligence.

So you may understand my state of mind and heart.
Coming face to face with what I already knew, that you were fully responsible, and having to walk through it literally.

No, your indifference, cold-hearted, selfish, lip service, ignoring of me, and what I have endured and been put through for you- for telling the Truth Sataya Ezi-Okwu can only last so long before the natural Eternal Law demands fair exchange in return.

Oh I can go on infinitely, but I have no desire to do so.

And it, they know it, and the Evil which has capitalized on the Naturals using evil to get home, know, that I know, that it used Evil and thus used you as Evil to make me fight and prove this truth in This Reality.
In This World.
Through You.

Keeping me here, and with Entities, Beings, I cut out, and would cut out again and again, but doing nothing, waiting for the people to transform by constantly keeping them around me, who they knew would be eventually moved and change.
Then expect me to forgive them because they are now sane and back to their senses.
Sacred portal 87.

Such a Vile Deception I was aware of by 2004.
This is why I was so insistent on finding a way out of this country.

Did they really think, that I would forget what each willingly, fully consciously did?

My last post was the Evil Fighting Back still.
The whole idea was of course, to stop me from writing the original post I had intended based on the intel given to me by the E Line.

Karthi Kondanapp.. where is he?

Another Portal Person I had to battle, conquer and move through collecting the Original Truth of his name meaning and perfect timing of arrival- he not even being aware of what was going on my page- most running away in fear.

I am used to it, I have been going through this for 9.4 years publicly.
Public Opinion.

The idea being that I would be so rattled that it takes me off course, moved by the Evil of the Script and within you Past to present that I would not deliver the message of the Eternal Truth because your expression as Natures Evil ( which you are, after all look at what have you done to Nature, Earth?) and then your Beautiful Truth, which used to inspire me, but which has no made me indifferent.

After all are you more Beautiful than I?
Am I not the embodiment of that Beautiful Truth from infancy womb, from Infancy Babies, Childhood, youth Manhood then to Spirit Mind Thought, to E-Spirit to Eternity to Infinity.

All are guilty.
Only the Crown S C and the Y.
ALLY is without guilt Shame Blame.

But I am here, I have fought yet again the Evil in you, which created the Cosmic Anger Script Expression, and once again, I have gotten over the meddling, the bad manners, attitudes, and behavior of your False Pride which causes you to fall of Child Man as the Beautiful Illusion which never was.
– For True Man- True Beautiful Youth never fell- nor was Eden Paradise ever lost.

Ezeuffona- Fear in the meaning of that name.
“let the way not be lost”
Which way?
The way of your Ancestors who believed they were lost, and then the Masters of the Universe.
The First… Egomanics Megolomaniac .
Who then believe that they could deny fight and then at the last minute, realize that this is I am that I am” and from Fear, show an illusion of Respect.

I entered the portal of 900 South Road where Liberty and Tom were when I saw the News Paper with Neil Armstrong and the bottle with the words “Power” written on it.

A Santana gave his sons Royal and Reign the nicknames “Commander” and “Power”

C P.

AT 3 16 33.

But what is the source of Power?
What truly Commands Power.
is it Fear?

In your world perhaps.
Violence is what rules.
Physical intellectual.
Bullying with words, wit, intelligence, presence.

True Love?

You did not even recognize Love and Truth, not 10,000 years ago, not 5,000, not 2000, why on earth would one assume that you would evolve to that, this point in time when one only need see the true state of the world and its track record- represented by People.

I just simpley remind myself each day by where I am at this moment, How I live “How did my life become like this?” I simply look back even at the records written in my Journals, and I recollect my journey, the life has given me personally to experience, this script to remind me.
My current situation and having at this point, ask for 55 USD from Liberty for permission to Liberate All the once Beautiful Illusions as Light beings of C Men- Semen with a tail, a story who fertilized the Cosmic Egg.
S F C E.
C F C E.

No, I am aware that today’s play, as yesterdays play as the play of the last 9 years, 20 years had closed the gap of the 9.3 Billion Years ( Zero’s)
9 3 9.
I C I.
Which never existed in the first place.
There was never any gap between the I & I. which required 45- years. 46 years and 47 in illusion lie to bring closer and closer until the I and I became 11 K and then A. Because as witnessed even by the corrupted play with Arden there was none.
Not with myself and Arden.
Not with Aurelia and not with Ferrell and certainly not with Leander of Jeron.

9 is I.
900 is I OO.
Square Waves… A T E…001./100 is C in Roman Numerals.
Tree Sage just told me that around Garden street near here a 3-year-old and then the same day a 17-year-old had been killed.

3 17… That is Jesse Macias Orejula and Tuan’s address 317 – 3-19.

I pointed out that they were trying to kill Jeron and Arden’s line.
The C is the Earth- World.

But I am not at 3-19- 3 17 Freeman Street am I?
I was there last year… too late.

I am at 2 17, 2 19 South Whitney.

Jeron is 2 years old.
Arden is 17.

B Q.
Being Quantum.

Eureka! Quick Up… V C… E.

Tell me what does that code translate to in meaning.
Quick Up- Rise it is Him- he has solved it.
Does it not imply that there was a line sitting on the fence under cover waiting to see if I would succeed?

Please see Daniel Radcliff of Harry Potter Fame, in the film

Guns Akimbo. G A.

I watched that last night- again as if programmed by the E Family rather than the Natures Natural Ancestors A N N.

Who was aligned with me today right to the rage, Chile Peppers- Red Hot about his daughter Stevie still!!! Being incarcerated for a D U.I.
I U D?
or I D U. Universe…
It was Stephen Johnson. Even to the Squirrel, he vented at.

Where is the Zebulon equation mirrored? Is it not here with Kim, Tree Sage.
Does Kim not mean Gold.
Gold Bullion.
G B. 72 / 2 7.

Daniel Radcliff D R. Death Ray.
Golden Guns.

*”Daniel Jacob Radcliffe is an English actor, best known for playing Harry Potter in the Harry Potter film series during his adolescence and early adulthood. Wikipedia
Born: July 23, 1989 (age 31 years), Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Height: 5? 5?
Partner: Erin Darke (2012–)
TV shows Miracle Workers, The Simpsons, David Copperfield,”

*”Miles is a video game developer who inadvertently becomes the next participant in a real-life death- match that streams online. While Miles soon excels at running away from everything, that won’t help him outlast Nix, a killer at the top of her game.
Release date: February 28, 2020 (USA)
Director: Jason Lei Howden
Budget: 15 million USD
Box office: 1 million USD
Screenplay: Jason Lei Howden”

Arkansas is the 25th State.
A F K G= 25.

Connecticut Vermont, Virginia- Arkansas.
C V V A.
C Double V V is A

Arden and Fred
Arden and Morgan
Arden and Fred went to New York together.
It’s the 11th State.
A.F. Animal Farm
Arden Knox. A.F.
Kim at Knox…
Fort Knox.

New York is the 11th State.
Connecticut 5th State.
Virginia is the 10th State.
Arkansas is the 25 State.
West Virginia is the 35th State.

Florida is the 27th State- I went to Fort Lauderdale. F L.

* 5-27 Connecticut Florida. C F

Nevada ( Silver ) is the 36th State.
Car-Son is the capital of Nevada.

Phoenix is the capital of Arizona which is the 48th State.

How much do I have in my possession now?
48 USD.
What is sacred portal 48?

*On October 31, 1864, anxious to have the support of the Republican-dominated Nevada Territory for President Abraham Lincoln’s reelection, the U.S. Congress quickly admits Nevada as the 36th state in the Union. In 1864, Nevada had only 40,000 inhabitants, considerably short of the 60,000 normally required for statehood.”

*Arizona is the 48th state and last of the contiguous states to be admitted to the Union, achieving statehood on February 14, 1912″

Vermont is the 14th State.

I went to West Virginia but not to Arkansas- or Vermont…

Yet I went to street codes of Vermont “My Uncle Uche Nathaniel in New York”

Arkansas has been in my code right to Hells Kitchen.
Former President Clinton and Hilary and daughter Chelsea- ( The Collection) are from Arkansas.
It was even in the code of where I stayed in Agusta Georgia as well as Boulder Colorado- Rachel Young is from there.

What does Nevada have as the 36 States? ( 36 is C.F) that Aligns- Links- Connect to Arizona?.

Car Son. Johnny Car Son Stephan John’s Son.

Phoenix – Arizona. A P “Attained Perfection”

Nevada – Area 51.

Arizona Nevada. A N.
-Neil Armstrong.
11 4 Grant Moor. K D/DK.
It’s Nathaniels Birthday today. “Vermont”
A N= 15 Letter O.

15th State is *On June 1, 1792, Kentucky became the 15th state to join and on June 1, 1796, Tennessee became the 16th state of the Union. Statehood Day is annually held on June 1 and celebrates the anniversary of the ratification of the Constitution in Kentucky and Tennessee.”

Kentucky Derby. 11 4.
Triple Crown.

*Sir Barton (1919)
Gallant Fox (1930)
Omaha (1935)
War Admiral (1937)
Whirlaway (1941)
Count Fleet (1943)
Assault (1946)
Citation (1948)
Secretariat (1973)
Seattle Slew (1977)
Affirmed (1978)
American Pharoah (2015)
Justify (2018)”

American Pharoah.
Justify What?

Assault Justify A J… Moi Arden Jeron?
1946-1978.= 32 Age code Kim before T L= 32.
But there was a back story- Sir Barton won the first race in 1919. My Grandfather was born in 19 19. S S= 1 38. C I…. Assault n my Self?
39 is C I. 12 27… 12= 3 Liberty is at C, 5 27 Bodega, Left here 5-27-2019 to 317- 319 Freeman.
Sir Barton. S B/ B S 2 19 South Whitney- Sits the Supreme Being.
5 Th Element, 5th Everything. Existence Energy Expression.

Assault 1946/64.
I came here in 2018- Justify.
All coded, translated, and transcribed on my Facebook Page from 2015 Pharoah to Justify on my page. P J.
P J is a code = 26 Z Zed to Bring the End of Everything- Not Real Fact True
1964-2018= 54. E D 15 54 Attained of Facebook Friends.
Justify my Assault for stating before there was 4.5 billion-year-old Earth, there was E D 54 The Fifth Dimension which manifests ED EN… ED=I….9 900 South Road. That it does not exist- anything other than Earth?

That there is no 9 54? I E-D.- I D E of Earth? Eternity… E Family?
And yet your script and the people as Avatar Descendants witnessing this play for themselves and how people unaware come to my page to discover how they are moved, and soon how the are moved, and that they always had a choice within the parameters of the intention of the Play Script to move you to Evolution To Eden Paradise. Rep Here in the Game as 50th State “H.A-WA.I.I?”
Which is where I met Esteban -Stephen Miguel via Face Book via Sabrina?

52-25 is that not a full Circle A F K G= 25.
52 E Bee.

Justify my Assault on who David K-Alu?

*Today is 4-11 D K and it is aligned to Nathaniel who came down from Vermont- my Uncle married to my mother’s sister, he is both a Pharmacist and Medical Doctor.
P.MD, to 17th street to drop my things.

Area 51 in my Sacred Portals is Sex God, the God of Creation.
51 is E A

AR. E Arden Robert Emeka Arden all One person.
6 Senses Sensei’s.
The Pleiades.
Rep 7 sisters rep by 6.
6 in 1= 7, 7 in 1= 8.m 8 in 1 is I I.

What then would be the Phoenix rising from the ashes if not the Penis. Dick, John Thomas…
Fire of Burning Desire.

Compassion- Passion
AT 3 16 33…
C P A. C P F. * C V. * C P I.

7:36 pm.
So we have the 36th State- Nevada, Area 51.
Sacred Portal 51.
E A.

Now, do you see how tedious this script is, do you see the long meandering process?
And do you recall the set up which brought me here, from the Cosmic Anger set up Forest People, and how many hours of this I have been doing today since I got up, and imagine this for the last 20 years, and 55 as the lie 55 USD and 53 as the Truth?

And my meeting Arden age 16 and myself 51 age code.

And recall, I simply woke up with no desire to communicate or translate for the Naturals or the Extra Terrestrials.

7:42 pm

That this play was only between E and A, A and E, the Original I and I?

*”There are 42 Stations of the Exodus which are the locations visited by the Israelites following their exodus from Egypt, recorded in Numbers 33, with variations also recorded in the books of Exodus and *Deuteronomy. 42 is the number with which God creates the Universe, in Kabbalistic tradition.”

And that the movie “Proximity” was simply the link of the post aligned to who is the original Karthikeya Kandanapp.
K K= 11 11.
“meaning “Now” and link ICI meaning…”HERE” / E.R.H. E

And yet here we are at 4-11 date Nathanthiel code 11 11 = 4-1 to 4 11 Rep NTB which means after this 4 2? 4 1+1= 2. 4 2 Again.
Something is testing me, refusing to admit that the “Spin The Globe” my feet were meant to be planted in Concrete as hat Tree Sculpture at Generation X Gardens in 4th Street could influence me, make me miss the portal out aligned to thousands of human portal I have already aligned to One dimension- One Door.


This was already done, but An Anal “Probe” Alien line you created in Alien, in Strip searches at the customs ( to what Nevada Strip clubs) to Colonoscopy- UR ANUS 7th Planet, has created for me to weave instead.

“Oh, Emeka, you forgot the 42 code of Exodus and the Kaballah code of 43 being how The Creator manifested everything KA.B A L I S T I C way?”
While at the same time meddling, creating distractions with and through Facebook to create doubt suspicion, to casting shade to Africa play when all I intended to illustrate and document of Proximity which means “Near”

Depicted in the Movie- but they have always been Here Present.

Always, through the Ages, the problem was getting your attention. Getting your attention to see listen. Pay attention. Place someone else’s point of view above your own. They have been seeking ways to communicate with you since you first rose as a Species.

First Contact is happening from within you, the Eternals are your origins and you, its Ore called Potential which through activation means to be by Your Selves it sends of a signal which is as a Radar- sending out a signal which Echos back to you.

They have been here as long as you. Before you. They Lived Before Adam. They lived in Eternity In- On Eden- The Garden of Eden. And only I and the I and I came before the Eternals, The Beautiful Ones. Your Original Ancestors.

How can you be experiencing an Echo in a vastness meant to be limitless?
Only something in enclosed space and which has a wall- a Hollow… Poverty Hollow- Harry Potter can echo back.
Liberty intuitively took over sacred portal 20 Lady Echo.
Virginia to Virginia.
Artemis Diana- Artemis Diana.
Moon Luna M M L L.= 50 E O.

This means Emmanuel- Nnamdi meanings of always being Present- Inside of you. Eden Paradise was sending out an emission through you to the outer limits of the Space Suit- The Body as the Universe. Matter- Matrix- Womb- Room and it was echoing back to you all moving through the Holo Deck.
H D ( 4 8)
Kolo Deck.
K D/ D K.
11 4/4 11
11 1 11
2 8 2.
1 8 1.
B I B. Infinity.
B H B.

That the Alien Abduction- Anal Probe was all created by you and your Desires- for Penetration
Prostate Gland.
To Penetrate the deepest part of you where you Eternal Selves reside in what I called you’re now fortified, castles, House, Brick steel homes where you armed Secret Gardens with a guard of monsters you created so no one would get close to the True Sensitive vulnerable you- where the Invincible Eternal you reside and who has been sending out signals, neither you or anyone close to you could read until a complete stranger comes along and into your life and he can read it off the bat and even name the Eternal Being present in you and love you with that intensity of having come so far to find you. him her.

8:07 pm.

I came to the state, before being spirited away from morning to night yet again, even after battling with Billy Hung, the most generous contributor of all, who was convinced of not only the violent savage end of the world, with scarcity, that Aliens would physically arrive from the Sky inside of being projected “Ego” meaning “Self Projection” S P.
Sacred Portal.
Symmetrical Perfection.
16 19= 35. C E West Virginia.
16 16 =1 32 A E. F
19 19 1 38… 13 8.. = 39.

C I.

I C I.
Here Present.
H P.
8 16. E M F 8-16-19 84.
and 24 Age code John.

But before J there was A Alexander – Arden- Anthony.
A J.
A Jay.

1 +24= 25. Y.

The Sacred Journey was literally within you- and you would walk to meet yourself- your Doppelganger Twin and recognize him or her by that which your E.GO body projected and then walked by following the Signal from the Light Tower- You Awareness as you moved through what felt like Blindness of the body Carbon to Breathe Bee! and then begin to Cee See, that it is getting more familiar. The RM Room is lightening up, less and less fear, more refining clarifying.

Look at paintings going back beyond the Aztecs and the Inca, to the middle ages, to modern times- always there have been stories, sightings of Aliens, Extraterrestrials.
Always depicted, and in modern times they became uglier and uglier or scarier and scarier when what you were really saying is that you Scare yourself, that you as a Species Scare yourselves by what you create, what you see and identify yourselves as. Ugly, Monstrous, Savage, Cruel Evil.

The Beautiful Truth of you… what did you do with it? That signal and began, and right to the end, you snuffed out the very last possibility being me Origin- Original Ancestor of Hue-Man – E Man a man but I have nothing to with Humans or illusions – I am Real- nota Fairy Tale or Story- even True Story- Life is Now A Fact every moment- a Fact just as is Existence Life Infinity Eternity, the fact that you have a Body. And of Loving you, your Truth- your beautiful truth of the one person who is the Defender of Man. Your Last Hope- for none had succeeded who had been sent, tried to rise. And so I as the END was brought here.

A Lover who fought for you, spent his life, not by choice by having such a desire to love you, touch you, explore you, for you to be that truth, he… So desired and the Potential I saw it in you.

You have managed to destroy that Love of your Truth, the light of that beautiful truth of you I have had to nurse in me alone all these years.
You have finally convinced me of this being A Fact.

I could not love you as you were, but what feed me all these years alone was the truth of you I could see, and I was willing to fight and die for over and over, over, and over until I gave up.
I give up.

That happened 7-21-2020, the day I left 900 South Road.

Not worth it.

But still, I was used, violently, savagely, despite my calling out the Elephant in the room- My physical state evolving.
I had to ask you for money to even eat as I solved your riddles after already publicly through the script being names Truth, Love- Fact…

You became the horror which you feared in yourselves and the Beautiful Truth in you, you assassinated it, him her by using the Evil in you, Savagery Violence Malice- Rage – Revenge- Tit for Tat- To get Even when you were at Odds.. with everything, others- yourselves. All to get what you wanted… at all costs, return to Paradise Eden- and now here I am at the door.
The one who was so misused and made to prove to you… saying excellent you made it.

My answer is No.

You shall not Cross.

You Shall Not Rise.

And only the Transparently TrueShall Transform.

8:29 pm.

8-29-20 19.

I leave with only my Triple Crown MY SELF PRIDE and Self Dignity, Self Respect-and the Golden Crown Jewels- Gem Stones on my Crown- Brow – my Beautiful Pride as the I and I…

8:39 pm.

The Originals.

10:35 pm Edit-Refining-Polishing. P.OLA N D. E

Green Point AV.


“Beau Gens”

S L A V not Slave.

E S. L A V!!! Victor Victoria Victorious.

10:37 pm.

Sacred Portal 10 and 37.

J E- Sophia. S.

JES SI E. Yes, I know a Jesse I met her via Jim H Carey.

Beautiful Brilliant Illumination.

10:39 pm.

10 37= 47.

11 22 1947 Cecilia Onu- David 11 22 68.

Jesse Cecilia. J C.
David Jesse. D J.

Yesterday… I see.

Paradise PAN.

Y TT 711 M-ed-ic-are
*No, we do not Care for this species.

And that is really taking liberties with the meaning.
Stephen Johnson Identified how long ago? A Day is more than 34 Hours.
it is two cycles of 12. 12 12 = 1 24= 25.
Stephen lives in the 25th State Ark An Saw.

The Small of my back- linking and connecting my middle to my caudal vertebra- My Ass. and my Center- via the Navel.
Prostrate connecting to Pineal Base of the Neck and then to 3rd Eye ( First Eye) and then to the Penis – Cap.)


Okay, so they can finally merge.

10:47 pm. = 47= 48 ( 8 is 7)
15 O Open… ( Oh they are terrible, I know… chuckle.. Indignation- Shyness)

10:48 pm.

4 7 11 28 39.

4 8 12 3 32 3 5.

I realized that there is another beautiful devil in Existence and Being other than I, E.K.

Whoa Man!

A Run for my money… no doubt- he rightens me.. s.he but I am drawn to I and I like a moth to a flame.
After All, I was the original one and I know what they are up to, and capable of making me feel… Ecstacy Bliss… even when I wish to be Blue Flame’s Rage.

10:52 pm.

Okay, this is going too far… Privacy… Please.

10:53 pm.

I Cee, to get to 53 K O L O. Hmm ok.

11:29 pm final edit

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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