
5:11 pm. – E.K. – 22-3-2021. – V-

5:11 pm.



V-C-T.B.A- C K E Y

*(C K – E Y.Chiefy Kim E- A F K G= 25)

Siti Mariyah.
S M.
S M/ M S.

Siti is my last Facebook Friend 15 53.
This brings us back to 1520 as the Peak attained at 900 South Road.
( USD in my wallet yesterday)
1520= 35. E M E K A= 35)

@ 15 53 Facebook Friends.

1553- 1520= 33.
K I M.

Thus aligned and correlated to the post yesterday which started at … 33 pm yesterday.

33 is K I M.
33 is the rep of the Body as 33 Vertebra – the support system of The Body.

33= 1. A.

Siti means *”In Egyptian Baby Names the meaning of the name Siti is: Lady.”

Kim just came in and was told me the codes he saw on the street and path he walked on today that he said the A code A as a Diamond.
* Sacred Portal 98.
Sacred Portal 1 A. as well as the code “61 39”
S M/ M S
Main Street Hartford ( M S-A / A S M) is where Tree ( Kim Chiefy) just told me he had lived with a woman called Siti.
He told me the whole story, and I sat and marveled at this play, while at the same time fighting to mastery that Furious Rage of the Black Panther in me, at this play, of which I could see very clearly that it was still aligned to the Script which Kim is innocently yet with total Awareness still walking.

This Script is no longer meant to be based on him, or that which he represents, it has moved to me as Emeka Kolo.
So why is it still being aligned to Kim?
I never met a Siti as Lady in my story.
I met Donna which means Lady.
Donna is the second mother of Jae, not her biological mother.
Donna means Lady. L A D Y= 17.
Arden to Aurelia.

Siti, Kim informed me was a big woman who was trying to have a sex change to become a man.
She owed him money for the electricity bill.
He had told me this story before but I did not know here name was Siti.
He told me how he got into that apartment and how the owner was cool but really naughty and eventually got locked up, causing Kim to take over his room ( just as I had done with Ferrells room)
And thus inherited the bills put in his name which Siti had no pain and which she had caused him to go into debt.

I state all this because there is a similar play going on here, with Jae whose name the electricity bill is in here.

Siti Mariyah has a caucasian male on her Facebook page but she is a woman.
SM./ SM.
S M Sado Masochist.
SM Supreme manifestation.

* I am really trying to hold my temper in check at the pettiness of this play, meant to be representing the Sub Atomic – Quantum level and the idiom “The Devil is in the Details” but instead it has been translated to the pettiest levels of interaction on the material level down to dollars and Cents.

This is why I could not accept that such a play could have anything to do with the Evolution Awakening of the Species and the entire muli-universes merged into 1- as parallel universes merged into one.

I know that I was warned of this by the script and by finding that orange V, I knew the moment I found it on the street that we… I was still in the Spirit realm fighting as the E-Spirit rep with the Spirit World, and as I have been fully aware since 2015 of the way this play with objects work through a process- I knew I was meant to earn- the battle to align correlate yet again after that play of Voodoo and Magic should have long since ended and there has been a long silence and my own personal disinterest in having to use such a methodology to prove the E victorious.
So, despite the feeling in my stomach of which I am fully aware is fury and that disquieting feeling of being used.. and abused going against all the Eternal, Natural, Divine laws even the laws of this reality.
At least I was made aware via the Obiajulu Igwe Okolo Nnaemeka I Exeufonna play yesterday.
– It does not make it any easier, because the true source of the fury rage growing with me carrying this Anger of the holding back of consequence and making me code even more after 20 years of this nonsense.

6:12 pm.
*Ok Arden, I will calm down… but this has reached a point of “what!? how far this has gone.
How much I have had to hold inside and endure in having to post record, and align to this point.

How could this Spirit realm play have been allowed to go this far- work me to this point for an Evolution Awakening and play of Destruction – Creation?
What have you done… how far you went in allowing me to be ground down to such a level to align a script which was allowed to go this far, so long after the Truth Satya – Eziokwu Veritas- Afo all meaning Truth- Verite
T S E- V-A.

All meaning Truth and yet this is what you are making my code to this nauseating detail.
Truth in all these language forms of a script designated for me to solve.

You the public have no idea of the Mind Heart play of what I am making seem effortless, – The weaving and linking the threads of links expressions of others and adding it, them to the weave- a mesh of Manifestation by having to integrate at the speed of light and sound all the experiences of others whose expressions do not matter at all.

So now I have completed Truth as T S E. and now to French.
Having found myself watching, my latest series called The Ramanoffs. ( T R) which disturbed me so much yesterday so much, but only because it was I was transported to my life in Paris in the 3D, a life which I had left behind and where I had endured and moved and experienced so much leading to my going to the Light.
I can not tell you how much it hurt my soul.
I had decided a long time ago that this is where I would live, this was my home and was welcomed there- but it was meant to have been long since transformed into its true E name City of Lights.
Now I have to go through this play of Siti- to reach the true Eden City of Lights 8 ( Colors from O Light then through 1-7 colors Sounds and everything else 7 back to 8 as O-8-O.
Really O I O as Obiajulu Igwe Okolo represents in her name code?

I have struggled for over a decade not to explode in spluttering fury and the baseness of this play and its absolute abuse of power and that which allowed it to go this far.
But every once in a while- especially now, listening to Kim tell me how his cousin from Spring Feild contacted him today based on his post about the DC F play with his daughter… all a set up from the “higher play” of woman Sacred portal 24to test his reaction and response.

Who cares what they think, or say?! I want to scream out this is the Awakening- they don’t have a say in this matter.
Spring Field.
It is Spring- Nnamdi was born in Spring.
Spring is Transformation.

– How far did you let them go in getting their way to distort the script and break their own laws?

6:40 pm.

Do you have any idea the strain I am perpetually going through sustaining a truth through awareness focus on that which I am fundamentally indifferent to?
Whatis this!!!

Now, it is Vertias to A FO
French and then back to Igbo?
All representing Truth?
But now in French, and you get to hide while I am bound, tortured by Sado Maschosts “Sword of Truth – Richard- by Sado masochist evil bitches and bastards.
Or tolerate that Benjamin C Krajewski can ever so lightly and flippantly tell me that “Oh now I am paying attention” to the play after being warned told and then offer me an “Oh Sorry?”
What the fuck is this… I have no blame for Benjamin but he and his line along with Jeff Sullivan and Sol his wife’s line should have been long since cut out of existence not indulged to get them back when they made their choice.
Of course, there will be consequences.

I have recused your Truth, that which is your true Body- that is the Body which will transform while the current body you exist in will pay for the consequences and the debt.
No one, no one is Needed, no one important enough in this script that they get to hold up the Evolution Awakening because of the choices they made even after being informed and visited and coded by me.

Ok… I breathe now… Pause collect myself…

V- E R -I T- E.= 79.
V E R I T A S= 94

AFO U.F O./ O F U… In OINri Igbo means “One: 1.

*”The Ofo is a symbolic object. It is the sacred symbol of truth, authority, justice, law, and administrative power. It primarily bestows upon the holder or bearer the right to offer sacrifices – as well as perform rituals, make prayers, swear to oaths, pronounce judgment, deliberate policy within the family, clan, or community, and invoke blessings or curses. The Ofo may be made from bronze, brass, or wood. It symbolizes a family, clan, or community’s authority and can only be handled by those who are authorized (or otherwise entitled) to wield it.


*”Af6 Okaafo ‘Male/Female of Afo’ Mgbaafo. Nkwo Okofikw9 … interpretations and translations of its meaning by scholars”

My mother told me that I am a child of Nkwo.
My Great Grandmothers name was Mbaafor Ocha.

There are 4 market days or the 4 day week is “Eke, Afo, Nkwo Orie”

E A N O…

U M.. E A N O.

My Mother and Grandfather’s Family name is Umeano.
Emeka Umeano.
It means the Divine Breaths in One.
4 in 1.

U= 21= 3.
Kims script alludes to 12/21= 33= 1.

C- Umenao.
C MEN-A-O Alpha Omega, Ceclia Cecilia meaning Blind ( 42.. = 6)
Caecilia means 6 in Latin- Roman Alphabet. C A E C I L A
In the Greek, Alphabet it is “Zeta.”

David “Roman” Nicholas 11 22 68.

Greek-Roman G R- Latin.
G.R-L / Left Right Living Room G-ode.
Lorelei Rich
C- Z- S Six. V I/ I V. 6 / 4.
S IX. 19 9. / “Bella 9-19-20. 9 39. = Total 9+39= 48.
Sacred Portal 48.
I C I… 9-39.

7:21 pm right now.
7-21-2020 day I left by 64th portal- and since I have not been able to leave to a new place from there but was sent backwards instead out of the play since my truth of the script ending here at the 64th portal attained more than a year ago 8=29=2019.
But was instead made to stay there for 11 months and if I was wrong or not in a containment feild I should have been freed and left to leave this play and a door would have opened to a brand new doorway or place I had not been before, instead of that happening I was sent back through portals which I had already passed through…

64 is V.I/ I V.
I passed through portals Royal born 9-22-2010 at the beginning of this play of Generation X University, and the Jumped “Jump Man” from Jesse Macias- ( Zion) born 9-22-1979 to 900 South Road on 8-29-2019 to Arden via Liberty intel 56:56 min tell phone call which she, not I had pointed out, out of the blue.

9-22 is I V.
Royal Jesse. R J.
I V/ I V and to V I-I V.
my 6 4th move.
Victorious I & I Victor Y.

Jesse and the name Macias means “Gift” twice as J M.
Jesse did not have his names as Orejula on Facebook until after I had reached Arden and the Gemino’s Lang Lisconbs portal.
It was J M before and then after John Mack confirmed Satya to me Incense words actions…
I noted that it had become J M O.
Orejula means

Orejula means, “From oreja (“ear”) +? -uela. The earlike handle of a tray, bowl or another such utensil.”

Do you recall the dish in his KItchen I noted and coded again and again which had the word “Dunn” under it.
Same code experienced with John Mack. Dunn Grave Yard. and meaning “Black or Dark Complexioned”

Alberts Santana the Father of Royal and Reign full initial are Edwin Albert Rodriquez Santana.

E A R S./ S R South Road A-E Arden – Emeka.

Eke Orie Afo Nkwo.

My grandfather last and at the time 24th child is called Ofodilie.

Meaning I found on the internet is
*” Ofodile translates to “I want to know the meaning” in English.”

But “I want to know the meaning” is a very poor translation.

Ofo is Authority Truth Justice, symbolized by a metal of wooden Staff.
And like the Holy Bible or Quaran one swears on it.

Dile means withing the tongue- speech.. one’s expression.
Hence the Tongue would translate as the Staff and symbol of truth as well as the Backbone- Vertebra- 33.
“Ile” means “Tongue”.
Onu means “Mouth”

Hence 24 child.
Liberty gave me a tuning fork with the number 24O on it.
2004 when the family rose.

Truth Sataya Eziokwu- Vertas.

66 87 104
= 257… B E G?

* Yes, I was aware that through the years that the Spirit realm whished to make me Beg or seem like a Beggar.

But it does not equate to that ( nor have I ever begged anything from anyone in my life.
All the money codes which they arranged to come through you to make it seem I am a beggar was all set up and it was for your benefit it, was for Eternal Knowledge not only priceless but which you were meant to pay me its actual worth and value. But instead, it was switched around to make it seem that I had to not only earn it from you but that I had to then work as a slave solving your codes to prove you are of the E harmony.
This is not even the way of the O I Nri Priests who clean the ritual abominations of people who in return present gifts of immense value in acknowledgment of the work done for them and their community was priceless.
I owed you nothing- the money codes were created by the Spirit world as I have proven to male me through creating lack- to not only have interactions with those I would not have, by creating a meed that you required and making you feel that you had paid me a token for which I now owed you even more to code you.

And I observed as most of you took advantage and went along with that lie and absurd ruse.
Hence my pure hatred and my coding the worth or the knowledge shared to each of you and binding your all in this 3 D reality to pay it back.

Jeff Bezos- Amazon is the amount it has aligned to and that is for the work of simply a man of my qualifications in this your fake 3 D realm of what is owed to me for my house calls and my work is done for you.
Not including the Spirit realm and linking you to the E.

That is Trillions is it not? As well as it being 12 zero’s and this play completing with Liberty as the code L.

8:06 pm.
And so I have made sure that as Terrible death, that all of you who took advatnage of this, and those who gave nothing at all will pay the balance with Interest and Tax.
And I have bound all your bodes and beings just as is depicted in the the Tarot X V of the Devil and thus, even with all that you gave gained from me Eternal Knowledge you will never rise.
Only those who gave with that awareness of the Amazing Grace I was showing them.

Interest and Taxation.
“Give to Ceasar that which is Ceasars”.

Luke See Luke Simon.
The Tax Collector.

I am the landlord and Sky Lord.

And I have made sure that you will pay.

OFO. 15 6 15… 36 Yes the play with Kim and I 21 – 36 360.
A F O. 1 6 15. = 22.

Afo also means “Stomach”

Agu means Leopard as well as wilderness and Hunger…
You will have food but yu will not be able to eat.
You will have a drink – wine and water but it will be Blood and poisoned so that you can not drink.
And you will not be able to die.

Of course, that does not apply to the ones who gave from their hearts and paid attention and participated, for those few, it was free up to a point based on acknowledgment and respect.

8:29 pm.

But no one gets off scot-free.
No one.

Even the most blessed and who gain from the Amazing Grace of my compassion of seeing they were set up.
The ones so few in this realm line of Kim will still have to do something to pay off that which they inadverently gained even it means doing something which they truly love and desire to do as their consequences and way of paying off their debt after their Evolution Transformation AWakening.

And so we know the code 257 is not Beg.
I is Being Eternally Grateful.
for me being the Being of the Example E G of the play
it is B Sacred Portal 57.
It is 25 A F K G…
Conclusion as Y .G.
The true Y Chromosome as Arden Beautiful Y.
Y Gemino.
Yellow evolved to Gold as the 3rd Planet from the Sun Yellow the color evolved to Gold via evolvig the Beautful Past to its truth which was made so ugly and then my being sent back to align it to Aurelia Kim. 1 11
By proving its Perfection to those who defiled it, and others who could not see.

Nnameka was one of the very very few who understood the play of common sense.
He and a very few others would ask, offer if there was anything I required.

So, yes it would have been better, especially those such as Esteban Miquel Filguriia line who was moved in a greater harmony not of his own making or conscious doing to have never taken credit or acted as if they did me favors, but at least his line did give with true heart and pure intention even when they thought they were doing me a favor, but those who took advantage of the play of the Evil Spirits… Who refused to give, or tell me “Oh Your welcome” or worse were fully aware of this being not fair and still took such advantage.

8:42 pm.
8:43 pm.

Will experience the true nature of the Beautiful Devil and his transformation as Terrible Death.

I have all your true Beings and Bodies, I do not, nor did not requires your respect or even good manners, it is natural even in this 3 D world to have some sort of conscience, of knowing that what you were doing is not fair, to offer a gift even if it was as Kamora Herrington did very intelligently-
not even Sharia Perry has given a gesture.. and that is where Kamora Herrington aligned to Esteban Miguel Filgueria line was smarter than nearly all of you- because of no matter their ideology, rage… They made sure that they honored the laws of Capitalism and that which is Human and natural- to recognize that which is truly fair.

8:49 pm.

Mariyah. meaning?
*”The name Mariyah is a girl’s name meaning “drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved”.

8:51 pm.

I have no iota of bitterness in me, not to you or to this play.
I treated all of you as sincerely my beloveds it is you whose response to all this caring and sharing coding, inclusiveness, light, love, and even the sacrifice revealing your bitterness and true hatred for me and the E.

8:53 pm.

I am satisifed
for I am the reprsentative of Supreme Justice.
And with that done.., Vengeance is no prooven to be merited and well deserved.

Remember, Remember the 5th of November… None of you are more important that me, and this is not even a boast, bit logical common sense, foe if I did not exist, none of you would have existed and if I had not completed this script, that part of you whom I will meet again transformed would not exist while that which is the you I encountered in this play on facebook and in thsi playing filed will burn in a manner of the Blue Flame because that part of you, which you held onto, which judged me and took such liberties and advantage of will experience in Death – Living death far away from anyone attention or care- especially the you who rises beautiful transformed to that truth I saw in you and proved until only that part of you manifest as Real… Solid Fact.

And yes, this manifest at the completion any moment from Now so that when when you begin to experience it, I will not be present to hear or careas you realise that I am home already with the best part of you.. And even they, I will never forgive but that you as that will of course be my eternally beloved but there will be some subjects you know and I know that if brought up… you will see the look in my eyes.

9:03 pm.

And know that there is no forgiving or forgettig on my part of that actions you did seared into my memory of what it took to get you as that extraordinary beautiful E Family tat you are now.

Nor will you yourself as the Beautiful Being ever allow yourself to forget or even forgive yourself despite all now being Ligtnened up and of light and joyous hearts…

that is my beautiful Curse to the E Family…
That knowing through the change in me that there is nothing we can do to change that past passed.

9:07… 9:08 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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