
5:11 p.m.

5:11 p.m.


Emeka Kolo

Victor Chukwu- Emeka O Kolo..



Emeka L.I.S.A…

Emeka Brenda… E.B.


L.T…T.L…True Love… 12 20/ 20 12… * 5 years ago..

32 32… ( 64/ 46) 5 5…

It means I am the Victor and my Sister Line L.B…Lisa Brenda

Lucy Joy… Ojugo Noni… are the Double W…Double V reflection of My Self.. I.E.. Examples in their own right, now.

What this really means, is that out of what is the current estimate of 7.5 Billion People in the Planet, each with their own stories or ideas of Being.

That the one View and Perspective of How we all came to be, where we come from, and why wee are are here is represented by my Expression.

Not a Creation Story of Myth represented by one million creation stories through out History of Time… but is a Fact.

This was proven by a Terrible Contest set up in the realm of Death ( All those born of a Woman) of the one whose truth lead out of the Maze, the Underworld, Riddle of Death, Dark Matter, the realm of the Dead, the Universal Matrix, the Universal Mind, the Universal Simulation Awareness… Represented by the United Stares -America.

Where people were lead by the Full Circle, their Ancestor, the River which runs through us to bring selected Individuals, each representing a Theory of Creation- who were summoned to New York City since the beginning of the Millennium to compete.

The person now occupying bed 4:03 replacing Steven Morris is a person called R Flood.

Most of the Gifted people I met in New York not only described how they were literally brought here, but also of having visions of the World covered in Water and people, unaware, were moving underwater…

Water is of course, the dreaming state.

And the Great Flood…

Which is in every Culture in the Words Annals of Story telling, All contain a reference to a Great Flood.


76. Sacred Portal 123 The Cocksure of the Awakening

5:44 p.m.

Atlantis.. The illusion is that you are walking on Land- that is the Dream but actually you are all in Darkness Death- Ignorance-Dreaming in the Underworld of both the Bottom of the Sea and in Space above as Death.

I wrote about this a great deal years ago so I will not get into this NO A.H’S Ark….N.A…

It was all a Maze and and Enders Game, designed for humanity to understand Death.

And by proving it by navigating a path through it.

I did this by age 25, I found the portal by being my natural self and following the path of that which has Beauty, Symmetry. Beautiful Expression, Light… heartedness.

I did it with my Art and the Yes No, choices I made.

Unfortunately, I was sent back down to get the others.. which did not make sense.

Pave a Way, demonstrate how you did it moving from A-Y to others. There was no such thing as Z…Until now.

Just Y the Male Chromosome, the Sea men…

penetrating the Cosmic Egg, but then in Manifest Form you had to Conquer Death, forgetting.. And find your way out of the Maze, Daedalus- Icarus.. D.I, Pans Labyrinth.

In this Universal Simulation Of Awareness Home was designated as Galaxy 1101 I.C….

11 01…is 13 in Binary.. 13 is M… M is 1000 in Roman Numerals. 13 is 4.. 1004 Face Book Friends.

Thus M Manifestation… Manifestation of God..

G is 7… 111 in Binary is 7… * See my sacred Portal 111…

* My Sisters E mail address was Non 01.

10 is 2… 11 is 3…

E Galaxy Flip 11 01 = 10 11… 2 3… See Sacred Portal 2 3…

And 23…5.

101 is 5 in Binary.

101 is the number of beds at Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter…

Thus, it is real the 5th Dimension where this Universal Simulation is taking place and not Death…

8-10-10…. 8- 1O -1O… 8

The binary number 1010 has no 1s, one 2, no 4s and one 8. Adding the 2 and 8 together makes the number equal to 10 in decimal.

*Recall that both Brenda and Lisa Natalie Johnson gave me marked bills

Brenda a 10 USD marked 280…

Lisa a 1 USD… Marked with the numbers 1414 28…

*10 1 usd… 5 in Binary. Delta Manor.

28 28… 56…

Brenda Age Code… 56

Lisa Natalie Johnson age code 46…

56 =11


Gap 10… The Elegant Nomad.. T.E.N… 2001.

46- 56…

10 11…

46 is the Beginning of the Story… Se sacred Portal 46 First Drop from the Sources Penis- Reflections..

The First Drop after Seeing full Circle his Reflections which caused a Feeling Sensation and a Rise…

Bed 4:03 R.Flood…

A Flood of Sensation which resulted in an Orgasm

which began with a First Drop… Recall one dollar Bill linked to money 100 given by Rob Barr.. F D R MUSIC Cinq was written on the Dollar Bill.

The First Drop then moved to the full force Orgasmic Explosion

Sacred Portal 54…Mother and Father Dancing at Last in Universal Harmony….

46…Requires 8 to reach 54…

Today is 8-10… 8 2 in Binary…

*8 is 1000…M.

9 is 1001.. Arabian Nights.. A.N..N.A…

8 9…/ 9 8… 89 98…17… 2017…

See sacred Portal 98..Diamond Hearing…D.H..Linked to Lisa Natalie Johnson See sacred Portal 8.. 8th Ball Linked to Brenda… And both linked to me… 17 17… 34/43… 7 7.. 14 50…

The Code of the Toilet here is, was a spell 77 45 0… not in alignment- but meant to represent that all I posted and expressed to you would wash away be flushed down the toilet..

Water Earth – Evil Play of the Lie the Computer Program.

– created by Human Belief…

So… 46 Begins the story of the Sources Reflections…

The Pool.. Gene Pool… Yes Lisa Natalie Johnson the kids in the Pool… That is how Humanity were really underwater.. are.

They are all living in the Sources Full Circle of Reflections.

The True Cosmic Egg and Oval Office.

*Take a Look at a Cocks Egg laid by the HEN RI..

Oval outside Transparency… and Yellow as the Circle…

46 to 54 IS 8…( 1000 in Binary..)

Add 2.. *Brenda gave me 2 Usd…. Lisa 20 today.. 22 V .Victor.

46 +10= 56… 10 is Two.. Les Twins… 56= 11 ..11 is 3…

32 is the code of Les Twins.. and 2012… 32… Green

5.. 101….

77 14 5 01…01 is 1….A.. Joy.

See sacred Portal 1A…

155…15 is 1111 in Binary… 5 is 101…

1111 is 4… Delta M..1000

101 Beds..

56 11 1… 11 is 1011 in Binary….

E GA LA XY 1011 CI.

Galaxy 1101 is 13…M…D… Keith Grand M.D Sanitizers.. Bed 53… E.C… Is the Past a Story…

Nasa Classification is of that which Manifested into Human Consciousness and all manifestation is the Sum total of that already Present but which you have only discovered..

But it was always there…

And thus, you are seeing through a reflection… but you are not really inside the water…The Pool…

You do not really exist there because Inverse only manifests on the Surface Reflected from the Rays of Eyes… Witnessing something outside of itself…

Like a Film…

Cinema Paradisio.. C.P!

You are existing only through the Awareness of the Source’s reflections.

You only become real when you are no longer dancing on the surface of the Sources Awareness, or in his deep contemplation of your possibility Height Depth… Width Expanse..?

Full Circle… H.D…W..E.O…O.E… W is Double V… V V…

When the Idea of he has and the truth of you, enacted reveals the Idea Exact… I.E.. Embodied Intent.. Your purpose and function given you is fullfilled.

Hence you gain your own I.D and independence…

Having become an Example… I.E.

His Idea Exemplified Naturally by you…

Of course, you had a Choice,

To Be or not to Be..

That which is his Will Flowing through you…


So you see it is E Galaxy 1011… 11 Les Twins… 11.. 10 is Two… 11 is 2 1s 11… and 11 is 3…C… Les Twins 94.7… ID..G

And their Average Score.. 93.8…I.C…H…

Galaxy 1101 I.C…Harmony Infinity.. 8 is really 9…

Galaxy 1101..I.C.I…. Here… Ici in french means Here

Nnamdi!… Ikenna Iheanacho I I… My Father is Here

My Father and I are One.

And 5 11.. E.K..

is 101.. Delta Manor… 1011…

The Number 1010 has a very strong sense of solidity and stability, very fitting to find it as the value of the Greek pillars (Stoloi). It is reminiscent of the Number 11 which symbolically echoes the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11, and the Two Towers of 9/11.

In 1999 Dec 23-28… Jon Jason Lee and I Emeka Kolo

filmed at the Twin Towers and had our photographs taken.

J.J.L…10 10 12… 32…

E.K….5 11…. 16…

5.. 56..


5 7.. E.G…

12…L… Lisa and her beau are traveling on the 9-5-2017…


Full Circle… IS 46 56…A Journey of The Elegant Nomad…

10 11…C.I… ICI…. 1000 8… 1001..9… 100 4 101 -5… 10 2 11 3 ..1 1…Les Twins… 2 in One…

Emeka is Jon Jason Lee… E.J…

My but Jon Jason Lee is not Emeka…he came from Emeka… His Elder sisters name is Lisa and her best friend we both had a crush on was Nathalie…John Son… Toms Son…

7:09 p.m.


Sacred Portal Blue Print of Existence…

Two Riding the Rocket Penis..

The Beings of Balls.. Les Twins…

Jon Lisa Nathalie… JJ Twins Tom Luke Nathantiel M…

7:11 P.M.

Always Open

7:12 P.M.


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