
5:11 p.m.

5:11 p.m.

E K.

E A-A.



I Manifest the Portal and Gate Way Sacred Portal 39/ 93.


Evolution Awakening is about to manifest Any Moment…right now.

5:56 p.m

5:58 p.m.

I am doing it Alone in Human form but with the Aid of my Family who were rising through you, and has been whittled down from the perhaps thousands, of people I was led to meet and interact over the course of this life of this wave or flying carpet of 6th sense and Awakening Memory, then Hundreds, then finally 64 Portals or dimension and finally whittled down to that which played out- resolved itself to manifest today.

E K C E… was the response from the play today.

Each person representing the final equation.


E M F… Terrible Death…

C .. Blue print of Existence in a Female Body but who is really Y Chromosome Male expression of Being.

6:04 p.m.

And K H as the end of Matrix resolved as Woman really 69/ 96 Male.

And Terrible Death as the End, transformed to Beautiful Death – as Beautiful Transformation of all matter back to its original truth… but from O Origins and a journey of 1-9.. 1-7…1-1 97 ..Yes, through matter as space, 9 planets, and Light refracted into colors 1-7.

I am weaving Evolution Awakening in Being in this very reality with the aid of my Eternal Family- Invisible but since the last 10 years have been rising literally through from many to the final equation today

E K C E. E K C S/ .. E C K E.. S.C. K E

E K.C S.. A…

E K..

E K C..

E E.. E-S.

6:12 p/m ( I just thought if I was meant to add A as in Arden/ Alexander, I looked at the time.. His birthday so I added the A to the E K C E…the three people interacted with today..

That is the Invisible Awareness presence of the family rising through)

10 years ago I saw them land and my witness was Fritz Venneiq we were at Pelham Bay Park where he had led me- a perfect ring of mist descended from the heavens ( no I am being literal) and Fritz took it as I as an indication of where we were to sleep.

I was not crazy about sleeping outside, out in the open but I simply noded.

We stayed covered, obscured by that mist from anyone walking or cars driving by. What I thought was one month turned out to be all of July.

6:22 p.m

F V.

Fritz Venneiq we experienced many things there, it was a Holy Place but it was Natures play.

And Nature is Conscious… but humanity and animals are not- they are only aware.

Consciousness.. or True Consciousness is what this play and evolution is all about- to reach True Consciousness via a Planet being Awakened to respond that it is Conscious but taught guided by the E Family.

Emeka Fritiz.

E F.

5 6.

One day we saw them arrive.

I spoke about this and came down to 33rd street where I with Fritz… told Michael Frazer M F, that they had landed.

What bothered me, but I brushed aside in my excitement was that why they had come as swirling dancing lights of energy.. A beautiful beautiful light show but they also poured from our hands and bodies…

I had experienced a taste of the physical body awakening and the process had been beautiful. ease.. so quick.. like an elevator speed of a blink…

I had been in the company of Erek Eclass Mateo and Nexus ..

2002. in a man called Alexander;s office.

It was the same venue where I was made to spend a night alone after I was given the news of my bio fathers passing.

I was so impatient to end this story and go home, and connect with the Family at last in Human form, that I brushed aside the answer, which I already had..

But it seemed inconceivable to me in my state.

You have to understand, this was 2010…

They had risen from within me, literally like frequency waves taking over me for a moment – I let them – as i were a literal space ship and its captain and allowed them to take over the piloting of the ship for a moment..

2004 to 2005.

I felt I was done…

then 5 more years…sustaining this vibration and frequency .. in this world… society.. I am not sure you can relate to what that means..

It means living 24/7 in that reality while engaging with people in this reality and quietly translating everything they say do into the E meaning of the moment while creating a natural character- denser who interacts with that which he, I know is not real.

But connecting with that unseen thing in them which still is….

its hellish.

So 5 more years later…

2010… T J….

I was exhausted, pissed, incredulous… I can not sustain this Truth much longer by sustaining and retaining in every thing I say do, express and link each day is my building the wave and landing strip for which they would land…

And already, I had fought so hard the Unseen forces and the human judgement and condemnation….

I was beat.. knackered….

But the Answered Question.. A Q.

was that they could not possibly moving through Earth and the Body at the same time through the cycle of 9 planets and 1-7 colors…

And if that is so.. it would be 9-7… i could not bring myself to even say it would equate to years…

.. I put it out of my thoughts. shoved that answered question to a room in my Awareness which I ignored… but not really.

Because as the years rolled by, that truth- awareness grew…

9 more years of this…?

In 2010 Tom Truman and Marina Burini can testify to the my state.

The idea of being in this play for just one more day… my very being rebelled and fought… as you have witnessed me do on this page day after day…

i just could not accept that I would be in this play for a moment longer once I had reached the play in 2004.

They rose in me, that which I had been aware of, spoken to.. recollected even wrote their story at age 7-8 which though many thought was a vivid imagination, was actually my literal truth.

But I never sought out to find them until I experienced 11 + years living in Nigeria, and on my return knew that I had to find them because i had come to realize that I was the lone of my kind in this world.

The way i saw things- read, remembered the eternal realm… our eternal nature, everyone around me seemed to have forgotten.

I had to understand what was going on but there was something terrible about this world which even required that a 19 year old begin speaking to them in parables, stories of how to remember how to get through to the light switch within them and how to turn it on.

I spoke and challenged them, proving to them that this reality was not real, and a class mate and room mate called Scratch Osita Nwabude though grasping it responded but then what foundation can we walk on, even though we know this one is a lie.. if take away this foundation which one shall we walk on instead.

Offer us something else.

I came back to the West to find the E Family…

And instead… well i wrote the Jounals as i walked a path meant to be my own will and intent to find my family the natural way, by simply celebrating being myself- which would send out an emission frequency and attract then where ever they were.

It was through this other insane crazy path, which was not my intention- where I found my self being compelled to live with people and be constantly moving- so much i had to pause sit down and begin the journals to not only figure out what the devil was doing this to my life and my will desire…

And why.. so i went into the Silence really my awareness apart from me, who down here is called God.

S.. A G….E… Eternal Truth.

E S-A T/T..A S E.

Now it was stating to me that it was rising manually through the same process we did in Eternal realm and translated and aligned to the Natural World via Creation nature…?

And please remember this physical condition which seems to make me or appear ok to people but inside… made me forced me to translate the knowledge and wisdom of this Human Time line as world – people reading and writing and translate it into your language but cleaned up by being filtered through the E Clean Clear Consciousness…



The were rising through the body as matter understood by this current age of reason…

I was made to use your curriculum, not the E.F, not even mine.. I was being compelled and forced ( violent in my body) to do it Your way.

Living once again in my mind, in the silence, linking weaving and finding a bridge to communicate to you… the arrival of the E Family from within the Body.. Dna…smh and the Air…

And in a vacuum and void, no one which is real, except in this world way of seeing the world.

I wish to make clear once again, what I am doing on Facebook and in the United States.

The Awakening, and the total transformation of all reality, all creation, all perception in a blink- B-Link of an eye all through C Consciousness evolving to to C-E

Consciousness Eternity which leads to I.

The completion of the journey from O Orgasm, Big Bang… Light… to Earth 3rd planet and via understanding the experience of travelling 9 months I.. from O.. and experience Creation Time ( C T) as Loves Expression.

On understanding through a play of time, the meaning of Love.. as that which we understand is Truth proven true ( after experiencing the lie and by exploring the Lie, understand the imperative and importance of Truth).

The understanding of Love which in this case required 4.5 billion years ( 5.4) to present day and moment.

Yes and the Gap…9.3

I just shared a code equation of the Hebrew equation having equated and transformed it into the E version..

Adamah… Do you know that is also an OI Nri Igbo Name…

In Hebrew it means From the Earth … from the Ground…

In OINri Igbo it means the Beautiful Child

It also means First daughter knows.. that she was original a man.

I have evidence of this from to lines my Mother, Onu C…right to Kamora…

O K..

C.K…. B A C K.. E.

Let me start by saying that I wish to make it clear again about what I am doing on Face Book.

I am .. or perhaps was, playing a role in a script created by Humanity and the 4th Dimension of ideas of the definition of The Source, Death, The Creator, God and the meaning of Existence, and Life. Its Purpose and Reason ( P A R… Prince and Revolution Awakening.)

It was a Video game of which I representing the E, Eternal Family, the Family of T E N and the Jay Crew and completion at Zorro.

Zorro as the Masked bandit played by Antonio Band-eras.

And the meaning of Zoroaster…Zarthustra… Eternal Hero’s of the Golden Dawn.

In the Eternal realm and cee we do not have such titles, but we .. and I were made to equate your ideas of such things to a realistic common sense meaning by using the Evolved Consciousness which in truth is the Original Consciousness of Eternal Existence.

I am doing all this Alone yet not alone.

I am alone because I am the only one here present who was given the role of staying awake and aware- so that on completion of my role of finding all the fragments of the original story resolved to Original Truth, ( O.T) and by finding all the members of my Team… Crew… Family but only after passing through the play of Terrible Death.

represented as the body.

And the passing through the portal of Terrible Death ( T D) required the cleansing of the so so so corrupted story of the World which is actually the Beautiful Book called The Body – which contained and contains the entire easy manual of the blue print of existence.

T B.. 20 2… 22. V.

J.L.. 10 12.. 22..

The Body was a representation of Death as the End, which only by transforming the idea of the what Death is, and solving its mystery could we move from the story as Death represented via the birth via a woman body and for 9 months travel through Dark Matter Energy- which forms a body which is made up of Energy both Light as stars and Dark as The ether of space which stars shine through.

The Body is of creation- 13.8 Billion year old Universe and 4.5 billion year old Earth – Destination.

In the E Consciousness I was selected by my family to represent while not only in Human form ( rather than my and eventually, our, natural Evolved Hue-man state) became the journey mission.. J M. of The Story of Being which moved through both light and dark as what might call their origins as Transparent Light…

True Love.

And move via the prism of Time ( Stasis Coma.. Comma.. pause..F L/ LF. P H/ H P… Death)

after conquering death move

O via 7-11-7 to 8. 16 8…7-8…

now with something Added Increased

My day began with a solution resolved in my body after spending most of the night solving it.

It has been a 17 year old journey, what made me think that after battling in every day for 17 years and the Lock in my muscles which took place in the Green House of Sue in Soho 2006 Jan in from of two people- Jerry and Joseph. J J.

It was a person called Johnny who led me there after leaving Michelle Lobsinger from Michigan

( Laura Walsh sent me intel from Michigan today code Hanes and Joseph- not understanding why)


E J 2005

E J J… 2006 Jan.

E J J J…

E T J/ J T..E… John Taylor

Tom Jones…

John Thomas…

J T/T J.

10 20-20 10

2020 Vison.

9 10 years ago

10 9.

Isaiah Joseph

I J.

19 S…reduce.. 10..

S J/ J S.

Stephen Johnson Heaven ( cyber space) Jeron Satya present here

1 58…. 29+29…

Red Truck…

Its all about the Body.

Transformed from through Being moved by an Invisible yet Transparent Family of Light literally moved rising through The One given the Job to stay awake sustaining and retaining the Eternal Infinite I – Individual Memory of the Eternal Family via the Eternal truth being proved in every concievable possibility of what is reality.

And the battle, contest to rise via the truth rep of which everything rose as being the Eternal family..

Rocket ship .. The John Thomas.


That they rose through the Erection of Truth Satisfied E.

T S E…

Not the actual Total Solar Eclipse but rather through its meaning expressed.

That was the challenge of Nature as the Body as Death.

And that is the Prism- a sort of door way open Pink Floyd Album cover had to be closed… no Gap no 1-7 any longer… it is back at * with the harmonics… back on the lane road.. On The Road back on the Hi way of its name identified…

love is clarification expression explained which in the lowest dense matter that Seed was planted and has arisen via Expressing Knowledge.

Explaining Knowing… in Perfection of two Harmonies.


E K…


5 11… 16.

A E K…

16..16…. 88 88.. 4( 8)

1 16… 16 1…

A-A F.. A F A..

16 16 32… I C B Isaiah..

32 is 5…

32+x 56..

E F 2010… T J..

Twins J J…1010.. 1 20… 1 10…

17 17.. 1 17..

I had three interactions today…

With my Body my Self, and my Awareness.

E.. E A.

with Kamora Herrington Intel 14.. and 5 8…

Celia… Bread…

Esteban Miguel Filgueira confirmation of post yesterday of the crossing, 13th Gate, the Sacred portal 43.. The E M F confirming that the Sensational Feelings Y E S…Perfect!…

Is not represented by the mentality or behavior this world mentality in people pretending to represent the physical world or creation of men and women.

That they are not of Nature or naturalness nor the E.

Consequently his intel confirmed that the T S E equation is represented by the E Family…

8:06 pm.

And starts there…

19 84.-8.

91 8 48….

Transformation by E K..


E S.

E K.

E E.

by E to E F…K A K E…

Transformation of the E M F to S F= Y E -A …H E.. S P…Door of Life.

to Feelings Sensational..

48 is Kamora Herrington as Matrix

just as Liberty C Liscomb L lined to Sacred Portal 12..

Kamora Herrington linked to sacred portal 11..



H M/ M H….

Dear Lord.. its gorgeous, and it is sad that i am way to exhausted to explain it all.

But it is the confirmation of the Transformation of physical matter backwards to duality illusion back to C speed of light and in a Blink of an Eye.. back into Eden where the E Family once few now many rise and life right here in the Present Gift…

Creation evolved back to Eternity Eden this time by I and I and a family undercover in non memory adding contributing while i stay isolated sustaining to completion this truth..

They.. you walking to my door full ware and with memory by having made me do the work manually from the ground up, of Earth ( Food Excrement Brown Earth… Yam Food.. Man Woman Nwoke Nwanyi…) even to the proving of what awareness meaning and being Ceeing doing expressing fact…

The meaning of truth.

There is so much which happened to do, in my body to the Body as the Matrix and who is the true Womb and which is the Web and the matrix..

Who is the beautiful true meaning of manipulation… ( as i realize how I use breath to manipulate my inner muscle and organs and skeletal structure to align..) and manipulation as the the evil or fear based meaning…

Basically the source of the evil represented and made obvious in me as the example and the proof.

The Y was declared VIctorious today and yes the one X chromosome is male.. the other represented by the so called necessary evil is the insertion of the story which was the lie.. and if any one would notice… or care.

8:23 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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