
5:10 pm. – E J. – I found myself

5:10 pm. – E J. – I found myself
5:10 pm. – E J. – I found myself

5:10 pm.

E J.

I found myself watching Rocket Man two days ago. Elton John.

E A O.

5:11 pm.
E: A-A.

4-8-2020- 1. 2021- 41= 5.


I saw Zlatan, Haris Babic’s Father like a post today.

Sacred Portal 51, and 48.

In a way I wish that you all really understood what has been happening in the world and in you, but in truth, the Play Script you have been in and many of you witnessing has little to do with you in your present state, but rather that which is about to rise and manifest in you.

Or why my reaching 1737 Facebook friends has such meaning to you and your future present.
But only a few of you were meant to know, The Chosen Ones- whom I was led to, through 64 portals in the U.S.A.
-And those around the 64 portals, but at the same time, each person was given a choice to pay attention and read the facts for themselves and draw their own conclusions.

I know that most of you live here, in this illusion of reality, and some of you as Naturals are doing things in this matrix suspecting that you are being moved by something other than the cause and effects of your lives.
That there is something so much greater moving through you all.

I have the miss fortune of being made, forcibly aware of the play of the Future Present and the Past Present.
I was not allowed the luxury of looking away, it’s in my body-which was to ensure that I would not look away, or ignore what it knew I would see read, and understand.

Why would I choose to look away?
Because what is coming, that which is here, has always been expected but not in the way and manner that it is manifesting, through such effort and focus, that which should be as Ease.

5:27 pm.

There are moments, for the last 29- 28 years when I was made forcibly aware, that I just could not accept that this was the play.
Of Evolution Awakening through Death and Devastation, and through such a personal invasion of my body and being.

Who is going to believe me, I said in 1991 when I got the brief and intel of this mission from Alien Father Alpha.

Well let’s not go into all that I went through to reach this point, I feel those reading my past and witnessing the evidence and facts understand and can imagine the cost.

You, I am aware could not conceive of such a possibility which I have been stating and translating- decoding day by day on my page.
I, on the other hand, could not conceive that such a mission of which I already knew was Truth Satya could be imposed on any being in Human Natural form.
I just could not accept what was happening to me, my existence and life, and most of all what that which you called Alien Extra Terrestrials had asked and then compelled me, forced me to convey battle through to reach this point.
– And while the whole world was sleeping “Inception” in a reality in which I had lived secretly in undercover until age 24 -25.

I could remember everything from that Unseen realm which most of you could not see, but glimpses off, it expected someone, and then alone, to bring that which is Unseen- but seen clearly by me to not only view but actually manifestation to people in coma, comma, in a way for their own protection and link with those called The Chosen Ones, because they chose to awaken slowly albeit but through a conscious expression of one lone being made to walk through an EMField to transform it and prove that one man’s Vision could restore the world to its original intention and destination.
In this reality.
Through this process.

It just did not make sense, and for years, I struggled between walking away from it all in disgust.
If this was the playscript of evolution awakening, I did not wish to have anything to do with it, especially when its of s cruelty not even possible for even the one who had all the memories.
And now that I have experienced it, witnessed its Actual Truth Satya Veritas Eziokwu- walked it lived it, the horrific nature of it has left me silent.
There is a level of Cruelty and Evil -Hatred which I knew simply can not exist, it normally as any basic physician or physics student will tell you, it would cancel itself out.
But for it to be sustained, maintained.

at 5:48 pm Kim Arthur Hinds Jr sent me some intel about the Aztecs and Mayans ( A.M) and it linked to new girls working at his place of work. Then he realized that was the Energy drink he was drinking “Amazon Energy” A-E.

I also saw a share by Alicia with Frank-he was talking about Standing Rock. S R.

David Campillo went to the Amazon.
Ignatio and Betty Barcelona Filgureas.

I do not wish to explain, but I do wish to distance myself from this, from this play, from everything about it.

Each day I post, the nausea of the stench of this playscript, its level of cruelty imposed on one man and all those who were seeking to wake up by being true.

There should never have been Creation and Existence.

6:04 pm.

If Creation Nature was allowed to go this far.

And a force of True Nature which would sustain it until the line of Liberty and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was held hostage by a planet playing Ourbus – the great serpent as the Amazon and Nile.


6:09 pm.

Loathing and Nausea fills my entire being.

6:12 pm Hey Arden.

When you all begin to wake up and when in that new transformed state, you will understand my reasons and the line once of the Eternal Truth who betrayed Its source and the creator in a challenge and those who allowed it.

Its all about Using others, Abusing others, Enslaving other’s life time after lifetime.
And no one doing anything, Human Trafficking.
Do you recall Liberty’s post?
Slavery, 29 Lincoln Street.

Rituals such as the Mayan Aztecs eating human hearts.

6:21 pm

And those so stubborn holding onto a point of view which created such hideous monstrous suffereing and allowed to get away with it for so long, then realizing they were wrong and refusing to take any responsibility, lying and blaming and falsely accusing the innocent just so that no one holds them accountable.
It’s the same play happening on my page.
6:25 pm.

Sustained since Dec 1992

See me at 1, 737 aligned to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and the line of the E Family he now represents.
sacred portal 73 37.

17 37 was the actual play
A.G. C.G.

I do not wish to speak about it, or this anymore.

Riba Villegas.
R I. BA. Vill EG.A. S OS.
R V. The code was meant to be RIVER. RIVAS.

Instead, it became about the body as solid dark matter when the body is actually made of Water, “B’EAU – Te”

*”A recreational vehicle, often abbreviated as RV, is a motor vehicle or trailer which includes living quarters designed for accommodation. Types of RVs include motorhomes, campervans, coaches, caravans (also known as travel trailers and camper trailers), fifth-wheel trailers, popup campers, and truck campers.”

A code as White Trash as O W T/ TWO

RS/RV. Reentry System/Reentry Vehicle.”

As in a Viscious Cycle of reaching the Peak Consciousness and instead of being released you are forced to re-enter.
Erik Ebright in Miami spoke of that.

It actually is a Military Parlance and French

*”What does RV point stand for?
MC – Military Cross. RV – Rendezvous Point. FRV – Final Rendezvous Point.”

Yes, Army Man.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was in the Military and I have been in ‘Gods Army” since 1981-1982.

Riba means *”Last name: Riba
It originates from the ancient Roman (Latin) word ‘ripa’ meaning a river bank or possibly a plateau by a river or from places of the same name. As a surname it originally denoted someone who lived at such a place.”

River BANK.H.

*”Riba Name Meaning … Catalan: topographic name for someone who lived on the bank of a river or the shore of a lake, riba (Latin ripa), or a habitational name …”

Shore- Of A LAKE.

Liberty Alicia Kim Eric.
S L.

*”Etymology and definitions — The word riba was used by the Arabs prior to Islam to refer to an “increase”. In classical Islamic jurisprudence the definition …”

*”Royal Institute of British Architects. QUIZ. ARE YOU A TRUE BLUE CHAMPION OF THESE “BLUE” SYNONYMS? We could talk until we’re blue in the face about this …”

*”EtymologyEdit … From Old Occitan riba, from Latin r?pa, from Proto-Indo-European *rey- (“to tear, cut”).

*”EtymologyEdit … From Old Occitan riba, from Latin r?pa, from Proto-Indo-European *rey- (“to tear, cut”).

It means Suscpicon in Arabic and…

Riba is a concept in Islam that refers broadly to the concept of growth, increasing, or exceeding, which in turn forbids interest credited from loans or deposits. The term “riba” has also been roughly translated as the pursuit of illegal, exploitative gains made in business or trade under Islamic law, akin to usury.”

Riba (Arabic: ??? ,?????? ???????? rib? or al-rib?, IPA: [?r?bæ?]) can be roughly translated as “usury”, or unjust, exploitative gains made in trade or business under Islamic law. … It is also mentioned in many hadith (reports describing the words, actions, or habits of the Islamic prophet Muhammad).”

Water which Flows
Body of water and two banks- the Body with Two sides as One.

Or the Use and Abuse of it, and being and everything including this script and play sustained.

6:57 pm.
Ah, yes, you do recall that Time code stamp Genius Play.

I said 117=?

My answer 68
which turned out to be correct and I had to defend… what?
And then 86.
Emeka Uzoma 86
The last time I spoke to my Self.
Arden 8-6-2020.
It was here on the Heater Yo-Yo Man later placed in my room.
Kim got a Space Heater.

Meaning that some one or sum thing dubbed him the Supreme Harmony knowing it was already I.
Just to cause chaos, confusion, challenge resent, doubt and suspicion.

7:03 pm.

Taking advantage of those who are not paying attention to the play.

7:04 pm.

7:05 pm
75. S.P.I.

7O5 See sacred portal 70 “Mother of Greed”

7O 5
G O. E
Go means number 5 in Japanese.
I still have 5 USD in my wallet and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr is home free to the E, represented and playing the “Devils Advocate”
“District Attorney”. DA

D A D,

Attorney General
A G.
Robert F.Kennedy.

* Kennedy Boateng K.B.
Brother of J F K.

/B.G.K. B- 7 11.

See the post of Vladimir-ro w
His age code is 68.

117=68, increment 11. K= 11.

G A-A.

Riba R F.K.
Refection as Carbon Copy 33= 6, 6 6 18.
36 O
F A-A.

V I. LL=A-. E GA. SOS.

*”Found as name of village near Burgos. … If conjecture true, name implies, village where manufacturing is done. “Egas” is a variant of “echa” meaning “casa” or house.”

Mackayla Burgos.
John Mack and Mackayal Burgos of Puerto Rican ancestry.

EC.HA. 53 81.

C-ASA. or H O-US.E= H. F.U.S.E.
Fuse Box, on and off.

I am the House
Of Many Rooms.
Micha- Nnamdi Kolo.
The Fuse Box.

7:21 pm.

I can make the lights, the stars, the dawn, morning rays, turn off or On, or never come on again.

Which is the meaning of the one Human Avatar Descendant IS, of the Being of First Light.
F L.
First Love.

*”Early Origins of the Villegas family. The surname Villegas was first found in Andalucia, in southern Spain. Product.”

I never went to the south of Spain, I was in Barcelona and never went to Andalusia “Burgos?” is also a name carried by Jewish People.
“/ So. GR Golden Ration U Be so what?”

No, Oliver Burgos is my Facebook friend, Mackyala’s First Cousin F C, code O B. E.Y. E.

My connection was sustained with John Mack after I spilt with Mackyla while at Fair Field.
She chose despite training and her own brilliance to chose Woman as Supreme-
The Source.

River Bank… R B/ B R O.T H.E- R.

I believe something was still testing and checking the language and efficiency of my codes and coding system of re-entry into the eternal beginning in a play of my opening the codes of the combination of a Safe.
Reall self-interest.
Am I… are we Safe from your wrath if we come Home.

My Reply.
But to face that risk of the Consequences that await you on rising that to stay here where its a certainty.
No Hope.
Of ever escaping the safe of the I as Fort Knox that I have created for you to experience the I E as E I Hell Fire over and over again on to the threshold of I, Father of Infinity Mother of Manifest Destination M O I.

At least with me and your rising transformation, you at least are unsure of the outcome.

Excuse me, I was addressing the Eternal Family still in you, the shell.

7:41 pm


7:43 pm.

To Life- Eternal.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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