
5:10- 5 11 p.m

5:10- 5 11 p.m


E J…E K. Emeka John… Emeka Kolo

5 11..Newington Connecticut/Harford Connecticut-New York.

E is T E N.

E is 1 1…

C C O T S… See the play of 33

33 Vertebra ( it feels like I am fighting Multiple Sclerosis..M.S)

33 Degree Mason…

Age of Christ etc…

What it actually means is Two Conscious Cees of Creation in One full Circle of The Script.

I have been watching the series O.A ( Omega Alpha 6-1 in Greek.)

I recognized the actress as being line of Clara Star Child

3rd Principal of the family of TEN.


Sacred Portal 29 linked reflected in this Script to Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Kelsie Bissell

E M F… K B.

Converge Merge, and see what Emerges ( E= C.M.e 4/3)



F. B.

Meaning E K Manifested Everything through and On Face Book


O A uses dance movements to o[en up portals to other dimensions.

She and 5 others, organized by the one called Stephen.

One and Five. O.F. O A F

5 1 5 10 5 T E N… E T E N E E Tenne in French ( E Takes E Gives

5 1O E One Full Circle And the true Story of Pi..

5 0-O=15… 1 5 =6

E.F… One Eternal Family.


11- 1

R M…

Rm… 31

4 = D

Delta Alpha Bravo.

Devas Divine Grace.


47 11 28 39 L.

5:50 p.m


5:51 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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