
5:09 pm – 59. – 569. – 5-6-2022. –

5:09 pm



5 6.6.

5:11 pm.


E K.
E A-A.

E A.

Micheal Trahe brought to my attention a post from 4-21-2017.
5 years ago, in which on that date I saying Good Bye.

5 years later on that same date I was in the same play with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr rep of Reflection of Man Kind, with a post he had intuitively and knowingly chosen whom I had posted and shared in 4-21-2013.

The date of Queen Elizabeth’s Birthday.

Michael Trahe.
20 13= 33.
3/3 =1.

Anyone having access to my page since I began posting the ” Play Script will see the Constancy and Symmetry going back to 2011 and 2012 to 2022.

I never set out to prove anything to this world people.
Not Harmony not consistency not Perfect Symmetry.
It was only the physical condition of my body which compelled me to come to Facebook and post and in doing so revealed an intent to prove what I called Lord Fathers truth.

For people to see and judge for themselves.

It was truly in my awareness a mission Impossible considering that Nature of Cruelty as the current mentality of this world people.
Cruelty versus Creativity – Arts and Science explained.

If any one had told me 15 years ago that I would be brought to what I saw as the worst possible public interface social media site to present my Evidence of Evolution Awakening I would have laughed and turned away.

But here I have been 10 11 years to reach its point and end.

5:29 pm

Not my way, but in a template of which was determined by the Condition of my body dictating my way of Being, to Express and Explain what Dana Hawkins so eloquently posted and which as the representative of Absolute Truth, I had to make Honest and Transparent Supremacy Rocket Fuel in not only Expression but of being confronted with what I was always been aware of the Destructive Mentality of this current world time line.

I was told that it was the only way to get my Truth out and share it with the world people.

But the Truth was I never really intended to Share anything with this world people and that was a decision I knew by August 1999.

I had already written a story of this world being destroyed by age 7-8 replaced by another Species the original true intent of this world.
Beautiful Harmonious Transpatent Beings.
Who where slated to replace the Abominable Nature of the Cruel Evil nature of Humanity.

But during the organization of that Idea of A Festival of Sharing which I hadamminced publicly to Journalist Ashe Aranne friend of cartoonist Ergun Gundex, L ( a A. E G), in 1997, my last effort to offer my suggestions to the inevitable death and Destruction of this world people, I was confronted with True Nature
True People who grasped and fought for the True Intent of my idea for this world.

A Festival of sharing where every persons could find a safe haven to Air and Share the Truth and In the company of a supportive group of people be encouraged to rise above the cruelty and destructive nature of this world mentality of Tearing others down rather than building it them up.

Their Beautiful Ideas.

I had already understood this world at age 7…8-9.

And began writing my own private journals in 1989 called Talking To The Silence.
On my observation, and with no interest in this world and its people.
I began to write it for the simple intent of finding the Eternal Family
My Family of people who you did explain anything to.

Instead, I found my seld with my E-Spirit spirited away into a situation not of my intent.
I began to find myself living non stop with people I had no intention to live with be with and because of that my Journals were transformed from a private endeavor and search to all these stories of the people who I was forced to live with against my will.

It was the only way I could survive living with them, interacting with them.

You have to understand my quandary, I already knew that these people in this world where both Good and Evil.
Dualistic and that you could never Trust them because in a blink of an eye they would switch becoming the Liars by switching from Good to Evil.

I despised them privately
Not because there was no Beauty in them but because there was no consistency in them. Nothing constant except that they would inevitably betray that Beautiful Truth in them in convience of the Lie.

But somehow, as I moved in London England after experiencing them in Nigria, it felt as though I was being forced to study them up close by living with them.

To me that was when my Nightmare of being in Existence began.


I fought like a fury to get away from living with them, I did not wear a mask or masquerade my quiet contempt.
After all most of them were likable some even approaching desirable but I never stopped being vigilant and never did I trust them.

I could read it in my journals, my distance my lack of trust and even in my essays and Poetry where I sought to make sense of each experience and understand thier point of view, which there was really nothing to understand you could see the politeness and yes, my disdain and contempt.

They will always betray.

And worse, was the more you loved them, fought for them, the more they will betray the truth they had chosen as their True Selves.

6:12 p.m

When I met Arden Gemino- and then Ferrill children of Liberty C and I saw their distrust of people and Ferrill inequitable Expression of his dislike of Humanity apart from certain individuals and Ardens surrounding him self with only a certain group of people and my conversations with him…
I not only understood but agreed.

I never stopped moving and my Journals meant to be a simple note book like the story I wrote age 7-8 transformed into 3 Volumes of Hundreds of People Stores I had encountered
I had no problem when in September 1992, When Energy began leaving my body and I knew it was Death.
My only question was why I had been steered into writing about all these people rather than finding my E Family.

I wondered what had been the point of my Life.
For I always knew that every life had a poin, a a Story. A Reason and Purpose for comming into being.

My life up to that age 24… aka in the lie, 26 had been nothing but surmounting illusions not even real to me.

What was the point?
I wondered, but I was happy to go and that is when I became so weak and drained I could no longer leave the Apartment and walk to the Cafe Beauborg in Les Halles near the Modern Museum Pompidou.

And so I sat down and began to prepare myself, I wrote to my Mother to explain
” Morning Time in Paris”

And another piece called “And So I sought Deaths Door”

It was not a lament.far from it as Fritz Venneiq years later read.
It was a Celebration as well as my simply stating to Death that since it would appear that life had refused me. I had come back to my Beloved Beautiful Death.
It was not about Nnamdi symbolizing Death it.was an honest assertion and depiction of my life, and the Joy of my qualifications for Life and how I loved its Truth its Beauty and that I truly deserve to Live in it’s TRUE Expression

And in that calmness and serenity I lay down after opening the gas oven so to make it that my body would not come back making my intention clear to death, and I lay down on the 25th date….
And never got back up until I experienced that fantastic Luminosity speedlng through a darkness in a blink of an eye.

And there it was.

Everything left me, weight, thought. Even my questions
I stood before this Light so Amazing its Feelings Sensations sensaiinal radiated- radiant, was so beautiful so Glowing Glorious Glorious Ecstasy. ..

I was there.
It was real was the only immediate response
I remembered uttering to myself.
I did not question if it was A Fact until I was asked to come back.

The world and everything ceased to.exist.
Until I heard that voice almost behind me..That which I had Passed through speak behind me.

Why did I pause…
Why did I listen to it?
I used to ask myself
But I did.
And I do not believe in Regret

And so here we are 8-7 + 22 years later.

29 + years later.

In that same place and state.
At Beautiful Deaths door, have lived moving in London Spain Paris Istanbul USA…and many other countries cultures having written since 1989.

To 2022.

33 years.

Nothing has really changed and yet, everything has changed.

I have the same conclusion I drew and wrote as a 7-8 year old boy in 105 Wiltshire Bay. Winnipeg Canada Windsor Park. In 1974 and 1975.

I have lived, and was led to Chris Filgueira Born 12-14- 87.
And am now Living and led to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr born

7-8 year old boy.

And I have Investigated and even Experienced my Conclusion drawn for 25 +22 years.
47 years.
24 2/2=1.
Evidence AY

Since I wrote my impressions as a 7-8 boy for my Beautiful Substitute teacher while in Grade 4.

And I have coded Proved Programed that same intention. As the End of this realm and even explained and proven Why.

7:06 pm



Transparently & with Supremacy and Rocket Fuel generatee from Nothingness to Nevi Ehko for all to see my Operating System and the true Immortal Technique.

The only difference is that I am Taking a Family of TEN.
10 through that portal and an Energy Family through a portal.

And the I & I with me.

7:09 pm


And ensured in nmy own quiet way the Ultimate Distruction of a treacherous Non Existence Species.

7:11 pm

Will never rise to see Beauty and The Beautiful Ones.
Perfect Truth.
Incarnate here as A Fact.

And I did it your way.
My way.

Through a realm of Liars Decievers while publicly transparently speaking in Perfect Harmony Perfect Symmetry
And in Perfect Timming

The Point.
The Whole Point of The Beautiful Truth.

7:15 pm

A.M.P D.R I.V-E.

P.A.N G.E.A.



GOD-S Father

Truths Father ..



I have my Suns Sons and Daughter line with me.
All of me.


G.A.I. A M.A.N.

Harmony E.

H.E- A.M. Wonder A Man.

10:10 p

10:11 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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