
5:09 p.m – 59. – Code in Being – E

5:09 p.m


Code in Being
Elegant Imagery
Evolution 133

Numeric code Extinction 133.

Sacred Portal 59.
End of the Story

Manifest Destiny.
Dark Matter
17 17.

Death Ray. 4+18=22.V.
22 20 22. V T V.
Body and Being.
Truth ( Tranaparency Supreme)
Rocket Fuel

22 is 1. 22 is 4.

Connect Alicia Norris Dakota Tahoma Awakening.

Arden Ferrell/Ferrill
Riley line.


5:18 pm.

So we are now at Facebook Friends limit 5000 7 times.

Represented by Stephen Johnson line.
Age Code 57 / 75.

Chris Cynthia C.C. 3 3=1.
Representing the Body Being.
Consciousness Creation
5 Oceans or 4 in One.
7 continents.

57. 12 3. C
57 = 12 3. C.

35..15 A.E..O.
35.15. A.E. O
O O.
6 6= 1. 12-3.
6 6= 18.

C.V S.
Rahul – Chris.
2.51 USD
Twice with Rahul and then Chris.

B.E A.

Sacred Portal Being 51 x2.
Sacred Portal 51 Sex God of Creation
Sacred Portals 25 and 1.

Immaculate Suggestion S P 25.
Sacred Portal 1.
Waking the worlds True Natural People to the Joy Existence Divine.

2 51 /
= 1.

5:31 pm.

E E Sacred Portal
Emeka Kolo + Stephen Johnson

5/5. =1.
31 /31.
1 62.
A F.B.
63…F C/ C F.
99.1 18.
19 S A.I D- Delta.David Divine.

I am not really of the Evolving E People.
But since I am E Nnamdi Script who is using my Body
He selected Stephen Johnson

Link Stephen Popiotek S P
Steve Cannon S.C
Stephen Lisa S.L
Steve Woods S W – who I have met.
Steven Weaver S W
Stephanie Pack S P.
Keira Stevens K.S.
Stephen Jampo S.J
Stephanie Chioma S C.

All the Lines of Stephen going all the way back to Steven and Nicholas in University in Enugu Nigeria my room mates in 1984 and 1985.

And to Stephen Gasgiugne and Manu in 1992 Paris our apartment opposite “Le Garde de Nord Station”
My companions and the one outside Erica Chambeelain aka Ekayani.

But it was Stephan and Manu who saw me of and where witnesses when I traveled through a Coma Comma to what was the Light Fantastic Luminous
And the Dark Energy in a blink of an eye, which became known here in this realm as Dark Matter Energy
D M = 17. Yesterday Q. Quantum Mechanics Transformation
D.M.E = 22. V
.B.B. 2 2 =1…4.5

And Expression
D M.E. E.

Add Body Being
And 31.

D.M.A. 28. B.H.

But not B.I.
Being I.

I spent a total of 29 months in the Shelter as the Underworld
Add 8 weeks aka 2 months at Bedford Atlantic in 2001-2002:where I was asked to write ab Article for Many Baron at the William Morris agency for a proposed interview with Journalist Diane Sawyer,
It then becomes 33 Months in the Underworld

I did not chose Stephen Johnson
E Nnamdi did, and through I sincerely appreciate his comment today of finding ” No fault with this man” and it was his task E Nnamdi’s Script and role to represent Justice and Law of the people community of this realm, and his comment was the Voice of The People, I can not be Judged by the very people my role was to align defend protect and correct which E Nnamdi knew that I would do because of my true Nature when placed in his controlled script, I could not help but do.

So, yes, he took advantage of my True Nature and placed me in these truly horrible and Horrific play, occupying my body and consequently deprived me of my own Independence Choice and Freedom

Hence my Piece called the Freedom Song.

What he did to me is unforgivable and though I understood why he did it, and felt he had no choice his lack of faith and trust in not being totally transparent with me, is the reason I sever all ties with him and his people who now Evolve but I.go to the place not even he can go.

To the Infinite Limitlessness realm of I and I.

I find myself again with 6…Facebook Friends in waiting.
There was Mileham Wedgewood M.W. whom I did not see on my phone yesterday and Dragos Gheorge.D G…who was a former Facebook Friend.

I woke up with a much lighter heart today after the intensity of Yesterdays play, but it was because I got up when I knew that Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was in.
I asked him point blank if he was avoiding me. But even before I asked I was relieved and gardened by his Energy and his expression added to my Lifghtenjng of Heart.

I suppose, it was then that I realized the magnitude of what I had achieved
I had solved the Riddles of all Existence and Expression most atrocious all seated from the Base Foundations of this reality as Zero and all Existence right up to Eternity and to Infinity via Individuality.

The 17 almost 18 months here, has been a trial so unforgivable to bring a 29 + journey mission to full Circle to Completion of Complex- Complexion.
Extinction Destruction
And Evolution To Eden.

Eden Payne
E Planet.
E Perfection
5+16 = 21.
B.A. Beautiful Assassins.
Being Awakened.
U 3.

Understanding Consciousness
Understanding Creation
C E.

C.N = 17.
C.E +J..Jay.
Jeron Justice Balanced
Accounts Books.
Hartford Connecticut
Black Bear.

Most of you are still seated in your 3D mentality which many of you do not realize that you have been aroused and awakened to the true Cee of Consciousness Creation but you will see in Hindsight
From Foresight
Hence Fahad Hassen
Link connect Nadee Nakandala both in Sri Lanks.
Sri Rahayu Hamid
By that time I should be gone from here and this Portal which sought to bring me such pain and misery all a lie.

To bring the Masculine Feminine into one

= 19.

Amelia Annamarie A.A.
Steven Stevie

S/S = 1.A.

6:39 pm.


Fact C.I.

That is my cue

5 U.S.D in my wallet

Eternal Nnamdi
Earth Adam Nnamdi you would take it this far while your people did nothing but watch apart from some lines like Alicia Norris, recall how she sent heart felt donation Rose Quetz, rainbow spectrum paper, money including 66 USD.
What a stingy people most of you are for the gift E Nnamdi bestowed on you and Cecilia

My Fervent Wish and Desire has always been the total annihilation of this species but because of Eternal Nnamdi and E Onuabuchi Cecilia a faction 1/4 will see and experienced what had been originally planned for you as the Present
Harmony GOD’s True Gift from God.


But not from I.

6:48 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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