
5:07 pm. – 57. – 567 – 5-27-2020-1.

5:07 pm.

5-27-2020-1… 21.
Yes- the day I left here exactly two years ago to Freeman Avenue.

It also represents a Planet and a Universe -Peoples as Individuals leaving the Universal Simulation as Death.

5:11 pm,
E K,

Like death, you can see the play of AMC- O theater production on my page.

I received two messages One from Haris Babic A Photo strip speaking so much like Nnamdi Harmony I.. he made a joke about how it looks like to volunteer to be part of the Great Awakening.

I had responded in the way he probably knew I would with a slight apoplectic fit.
Instead, I burst out laughing.
“Bastard” I mumbled smiling…with beautiful sadness.

It’s true though what he sent what it conveyed that I did come down from the Grand Awakening.
I knew about it, but as is written in my Creation story of the family of TEN.
They did actually Volunteer to come down when they were summoned by The Source and asked if they wish to partake in the Final Mission of going down into the lowest frequency to evolve them to the completion of the First Dawn Awakening.

5:17 pm.
E A G.

And the image he sent was very much the same bravado attitude I wrote about.

The mission to merge the Highest Frequency and the Lowest Frequencies.
H.F. L F. 86 12 6.
H.L. H C. I C.
Harris Liberty intel today.

But how on earth did Haris Babic know this?
Of course, he would.
But in the story of the family of TEN, which came back to me in 2004, I was The Source, but I was undercover in the Family of TEN as Spirit E with my twin aspect David Devoted, who was the only one aware of my true Idenity.

And the Family of Ten did not tell me, they kept the intention to have me play the Awareness of Existence. They kept it a secret from me, the same way they dropped me off in the field without telling me why.
In the story, the two playing father and mother tell Devi and I believe Clara, that at all cost that they should not tell me the role they had assigned me, in case I would refuse and because the frequency I represented was so fragile, and so refined that for such a frequency to go such a base low frequency that there was an enormous risk that such a frequency could not endure such a base level and that there was the constant possibility that he would leave from the horror of such an unrefined frequency.

Because Spirit Existence Awareness is Ephermal…

Like Perfume.

Which makes sense why I watched the movie Perfume again two days ago and finished it last night.

Of course, the true version is not “The story of a murderer” but rather that which brought life into beings iteself.

So yes, I was not told, nor did I volunteer, and that is why so many of you have heard the anger in my expression.

The truth is that a Source is A Man and not even the Family of Ten aka 55 E C “Expression & Creation/ Creation Energy” 53 35
535 knew this.

The only one knowing this My awareness who played Devi Devoted.
John Clara and even Noni promise suspected but no one knew.
The only one knew that the Source was a man.
They had been summoned by what I can say now was my Highest Incarnation which was this Beautiful Radiant light which to them had no form- It did but they had not attained the frequency of completion- that was the basis of the very last mission to be able to ascend through this last play to see the source face and being literally.

Up until that point the Family of Ten – The Elegant Nomads had been WAVES of the highest family in Expression Conscious, and if they as the Original Sum beginning could be unified by the last and final but lowest frequency of being- a line of beings so low in frequency that they were simply an idea- Potential which had been made Kinetic.
“DMIC TP/K 115 A.G.E.”
If the Highest and Lowest could merge then All would be revealed including the ID of The Source as A Man.
Hence the final playing of unifying Man to his Highest aspect of Self- closest to the source.
the T E N as 5 5 mering with 2.9 billion descendants and completing the sacred portal 79 of 7.9 billion people and extracting from that Total of all possibilities allowed to Exist till the 2.9.
1/3rd would rise.

In a way, for Haris Babic to send me that message, it was an indication that Nnamdi Harmony Nature. Father was present in him speaking to me as himself via Haris.
Because it was impossible for Haris to know all this.

It was the story I wrote in 2004 when the family of TEN literally rose in me each one speaking and as they rose through me I heard everything, saw everything.

Harris had told me yesterday how he saw everything when he would rise to awaken before going back down as Waves Moving waves and that the walls and other things around him would all be moving in Waves but not all the same Frequency.
Its how he recognized he said the multi-dimensional nature and other universes existing together but separate.

He sent me the message at 2:04 pm
24. 2 64,
E M F.
Being Doing.

The next message was from Liberty C Liscomb.

She had given brith to a Baby Boy!.

I had seen that while I was living there, with her, that she would have that which her heart had long desired, which was to give birth to a daughter.
I saw it.

But then it changed, that harmony we had vanished and I left her not in harmony.

Nor was she and I close by.
Nothing is written in concrete and I see very clearly but things also change by human action and expression, and most of all this is still not my scipt.
As you can obviously see, I am powering it,
Hence the black BEAN Bag.
Arden refers to BE AN as his girlfriend Autumn Smol.
The Bean is of course myself in actuality since the Cafe Bean to the mitochondria bean-shaped DNA which powers the Body by generating Energy.

*”Mitochondria are familiar as bean-shaped structures floating in the cytoplasm, and they are almost inevitably referred to as “powerhouses” of the cell because they generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the fuel for most metabolic processes.

*”ATP is considered by biologists to be the energy currency of life. Cells that require the most energy – such as the brain, heart, skeletal muscles, and the eye – contain the most mitochondria. Mitochondria have their own DNA and RNA so can increase their numbers in response to increased energy demands of the cell, such as after repeated muscle contraction.”

And yes, the constant loosening and contracting of my body via its twisting.

I knew who the baby was but as my distance and contact with the family and Liberty came back together with Thomas, I was no longer focused my awareness on her and her womb.
I knew who was coming but I had let go of attention on her because she was back with Thomas and had created a child and thus, they were a family of this realm which she had made clear when I left.

I was more focused on completing the equation of her children who I had met and had been in Harmony with but they all were contained by the bounds of reality and this realm’s social structure.
I had no place there anymore and did not feel it, nor was it enacted.

My only focus now was on solving the riddle.
They were not my family, and I was made to accept that.
Nor did I wish to ever experience such a thing again- ever.

My role was to complete the play of Nnamdi Arden – Aureli to Ferrel Leander Jeron.

So when Haris connected with me at 10:12 pm on Tuesday with his code tel number and I sent him mine.
I knew that 10-12-2020 was the last time I saw Liberty with Jeron Lang.
J L and it was when she told me that she and Thomas had conceived a child in September and the code she used was 7.
but the code was actually 9-7.
And so I let go.

6:12 pm.

Hey Arden.

I gave her back her family, and her authority and her rights were acknowledged mine was denied even to being The Source.
I was denigrated into a family friend who had helped out in a difficult time.
I felt used even abused but more by a setting and set up which placed me.. the children and finally A mother in such an awkward situation.
My feelings and the bond of truth which I felt I had represented and fought for were basically ignored and nor was I acknowledged by her or her children.

I still did the work, as you saw and witnessed because I did not feel any real anger, just hurt and acceptance.
And of course, I let the children go.
As well as Arden.

But I would still prove thier truth, and fight for them to awaken to that which I already knew them to be.
But to be ignored and placed in such a situation, such setup, and which appears so one way- me constantly giving and then coding them nonstop fighting for them.

* Is there anyone in Existence who would do the same for me, I used to wonder.
Until I stopped.
This is who I am, who I have understood I am.
I do it naturally.
I was oble to observe the truth of myself for the first time.

This was not about Self Love.
It was about Self Truth.
Everyones, Truth even including mine.
So I have seen my truth in action when placed in the most extraordinarily unfair circumstances and situations and under extreme constant pressure and when no one cares if you really live or dies, are living a Nightnare.

I have witnessed my truth who I am.
My Identity and my personality even when the Eternal Truth, The Eternal Law- everything you know betrays that Truth.
Betrays Trust.

I have my truth and it is the meaning of True Love because Love is C. Consciousness. 17 5.
Truth is C.
T C. 20 3.
23 W. Double VV.

Even as I sit here in the Kicthen table- the same place I wake up to every single day, as I did at 29 Lincoln, and the red couch and deck at 900 South Road and before that going back every day for 20 years…29 years.
Since I began in 1989.

With nothing, not even the E manuals aligned to Haris now to Libert.
H L.
to Arden -Aurelia lines.
My body still stiff, sore, twisted and I am aware that this is my Life.
Has been my life, talking to you through a computer, and to the true you moving through you.

I have seen my own Reflection.
My Truth.

No one can take that away from me

I knew that the whole point was that the insult done to my Beautiful Pride was meant to make me deny them all, especially the children and Arden that there was no way in Heaven and earth that they could be of my line or the E Family.
But I knew the play, that it was set up for me to deny the and cut from them all forever.
My E Family are Eternal True, sure I loved and love them, but no one is more important than I.


*There is that Time code again.

To be honest, my true self would have simply walked away from them after having spent 11 months, I would ensure that they were safe and protected especially the Youth- Children.
But Arden… Aurelia and Jeron had done something to me- thier beautiful truth all of them now including Ferrell and Leander I could not deny.
Nor the Connection to Arden and Arden Aurelia.

So I just followed the script and as you could all see they were everywhere.

I do not see it as a coincidence that I had 11 USD in my wallet when I called Haris, or that he was in New York the 11th State in Long Island.
or that the Sacred portal 56 and 110 is the E Family.

Perhaps, I do know the reason why the day after I conversed with another human being by telephone for the first time in 5-6 months was with Haris, and that he told me that Victoria Jackson his ex is now 9 months pregnant and then the next day Liberty finally gives birth.

Her 6th Child.
And a Boy.

I told Kim- Tree Sage and he amazed me by articulating in such a way that I felt I was talking to Haris- or was it a tag team that after Haris where Jae Sherman was present and I was still on the phone with Haris when Kim came in created that ink to the wave of Haris Intellect and Heart rose in Tree Sage and he expressed so eloquently why Liberty did not have a daughter.

You saw it Emeka- it is different from creating it and human beings have free will and choice and they can change the outcome of that which is seen to manifest by their own will and choices.
He said the things I could not bring myself to explain to Liberty, nor even articulate.
The truth is, I am too tired of explaining, especially the obvious.

I am generally happy for Liberty and Thomas.
I know who the child is.

he was born at 5:35 pm am this morning.
A Handsome fellow 9 pounds and according to Liberty a quick and easy birth for which she expressed her gratutide.

9 pound she noted, as Jeron.

I sensed a grace and gratitude in her expression and she sent me the intel at 1:47 pm.

Yes, 147.
Sacred Portal 147 AB ( 17 17)

Liberty when she is Calm and seated in the throne of her true nature- is truly someone beautiful and glorious to behold.
Her intelligence and clarity and imagination are not of any world people I have encountered.
It is why I could not help but fight and fight for her personally because I could not deny that glorious graceful person which the play script has confirmed over and over again as the perfection of my Cee right down to the Alicia Norris play The Anchor. E S P.
In sacred Portal 147, there are Two, who are one. making then 3.
1 who is 3.
7 14 21. C.and 28+another 7 is 35.

Aurelia she commented with a chuckle, was glad to be still the only girl was present and awake at 2:30 am ( 23) she noted and was amazing and encouraging helping her through it all.

That made my heart smile.
I do not speak of the Gemino Lang’s often, and I suppose today I am compelled to because of this script and the role I was given to play.

I think of the feelings of Arden- Aurelia, Jeron Leander, and Ferrell- their point of view.
What they must feel.
For now, they have their mother, their father, and a stepfather.
And I have been following them- their hearts and mind intellect through E S P and they have what they need to become.
That is all I could do, make sure they become that which I knew and recognized them to be at first glance and the representatives of a new species rising throughout the world.
That was the most important thing to me, and to that force moving me and twisting me still.
There are times when I do wonder if they ever think of me…
But as I have been coding them into existence as these beings for the last 7 months, I realized that it did not matter.
What mattered was that they become.
As for me, my feelings- well I have no need of them, as they have no need of me, truly?
Family does not “need” each other, are not dependent on each other- they chose to be together and it becomes the most joyous glorious dance… boogie.

The notion of family here has always appalled me.

I do not believe in Hurt, Pain and Suffering, and misery.
And rather than have it like that, I would rather that I not have it at all.

And I know my value and worth, what I deserve.
Nor do I demand it of anyone- to love me as I love you- them?

No, that should happen naturally, that feeling of being Values, Cherished to feel Beloved and Loved.
And in a most terrible setup for us all, I know that I have conveyed that to them all.
I know how difficult it has been for me personally, from the moment we met to my leaving, and the hell it has been coding them while fighting all those denying Arden… as being his own version of I and how far they went to deny him, then by seeing my point of view and the mixed feelings in me I have had to fight, knowing all I have had to destroy and prove that I am The Source of the E Family.

But even that and they, I have let go off to look to myself.
Me, my experience and be satisfied with me, as Emeka Kolo.
My God, what I have achieved. what I have endured, what a warrior and how truly and deeply I love and yet how stern I can be on Truths and Transparency’s Principal.

I am loved somewhere, this I know, have always known, but I also accept that it is not here.

Because I know what love is, and it does not make you feel this way.
Love lifts you up.
Takes you to cloud 9 and to C.I.

And so for this moment in time and space, I am content.
I have made my peace.
And I have said No.
To this, to this script, to this play, and to this enactment- for I am sacred Portal 22.

And I am Alone
And did this alone.

And there is no sense of Loneliness in me- for I am complete in myself.
And yes, I deserve that Supreme Love- but I also accept when it simply can not, or was not given, and for me seeing that which I do naturally, it only natural that the same is given back to you, me, naturally and with ease, as easily as the way Liberty gave birth.

… Or Not at all.

And I am content with that.
Satisfied? No.
Content. Yes.

7:21 pm.

P S. I am at 1569 Facebook Friends now.

Yes, 69. 15= 6+9= 15

Nnamdi 4-5-1969
45 = 9. .. 6 is 9.
45 x =20.

9 20,
I have 92 USD in my wallet.
Dark Matter.
Delta Manor.

9 months in the womb.
9 Planets in the Miky Way.
6th Sense becomes 9.

I wish Liberty Liscomb and Thomas Lang Joy and Congratulations on the birth of their son.

I am Glad.

But now I have no desire to help or Aid anyone or be part of their lives.
Each to their own.
Everyone is well equipped and Grown Up.
G U.


I just want to be left in peace and to go quietly home… alone.

7:57 pm.

I am still here, it fills me with amazement still.

I am still here bound- and posting on Facebook, exposing all I feel and know to a mainly faceless world.

7:58 pm.

There are no words.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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