
5:06 pm – 56. – 5:26 pm. – E.Z. –

5:06 pm


5:26 pm.


Just to illustrate the play still going on, I woke up yesterday and today with the code on the Microwave at 14 and then 49.

Jae S. was at the sink and went back again and again as I worked at the table,
I did not do so yesterdays preferring to stay inside.

Her “Mother” Donna, had come yesterday, so I was aware based on her pattern, that she would react and respond.

But I finished the post, and knew I had to get some things from 1544 C-Town.

I ignored Jae, knowing that she was back to her old tricks, lies deception- patterns, but only after did I walk to 1544 C-Town did I realize what was going on was the play of Terrible death as Nnamdi -Nnonyem- True Nature, and that I had been set up.

The Telephone Card, I know Liberty C sent me had still not arrived, but also aware of the play of Terrible Death 104, appearing non stop, until yesterday.

And I knew Jae Sherman, is reading my posts, as she probably is waiting to read this one, was aware and now had felt she could “Fight back” with her Self projecting them of course,

My indicator of her, true state is that Pearl, the cat, and the other two, have not been allowed to leave her room, not even when I am absent or in the room, since before Kim Arthur Hinds Jr left to Alabama.

Again the insanity of belief, that she is punishing me.

Instead of recognizing she was punishing the cats, but I had left to her lying on the floor by the kitchen sink floor with her wailing and wewling in a strange way.

I am used to her drama, and acting for some invisible audience, if your sick, or unwell, go to your room, or call a doctor-

But I have lived here and observed and spoken for the First 6-7 months.
Nothing left is real, or sound logic except in her mind and head.

48.83 U.S.D.
49.03 USD was the Final amount I was charged, and then it came to be sadly but quietly as I walked, that that was the code of Sacred Portal 49, Existential Death,
NN.A.M. D.I.

5:43 pm

And suddenly I understand why I had been startled when Kim Arthur Hinds Jr friend initials A.M. arrived in Kim’s 66 Labelled room, and a pause then a moment later, Frank Feliciano or is Felicia Frank had arrived as my Facebook Friend.
F.F. ( 66).

5:48 pm

I signaled to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

5:49 pm.

Three times at his door, to be alert and be careful that Jae was back to her old tricks and that we were in the play being acted out.

I did not add that it was about 59 done, but Sacred Portal 49. Existential Death, I was not even going to mention her, but when I saw the set up.
48. 38 USD

49. 03. 49. O3 U.S.D.

See the sacred portal 48 & 83.
49 & O.C.

Nnamdi and Onuabuchi Cecilia, their parting gift, I said what the hell. and that is why I am here.

I also pointed out the duration since I began working at the Kitchen Table ( K.T.O. 11-20 was the code on my page when I started. 6+9 = 15. 9+6= 15 O.)

Yes, not only intention to create pre-mediated murder, and seeking to sheild her own part by using the other 3 here, but to sabotage the coding and programing of the Evolution Awakening, not matter the cost.

That is all I see, understand and recognized it after the first 2 -3 months she was here, why she was always stopping me, interrupting me, as I worked, which is why she created such an action of intent that I had to Jar here and as usual, by the Kitchen Sink.

5:59 pm

But yes, she was still there when I got back, feigning washing a kitchen spoon (K.S) for how many hours?

Following her pattern, repeating the same thing, and expecting different results, which is the definition of insanity, is the willingness to refuse to be cured.
It was the last thing I pointed out to Kim as a witness, and a witness to the 5.O. the police, and the rest of History of the world the symbol and symptom of the species called the rat race.

Insanity, that refuses to be Healed – Cured.
H.C. I.
Because there is nothing wrong with them, they just live and hold on to ideas they have of themselves as well as the past, and their immaculate perception of every one is is the Blame and Cause.

When I went in, she feigned or called someone merely for our benefits to call attention to herself, and that she could not call her friend back, because she had taken medication…

I looked at my self, my body, my quiet except to diagnose it and where we are in the Script, and listened to her challenge of being the greater truth than The Source As “A Man”. made to prove it before an entire World Planet, for almost 21 years,

That I burst out laughing in my room.

I still and always be a person who can be as light, even of the densest matter and densest people, light as the Falling Snow and the Light Fantastic Lightness- Clarity. Loves Expression and See- Cee, does that.

And so I am in my room, by choice, not because of her intrusion and seeking to distract disturb, divert,
that which she was the representative of Death, Destruction Devastation the 3 but this is their 1, one source. Zero.
Empty. Nothing. The Void. ( T.V)

I represent and embody Ti-Te! Vie. as well as 20 22.
42, The meaning of Existence and the Meaning of True Life.
The door of Life.

There is someone down stairs making a thumping sound,
Challenged and disturbed Outside and Inside, upstairs-downstairs next door and from even a person placed next door to my room.

6:19 pm.
F.A.I. T.

For 15 + months.

And All again at Liberty C play…

6:20 pm.
And my release from this role.

62nd Portal Full Circle, even as I am done, finished, and proven in all this time right to 1989, through all the travails, limitations, problems imposed upon me, nothing can take away my Attention Focus, not living with others, not being sent to a shelter, sleeping in an alley, all my wealth, grooming, and even my upper teeth taken away from me, and certainly not that that which does not even exist, could stop me, even right to its rep face, from coding the end. its end, the End of the Fake- False.

– A very dangerous idea?

Not when it never existed, was never even real, even when created by the Indians & Arabians.

Not even by prolonging it for 26 extra years to reach 27. 28. A-A. A-A.B.

6:28 pm

Apart from pissing me off to make the Illusion, Fake-False, pay with added interest as they go.

Pathological Liars will always lie.
But Path-O-Logica Liars who do so with the intent… That is not really Insanity, just Killers… Murder She Wrote.
Murder, Yes, I write.
I perfectly agree.

With Diabolical Intent, no matter how could a liar you are and covered your tracks, it will still leave footprints in the snow as well as breath, air, E.M.Field.

6:33 pm

And your Stench.
You Stink.
Not worth the Ink.

The Stink gives you away, in an instant.

Code, ask animals, all creation True, is our Nez, Nose, Knows that it is all about your Natural Scent is Perfume, not a murderer.

Murder, I Judge Manifestation, wrote.

Murder was her- his, their intent and they tried everyday and in every moment.

6:37 pm

But Failed, because I could see them Cee them smell them a mile away, and that was my being made to show Amazing Grace to that which I already knew was of murderous and with torture and torment added, to it Sadomachioist Mission.

My Summation
F.L.F. H.G. I.A. E.T.E.

6:40 pm


Happy reading Jae Sherman and the Souless.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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