
5:06 p.m

5:06 p.m



5:17 p.m


5-18 p.m



Jay-X- T S.

Eternal Family .. Express Facts= Truth.

E Quation E Quantum.

E Reflections. Express Radiance

Balance is Jay Joy Happiness is The Script.


Yes, I am being used as a Medium.

This is what yesterdays play was about.

My playing a Medium and Transformer and a Bridge between the 3 D world and the 5 D world.

History and the Hi- Story.

The merging of two realms.

With myself, my body stuck in the 4th Dimension all these years.

Liberty C Liscomb is channeling the 3D world.

Anne McHugh the 5D.

Today I took a walk with Arden, Liberty’s 16 year old son born 6-12… F.L as in the sunshine state.

I had recognized him instantly from a photograph on the Fridge in Libertys home.

He as a boy, holding a Lotus- Like Flower with the background two words Knowledge and Wisdom

When he arrived as the last of the children I had met, he had walked towards be with a light in his eyes and then stood before me in a gesture of recognition not really of a teenager of this Dimension.

I had told this to Liberty, and recognized her openeness but also desire to have confirmation as is required in this reality.

The knowing passing between he and I was obvious but we had never discussed despite our both stating that we had to speak.

But it never happened, until today.. only after Liberty suggested it, and even insisted upon it, having told me about Ardens experiences with Astral Projection.


Attained Perfection.

She called him the Elf King.


* His younger sister is born 11-5.

E K. 5 11

K E. 11 5.

Full Circle 16 16. 32.. 5.

So today we took a walk, after Liberty sent me intel codes which turned out to be literally what took place last night between us, and what took place with Arden and myself.

One of them was Lyceum.

Which I googled and it linked to Aristoles Lyceum.

I googled it, and it is exactly what took place with him and I.

Even to the code of Apollo.

And talking as we walked.

And to the code of Aristotle and Alexander The Great which was a portal I had recognized as the link I recognized via Stephen Filgueria.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

E.M.F. = 24. Todays Date.

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Arden immediatly explained how he had recognized me, known me but without knowing how he knew. But that he felt he could trust me totally and be open.

Confirming that instant connection.

Then he spoke of the worlds and experiencing animals attacking him, and how he first dealt with Two Coyotes who came to attack him by levitation and flight.

And how he fought them kicking one so hard that it landed on their house below.

He grounded all his expression in this reality reminding me that there are coyotes here before.

He spoke about faking death and even the power to blink in his dreams which enabled him to wake up.

Then he spoke of Werewolves, at the Farm House coming after him..

Supernatural creatures whom he could not feign or fake death.

How he would run or stand and fight.

Sometimes he would win, but he made it clear, that he never killed them.

Though they would kill him. But though he was dead, he still was conscious and aware even of his Body..

I stared at him, amazed but not really, he had understood or conquered death.

And Fear.

And the Supernatural Animal world.

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But he spoke also of a tugging, the darkness tugging at him.


Which he never gave into.

That is when I gestured to my body which jerked and then later bowed…

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He looked at me, and asked me a question which took me a little by surprise but not really.

Did they cause you to suffer.. all this people and portals you had to pass through to reach this point.. did they fight you.. hurt you.

They crucified me.. I said quietly.

He nodded as if he already knew the answer to that question.

And we continued for another hour.

And it was like speaking to Nnamdi, my self Judgment Day.

That his only ambition in life was that it was is, an adventure of Joy and Happiness.

The Eternal Sunshine state.

He made that so perfectly clear.

This is and was the meaning of Existence.

We came here to Boogie.. so what then was the meaning of all this Fear?

But its the tugging and pulling which began as soon as I began speaking with Liberty and then Thomas arrived.

And once again the pulling and tugging at me began.

And that is when Liberty representing the people and yes, Jodi Foster spoke to me about her irrational fears of the awakening and my feeling the intense pull of 7.10 years almost 11 months of the tug..

The 43 years of this pull to this Unholy Story.


6:55 p.m

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