
5:05 pm.

5:05 pm.

5:05 pm.

55 565.



Sex ( Inter-Course)

Money ( Banking)

Wealth ( Natural Resources)

Health ( Accessibility- Med. USA)

Power. Control.

Versus Perfect Consciousness.

One can conclude that this is what this has been all about.

Energy.- Expression- Conversation Intercourse Language- Thoughts

and full Circle Back to S.E X.

This is what most following this page will see after 31 years of Talking to Silence and 9.3 months of posting on Facebook that his Script in which you were involved ( whether aware or not) has boiled down to.

31 years, of being made a Clark Kent a character, a journalist covering the news of the world, and the world which many live in exist in which was unspoken, unaddressed for fear of being seen as Crazy Insane- moved in a manner in which no one could give credence to as even possible until proven through this Script n my page.

This is the conclusion of which I can only conclude based on my evidence and facts made transparent, of that which I was sent here to investigate.

What is wrong with Humanity?

And it’s self-created systems?

Capitalism and Communism. C C

Socialism and Democracy S C?

I laugh.

There is only one System;

Harmony Perfection that manifested Creation-Perfection as well as all of you.

It of course aligns to Sacred portal 117 Mixed Blessing.

The conclusion is based on Experience, empirical Evidence of facts of my having not in control of my own life, and fate?

By seeing the direction I was forced to move through carried through, until finally reluctantly, surrendering to, one can see that I was sent on a fact-finding mission.

And that my Report concludes that the systems created by Humanity without using C- consciousness .. . 175 which has been proven Perfect and always present.

This is the system which Humanity created and substituted for the Harmony Perfection Cee of Creation – and Consciousness aligned as One.

The excuse being, that it does not exist.

The filth and mess created by the notion of ALICE as / E ‘CILA’

Blindness is indescribable filth and distortion of everything, its twisting of that which really Ceacilia- the Blindness being a teaching tool to activate that natural awareness called 6th sense in all humanity.

Which was denied, obviously by what I found myself investigating and then proving these last 27 years: consciously since 1993.

Why else, would the script of interaction with the Seen and Unseen drive me to equate thousands of experiences, most of which I was made to record in my Journals of a sampling of my living in 7 countries and hundreds of homes, scores of jobs and finally boil down to 3 -Five people left in Script.

And to Justice Freedom and Liberty.

J F L.

This just happens to be the initials and reason I accepted yet another Facebook Friend, despite the intel moving through Fahad Hassan proving accurate when he began working on re-uploading the E-Manual.World on the 17th. Afer initially uploading it on 3-22-2020.

C V. Q. Add E as EMannuel Emeka E:Manual.

E:C V. Q E=C. CEE.

Yes Q E= 17 5 175 is the numeric code of CONSCIOUSNESS.

Intel delivered by Liberty C Liscomb via Tom Bushnell.

It is not QUE. U= 21= 3.C.

Not Quest ion ( since I was not on a quest, I am E K, I already knew as far back as a child and then wrote the book age 7-8 of how this reality would be destroyed and replaced by the truth because of the mess around me that I saw and felt even from my mother’s womb by the reaction of my mother to my father’s rage and frustration- anger temper.

I came out of the womb wondering what is wrong and then was made by this my buddy, I call spirit E- Awareness to urinate in my bio father’s food as he was eating in a challenge to his expression and view of existence.


The Game of Life?

The Play of Life as Death.

My mother Cecilia, laughed delightedly and still held that incredulity in her voice as she recalled the incident in our very last telephone conversations.

Just as Gaye Marie H. ( G- M.H) spoke of Intercourse being also conversation.

And we are aware of what has been done to the art of conversation in this reality, even amongst those closest to us.

The seemingly impregnable walls to pierce through each person’s subjective use of words, of people stuck in their minds, a veritable Tower of Babble.

The mess of ages, that which has been done to Words

Words Anointed Vibrating EXpression Supreme.

Recall, that I was literally forced with my own truly heroic resistance- in 2011, when I found myself being made to recollect and then write ( and have meddled with) the True Conversation Between Energy E and Atom-AH-TOM.

Tom and Jeron Lang-U A G E.

No, we can see how the script on my page has resolved to E C V… Q. E. C.

My age code in this play is age code 53 ( E C) and 36 ( 1984) and now to 17 ( 2003) Arden, and Jeron 23 months and Aurelia 15.( 2005) and Kim Tree Sage- 33, (1987)

E.K: Curriculum Vitae- Qunatum Expression = Consciousness.

and 111 Perfection.

License Plate Liberty Gemino Lang car is AT 3 18 33.

Let me repeat it, Intel from Fahad Hassan ( without his even being aware of the script of which C V are my initials as Chukwuemeka Victor) and the play of Sacred Portal 147 A and B with the code 17 written on then when first drawn in 2010- and how it aligns to Arden’s age code whom I have not seen or conversed with since August. 17 and me rep of 5 Fifth Dimension)


His movement of perfecting timing of uploading my E Manual after being discovered by Liberty C Liscomb has brought forth two dates.

3-22-2020 ( Vision) and 17th via Dates of uploading.

Creating the equation transformed from Numbers Letters;

C V. Q.

Que arrived at my window on the 16th the age I meet Zion and then Arden. Which I coded and was made to prove through a heart rending script as well as my Mother leaving this realm the person I had fought so hard to see communicate and bring here back to west…

6:12 pm.

(Hey Arden…)


Through all that, I had to prove his perfection as well as the Gemino’s.

And then the Liscomb and Lang added in HIndsight.

Thus since my name is Emeka Chukwuemeka Victor, one can see how the equation of my E Manual of Emmanual present mirrors the equation of two actions of Fahad Hassan.

Liberty – Fahad.

F L. = 6 12. Yes, Ardens birthday.

J. F L… Jay F L the Sunshine State.

When I was convinced by the Script and then Esteban M Filgueria to come to Connecticut, he took care of my basic financial requirements.

I was not paid for my work- I was given lodgings and allowance.

It was demeaning, but he was generous and he meant well- but I also recognizedControl because there was no Independence.

And thus dependency.

I had lived for 27 months in teh Shelter with nothing but people sending occasional donations and, I was finally able to give public evidence which was acknowledged by Nenad D, on my page.

This play is using money to control you! he blurted out and posted it on my page ( which did not stop him, but perhaps encouraged him to assume that I had no power and thus, betray me publicly. The name Nenad means Unexpected but if you go back and read the transcript, and you will see that it was totally Expected I already knew.

( You can see how people really are by just a few interactions especially in this reality where people are predominantly archetypes of Generational curses or from religion, nooks, and movies- none of them authentic or real- not even road-tested program idea Models or if it fits you. smh)

Just as I knew that when, I said no to Esteban’s play, that the financial backing really pocket money would also be withdrawn.

Power- Control.


Consciousness Perfection.

How did I stand a chance against that which nearly all of you, no matter how you deny it, did not like it really invested in because I assure you if I had used Power and Control to manifest things you would be lining outside my door with the TV crews and singing my praises to the high heaves and investors would be offering me money beyond belief to invest in a sure thing, sure bet in which they will gain/

Let’s call a Space a Spade.

Power and Control had no chance against this script of a Brown Dark skinned man proving Perfection and Consciousness in a script designed for one to prove evolution Individually through Aware Nonstop for what 45 years age 7-8?

Who solved it at that age via a story.

then to 45 years age codes of Jae.S and Liberty and 4.5 Billion 9 Zeros to 9 Full Circles Cycles.

Do none of you not think it strange that even without the Physical Transformation and Ping! Bing Awakening this Script and yes, I have promised that at this point even in this Material Reality that no person has stepped forward to intervene, who has seen the value of this work on my page, to correctly sponsor this work and relieve me of this burden.

Out of 7.9 Billion people on the planet, many of whom have incomes and wealth enough to see the potential which Billy Hung and former wall street investor,m saw in an instant and was willing to give me his part of his life saving 100, 000.00 usd ( I refused it and took 10,000 USD which I sent to my Mother and Unbcle in Nigeria) and who sponsored my work, paid me a generous salary and sponsored an apartment and furnished it for me because he saw the worth and the returns by himself.

after coming with me to Florida and investigating my work by being around me as I worked 24/7 before concluding in sponsoring and investing.

And that was in 2012.

In 2010 Marina Biruni, did a similar thing but to a lesser degree because she saw the truth of the work.

But its true, there was always a catch which even with Billy Hung made me feel very uncomfortable, there were always strings attached- most times personally attached to me, instead of a detachment and investment simply in that which they could see as the value and worth- financial portential of my work.

None of them were foolish people. Marina was a world-famous Stylist.

Billy invested in Bit com, and I was present when he returned from China speaking about Bitcoin ( B I T C O I N), which I was I had already aware of its meaning by having been decoding the 35 C E.

Even in this reality of Materialism and Green- Capitalism.

If Billy Hung saw me, andmy work- if Nadee Nakandela saw me enought to blurt out the truth He is Authoring Harmony He is feeding the World people

All via conversation and decoding- demystifying The C of Consciousness, how is it that 8 years later with the script aligned and refined for 8 long years more of constant transparent evidence that I have not been recognized as that which is of value and worthy to have financial backing and thus granting me Independence access to Health Care and treatment of this Condition in my body, for truly, I know the treatments which can free me somehwat from its tyranny.

My work on the proof of this realm being a universal Simulation and that we are walking on a Holo Deck similar to a Chess Board or a Monopoly Board which when I first came to New York and was reading the Matrix to the amazement of people around me, able to identify who would walk down the street to people, before they arrived.

Able to literally break it down to a science as I walked through it when I have spun around and made to walk blindly for 14- 15 years after I had completed its prove.

Sent down again in 2010- told by first Marina Biruni and then Billy Hung that they both had received a message- She that my Mother had stated that I had to write the True Conversation which took place between Energy E and Atom in the language of this reality which Marina will recall I said absolutely not, because it meant coming down to this frequency of filth and disease- and yet I was forced.

And then Billy receiving the same intel that he too had received a message that I had to include the People.

And then Lisa Levine mirroring Marina’s comment that she felt that that people wished to be part of this process themselves.

And yet, when applied, it turned out that they did not, they wanted to either have someone act as the Savior while they continued to Sin do as they pleased or they wanted to have their Ego’s massaged and lied to because all they wished was to prove their own exaggerated self worth and either battling with me or calling me briother as if we are on equal footing on that which was solved – for me to give them credit for something they did not do, or contributing to or even card if I lived or died- the knowledge lost- all they desired was Credit- they wished me to Lie.

I am not sure there is anyone in History, who has sought to give praise and credit as I.

I share your words, posts, I give credit and praise constantly proving your harmony in a play which you have no clue you are in.

I accepted all Facebook Friends requests because it was the only way to read and see the script and read it.

I am not usually that kind of person, I am private and usually not accessible to others.

Here, via this script I had to interact with anyone, everyone and prove thier harmony/

*Jesus… this is such an evil selfish vile story- script.

I usually do not even think about it anymore.

It makes my blood boil and my heart grow stone cold.

That this is the actual play of existence, evolution awakening.

It has taken me decades to finally come to terms with this, accept this.

This is what will be in History, the records.. this is the script of Human Evolution, that this is the testament that will be left behind?

This Horror?

This is how bad it got.. and I am staring into the abyss Nu of why.

In God we Trust.

Everyone wanted to play God it would appear. Or the Saviour the Hero.

It did not matter if you were qualified, or knew what to do with such power… as in having a feasible implantable play and plan.

Much less understand what the word God means or that ability called Supreme Beinginesss which you can not bestow on yourself, but which others recognize in you and Acknowledge through Praise.

*In my case and instance, that was definitely international;y taken off the table.

When in truth all I can conclude in summary is that everybody wanted to be Seen, Loved, Valued.

I C.

Every Thing

Every Where.

Every One.

Every Body

E E E E T W O… B

5-4 = 20. T T W O E B

* (A Body is made of Energy – Light which when aligned to that original truth at 8= Infinity proven as 1-7 colors = Original Light bodies restored can the Quantum Mechanic be set in motion to Shazam Transformation,

@ 15 52 Facebook Friends. O E B.

I saw all of you and harvested your most Beautiful Truth, from a carcass- Corpse- Corp- Ozu in OInri Igbo/ Uzo *which means the way- Earl morning, Lane, Path Transparent, Turn, Archway- Groove… * Alexander Grove… Groove Armada

* Ezeufonna Ifenanana Nnameka.)

-Of Filth and the distortion of Ego and Narcissism to a point of insanity and beyond.

Delusion, not PTSD.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and so many claim.

The past, haunted by your past.


Perfect Timing Supreme Dave @ Delta Operating System.

/ DS TP Dharma Santana T.P See Delta Manor intel Anamla Quain T P/ K…. 115 AGE.

20 16= 36- 360 BA N K Street

This script reveals that that was a lie.

It was all about being seen and loved and what would you do with it when given.

Sex Power Control of others.


It was not about truly carrying for the People or the World or even the earth.

The line of Alica Norris- Frank these lines whom I could see, and whom I met, Freedom Liberty Equality truly were sincere.

For most it was a mask, those good intentions, conversations about the world people and the conditions.

It was about glory, fame, and recognition … but for what?

Did you really care…

7:21 pm.

I think not, and you must agree, that I have the right to make such a conclusion considering I did not care at all for this reality nor did I care about a point of view you adopted but I still cared at least for that whichis true and the beautiful truth and could not walk away when I saw I was placed in a poition where my natural knowing had value to others, and indeed that the Blue Print of existence was placed and awarded for me to do.

Here I am today, still here, yes because I am forced.

Money or lack of it used against me and anyone who is clean.

I may loathe this Facebook Play and this Life journey given to me, but even then I did not betray the truth within it because I am pissed off at how I am treated and what I have endured.

I stayed the course, because the gain, despite the horrendous odds stacked up against me, all the endurance and surmounting which I am aware most see as entertainment… Television in which imagine themselves the starts of the show, and negate the very Human EXperience of a person simly doing the right thing, even if I am aware that it was never the fault of the creator, the source- that people simply chose not to do their homework.

Chose not to pay attention see confirmation Ben C K.

Their priority was simply let others do the work for them and then take the credit.

Or Pretend- because they have intelligence, see more than others and like the feeling it givs them.

Where is the conversation, the intercourse, and exchange of Intelligence and Data?

Where are the people joining hands, lining through the weaving of each commenting on intelligence shared on my page which even I can see was created to spark a conversation on each post.

Please, by now let’s call a spade a spade.

Lets us look at the mirror.

The Magic Mirror and take a look at your reflections mirrored so precisely by the news and intel I was compelled to post daily the NEWS of the world.

Can you sincerely tell me, that people truly are Noble and Humane?

Why is the code of B A N K.

Federal Reserve.

J F. Kennedy.

Covid 19.

Lets be honest, at least and not hypocritical by allowing yourselves a look at my experience where it is obvious that this experience for me was created through such non stop expression – all for you to see the way you can break out of your spells, life stories comming to you senses, Awakening your selves by making the most private of persons.. me of Beautiful Pride in beng in Existence- Self Love, me made to offer up his life story, the lifes of his bio family to offer you a blue print and example of how I perceived and dealt with my horrific experience of my Life- so that you could use it, to find the way out of your own maze.

Solving your own riddles, by my being used as a sacrificial lamb being kicked out or asked to leave 64 homes and even space where I meet my SELF a version apart from me- as Himself Herself and recognize each other- the script confirming it over and over agin and to both of our surprises instead of it signaling the completion of the play – I am made to leave even there.

Can you imagine what it must have felt like?

To experience that 10-11 months of meeting the one you knew from eternity who is the representation embodied of sacred portal 110 The E Family via a promise of 56:56 times code.

Sent back down- to 29 south Lincoln and be here still in a play of Poverty and Hollowness because I told the most Beautiful Truth – Satya?

7:43 pm.

Are you truly worth that? Having someone endure so much more, after having faced such challenges to prove a truth from which began from the moment one I was born 8.00 pm 11 28.

I recall as a boy, 6 or 7, watching the story of Yeshua Christ on Television and that moment acted out ( true or false) after all the injusticed he had endured his finally cracking in the Garden of Gethsemane ( G ET HS.E-MAN-E) and then on the cross when he called out to his Father… And nothing happened, instead he got a Spear jabbed up his side and died in quiet hurt and agony.

I was astonished, astounded, so sure of My Guide Father would say something do something, take his son up in his arms when he called out his name…

I was so outraged that I was so angry with God… That I refused to speak to that frequency for weeks, and it was only because of Nature – beautiful in Canada and the path which I rose by bike to school- where plum trees blossomed, and the beauty overwhelmed me that I cam back to God, but this time his name was Beauty… Beautiful.

I asked my mother for permission after I won a Gold Pen for being the best student at Sunday school, if I could stop going to Sunday school and to my supprise both my parents agreed.

A few weels later the man appeared on my bedroom wall who looked at me with such compoassion, that after the 3rd day, I went and reported him to my mother in The Presence ( T P) of my father.

I liked the man, he was beautiful, handsome, but it was the compassionate, almost pitying way he stared at me, which irritated me to that point where I told my Mother so that he would go.

He vanished after my parents went down to investiagte.

It was only here while I was on Facebook that she told me that they had seen no one’s face there, but both knew I had spoken the truth that a face had appeared of a man- I never linked it to the face of Christ- until Facebook.

But what I am saying here, is that it was not the supernatural nature of what happened which made any imoression on me, but the indignation as to why anyone would look at me with such sympathy compassion- almost pity and such great love at the same time.

It angered me, what reason could anyone have to pity me, I knew the truth of the world and the truth of my Cee.

8:00 pm.

A Set up.

Pre programmed.

I have made sure through my years of posting that people understand my experience, but there has been no reason which I have given anyone reading my posts to pity me.


Compassion…? Perhaps.

But Pity?

You must be insane.

Even with what was done to my teeth, my face, even my spine, and posture. I still stand tall.

I am pleasant to be around even under this phenomenal pressure unless you are diseased and refuse the cure, I am elegant, clean, and grrom myself the best I can with limited finds and the distraction of my posting and my beings invasion and the illusion of futility – Susyphus- and impossibility that even after all I ave proven, stayed steadfast to- even to the overwheming desire to leave my body simply because of my body is representation of the truth, refusing to stay in a reality and story after the Satya Truth of my expression for whatever code years 53 55, 36 360 Banks Street confifirmed.

I am still that mischievous Play Boy and I still see people clearly for what they are, what they need.. and the power I could use to get whatever I want from them by using that awareness. And yet there never being an iota of temptation to use that knowledge to get me whatever I desire.

It was never an option- because all I saw, see was their beautiful truth which I have harvested collected as Treasure meaning now matter what happens to my body- I have completed what I was assigned here to do. My purpose and Manifest Destinity M D Medical Doctor C U R E… / E R CC= E R A.

P A N E R A.

M D= 17.


1 7 A G

17 E.

175 Consciousness.

8 Harmony Infinity…

H I= 17


It did not matter if you the people were aware, or if you cared enough to contribute at the very least earth material conforts of your world as money contributions as support and acknowledgment respect.

It did not matter, whatever you threw at me, and that which I represent.

Or of you even get what I have been manifesting into existence.

I can see.

I can also did it, not for anyone, and certainly not for you or anyone and not some idea of God.

I did it because this is who I naturally and this is the Truth.

8:17 pm.

And thus Life Existence is Lyrical Conversation. Contributing, donating to a worthy cause whose evidence facts concluds that this benefits all.

Because it is the Beautiful Truth of Creation and that there is nothing you can do to me- thrown me in the streets.. again.

Give me diseased expression.

Deny, ignore me, or the fact that I surmount pain every night.

Every day in both being and Body.

Criticize my work, the evidence mocks me, think I am the sacrificial lamb set me up with people who are literally a challenge to all that I have proven to derail me, disrespect me…again?

( Stifled Yawn)

All these ploys I have already experienced.

The power of the element of surprise used to shock me, a shock to my nervous system and the depths of the heartlessness of the people and this script.

I am over it, I remain steadfast.

None one can wipe away the imprint that Ii Exist.

That my expression exits .. that it is not coursing through your veins of the people who have even just momentarily had access to my posts.

You can never wipe me away, erase me, use money control, housing, people and the worst parts of human nature, their slights, pettiness, Digs, undermining, their veiled chess moves.

To use money lack, the illusion via poverty to make me appear as a beggar asking for money contributions so I can live with the barest necessities and the threat of I can give and take away if you do not act, do or behave as I ask and exalt that which… I know is non-existent and despise, while holding it in quiet utter contempt.

Seen it all…

I still completed that which was a destiny imposed and against Eternal Law.

But my Fate?

To be someone, in the end, up, to be loved so profoundly but also pitied?

So what would that mean… imply that this would make you feel better about yourself that the person was victorious yes, but to be pitied?

… To even suggest that would be absurd considering even this Script of endurance, this Facebook Inreactive public Polygraph Test in which I am at least aware that through all this Examining Testing Checking The Facts that is has boiled down to 3-5 lines to 8 here present and one in the same apartment in a separate room at B.S .S W street. have read and understood.

Code F L… Florida the Sunshine State 27th.

BG. A-A.

/ A-A.G B G E B.

B E G… That I never Beg. Or Begged for mercy sympathy pity…

I am not a Beggar.

Because every blessing which sustains you and brings you to that Sunshine states is because of me, and now beings such as me, P .. L -A. N. ET. E ART H E I.

whom there is nothing the lie of you, the illusion of you as a sum total as Evil made real and manifest in a story matrix can do to take away my… Treasure… wealth exists only within the Sun Shine State… That is the Foundation- The Sun always comes out and there is warmth.

That pleasure in Being Happy. of beautiful infinite harmony or the knowing and knowledge of this being the Evolution Awakening of Universe aligned to Universe Supreme the First and the last and only universe in Being.

That is the Treasure.

The Beautiful Truth of M.E.

No matter how to mean, cruel and enslaving this has been.

Life has been defined as.

It is not the truth.

I have been made to exemplify that generosity of the true Humane E-Spirit which is to share that which brings wealth, health, happiness well being… no matter the Cause you chose to fight for.

Nothing is more important Cause.

An Effective Cause which affects everything such as and other than Being Naturally Happy In All Things, ( B H N – I A.T.. E. Bright And Beautiful.. the rest.. not real, and coding that which is false out of existence proving it not real)

-in all you do, because this is the nature of who we really are.

What is Happiness?

I define and conclude that is being Chill.

Serene and Chill… and all revealed in the Smile.

Serenity Prayer.


Symmetry Perfection.

Sacred Portal 19 +16= 35 C E

None can seduce one’s serenity away from you.

her father’s name in this play is Kim Meaning Gold… Golden Y-ELL O W.

Her mother’s name is Que- En.

Que who came to my window.

no Q able to transform on the chessboard Philosophers Stone

Lead to Gold. L T G.

Led To The Pot of Gold.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

L T 32= 5 ( +x 56) E G. E F-G.

E Family – Gemino.


12 7…+x 19 84.

Age code 36… 360 Bank Street.

Bad Habits

B H.

Beauty= Happiness.

Harmonious Beings.

28 = 10.

J F L new Facebook friend.

15 52. O. E B.

Bilge Ebiri – I replace you on the chessboard and take your Queen and send her out of the game.

I become Bilge Ebiri by having Liberty C Liscomb bringing the challenge of this being a Univeral Simulation A Glitch in the Matrix

Respond the very next day, again through Liberty C Liscomb- A Literal Factual with Empirical Evidence GENE DECODE # 35 ( Decode Consciousness Emeka C E)

A Glitch in the Clouds

A G I T M …. E

Responds 24 hours later with

A G I T… C… From C.

T M – T C.

20 13 = 33.

T C Tom Chris Twins C. = CC 33.

E T C at Connecticut CT. 3-20.


3-22-2001 .. Two days after my arrival in New York on that date, I was at Todd Home for a day, ( stayed for over 8 months and completed The article The Elegant Nomad there) who lived in Queens New York.

Flushings Queens.

Harmony Manifest via Quantum



See my Sacred portal107 VENOM- King Cobra.

It was the time code of the message from 19-year-old Dakota.

J G.

1O7 is 16 7. Yes at age 16 G.=7

This is the script.

This is the experience I have been given for telling the truth and for my generosity of spirit and to anyone who would go so far as to end this mess even to a micro, micro- Macro-Macro chess game to defeat Monopoly – Capitalism- Communism.

U S A- U S. R. ( Soviet Union S U / U S A… Super Powers? No… same thing with ‘Great Britain G B 2 7… as the middle man playing God by Royal Mandate… smh)

Well, I have finally come to terms with it.


I found myself watching a movie yesterday called Red Sparrow. ( R S… 9 South Road)

It was a film set in Russia- A Ballerina who is set up from the beginning to the end but who triumphs- A Sad triumph really of wit and intelligence where everyone, I mean everyone underestimates her intelligence and use her for their own agenda.

5:11 pm.

E K… E A-A

I looked at my page and saw the number 9 and a message from Liberty reporting the number of deaths from the use of the vaccine; CDC- as 929.

929 she pointed out.

And I of course translated the filthy version of this realities system of numbers which translated to Death.

But we can see from the script that it is actually I B I.

Equated to A-Z +1 23 as A B C.

29 Lincoln Street. Celia Isabel/ Esther and the dog Sagan see Nugas/ – Sagun Kings Temple play Festival Party

Beautiful Sadness does not mean one is not still in the state of Happiness, it just means one is quieter.. chill.. serene.. cool more likely to smile more than roar with laughter.

I can live with that… content and satisfied… subdued by such an experience the once loud joyous exuberant laughter, tame by this experience and the acceptance of it being true and of choosing to not forget it, to scar you with a tattoo

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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