
5:02 p.m

5:02 p.m


5 O. 2.

56 2


Yesterday’s post on the Patrick play 6:31 and 7:31 pm.

John Mack had a similar play with his former flatmate Ian Patrick Stewart.

I P S…

I was with Jesse Macias in the afternoon and Luke.


J C L… was the code we formed with me as both Emeka E rep of the 5th and Chukwuemeka rep of the C..

Confirmed by my current address and its cose 3 17 5 17. 20. 22 T V. B. V. B F V… E.Q.

3 19. 5 19.. 22 V. 24 X

I realised that we J C L linked to John Mack at home with his parents J.C.


J C L .

10 10. 3 3. 10 12..

20 6. 22..

T. F. V

48. D.H.

So after posting, I went out to buy a few things..

10.69 and 9 26 usd.

J 69. I Z..

5:16 p.m

And there I saw John MacDonald on his Motorcycle texting me..

5:17 p.m

E Q.

And so a play of True Conversation took place.

And at the apex of the conversation a Electric Pole across the Street suddenly exploding in Sparks..

And then it was quiet

*You should have seen Johns Face.

5:19 p.m


I am the stranger, the outsider…

From the time as a child, to this very moment, I have been made painfully aware of this.

No matter how I at first sought to fit in.

And though I do not blame or hold anyone responsible for my fate and destiny, at least no one of this world.

But my first memory of being born into this world was the not stop Need.

5:31 p.m

A Constant need of my Wisdom, even as a boy.

People listened to me, or to the Wisdom I spoke and they way I could see… solutions to problems which they could not see.

And that is how I first became aware, that people Chose not to see Cee, me because they were so caught up in Need.

I so desired to be loved and accepted as a child, but I was also aware of that Love Hate they felt for me.

And so, I took a distance from Humanity to study why I seemed to always seemed to attract Desire and Destruction..

Until I began to understand, that the battle people were projecting onto me, had nothing to do with me.

I began to understand that desire to believe they loved me because of Inspiration and my Awareness and yet resented it, because I could see what they could not see, brcause they were so caught up in Need and a desire for Solutions resolutions but strangely, without doing the Work.

And the ones who did the work, were treated like Hope as well as a social disease for reminding them that they had no Need.

Humans scared me, sacred me in their depth of self deciet, and yet the Beauty within each literally took my breath away.

But it took me a while to understand that what I was seeing was their Potential..

But what they did not remember was that Potential had already been made Eternally Kinetic at the first rising of Energy rising as Being.

That the E K E. / K E K had already arisen


Energy Constant Eternal



Here Present in this lowest possible realm

That they… my family was already in existence and that Human Avatars Descendants

H A! D

HAD. Already landed as the Eternal Truth present.

The Gift.

I know what Love is,

But I have never seen it expressed in my empirical experience in this world.

Just flashes of it..

After all Love has no Need

It is Consciousness Full Circle

Its Complete


Just as everything manifested when Exprsssion was complete full circle


Which transformed it into Energy Harmony


Which created 5 +8=13 M.

Music Harmonics.


13.8 Billion years old Universe

M.W 87 69

Manifest World.

5:53 p.m right now

And the Music Harmonies

created Understanding Song/ Sight

I C…

M.U S I C Every Where ..

How it was everywhere in Space where there waa, is no Air.

Air was the latest name of a gadget which John MacDonald had bought, he showed it to me yesterday.

He works in a company with Aaron Weston whom he saw before seeing me yesterday

Nourshing Necessities.

N N. Adress 5:09-511 Farmington Avenue

5O 9. E O I. 511. E.K.

* You should have witnessed the response when I said that I manifested that space…


No, I am not loved or seen by people, at most they confuse it with Gratitude.. for being real..

But only after I pass all their examinations and tests.

Food on Farmington Ave just off South Whitney Spirit Realm Mind.

* Of if you could see what I see when I peer into people’s minds,how they think..

And how they truly see me… Their Inspiration Infatuation transformed into a quiet resebtment which seeps out..

Come to think of it, only John MacDonald has not gone to that place..

Well it makes sense, John MacDonald has been elected selected to represent the Beautiful Truth of All the Human Species and the proof that all Humanity are E.T.

Not of this realm or universe, that we came from Beyond Creation Nature


3 14…. 17. Q. H

H Q..where our Being transforms dimensiins quadrants univeses as Dark Matter Energy potential through Time Space is Reason..

Transforming by entering the Illusion, the deep cover of Darkness the Original Truth of who you are..

Of the Orginal Family, on a mission to expand 5 the E line who were few, into the same original 5 into Many.

I know what Love is,

It means See be Conscious in Creation is to see and acknowledge full circle, the Beautiful Truth of each person you meet.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira came close to seeing me, not just as a Being…

But then doubted what his six sense and heart told him, and so like the World he was representing there was Doubt and Suspicion and it began with my calling out his good friend ( and one I knew from past incarnation as the Buddist Lords of the Highest Mountains…)

A W..

Yes Nourshing Necessities ..

John works and sells machines which Ionize Water..

And now he has moved to Air..

A W.. and from Aaron whom I first met with John Mack sitting besides him, that first day I came to 29th Street portal where I met Kelsie Bissell and Victoria Jackson.

( K B. V J. K V. B J)

Who witnessed as Aaron Weston Challenged me, and I responded good naturedly and with love.

One way you know that you are loved in return is that people present would speak up for..

That has never happened to me before, not for my truth and on Facebook only Aylin Sendemir

A S.

Aaron Stewart. My Aaron rep on Facebook is A S like A S. Art Science..

The A=1. Supreme.

Albert Santana..

Sarah Athena..

Aaron Stewart… Patrick Stewart. Star Trek.

Ian Patrick Stewart..

Aaron Stewart.

Aaron Weston

A-A. S W

27. South Whitney/ Farmington.

Spirit World

Spirit Warriors..

The Elegant Nomads


33 31..

Todays is the 31st.

Tree Sage said he would come today 3-4..

But it was raining..

And so it became unsure, but I was already aware of the play…

6:31 p.m

Tomorrow is better, he said, after I gave him a choice.

6:31 p.m

Ikem Patrick Okolo

3rd time the charm and we connected.

That means Stephen Esteban ( S F. E.M.F)

And Aaron Weston ( A W.. A U U. A V V)

Is John Spencer MacDonald.


E A..


E A M..

E is A

E is also I

E I / I E.

The Process of reaching the Supreme Truth of all..

They Elected.. John

But John happened to be E.K

And so he comes naturally to his Source.

Tree Sage


The First poem I wrote was callled the Sad Tree.

I was 7..

Considering this Play Script No Matter the Cost… he..I must succeed.

Tis I who called Aaron out, and resoonded in turn to his challenge by offering mine in return.

Not out of Tit for Tat, but out of a natural consequence, How can you say your a Healer..

Excellent Healer when you challenge and test me the first day you met me, yet you dont know who I am.

And with out offfering fairness, benefit of the doubt, you check and test me when I am making first contact with K.B and V.J doing the work through immediate recognition of their Espirit Line ( Clara Star Child and Noni Promise aspect 3 4 of the Family of TEN.

Esteban is age code 34…

See sacred Portal 34)

So that from K B. V J

K V. B J. could emerge

Why would you plant a seed of doubt in this man you have never met, during the work that universe bound me, and forced me to do because I represent Truth and Eternal Truth Proof, which is why I have been used and abused my entire life to move through the world in the cruelest of roles as the Awakener-Reminder..

I posted my credentials on Facebook for the last almost 7 years.

Anyone could have gone to my page to know who I am, what I stand for, that is how Anirbas Lem ( Sabrina saw me and directed Stephens attention to me and I presented my credentials publicly to Stephen, which everyone can go back and see, but none was given in return..

And yet, I gave the benefit of the doubt, saw each persons beautiful truth..

And yet with all my impeccably, that same courtesy is not only denied me, but incredibly gave others the right to chalkenge check test me, and if and when I did respond, punish me, and speard careless whispers about me from an inner conflict and doubt which turned out about getting what you want, seeing as you wished to see,

No.matter that you are standing in front of a Man in obvious true torment, imprisoned in a role in which he is forced to Fight for your beautifil truth, prove it exists and then merge the two Harmonies acknowledged through his directing a E.T art and science of Infinite Harmonies to merge and make energe the next sequence of the Equation of transforming the few to the Many..E.

On 11-22, 2018 I was invited to Stephen’s Family home, It was Thanks Giving Day.

Christopher Filgueira and Josh Bywater were there.

And I did the work, applying my E T Arts Science..

An Art of Elegance Sophistication Simplicity Perfected before I was summoned to New York age 33 34..and given 11 more years of incredible hard and cruel training with the Unseen, and right infront of this Judgmental and often Hypocritical world, who so wished to put me in my place.

7:09 p.m

E S S.. P.

K V. 11 22. Blue Jay… B JAY

Jay means Rejoice

11 22 is my mother, Cecilia and David’s birthday day’s.

C D. 3 4.

And because I carried it lightly and did not respond to his quiet challenge..

I contuned the work and passed through the portals..

Until it was my cue, turn to speak up.

I could have kept quiet, and let it all slide knowing that consequences would come because I had proof that the Universe and the E.T were watching.

How can you call yourself a healer, use space I manifested for my own healing, and to be used as a space place, where my own condition could be anyzed studied, so those soon Evolving and Awakening with similar conditions would have Healers

Excellent Healers who know what to do.

* I Know What Love Is.

Despite all that I and my kind have endured,no matter how exhausted, beaten down by this play and the work it demanded, no matter my loathing of the Force behind it…

The Absolute Seflishness and refusal to see what It was doing to me, my dignity beautiful pride..

To my face body skin, teeth.. twisting my body, I have never denied a person in front of me the Healing Conversation and the Strength I lend them without their being aware.

I heal with my Focus Awarness Consideration Understanding Supreme F O C U S

I give my full attention

A life time of this..

29 years since I began to document what was happening to my life..

Which Logically, Reasonably was impossible

7:22-23 p.m

My intense desire to be alone and only with Equals come from the Traumatic Real understanding of how people here choose to see.

Through Need… and that Need was at any cost, even in destroying their sacred cores of thier beings Truth and expression.

This is not fair, what if you were placed in Emeka Kolo shoes…?

And then to have a persons call themselves healers, making money from it..

Recognition Praise..

7:27 p.m

I heal only with Praise and I cut out that which is blocking the Beautiful Truth as an Assassin.


I am in this hell because I could not, try as I could, not deny peoples beautiful truth and even go to war with the illusion of themselves so they might chose to rise..

Despite having been through this before, knowing exactly who will rise.

7:31 p.m

The True Story of the Conversation between Energy and AH-Tom

Now with only myself and John Kim Spencer ( Lady Diana Spencer D S. Donna Sullivan’s

Mckenzie Donna

Jaime McKenzie The Outlander

Belle McKenzie)

Two Clans




Ah, John that is the 4 11 code you keep seeing linked to your friend Dallas…

28th state to 27th State.

28. M.A N

27. A-Z-A. A A. A+A is B

* Brenden Velez.. Grandfather and Father both named Able A+A = B. Brenden.

KyleMurphy’s Big Brother

Brenden Young..

Age 39

Jesse Macias age code..


I know what Love Is..

Because I am C Love

I heal where ever I go,

Which is why Jon Jason Lee wrote me a note in Istanbul before parting in fury

Whereever you walk flowers burst into bloom behind you

The Ancestors, Invisible..Visibly Invisible simply observed me in Silence and especially when I was alone, because they testified in 2011 at Tom Trumans, that I am so transparent that one can understand everything I Do without communicating with me or even without what they thought was my not being aware, I was being observed.

( of course I was aware, but did not realize why, until much later..

Why.. perhaps as people in this reality they wanted to keep.me not in my correct place but rather the Space they had allotted me.

That I came into Existence to Heal the people and the world.

To not let get a Fat head, never know my worth and Value..

And thus, remain forever humble, deserving of suffering misery, to be grateful to serve the people who dwell and gave into the lie while I chose Beautiful Truth.

Buddhist Philosophy

A translation and derivation of Slaughter the Lambs of God


Captains Log


Jesse Chuwuemeka Logos..

Lucas… Star Wars..

South Whitney.

I did not do anything out of Love.

I.did it because I can not be anything than that which I naturally am, and that is what this force behind all of this, the one inside and out of my body is Evil Beyond Belief.

Abomination of Deciet.

I am Consciousness


I understand only now how in 1994 Paris

I reakized that people here do not know what love is

But that I do.

Because I have realized by what I see myself Naturally doing, even when I want to fight it, even tried to change my Nature because of how everywhere it was used against me, to others advantage.

Its Evil and Cruelty which used me but it was my Natural True Nature which brought me here, my Truth and my Love.. though I do not call it Love..

I call it Cee.. Consciousness O

Full Circle

And Exprsssing Explaining Exemplifying Full Circle without even aware that your are moving expressing through the symbol of perfection symmetry..

You just do not stop until its Complete

And then you look up and see a circle, a passage way has manifested like a Door

8:10 p.m


H A! Transformation.

Kim Arthur Hines. 20

Truth Clarity.

T C. = True Love.

E T C..

E C T. H E. Beginning B .E G.. I. NN I N.G

N 14

G 7

See Sacred Portal 147 A.B

777 3-7/7-3

21.. 3.

Gods Plan

Gods Truth

Gods Gift..

God Particle

Golden Ratio

Gold is The Past our Fecal Matter Left


The Knowledge

Brought Life

Our Excrement was Fertilizer..

Mannah from heaven

Green Gold..

R O G G B.

I.V 9 22 1979/ 2010.

Jesse Royal..


J R.

V Manuel Junior

J.F.K jr.

Universe Miky Way. 3 C

Planet Saturn -Earth.

I miss Christopher Andrew Filgueria

C A F E..


But I know why his Espirit keeps him away..

I saw his same Self yesterday, for months I have tried to recall where I had seen him before down here as Father.. Actor.

( which Chris is)

Then I watched the Movie

There will be Blood

Starring Daniel Day Lewis.

D D L..

My mouth dropped open..

I had recognized Daniel Day Lewis when he first came out ..

But yesteday, I saw the exact same person as Christopher.

See my sacred portal 113.Blood on his Hands

See the book by Truman Capote, I have been carrying around, In Cold Blood I C B..

I Cee Being..

Yes, Chris told me, the same thing

Daniel who played a character called Daniel

Yes, my Grandfathers name, the ultimate contempt he had for all Human Beings apart from his love of his child..

8:31 p.m

And for a Youth, who had a deceitful brother and a weak father but this Youth he Trusted completly by his manner and word.

He gave him 6,000 – 10,000 usd back in 1900..

the youth simply told him the truth as to where oil could be found

Which Daniel took at his word.


10,00 .10.

Because he just Sensed Felt, that he was telling the Truth.

And his sixth sense turned out to be A Fact.

And the other brother, who sought to create a Church of the 3rd Revelations, a False Prophet… he killed with a baseball Pin in his private bowling Alley.

Yes I am The Tree Sage.

Sage is used to cleanse

8:42 p.m

Clean the E.M.Field


Macu Pichu


The correct End play was 2004-2005

24 25…49.

Bed 49. Square of 7. 14. 7.. The Past 21 28

Rainbow Spectrum Hi way

The Present

88. Outside The Body of Truth Creation

16 64. 88 8/8 1.

99 Leaving Known Exisrence 18 81.

2001.. 18 5 years.

Car outside 185 Rou..Wheel.

18. August 1st Tomorrow Chief Kim Arthur Hines and Serenity

9. 18 81 99 9/9. 1.

1 O. 1. 1. 1/1.. 1

Leaving Creation Universe Nature…Everything behind.

Back to the E C. H O M E.

I feel no love reciprocated in this Realm .

Not through my entire life on this planet.

Perhaps now its is posible in John.

I found now Need in John MacDonald just a desire to know..


E K.


Stephen Esteban Filgueira

Aaron Weston

John MacDonald Steven Christopher

J.M South Carolina

2017 2019

Total Solar Eclipse

By me.. the Black Moon.




90. 91

See Sacred Portals 90 and 91.

9:02 p.m. And especially 92.

9:03 p.m

Sacred Portal 93..

Please Sew..

97 79

9 3 I C 39 C I



I rep Joseph Mccorkle

First Father Son Holy Espirit

9:04- 9:05 p.m right now

94 95


I E.

No need to check the Sacred Portals.

9:06 ( 99. 66) 96..69..

9:07 p.m


Jaime McKenzie


John MacDonald

And I am fully aware that my only true value to every persons, all 63 Dimensions including this one is my knowledge, not my person, not my love shared..

The Truth which people truly desire and hate to hear.


Expression Beautiful =Energy Awareness Manifest

T H E. B E A M

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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