
5:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m.


2-4-9…B-D-I…/ I.D..B… Beautiful Devil is I (Individual) / which is the I.D of being..

Is the Identity of Being…

4-2-9…D.B.I…Divine Being is Infinite…


Back at 566 Face Book Friends.. E-66.

Which links to me…

Welcome Sanon Waiswa.. S.W..Add A.E 1 5 the Full Circle..

S.A.W..E../ E WAS…

S.E.W..A…needle pulling thread..

/ A.W.E..Supreme…

Sanon (Sinon) mean Gift of God,

Waiswa.. Is a Ugandan name which mean First Born Male Twin

Emeka-Nnamdi… E.N…5+14=19..S..1O..1.. A.O..(Ariane Oates) A..Alberto…

Chukwuemeka Nnamdi… C.N.E…

The Gift of God-Energy, is the First Born Male Twin E.C

It also means In Greek mythology, Sinon (Greek: S????,[1] from the verb s???µa?—sinomai, to harm, to hurt[2]) a son of Aesimus (son of Autolycus), or of the crafty Sisyphus, was a Greek warrior during the Trojan War. Associated with Deception

In Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy poem Inferno, Sinon is seen in the Tenth Bolgia of Hell’s Circle of Fraud where along with other Falsifiers of words, he is condemned to suffer a burning fever for all eternity. Sinon is here rather than the Evil Counselors Bolgia because his advice was false as well as evil. The word ‘Sinonical’ was coined by Lewes Lewkenor in his 1595 work The Estate of English Fugitives.

William Shakespeare referred to Sinon on several occasions in his work, using him as a symbol of treachery

My day began with Donna O’Sullivan informing me that My mother had called…

The day began with Cecilia…meaning Blindness or 6th Sense

Code links to Cecilia Wiebers

Ana Leonardo Caixas whose name is also Cecilia and her brother David…

5:20 p.m


My mother’s was one of my greatest triggers during this 27 year mission..journey..

More so the last 15 years..

My grandfather had been a multi-millionaire, but for some reason had left no Will, which left my Mother his 1st Child in a vulnerable situation when greed and seeking for power had corrupted that one beautiful family of 24 children, 3 wifes, 8 children from each wife, 16 girls 8 boys..16-(7) 8..P.H…H.P…G.P…

I had left Nigeria before the total destruction of what was meant to be a Harmonious idea of Family gone horribly wrong…

All of the kids have degree’s etc… except my mother because she married so young, she instead studied Fashion Knitting and design..She could make things, design them she had the Eye…

And it got worse, the battle for money, I heard stories so repulsive I could scarce belief that this was what had become of my grandfathers dream..

And here I was solving riddles, peoples riddles, the riddles of Existence while my mother…endured the unspeakable…

My siblings helped but it was not enough..

My youngest brother has a family..

If there was ever a force within me which could have broken me from this play, solving the riddles.. it was my Mother, the injustice of her life…

The Injustices done to the Divine Feminine…

It was refusal to hear the voice and acknowledge the Existence of the True Divine Sacred feminine embody in a Woman…

It was acknowledged in men like Yeshua and Buddha etc…

But not in Woman…Really Wu-Man…

And Money versus Energy had dogged me, 24-7.. for the entire time I was being compelled to solve this riddle, and especially, the last 15 years..

Money versus Energy…

That was what the play I was in New York represented..

And when I found this out.. I was horrified shocked and understood that this set up, was Evil…

For some such as myself to not have an income,and the last person in the World who should live with others because of my Nature,

then add the indignity of 15 years stuck in such a play where for your Energy- people are left to respond by providing Money.. Food and Shelter.. Expressing the worth of my Expression and what it reveals, clarifies, heals…and the Riddles, battles with their false ego- correcting things in them through conversation because they had no mirror.. Living 24-7 in peoples world with hardly any contact with the outside world while I was under thier roof…

Its was an awful experience, despite some people not being able to provide expression of the Worth of my Intel and others who took advantage at such a Fool who went around ‘Cleaning the Cee of the World

Not being able to Help the ones close to you while the whole world gained from my life time of Wisdom and who I witnessed being blessed time and time by the presence moving through me..

Cripple physically from it in a play which sought to devalue my contribution to the World, and each Individual I witnessed it make sure I communicate with.. to the extent that if I refused, the presence would make sure that nothing would go forwards until I interacted with these persons..

Who seemed to transform me into the ultimate lie.. A Beggar and a Homeless man…

Despite working 24-7 on riddles for the world and the people I was led to..

Nothing can be more galling that that experience..

To take aware Job, and any form of security, even from the State, in order for you to prove the Supremacy of Energy over Money..

And then clean the Consciousness of money before being allowed to have anything.. even dinner..

I worked all the time…

And I received in Exchange.. enough to live…nothing more…

This was the Value given to my expression and sharing of the Eternal Truth

If that was not horrific enough, but being a first born son who never found it difficult to make money, having hear ones mother or kin, in need, and because of a mission which hardly anyone could conceive or believe was true… be trapped in a play rescuing th

My mother required financial assistance, but that was not the reason she called..

Which is what shocked me… The Reason she was moved to call me,

under the guise of the one thing I just could not believe would be asked of someone…

Was because she was being set up to affirm my posting about the Eternal Truth I used her as an example to explain…!

As I spoke with my mother, explaining the reason for my absence once more, she stated from out of the Blue that she always knew I was different..

I stopped and listened to her incredulously..

She continued in that sing song luxuriant voice I knew so well, which emerged when I had accessed her True Self..

.. A mothers knows, I could not explain it, but I always knew….

I could see it, as did Papa, (Her Father), even the way you dressed..

You were Special.. different from other children of this world..

I knew this.. so there is nothing which you have been saying the last 27 years which surprised me…

What stunned me, is that if Older Face Book friends would recall, I had revealed what my mother had stated about me when she appeared as a Queen Goddess in my Vision,

I spoke of the Great Council of the Spirit world, and the Gathering of all the Great Kings of the World, but there was none from the west present as America, or the Caucasian…

Many might recall, that I spoke of how my I went into that State after a beating from my Father…

And was invisible as I flew to that dimension…

And observed how the council spoke of the problem of the Caucasian race destroying the World because of an Anger.. and using only reason forsaking the ancient knowledge, and how to bring them back into the Fold…

My mother had spoken up, saying that she felt that I could do it..

At which the council of Pangea had erupted into laughter at the suggestion except another Queen and the Eze Nri who asked her why..

She gave the exact same answer, today that she did 4O years ago..

And please note, in that post, of day before yesterday, where I noticed TEN likes…1O.. I had not written what she had stated in the Vision…

And it suddenly hit me, that my mothers had been set up to affirm and confirm that Face Book expression by acting it out..

Just as I have observed the people are being set up to reveal their Truth…

Their Eternal Truth…

I never expected you to go so far Emeka.. so so far She said..

Neither had I… I responded.. what I did not say that I did it for Her, not personally but for the line of the C.. Seers of Divine Grace.. so that the True Sacred Feminine could rise… and I was forced to go this Far, because that was the only way I could Free the Cee of Consciousness and make rise its Truth.. E.C..T..Twins..

My mother, my Family undercover.. all were used as Bait… to create that they were all in pain and suffering to then push me to go further and further in His play…

Meaning I have literally Experienced True Evil… The Impossible proving I’M Possible.. A Check mate to me..

But not any more…

After the call I saw a text, written at 2:08 from Ana Leonardo Caixas Cecilia..

I asked her permission to post this..

and please recall she was is linked through the Equation play of Sacred Portal True Life..

Bonsoir Emeka! Comment vas tu? colon three emoticon

Pourrais tu m’apporter quelques lumiéres? En plus des rêves et visions que j’ai déjà partagée avec toi, je voudrais partager d’autres élèments avec toi.

Aujourd’hui je me suis rappelé d’une experience passée en 2010. J’étais déjà couchée, je lisais un livre et d’un coup je suis entré dans un autre état de conscience, tout est devenu noir autour de moi et quand j’ai pu voir, il y avait une petite fille de 6-7 ans en face de moi (on dirais moi petite, mais avec un regard plus vif, brune, cheveux trés longs et foncés, comme une petite amerindienne), elle me regardais droit devant, puis leva ses mains comme pour me montrer quelque chose et au moment où elle levais les mains au niveau de son visage ses yeux ont craché du feu et en recevant ça j’ai fermé les yeux et quand je les ai reouvert j’étais à nouveau avec le livre entre mes mains… années plus tard, je revais d’un guerrier amerindien qui m’attendais pour m’y ammener parler avec une baleine (je ne me souviens plus de son message), puis j’ai eu a nouveau des visites des monsieurs typées amerindiens tres serieux, un qui me faisais une session reiki et une autre fois, 2 monsieurs qui regardaient et approuvaient le tatouage que je n’avais pas á l’époque sur ma poignée. Puis la vision d’une belle chamane avec une couronne de plumes bleus et vertes que levais ses mains de gauche a droite… et en plus du reve des paons que je t’ai déjà raconté, j’ai révé des tous petit oiseaux genre (colibri) verts et bleues… qu’est ce que t’en penses de tout ça? Il y a bien un lien entre ces experiences, mais encore et comme d’habitude je ne pige pas tout…… je fais des efforts pour éveiller et evoluer, mais j’ai toujours l impression que quelque chose m’échappe, que je ne sais pas comment faire pour aider aussi les autres…et j’ai peur, horriblement peur… de quelque chose dont je ne sais même pas le nom…

She Speaks of a Vision she had in 2010…

*6 years ago, I was in Pelham Bay Park with Fritz Venneiq where we saw the Awakening of Nature and the acted out the Awakening of God…

She says she was lying on a sofa with a book, when suddenly she was transported to a realm of which there was darkness all around apart from a 6 or 7 year old American Indian girl, who was looking at her directly in the eyes..

She recognized this girl as herself…

The girl raised her hands to her face and then Flames burst from her eyes…

It came at her and she closed here eyes..

Years later she was visited by an Warrior American Indian, who took me to speak to a Whale.. but I do not recall what the message was or what we talked about…

Maori Wave rider.. Gift from Jonn Blackwell to me..

Then I was visited by by two more serious warriors, American Indians who approved the Tatoos on my hands Fists. which I did not have at the time..

Stand with Fists… Dancing With the Wolves

6:58 p.m

Then I met a Beautiful Shaman man who was Crowned with Blue and Green Feathers..

Blue Green.. B.G.. 27.. Easter was on the 27th..

Then I saw vision of Humming Birds also Blue and Green..

Blue is 5th Color, Green is 4th.. 5th 4th.. 54…

So what do you think of that, I know there is a connection between all these Visions, but I don’t get it..

I have made a focused effort to wake up and evolve, but I always have a sense that I am missing something..

And that I don’t know what to do to help others..

And I am terribly afraid, horribly afraid of something I do not even know its name…

7:06 p.m

76 See Sacred Portal The Awakening…

The Source of Fear is the Lie.. The Great Evil, I spoke of today with my mother about.. and Evil that has no Name because it is not real of true Existence but became real here..

But there is nothing to be afraid of, which means that fear is of the Awakening… that there is something you are not getting..

Which I am proving is not but That Lie affecting you..

Distorting the View…

6-7 year old little Girl.. 5-67 Face Book Friends..

6-7/7 6…

The Time-Perfect Timing (P.T) has confirmed your truth..

American Indian..? See Sacred Portal 121… ‘Our Mothers is the African American Indian Spirit.. Snow Flake Supreme Nature Divine

See sacred portal 4O…Do…And the African American Indians Warriors

Humming Bird H.B (28) is the code of my mothers..

born 1947..And in 1948…Evolved to…68, 69…67 years old..

Age is nothing but a code…

If one has too go so far for the Truth, or to prove love…

and that their is Harmony in the world…

in this World.. Then this World, this present world has lost its right to Exist…

Because Love is really Sixth Sense.. of a person speaking the Eternal Truth…

The Foundation and Base of Existence..

And this World has become and generated so much Evil.. that it can no longer even be called Evil…Because Evil.. yes evil serves a purpose..

But not this play…

Not this way…

How far would you go for the Truth of Love, 27 years, to Infinity..

why when the Eternal Truth is right here ..

Within all of you..

Fa!..A long long way to Run..?

How ridiculous.. the Heart is Beat Right besides

E..Namaste Day..

7:23 p.m


It all depends on how Cee…

7:34 p.m.

G: C.D…E… Cecilia Donna Esther..

Chris David Erik…

7:35 p.m..


7:36 p.m..

G.C.F…Circle Filled 36O degrees

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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