
5/9/2017 21:14 – Facebook Post

Well will you look at that…

I had no Idea that Two Face Book Friends had left the play..
And with the acceptance of Lois Clio Lennox… L.C.L…
It has brought Me to, 985 Face Book Friends…

( Ha Two were driven off perhaps by my calling the Public the D-Evil by looking at it through my Point of View…
Truth does not hurt, Lies do.. And Liars are those who can not seen another’s point of view, uttered without Malice but as simply Fact…
Who would be seen as the D..Evil in this Universal Studio Simulation of 60 Months of My Page… Me..? Actively and still fighting through 28 years to bring you to awareness, through physical Mental Emotional Spiritual Financial, Economic… The Beautiful Truth at which I was tortured tormented, raped, killed murdered..
All recorded here right to my Mother and Uncle seeing it on and testifying to me on Mothers Day Last Year..
And Code 888 X witnessed and in the presence of Nenad M. Djurdjevic confirming code X..
And one year later, I am here Full Circle Mothers Day at Delta Manor.. M.D ( Healer ) D.M..Divine Manifestor…
Mothers Day is May 14…I said 15.. Because it is the Date of Jose Roque’s Birthday…
5-14 is Sacred Portal 14 “Evolution of Consciousness”
5 is its Manifest Being…The E…Truth…
But 15th is E.O…E.F…56…
5-15-69… 5-15-15… 56 6…
Its not code Nenad M. Djurdjevic any longer because that play has already been aligned and linked..
Elm Trees… E.T…
Nenad line has evolved to the E through Will and Desire. Protected)

8:05 p.m.

This establishes a Full Circle of perfect Symmetry and Synchroncity Symmetry to Number..
3 45 508 ( 58) 5 29 1…
To Sacred Portal 58 “Spirited Away” The Japanese Anime to Fact and then The Correct Way..”
Person…Emeka Kolo Nenad M. Djurdjevic Expression Will Woods Stephen Filgueira Stephen Popiotek.. E K N E W ..S S A.O…H.

Place… “1385 Star Bucks Wood Ave Section of Star Bucks Siren…
Thing.. “Sacred Portal Crowning
“Devi Devoted Anoints Supreme Existence…”
D D… A S. E…
Recall 1 John 5:19… 1 5 19… A E S…
The Evil One…
S.EA… Non…
Thee code is A.S..E..
All witnessed it unravel on this script.
Recall the 1 John 3:8. ..
See Sacred Portal 38.. 83…69…


/ E..S.A.W… Will Woods
8:34 p.m…
34 year old Will C.D…
“For Demystifying the True C of Consciousness…”

Person Place & Thing…
P.PA.T… Patrick Okolo Patrick Ikemefuna Okolo M.D. Ass.Professor John Hopkins…J.H…Those who went down the proverbial Rabbit Hole.
Sun A/ Anus…
Sacred Portal 73…

To Numbers to Letters..
Nenad M. Djurdjevic to Lisa Natalie Johnson
and to Meaning Fact… M.F..
Male Female- Mother Father… MM FF… 1313..26/62..Z..F.B…I…
66…Fantasy to Fact… 12..LAW..E… to
Elizabeth Clarizio..
to the Three… Emeka Chandler Richard… E.C.R… E.R.I.C..
Chandler has now moved to another table..
And I am alone on this table…
Meaning Name..
Micha Nnamdi…

E M.A.N…
I.D…M.A.N…N E.S…E Sao.

58 85…13 13…44… 8 16…H.P… 24…X…6..F….
H.P.X.( B.D..Beautiful Devil..Jaymes Bond) F.
I went to see Cassandra today, My Case Manager and ally…
I observed that the painting gifted by Dawn Piercy was finally put up in the Office to my surprise…
In the Main Office..
It represents Sacred Portal 8.

1313.. 26…Z.. See the text below from Ijelegizida Omenigbo I.O.
His Logo is a Z..
See sacred Portal 26… “Something in the Air… There is a natural mystic moving through the Air.. Eros Aphrodite” E.A.. 51.
Room 5A..
Bed 5008.. R Marsi… R.M..

8:50 p.m.

And then back to 8…

58 85…13 85..13 13…8 8..
See Sacred Portal 88…
88 comes from one 8… 8 88…
The 1 John “Grace of the Creator” 38..C.H…
Is the Gift of the Consciousness Harmony…
Proven Point to the World and Existence .. W.E.

See the meaning of “ijele Gizida…Omenigbo…”
But I will only read it in E Code.. not Igbo…
I.J…E.L..E… G.I..Z..I.D…A… O Men 9 7 ( Light of World Existence) B.O…Orange Blossoms Essence oil given to me by Lisa.. And one which is of the Woods…
5 in all.

Ijelegizida Omenigbo

Brother E, How have you been. Please do not grudge my extended silence. It is over. It is finished. I have won my battle and my visions have been accepted in my own terms by all who were to recieve them. I have escaped the underworld ALIVE. But l must let you know that all you told me have also come to fulfillment. Full Circle. True indeed, I was fine all along but I’ve realized that my only need then was to regain my balance by touching base here, cleansing my inner being & delivering the messages intended for the comatose lots here. Task completed, I have paid my dues. I can only tell you the hell I experienced in the 3yrs I spent so far, when we meet in person. I also have a message for you and a duty to fulfill towards you.

I SEE you clearly now. I’m set to return by July. Much have been lost, but I have mined so much gems that I wonder who else will be able to comprehend but you. In retrospective, it was all about FREEDOM. In prospective, its all about LOVE. I will make it back and when we meet, please prepare to hear me out. We are to fuse again, to harmonize the realm back into the original Etheric frequency of the beginning. It will be accomplished. We will be victorious and the ancients have withdrawn their earlier intended fatality challenges, in cordial mutuality, in anticipation of our FEAT. They called our FUSION a FEAT. I have been handed the blueprint of the FIRST ONES in totality as well, after my near death ordeals, with instructions to execute FEARLESSLY and to guard it JEALOUSLY.

It will be only U & I. The Beginning & The End. No one else inbetween. The past reeks of our errors, but also of stupendous INSPIRATIONS to revamp the realm from scratch and accomplish the first phase of the re-enactment of JUSTICE. Our universe has officially clocked the 5th stage of its 7-stage spanned duration of Etheric acceleration, after which it will return back into the Ether…which they have falsley termed Dark Energy–it will but never destroyed. But an ascension event will be its END. Brother Emy, I am truly sorry for all your pain and loss, wish we had met much earlier. But its ok. We will work out the blueprint together this time. I have learnt patience, mental concentration and emotional discipline the old harsh ways. When we meet, I will offer more. Until we speak, I wish you LOVE INFINITE. Stay GENIUS and vibrate the Ether with your Stupendous Laughter of Elegance. Your brother, Chukwuka.”

Emeka Kolo –
Do you mind if I publicly share this your message on my page?
It honors you, and is well read but there is yet a higher incarnation of this already played out to completion on my page.
In which I was forced to re-enact it as I did in the Eternal Beginning.. Alone.

But this did not mean that you did not enact this part of that first action which you have stated you have.
I know this to be true by the simple “Perfect Timing” of your arrival
Through time- your message arrived twice
At 5-20 pm
And the 5:34 pm
You will see a code played out with Nenad and Will and myself
(N E W. N E W S. North East West South + C P
Center Point Dot 4-3 as well as K NE W. Spreading the News That Nnamdi- My Father is Here
Be Here Now!
The number is an MTCN code
345 508 52 91
And the 9 1 code completed with Will and I through text
2:49 pm B. DI. N N A M DI
Will at 4:39 pm. D C I
To completion at 5:15pm
Mothers Day M D
D.M.. Delta Manor
Bed 5-004. Jose Roque
Room 5A
And finally with my Aunt Julie in Texas the Lone Star State
She plays Joan of Arc
We conversed as E.T
As I reminded her what she already knew
She called at 12:41
Pls see sacred portal 41
D A. Elegua
I called her back at 4:35
And again “by mistake” at 5:29 pm
Will confirmed the Sacred Portal 37 his bed Number
Nnamdi Nonyem transformation
Meaning all was and is complete.

And your initials
I O and logo a Z
Is a code 9O representing a sacred portal of completion of the Spirit Worlds Play
E Spirit and..

All of the lines of N Nature are moving to E T by each replicating a piece of the Original Story…
Like Fractals of Light
But the Idea that Energy in Motion which Is Light, could be broken is an Illusion a Beautiful Illusion
I am 92
But the Illusion a Beautiful Lie gave humanity the opportunity to evolve from Fiction to Fact.

But none could defeat the Originals.
Not even Billions versus TEN
Five Five
Or even
And the 1 E

Well Done.

Ijelegizida Omenigbo
Supremely Ciphered Brother E. Go ahead. You have my agreement.

8:59 p.m.

Harmony at 5-9- 1… Todays Date…

Harmony with Person Place And Every Thing…
In Perfect Timing..

9:01 p.m.

345 508… ( 5-15-69) 52 91…

9:02 p.m.

92…See sacred Portal 92…


Not Sparta…. ( I could not resist… The Arrogance of the Movie 300)

9:03 p.m

It is the Sacred Portal which is meant to illicit Response..

9:04 p.m.
To my I.D.. M.A.N…N…E..S.A.W…
W A S ..E…
Eternity E…
9:05 p.m.


9:06 p.m.
96.. 99.. 66…

I am tired already of this…
I do not require anyone to recognize me,
Only the Truth Eternal Manifest means anything to me
9:07 p.m
Which is perfect Timing of meeting the Past Perfect..
97.. 16..7…
63…First Constant First Contact with I… e..

9:08 p.m
9″09 p.m.
17.Q. 8..H…
18….. 9 I.

H.I… My Welcoming committee…

Who call my Name…
Well Done..
Will Dewight… Light…

Will Desire… Helmet Protector..
Dewight means…The name Dwight is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Dwight is: From a surname, derived from Diot, a Latin Dionysius or Dionysia, referring to the god of wine.

With Dionisio…Eros… I.

I .l..
Infinite Limitlessness which you call the E.T…
9:13 p.m.
94..My I.D.. And I.DE.A of Family…

9:14 p.m.

I.N….E..Existence now..

Lois Clio Lennox


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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