
5/9/2017 10:47 – Facebook Post

9:49 am


9:50 am

I E. O

Hello.. Good Morning…

But no, I am not having a good morning, i am having.. A Morning and I am mourning…
And now I know why.

I am sitting Taylor street over the bridge on a bench, looking over at the small park which links the highway to the Bridge..
Two youths on the end bench to my extreme right, began playing cool music immediately I picked up my phone to write what just happened.

… I am mourning that I am still posting linking through Expression and the Written Word on a Face Book Page-
After a Life time, still Talking to the Silence.
– For there is no one I can converse about this experience.
All I do is Inform

But as Van Diesel (D.V, Double V )
states to The Evil Lady Villain controlling Gods Eye, after she delivers him the “Axioms of Choice” in The Tenth Installment of the Fast and the Furious
( The Fate of the Furious)
“I have no Choice!”

An Alarm got me out this early after breakfast- the Fire Drill, an alarm just went off in a car right besides me, Jose Roque who sleeps in the bed besides me, left his alarm clock on and went to Breakfast much earlier than I do.. If I do….It made me get up.

Now I am here, exactly where the Universal Script ( U S) wants me.

I have given Cesar of Bed 5-012 The Elegant Nomad to read, a copy sent to me by Marina Burini.
Yes M B
I found a pair of card board grey animation like Googly ( Google) glasses just as I entered this park.
On one side it says G.S
M & Universal Studios.
And on the other side the word

George Smith
GO Japanese for 5
M (13) links U.S. Universe Supreme
Realm of the Unique
“Individuals” obviously some one is watching me…

A Lady comes over with some pamphlets, to tired to use wit to fend her off, I do not object to her offering me a pamphlet
It shows a hand holding the World…
A Globe.
(A G. Ear Lobe)

“Who Controls the World?”

It reads..
The Lady asks me out of the three answers provided

Do you think it is God? G
Humankind. H
Someone Else. S.E

I respond
C Someone Else

She pauses then lets out a exclamation of Surprise, “Why that is Correct”

She opens up the pamphlet
It reads

“The Evil One controls the Whole World”
1-John 5:19

Evil One. E O. 5-15 -2017
Jose Roque is born 5-15-1969
Which is Mothers Day

Some Else

The Alarm has gone off again an the car again, I look up.. It is now quiet

“The Son of God came .. To Destroy the Devils work”- 1 John 3:8

1 38 which is the Code of which last Mothers Day, I was at code 38 which then was followed by Nenad M. Djurdjevic confirmation of 3 8’s 24 X the Bowl found in Igbo Uwkwu Enugwu Ukwu where my Great Grandmother was is from.
Followed by my call to my Mother on Mothers Day M D – D M Delta Manor
Where She saw the proof revealed to her t last in a Vision Dream of the Horrors done to me Unseen by physical world by the Spirit World.
And recounted how she had called and told my uncle Sir P, only to find that he too had had the same Vision Dream that same night.

Yesterday I wrote here on Face Book how I observed a Little Demons Cartoonish face appear in the Sky above which then spread out, transforming into a Hand which made a gesture of 5

Japanese Anime comes to Mind
Jose said he has met the Devil.
D Evil One
Me or Himself
5-15-69. E O

I am E K O E

John 1. 5 19. E S P
519 was the First Bed Assigned to me in Room 5C- I never slept in it.

519= 24 X. 24 42. 66. 6.
Not 666 18. R. Roque Rock Stone Hard Evil Unmovable Faith Fate Facts?

Facts are Flexible, like the Body you can Add to it.

1:38. 1. 11. 1

6 1
FA. T.H E. R
R E. H. T A. F.
RE. HAT. A F. 16

No one is Controlling
But some one Tried to.


E N. O. L I V E

Is Not Me

10:47 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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