
5/9/2017 0:35 – Facebook Post

10:23 p.m.


J Double V V

A .O B C. E

This just popped up,
And I was brought back down
By A Tall Basket Ball of a Female Security
And Two Men wearing Blue and Red
Mind and Blood of a Tall Black Woman
Strong but a lonesome role if the sole power of being seen is your physicality.
And also the Woman’s Mind
And The Female use of Mind and Heart
Love and Intelligence..
And Finally Men who are ruled by this principal..

Obviously, I am still working.

This pooped up.

Natural Light

I sat besides Robert
22 years old
He made a comment about me being Famous one day,
And I said to he and Shaun that if I become Famous, that they would be successful.
I later added the Equation by then reinforcing it with Reason-
Which is that it stands to Reason that since I mentioned them here, that they to would be recognized.

In Hindsight, it sounds suspiciously like
The Jesus story- you will join me in Paradise”

– Robert actually said the line “Don’t forget us when you become Famous”
I had heard that so often in the Past,
It became irritating.. Until I stopped hearing it..
But I did not miss it,
It did not bother me.

It never was about being Famous
It was always about getting Home.

But I am quietly stunned, that even now,
I am still in this place, forced to deal and transform insulting behaviour of abuse of Power and Strength, while shielded by Gender and the Abuse of the Mother of men understanding and use the principle of a Woman’s Mind and Heart..

I really should not be here linking and posting from a Mental Health Shelter while being maneuvered and cornered to solve riddles which are based on common sense and not Gender.

At the End of evening a man joined in the discussion who was listening as the Youth discussed with yet another person who had taken Abe’s place, who had taken Jace’s place ( J A ..)
I did not bother to get his name,
Nor join in when the Man to Roberts Right joined in.
I listened but I was posting and had had enough “Impulse and Stimuli”

Robert sat in the Center…
Centrine Paulson C P
And on the Right a man who Robert exclaimed you look like the latest Superman.
He did jet black hair pale skin clean cut
( My Passed)

10:58 pm

Super Man Kael
“The Voice of Lord God…”
S S K. 38. 11.
11 1 1
11 1
1 1
All 1
4 1
It makes 5 by the Will of the One Personality which brings them into 1
11:01 pm



The Light in the Center Piercing through the Woods.

Will Woods

Richard Brenda and Chandler sat in the Woods side of the cafe.
R.B.C .. But no E
I was with the Youth
(The Seat Available)
“4 Minutes” Ashley informed Brenda and then myself that the coffee would be ready.
4 aspects of American Indian 5 English Name

38 11 is 49.
S P Existential Death

11:11 pm

The Super Man guy was speaking about Russia having no involvement with Trumps elections.
He was in his forties speaking very intelligently- he had been intrigued by the conversation.

Jose Roque ( who played his part very well) was sitting besides Caesar and
On his other side sat Will on a round table a fourth sat opposite him.
He was wearing a Sweater with enormous letter E C

Emeka Clarity
Elizabeth Clarizio

More Clarity
More Moor Moore Maurice…

My I D is not Existential that was the Past
Nnamdi was the past

I Am Not Here
Only my Awareness and Illusion of my body.

The three I knew at the table
5 004

3 5 5
Christain Edwin Edwin


3 5 1
7 4 2.

10 9 3
J I C. A O I C
22 V. 5

I had stated to Caesar that Mental Health had to do with Health Care.
N H S. The Nations Health Service

That it stands to reason that a country whose citizens were worried about not being able to afford to take care of their Health would suffer Mental Health Issue and could not be productive to the True Wealth of Building a Nation because their Heart Red and Mind Blue would be concerned about their Physical Bodies
Strength giving out when they are “Worn Out” their Machines
-A Drive for Health based on Fear creates a very unhealthy society and defeats the purpose of even A Greed and Competitive Capitalist Society…

The Health of a Nation is its Wealth..
And to take away the Blood the Heart, the Peace and Calm…
You will natural create an Unnatural Body Sickly Obese or thin sicky despite all the Physical “Make Up” of Gyms and Libraries..

Peace of mind is a basic right to being in existence because it the Energy out put will be contaminates by the Virus of Fear and eventually disease of Mind Heart all linked to Expression.

It is Foundational
The Well Being of the People
This is the Constitution of the body of a Nation and World. N W

Distribution Circulation
Digestion Evacuation

Energy is Nothing but Motion but with Intent and Purpose
It Clarifies.

What is On A Mans Mind
“Feeding His Her Family”
The Third Chakra
And the Root Chakra
The Well Being is a Balanced Grounding
The Well of Zeem Zeem

This is basic common sense
Without which nothing else will make sense…
Because all Expression would be anchored on that one thing.
Not being Balanced or Anchored in Existence…

People will live in a perpetual non existence, having never experienced being grounded in True Existence
Never having even had the chance to Be Here Now
Much less why you are here.

How could you?
Your not present here in the present
And never were.

Red Blue Consciousness
Harmony Peace Existence is Bliss
And moves to Extase.

One Line.

This IS Non Existence
D i

I D. M.A N. N. E. S. SAO

See meaning of Sao in Portuguese

Anything other is not of This World Universe Existence True

Not here.

So Begone

The Lie

Light comes from Within


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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