
5/8/2018 23:50 – Facebook Post

10:21 p.m.



At 4 p.m, I Mr Bey, for the first time asked to see me.
It was about a formal compalaint I has made for Elvis, one of the workers for the Catering and Ckeaning services called the “Ambassador” –
Which are meant to be Diplomats.

A.D./ D.A.

I have never filed a formal compaint before, but he had pushed the Limit of my patience. No only because he played the Jester, while concealing a certain contempt and disdain for the people in the shelter. And with me, was I am sure my manner which though he jokingly calls me “Iron Foot” ( I.F… 9 6.. 96% Dark Energy, Dark Matter.. D.M.. Delta Manor… D.M…Divine Manifestation.. D.A.M…
* I just put a movie in for Bean who is seated beside me, he is watching Van Damm.. Jean Claurde Van Damme…
Divine A.M…Dawning Awareness Manifestation.. of my Equation..

* Jaqui was downstairs, Quanma’e Lewis has signed his lease, he told me.. he is free.
And so is the Spring. “Transformation Transformer” – and so is my Qunatum Equation finally free to manifest.

10:31 a.m.

I had promised him that he would see the evidence of the Fact and Feeling of this ‘Fantastic Fantasy” of the Fantastic Four,
being a Fact. The Literal dancing in the streets- the Joy, the Bliss.. The literal transformation of the world.

I recived a message from Billy Hung at 7:35 p.m.
It is 10:35 p.m right now-
The message was “I fixed my Computer”-
I noticed that in perfect Harmomy, the Computers at Delta Manor had been fixed. All Four.
In perfect harmony.
But they were working at 3.30 p.m when I came down for a moment to the T.V. Room- I never come here in the afternoon.
I understood that we had manifested Universal Computer – which was really this world drowning by numbers.
I had aligned the mess and fixed the and aligned all the sub routes and wirind of the Universal Brain…

Bean is seated besides me… J C V D… And now watiching a new movie with no sound…

Emeka Bean.. E.B.

The two parallel universes of Knowledge, Eternal and Temporal are aligned.

I met with Mr B.E.Y, for the first time since i have been in this Shelter.
It was my choice not see him.

But in this case, I was tired of Elvis and that rudeness and hyprocrisy which I had tolerated from him and from so many here at this shelter and the play.
Everybody has a compicity of lying- this is such a perfect reflection of the world in a nut shell.

But I have met all the people who were meant to Cross Over.
I am the portal.
I listened to Mr Bey, not really listen to me because I could see and heat all the expressions of his sub conscious and of course view of me.
He had of course, formed an opinion andwe have had a non stop “Silent” Interaction which of course, creates the gretaest Sound.

I was aware that it was a play.

Just as I am aware that Billy Hung and all the line he represents as the new Line of Universal Sensie’s will Help Helm a New School- A University

*”Around 6 p.m. Monday, Jeremy D. Safran, 66, was found beaten to death by a home intruder, who is believed to have followed one of the victim’s daughters to their home at 155 Stratford Road in Flatbush, police sources said.

In a statement to The Post, a spokeswoman for the university said Safran, who worked at the New School for 24 years, was an “internationally renowned psychotherapist … deeply respected and admired by The New School community and his colleagues throughout the psychology profession.”

You do you understand the codes right?

6 p.m… J.D.S… Age 66… J D.. is sacred portal terible deat “Com Pass Me… The Croosing… 10… 4… TEN.. Delta.. 10 Delta… Father Ten as Nnamdi evolved to Eric Bill…David…
E B D… Room 4 B…D B… Deaths Being…
Sacred Portal 41.. Birth from the Abyss.. the Void… the System of the Damed… Sacred Portal 66… New York Times.. Pina Bausch..

*155.. See my Sacred portal 155.. The Twin-Dopplegangers.. Universes whose last aspect is played by Billy Hung and Jace Horsford.
J B H H…

*Georges-Philippe Roc went to the New School.

10:59 p.m.
B E D.. 5900.. Billy;s Mother Car which he drives…
Sacred Portal 59.. Anthony Malgren.. A.M.. Code C.V..

*Mirzo Atadzhanov, 28, of Brighton Beach was charged with murder and burglary in the Monday night knife-slaying of 66-year-old Jeremy Safran — a renowned professor of psychology at The New School in Manhattan.
Mirzo Atadzhanov. M.A…./ A M… Age 28…
Code 66 28…. 19 66 11 28… See sacred Portal 66 and 28…
66 F F

New York attorney-general Eric Schneiderman said he is resigning as the state’s highest law enforcement official, hours after a report in which four women accused him of physical violence. Schneiderman, who built his reputation as a courtroom foe of President Donald.”
-Four Women accussed him.

Attorney General… A G… E… is me… Young.. Youth….
A=1…G-7.. E… 5…

1.. 75… World 7 Sea’s-Sees- Rainbows… 5.. Continents- Expressions.. 1… is 12…3… 1 3…
1 over 3… *See Sacred Portal 86.

This world is collasping- this system of the Damned, and the Down the Wall Street Dow is done.

I passed through Georges-Philippe Roc portal as G.P.R..
7 6 18… * My bed is 18…

Yes, Billy Hung, they were using my codes- they are public, I am public access.
Any one could read my codes, and I called it out years ago as well as the warning that using my codes without Embodiment of the Frequency which is required to created the effect ad reach access and create manisation, it will back fire. Because it will access the frequency only of that which it embodies…
Flusing out that which was meant to be flushed out because it the source of the wave moving through this world comes fromt the Fifth Dimension… F D. 6 4…
Yes Billy, the sacred portal 64.. “I am H ORNY”.. ( Yes me too but the code also means ‘I a.m… HOR.. NY.. “Hor” in French means “Hour” the Hour is at Hand, in New York….
H.O… R. N Y/ Y .. E-N Y-G, R-I…H…. N= 14.. 1+4= 5…
Evolution – of the numbers.. E G I H.. 5 7.. 9 8…
Five Continents 7 Oceans… The Body… Infinite Harmony…

George was born 5-21-92…. E U .. B I…. L L ( 12 12.. 24.. 6)
2018.. T R.. U E…. I ( T=20, 2O.. B O..) B I U E….
B.. I C E…. )
Being I Cee E.. Eternity.. Evolution… Existnce… Embodimed.. Exemplified….

George means “Farmer” he who plants the seed..
Farmers Truck… 115…

Time Now 11:22 P.M… C E C I L I A.. D A V ID… E ..
C D… G… 7:35 P.M…”I fixed my Computer”…
C.. C E…. Creator Emeka Kolo…. E K.. 5 11.

I had opned my locker before the meeting with Mr Bey..
( Bey means “Mr” in Turkish… R M. RM.. Randall Michael Wilz..
Robert Murphy.. Rosario Marsi ( Was bed 5-008 when I was in room 5A.. Bed 5-006…)
M.R… M R M R… M=13… R = 18… 36 Usd from Billy Hung.. 18 18..I am Robert I and Randall…
M evolves to 4..Delta… Dinisuo Divine…4 /3
R= evolves to 9… Infinite… I.. Individula…
49.. D.I… 94… I D.
Full circle… D I D I… DID .. I…
/ I …DID….

Earth Quake in Hawaii.. 69 on the Rector Scale…

I used the Locker art and created the new Story Equation of the End… I would have taken a picture and posted it but it does not work with a my Govt Phone.. G P… Radio.. Bugged…
I am Indiffernt…

Time of the post… 10:21 P.M… J U… J U J U….
A O U…
A owes you E… ( I know Big time)..

I passed through the portal of BEY… B E Y….. Y E B…
Yes hue are Emeka Beautiful… Y E T.B….
Youths Expression Truth Be…
Bean Emeka Young….
Anthony W Young A W Y… A W A Y… A W E Y…

See sacred portal 41.. How the Wordl was Born….
Pina Bausch… P.B…

11:41 p.m.

Yes the Post is all in code…

11:42.. p,m

See sacred portal 41… and 42… 42 is “ohm”

Meaning of Existence.. ? Hitchh Hikers Guide To The Galaxy…
H H .. G – TT- G…
88… 7 -20 20…vision.. G…

88.. 16.. 7…
R O Y..-G… I B… V…. V=5=E…

R= I… O…
I O G-H. I B… E


/ E B… I.H…G F…( 76)… I.

11:45 p.m.
11:46 p.m.
11 11 44 56… 11…
11 11 8 11
Helmut Klenkler
H K…
Hells Kitchen ..
That play for me personally, and the clean is done…
Now it is for the “Klings Ons” time to face the music of the power of the true K.O..
Know out of Existence ..
2198 was the code gven to me for my I D T.. Phone Card from the Delta Manor Shelter.. number I used to call England and spoke to Emily Seedly… E S…
was 347 308 7645… Secuirty code 21 98…

See sacred portal 98/ 89…

11:50 A,M.
K E O….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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