
5/7/2018 20:39 – Facebook Post

6:45 p.m.

1136 Face Book Friends.

Just received 36 usd from Billy Hung who came here to see me.
It was important that I speak to him, because of the last part of the work which I had to complete with Billy, through conversation.
A completion of the Script and Mission which began 5 years ago.

It happened, after I called the British Embassy in London on an IDT Card.
The code number was 13 47 308 76 45… I recall just staring…
Then the Activation code 21 98…
I called London England, determined to create the action to end this play script because I am Done, and because I have seen the Equation, nursed it step by step to its fruition….
And observed the long, prolonged extension and delays of that which equation of Truth which is Manifestation.

Solid Manifestation, and instead of manifesting it has only given more and more caveats, delay tactics and more work weaving linking and posting to do.

I am fully aware of the Equation Formula of manifestation, Instant as well as that which bridges the “Gap” called Time and brings forth the ECHO response.
I understood the reason for the delay to bring people- the public into the play script to see for themselves the process of their own Evolution Awakening…
And to be part of it if they chose to, but I also knew that this was was not real, and that all this had already taken place before in Eternal Beginning..
And I knew that this was more about forgetting, and Laziness…
Forgetting that there is No God who was going to come down and do all the work for the species to Evolve – or come back to Their Senses, that they are not really here present yet…
That Humanity are Spirits incomplete, shadows of Themselves waiting to be completed by Their True Selves Beyond the “Veil”

I understood that Laziness came from not keeping the Commandments, the code of Cleanliness, the cleaning of ones See, Conscience and Consciousness.
The cleaning up and taking responsibility for Your Past, Past Lives, Collective as well as Individual Past…
And this was not only the reason which most simply convinced themselves, became content that this was it…

I knew most of all that this Script was re-written because of the doubt of there being Anything Else- despite the obvious logic of there being something and else documented and which has occupied all Human Expression- the idea that there is something else. And idea which many religious bodies and communities, especially ancient, have transformed into a Fact by their enactment but not in their actual Belief or True because they had not truly investigated the Facts…
Because it was Forbidden.
Because Limitations and restrictions were placed on what the Human Mind could understand and imbibe.

The Script was rewritten, a fact that Robert Karl Murphy said to me when I returned from my Phone call with the British Embassy after speaking to a young lady called Emily Sealy.. E S..
( Yes the first bed number I was given at the Shelter with… 5-19)

“They don’t want you to leave” Karl said.
Seeing my face cloud like a Thunder Storm, he hurriedly added that he was not speaking for himself that he was simply relaying the message which was coming through him.
I was fully aware of the Wave Length his Radio TV body of Light was transmitting…

7:11 p.m…
Yes Him.. 7 11 p.m Always Open… A O.. Big Brother at the portal Galaxy 1O11 IC….the twin expression or “IBEJI” of Jace Horsford’s Chief A Olufemi… And in Billy Nnamdi evolved to ID MANN…

i responded that it is alright, that I knew that already, he added that the It all takes place first in America; again it was something I already knew.
I added that he must remember that I am that Big Brothers,Big Big Brother..”
At which he replied in the affirmative, that he was aware and that his Big Brother had wished to understand something, learn something from me…

“Yes”, I responded, it is all recorded in the Book on Facebook which he commissioned for me to write…

I did not find it extraordinary all the things which streamed naturally through Karl, after all I am the one who has been proving that Humanity as Avatar Descendants of the Eternals who through this Play Script evolve now to the Embodiments of the Eternal aligned and interfaced with Matter Body Being which align and transform the body into Eternal Energy…
The interfacing of this with Natural Naturalness- Expression Energy.

NN 14 14… 28… 10… Link Billy Hung B.H… 2 8.
Now 10.. And 1O… 1 O.. is actually 5 5…
Which creates One. 1…. 1O… 25

1 4= 5… 1 4= 5… 55

E E 5 5…

2 5 33 was what is on my face book page and the number 39 om the corner…

I am aware the few and rare Human Naturals who are clean and who the family outside of this Matrix and Universal Simulations as well as those caught in the Web of Time have, who stream directing without distortion the Wave length of the Family of Eternal Truth to link with the Naturals to form the TE N.. Landing in solid Truth of Fact proven True.

So when he said..The Script was re-written, I smiled like a Wolf, holding back my rage and my desire to Hurl out “I know” that was the Challenge.
That is what they the Ancestors and the Spirit world did to the Clean, to Billy Hung and others.. They used them to investigate and even hinder their own willed investigation as to whether I told the truth and that this World is not True, nor is it real.
The Play was for Evolution but these Evil Ones and the Forgetful ones ( The so called Forgetful Ones are the Sources of the Evil Ones… Such as the Evil which brought me to this portal, to this play of 17 years to remind that which I knew that was not truly forgotten but rather that which people of the higher ones no longer believed was possible.. The manifestation of the of the Prophecies… Prophecies which They had either intentionally mis-read or mis-translated.
But the age of Reason and the Ability to Read, had nullified that excuse with my emphatically proving that it was a Choice…
Laziness to do the work..

Yes, I knew they had re-written the script and that Billy Hung who had been thwarted by these ‘Evil Spirits” – created by wagging tongues and gossip mongers, deceptacons so sure that they could speak and say anything they liked and that there would be no karma- because they could do see it manifest in an instance..

Billy represented the Proof of the Truth that this is not real life, that this is a simulation and this is what and why the spirit World of Shamans and Sinister ones, the practitioners of the Dark Arts fought him.
As I listened to him tell me of the experiences of this Forces.. Real.. True.. but only within this Story- because they were powered by the Forgetful- Those who know and knew the Truth but decided that it would never manifest.
Having conveniently buried the truth that It was not someone Else who was going to do this for them.
But that they had to do it for themselves…

Billy Hung spoke of the Evil, the Cruelty.. the deviousness of all that he finally understood was the reflection of the child he was and the children in the world allowed to go to far and to thus incarnate and create and power and evil Nature which had a will of its own.

As he described the experience of how they tortured him, I recognized exactly the Evil which I had experienced and kept saying this impossible…
The Evil so so foul so malicious… and yet which could not be ignored because it was real in the Matrix.
And the they were mad children hackers, who created a Maze and then there were the “Adults” Monsters Children who created the Web and the Trap..who sought Power…
And there was the Shamans who sought Control…
Billy found his way through the Abyss of which the Mind is literally literally fucked with by outside forces…

As I stated Humanity was being meddled with.
But they were haunted and invaded- possessed by their own Past.

Billy Hung had done the Journey of Nnamdi… NN AM.. DI…
Those codes followed us and began the moment were on the phone. the continued to the parking tickets… 4:09…49.. DO..I..
Yes, I could read the alignment of the Universal Simulation which was everywhere…
It then moved to 5:11.. E.K…
He did to the Do of NN AM DI../ ID Mann…

We went to lunch and I steered him to a Chinese Rest. which I thought was the Great Wall but it had been changed to Hong Fa…!
Hong is Billys surname… And Fa he told me means a form of 8…

From Chinese ? (hóng) meaning “rainbow”, ? (hóng) meaning “enlarge, expand, great” (which is usually only masculine) or ? (hóng) meaning “wild swan, great, vast” (also usually only masculine).

Rainbow Warriors…
Wild Swan .. Symbol of Transformation.
Enlarge Great Expand Vast….Sky….

Fa means 4th Note .. Delta…

I understood the message .. Nnamdi as his past “My Father ( me) is present… said that Billy Hung is the representation of the line of Do of I.. Infinity.. and Nnamdi’s doing of the expression of His Big Brother – checking the facts.
And All I knew I had to do with bill was to Flip his view from seeing that Evil which we came to send out of Existence, but he had to see it- his line had to see it to believe and experience it as fact…
*My rage of course, is that it did not have to be explored that deeply to allowed to go so far, for one to understand what such a diseased :perception” could do…

No. I knew that Billy had somehow fought through all those distortions of Human perception not only made real but so power ful in the stoty that I had to spend all my time proving them out existence while sustaining the Original True Story, as well as the Facts of Human Evolution while being attacked by the Zero and all The Demons…

See Page 26 New York Times ( yesterday.) Television section…

“Facing Demons without Super Powers…” Page 26

( Benedict Cumberbatch . B C…. Mr St Aubyns creation Patrick Melrose )

Page 20…Dance section…

“After 45 Years Change Arrives..”
( Pina Bausch Dance theater…. I saw so many of her productions in Paris, and I lectured Dance theater in Akdemi Istantbul and taught it at the Opera school.)

Page 24… A Perfectionist tries to follow a Masterpiece…

662 was my coffee Number.. with Billy..
Billys was 680…. 68O… 6..8O…

662…F F B…

I just bought another… 672… add 10.. 1O.. TEN…

17 years in the Abyss of what was meant to be Despair…
13 years since 2005…
12 since 2006…. 26… I endured the onslaught of the powers made real of the lie of the end..
And Billy went as the Nn am di line to check for himself and almost got trapped in the liars Web…
And so we did the work to break the spell.. it did not take too long but it was work…

Yesterday, I showed the evidence of the World Existence being shaped like a Bowl, a wooden bowl have filled with Water…
And my locker with the number 360 written on it as well as my bed being 18…
180 degree.. 180 Tremont avenue is the station I came to this Shelter thru, but hardly ever use. The World is of two aspects both stories… The Physical Material and the “Spiritual”..
None of these are real.. They are simply reflections of each other.. Water reflects the Space-Air.. Atmosphere..Air…
Air Water… The Ground is the Edge…
The base… Thus when we both saw the amount he had given me – ( I said let us count it…)…
We saw it was 36 usd… 360… Full Circle… I did the full Circle of Height Depth Circumference…
Billy line did the Circumference, meaning that they did Cee…but was the experience the original experience and the Sum of what I experienced first as only the Beautiful Truth.. B T.. Billy Tom.
As the Illusion I fought in the Original begining…
Which I had to do all over again… making it 4 Full Circle of Do… O O O O…

The tel call to London… 01144 300.. 222… 0000… 1144 3 00 222 000… 2 4 0’s.. 6…!… O O O O…OO.. 4 2….

There is only one truth…. 555… E E E… 5555 4-5…. 55555 55… 555 555 56… 5555 555 57… “Earth’… 5555 5555.. 58…. 5555 55555.. 5-9…
B ED… 5900 That is Billy Mothers Car License Plate..
A journey he did for his Mothers… As I did…
A B… So she could Cee all was safe for She B A.H..To rise.
A B C… E…Andy Billy Cecilia…

8;38 p.m.

There was so much more … but I am too tired.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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