
5/7/2016 16:53 – Facebook Post

5/7/2016 16:53 – Facebook Post

3:04 p.m

Arch Angel Samuel Versus the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix… U.S.A.M

I am of course, in the last of the play of this Simulation Awareness which I have been in the moment I arrived in New York City 15 years ago…15-O…
Where my Awareness has been tested, to a point of absurdity.
Linking every moment of my Life since I as born at 8 p.m London England code 66..6/6… 11 28… to code 8 H.I.. Harmony the 8th Letter.. III bridged to create an H and 8-9 Being the Same.. Harmony Infinity… H.I…E..energy…

Which is why I am explaining to them unseen the truth of how I am AWARE… of what is happening to me, and exactly what is going on despite the illusions use of ‘Spells” to make it appear as though everything BUT the Evolution Awakening Fact of
Fractaling As Emeka Eze… and this Beautiful Truth I carry alone being non Existent.

I have been linking my Date of Birth and Time of Birth, to the birth of Existence as Harmony Infinity Eternity…right to the present at Generation X Garden 4th Street…to Zeina Hanna 26 8.. Anthony Spencer, Anthony Pitts…etc….
Proving the Symmetrical perfection of Everything Everywhere and in Everyone….. And linking it to meaning through my Post…

I am sitting here in the home of a former colleague whose name is A.Santana… Meaning “Noble Bright Intelligent, Eternal Law Santana Dharma… S.D./ D.S… 4-19… April 19, 9 months to the date.. where he had a dream that I was coming and the moment he woke up was my ringing the bell… His dream and reality as One…
It is the 18 Day since Stone Ridge ..S.R…19 18…17 Days… 18th today letter R…

A-Z…Alpha Bet City….A.B.C…

18 M.View Stone Ridge…Transparent Door C..Deck.. 9 months…=18 days…R=18…
R=18..1 8 is A.H…minus 0…Add O…

A -R-S to StONE Ridge +18 Days..A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q (Quantum) R..18-R..R (18+18=36 O)..Alberto H..A.H.. 1+8=9..
Infinity Expression,,
I Energy
I Exemplify..
I A.M Example…


To Full Understand this ‘Play’ – you have to go back to understand the Story…
Or you can simply go back to understand the codes…

To make an assumption about what this is all about without looking at the facts… all recorded here on Face Book.. is the Height of Folly and Assumptions… Failure…

Today is the 18th Day since I left 18 Mountain View, and since I began the daily Visit to 4th Street, Generation X Garden Orchard…
Go… Code Transformer Q…

And yes the Quantum Change has been activated…
How do I know…?
For the first time in 15 years, what began as a strange tick which morphed into a full blown battle within my body seeking to Morph and rise, providing the last incontestable evidence of Evolution. and the battle with Death as Rigor Mortis…
My body is releasing…really releasing and my Solar Plexus is at last expanding…
The feeling is indescribable…
And the process once like a Rubic Cube which I would solve then the structure would dissolve once more into chaos- 12 years of this intensity and battle…Finally it feels permenantly opening…

3:15 p.m. Link Zeina Hanna

As I stated before, the condition for my body and being finally having peace was the constant solving of this riddles and connection

Right now it is a children fill the Generation X Garden, its a year olds Birthday..
I always seem to be here when a child turns one.. last year it was a girl called Abigail…

All this is recorded over the last 4 years on my page…
4 is D.. 4th note is Fa! ( A Long long long way to run..? The Running Man..R.M.. Across the Galaxy…? Around the World in 80 Days O ways…. 27 years.. 48 years and the gap 49-5O)
No, not really… All exist in one point…

Ruth Donna O’Sullivan….

Zeina Hanna… Hannah was the mother of Samuel in the Bible Story..
He was the only High Priest to pass through the “Holy of Holies”

Arch Angel Samuel is the Arch Angel of Death, lives outside the Garden of Eden, ( Story Matrix..S.M)…They called it the Wilderness…

Ref Meaning Enyiagu Afam Samuel…. The Elephant (Memory) from the Wilderness, My Name is Samuel… Emanuel…Eric… E Manual…

“In Hebrew The meaning of the name Samuel is: Name of God; asked of God; heard by God. Samuel was the prophet who anointed Saul and David as kings of Israel in the Old Testament..”


Nuno Ordens Miguel Emanuel.. E
Nuno means Nine…
Ordens means Order…
Micheals means Gods…

4:22 am…

Ariane Oates…code…Eternal Love…

Eternal Law… Santana Dharma…

Hanna means
“Geeja, or Chana, is a given name. In the Hebrew language ?annah (??????) means “God’s given gift to the world”, or “He (God) has favoured me/favours me [with a child]”. This name is transliterated from Arabic as either Hannah or Hana.’

“from the Hebrew name ?????? (Channah) meaning “favour” or “grace”. Hannah is the mother of the prophet Samuel in the Old Testament. As an English name, Hannah was not regularly used until after the Protestant Reformation. The Greek and Latin version Anna, which is used in the New Testament, has traditionally been more common as a Christian name.”

Zeina Hanna
Kelly Hanna
Klaus Zwangsleitner

After coming back from Florida – The Sunshine State…
I re-entered New York 8-4-2012.. with R.S and B.H…
and moved eventually to Kew Gardens- and found myself constructing a space which I realized was a Temple….
A holy of Holies…
K.E..VV Gardens…
It is all documented…


Crow Symbol: Native Americans believe that seeing a Crow represents Spiritual Law and its black feathers are a symbol of death to ones enemy – The Bird has a deep symbolic significance to many different cultures and religions. The Bird is said to be able to communicate with gods; the bird can ascend into heaven and the bird is even a feature of the Tree of Life often depicted with a serpent at their feet – There are approximately 116 different species of Crow. Birds in this species include Magpies, Jays, Rooks, Jackdaws and Ravens – Crow Symbol Traits

The bird is generally thought to be a symbol of freedom. They can walk on the earth and swim in the sea as humans do but they also have the ability to soar into the sky. Birds are free to roam to earth and the sky. Many cultures believe that they are a symbol of eternal life; the link between heaven and earth. A comprehensive guide to the Crow Symbol:

Native Americans believe that seeing a Crow represents Spiritual Law and its black feathers are a symbol of death to ones enemy

Native Aborigines believed that birds carried stories

The black Crow is widely believed to be a symbol of bad news

The Crow was sacred to the Greek god Apollo….

Bads News for those who have incarnated in this play Existential Death…

4:47 p.m..

Sam Crow….

S…A.M….C.R…O.W! OWE… / Worc..Word… WOR.C.D

Row! C Mas..Ter… C Mass!

4;50 p.m..

contd.. The Riddle of S.A.M.. U…E.L… ANNA-Hannah Beauty…

S..A.H.B…. Sarah… Andrese Harris Burton

S.H… Heather Schaefer

4;52 P.M…Contd… at part 3

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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