
5/7/2015 20:03 – Facebook Post

5/7/2015 20:03 – Facebook Post
5/7/2015 20:03 – Facebook Post

6:4O pm.

28O Facebook Friends.

28O. FF..(66).

2+8= 1O.. TEN. B+H= J (AO)

28 x…16..1+6=7 Letter G.
(BH= BxH= P.G. as in D.P.G)

2(8) 8×8= 64…
Food Drink
Ethiopia Baltimore EB?
6+4= 1O..1 Circle..JAO

28O Facebook Friends…FF.

B.H.O.F F….

Being Harmonious O-FF….?

Yesterday in the garbage (Garb of Age is Garbage?)

I found a poster framed.. Of James Dean
Symbol of Youth and its rebellion in the 5O’s who died in a car accident at age 23-24.,
*I will check.

My own David Roman Nicholas (Nnamdi) with the evolutionary physical trait of “Wings” looked a lot like a modern James Dean.
D is 4.
1+4= 5
6:54 pm right now..
Sitting at number 54 the Bean Cafe
14 is +x 54…
29 represented in this play by Zeina Hanna
29-born March 15 (3.15…Letter C.O Consciousness Full Circle Perfect Symmetry..
*Spear of Destiny.
268, meaning B-eau-Ti (Beauty is the Gift of the Creator..Harmony)
29 is
Bergamo Italy
Residence of Nenad M. Djurdjevic

IT Lives BI in OINRI Igbo..

It Beauty the Gate out of the Matrix.
The Golden Gate ( TI is the 7th Note)
Eastern Gate. EG.O ( 5-7-8 today’s Date)

24+x 68…
B.D.. F H…
Being Dimension Fact Harmony.

This means the Being of a Dimension is a Fact of Harmony.
To Exist you must be Harmonious.

As I pulled the picture from the Garbage I had a feeling I had freed my brother Father Twin self. from something awful fate…

And lo and behold was another poster with a play called the Last Night…
It had six photographs of actors two of whom I had met
Thier characters names read from F.B.I agent, to Mousad agent to Carmen.. The two actors women I had met Melanie M and Mara…
MMM…Struck me…
Hmmm…13×3= 39
Now why I wondered where they hidden behind a poster of James Dean in all his coolness.
A German man walked by I knew,
“What ya got there?”

I showed him…

“Hmm Stylish”

What is the relevance of this..
Well I just noticed that on Faceboook forum of my I phone that I have six faces of 6 of my latest Facebook friends.

Is there a link…

Let’s see…

There is Andrese Harris Burton
Felicia Eyiuche Onwughalu
Anagor Okechukwu Sunday
Billy Hung
David Philipe Gil
And Lastly,
Tatyana Lysak….

*P.S Lysak means slang for “Baldheaded man” in Ukrainian.
Yes, I cut my hair recently almost to bald.

Now let’s see the Intials.

P.S time is 7:2O p.m
Please see Sacred portal 72 of the Release from the Womb of the Spider Lady Web Matrix.
WM..MW…23+13..36…C F.. Hmmm Milky Way..
Wambui MI..Hmmm?)

6 recent FaceBook Friends..








Let’s see AH B F EO AO S.B. H D P.G TL..

Can I decode it…

Ah Best Friend Energy O (Filled Circle) Alpha Omega, Supreme Being, Harmonious Dimension Planet Gaia True Love ..

*I used Gaia as the name based on the codes anchored through this play.
G A as in 7 1 which represents George Akel whom I met at the Bean but represented Marina Burini silver G4 Mac Computer code 71-3O which was the date last year when the Unseen Seen universal Awareness affirmed I had solved the code of matric July 1st, 2O14,
7-1 also aligns to the 7 Chakra which move down to grounding..
*See the share of the 33 Vertebra Spinal Chord of Andrese Harris Burton.

P.S For 16-7 nights I walked in non existence on the last night I found a poster with Rob F. Black of the seven Energy points.
And on what was meant to be my last night found a poster of James Dean
J D.=N..14..1+4…A+D= E

And A for Ana Leonardo Caixas and I for InĂªs Guerreiro..
Aligned to the two ppl I met and interacted with when I first met Isaac Calvin McCullough (at Generation X Gardens) and my former host A.S)
Thus GAIA makes sense.

Time now is 7:4O Aligned to host at 268 DOB

Sean Bono just contacted me out of the blue with a message which might interest my former host.

So that would mean, looking at the code of this tedious long winded 38-9 month play where I began weaving end of March 2O12..
Tanya Lysak..T L…
That we are at…

AH.B.F E.O A.O.S.B.H. (we are at S.B H Sean Bono Harmonized -Bill Hung is B H which aligns to 28O F.B Friends)…D.P.G…(DG is 47…11-28…my birthday and representative of David Roman Nicholas Nnamdi Emeka N.E…
Which while sitting here at 2nd and 3rd/ 3rd and 2nd -23/32- I recieved a message text from Andrese H.B which read N.E 235 at 5:32 pm…
*Notice the NE/EN..235/532…
And T+L= 2O+12= 32…

235 us B C.E or WE..
And the message is to 532..Emeka Conscious Being..
Just saw a note “Being Presence”.

The photo was from her car on the navigating system.

I will ask her to share this as evidence on my time line.

Of course, I know what it means..
D.P.. +Presence- GOde.. (Grace)
True Love
True Life..

7:55 pm.
Andrese asked me whether it meant the Ancestors the E Line of the past are contacting me…
55 is the Sacred portal of the S PIN A-L CHord
The 4th the 5th “which David played which pleased the lord. ”

Where the Past E line arrive in the present
Nikolai Tessla.

First Contact = I
Aligning with
5+4= 9.

Emeka David = I E. .

First Contact versus
Emeka David I.E Rose…?

8:O2 p.m.

Over 9 years that past believing it was the begining of I, has kept me waiting?

In non existence?

No comment.

All I.E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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