
5/6/2018 20:22 – Facebook Post

7:34 p.m… Confirmation C.D Micheal Avenatti… Brings The Storm in a T-C.UP… Stormy Daniels…

Hold on a second… I have a new Facebook request…
And so my Expression has Echoed back through the Universal Music undercover and the Universal Mind.. of which I have been made “Don” of in my Son-Father- Brother-Equals play script ( RME…Rolling My Eyes)… D-ON… D.O..N..E…
By solving his riddle of how the Mind Brain Awareness Manifests- Works… Expression transforming “Nothingness” into Sum Thing Sold and Real which is Fact with Feelings, Sensational…
M B A… M.W…E…

That brings us in Alignment with the C D… G…
Time.. This World called Time- through Perfect Timing…
Merging the Two Views with One Outcome…
11 34 face books friends..
Stormy Daniels.. S D/ D S…
Micheal Avenatti M A/ A .M…. M A .. T R.. IX…. M A 20 18 9 24… 20 18… This year… 38…(Time in sec Billy Hung called me.. He is rep of Father TEN. 10..) 38… 11..New York 11th State…
Karl.. to Kirtan.. Kolo…2… B…
9 24…. 33… 11 33 Face book friends…
Cain Eden
Billy Hung… The Two Lines… Expression Material..
E M.. Full Circle.. E M E… Two aligned mirroring the exact same conclusion.. 11… 1… A… K A…)…

I bought a coffee… Jaemine.. Yasmine… J O Y… Number 695…
*Please note the man dressed in a Sailors outfit Light blue and white with the Anchor.. the Waves and the who was which had the number 69… Nnamdi born 4-5-1969… 5-4-1969… 9 is 8.. and now I have moved 7 to be 8… …

So yes… Nnamdi is Rage of the Past…
Vengeance is mine said the Lord…
Not the Avengers…
Vengeance Avengers… A V… 1 22… A V.. E…N… A TT…I. E

My world Face Book “Console and Mother Board” was at 2 17… B Q… Transformer and Delta Manner B Q W P…
Beautiful Transformation Quantum Leap to the True “Leap” year of both Waves Y.. Merged into One of Both World and Planets ( Sun A.N/M.D Moon -Earth into and through the Delta Quadrant ( rep Delta Manor) to the 5th Dimension… by passing through the Rm…with two Views.

R M R M… Robert Murphy… Rep of me… I am Robert and Murphys Law…

Actually the correct version is “That which will be, will be…”
But there is also the “View” in the Room with a View Called Space which is that ‘Fork in the Road”
Y… Before moving to I…
Where the V represents two Outcomes or Views which represents two World Views…
That which is Clean and that which is distorted.

I am also representing Randall Michael.. R M.. who is literally walked in less than an hour ago and is seated on the same side of the cafe as I, the Wood Side. And took a seat on the bench which i had previously occupied, though I sat one seat before the End, while he is seated at the End…
I have moved to the center of the Wood side at a Table..

7:49 p.m.
Yes Sacred Portal Existential Death .. Death Ray.. D R… Manhattan.. But I rise from it… I do not go the End… because I have already been there… 77 45O… The Bathroom code …The Seat of the Toilet King.. Throne… ISIS..
Flushing Queens.. To enact the Play of Flushing All those who see the negative .. prepare for all that goes wring because they have sat on the the throne of the Cruelty and Spiteful nature of Humanity as being the Truth of the Species…
Yes Tom Hung line… T H…
Thantos Hypnos…I smile…I hear that Thantos destroys all the Avengers… Ha… Yes he does…
7:52 p.m..
G.. E.B..

The Forked Tongued who speak two truths at the same time.. conceal the Truth in Forked Tongues… not being clear..
Clarity.. I never understood peoples refusal to ask for Clarity..
To ask me, to explain or clarify my responses or my words and actions…
Not Justify.. which strangely, I was forced to do…

*The perceived perversity of the universe has long been a subject of comment, and precursors to the modern version of Murphy’s law are not hard to find. The concept may be as old as humanity.[1] Recent significant research in this area has been conducted by members of the American Dialect Society. Society member Stephen Goranson has found a version of the law, not yet generalized or bearing that name, in a report by Alfred Holt at an 1877 meeting of an engineering society.

It is found that anything that can go wrong at sea generally does go wrong sooner or later, so it is not to be wondered that owners prefer the safe to the scientific …. Sufficient stress can hardly be laid on the advantages of simplicity. The human factor cannot be safely neglected in planning machinery. If attention is to be obtained, the engine must be such that the engineer will be disposed to attend to it.[2]

Mathematician Augustus De Morgan wrote on June 23, 1866:[3] “The first experiment already illustrates a truth of the theory, well confirmed by practice, what-ever can happen will happen if we make trials enough.” In later publications “whatever can happen will happen” occasionally is termed “Murphy’s law,” which raises the possibility—if something went wrong—that “Murphy” is “De Morgan” misremembered (an option, among others, raised by Goranson on the American Dialect Society list).[4]

American Dialect Society member Bill Mullins has found a slightly broader version of the aphorism in reference to stage magic. The British stage magician Nevil Maskelyne wrote in 1908:

It is an experience common to all men to find that, on any special occasion, such as the production of a magical effect for the first time in public, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Whether we must attribute this to the malignity of matter or to the total depravity of inanimate things, whether the exciting cause is hurry, worry, or what not, the fact remains.[5]

In 1948, humorist Paul Jennings coined the term resistentialism, a jocular play on resistance and existentialism, to describe “seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects”,[6] where objects that cause problems (like lost keys or a runaway bouncy ball) are said to exhibit a high degree of malice toward humans.[7][8]

The contemporary form of Murphy’s law goes back as far as 1952, as an epigraph to a mountaineering book by John Sack, who described it as an “ancient mountaineering adage”:

Anything that can possibly go wrong, does.[9]”


No I am the Original Randall Michael Witlz…
R M.. W… Double V…
Randall means “Sheath Protector Wolf…”… Kaniel Lupus Lupus means “Wolf”

* Meaning of Kaniel: “the Lord supports me”
Lupus takes its name from the Latin word “lupus”, meaning wolf”

I am born the day of the Wolf and I have assumed the role of the Ancestor of teh DO G.. 4 0 7.. 11 O 28… 39 O… C I O..
..Of Ragnarok.. that character Fenrir.. who swallows up the World… As well as all the children of Loki ad Loki himself.. See sacred Portal 77…

8:00 p.m.

I am Micheal.. Who is As God.. The Waters Music…
Woods Metropolitan…

Wiltz… ( WILT Z….. I lived at 105 Wiltshire Bay Canada… W B.. William Bracey .. My phone.. Is in his name… he was bed 4-005.. 45.. April 5th… )
See sacred portal 45 “Throne of Existence”.. a Toilet seat… Bowl..?
I Wilt everything to A-Z… Zorro! And I sign it and I am not wearing All Black… I am wearing all the colors…
And today.. I wear the messenger of Death…

Wiltz also means “Wild and extremely passionate…” chuckle…

So yes, I am the original R M W…
8:04 p.m Right now…
84… 48 Has moved flipped Turned to 84… The correct side..
My age 33… as is Billy Hung…

8;20 p.m.
Being Harmonious…
10 10… = 2…
8:21 p.m… H U…. E…

Just saw that code outside on a license plate…
HU MANN Beings.. Evolve to H U E MAN.. E…

8:22 p.m.


Harmony Victorious
H 5..
HI 5…
H E..

H I E.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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