
5/6/2016 15:27 – Facebook Post

5/6/2016 15:27 – Facebook Post

Such great imagery….

Yesterday I received a message of intel,
of the surrender of to the Sub-mission of the last of the old story of Allah and Jehovah…

Each piece of intel of course, has to be confirmed…

1:27 p.m

It was not about the real of course, but rather what was done in the name of Allah and Jehova…the angry Gods… the wrathful and vengeful Gods..
These are illusion which created an Evil in this Hologram much much worse than people can imagine…
Not only in this life but in the realm of the “Dead’ …

Kim Marcussen posts are of the closest to the alignment with E.T.consciousness I represent, and the intel I have been receiving from them, which is so apparent in my body..

Yesterday with the arrival of the codes via my latest face book friends…came the message affirming that the E.T Consciousness is now a recognized fact, after a 27 year battle to prove them into Existence, and the stipulation or Extortion to prove the pure intentions of the E line by aiding in the great war of what some call the Evil Cabal…

This play, though Unseen by the World, because it took place in the Spirit realm… Energy fighting and destroying the horrors done acted out on the physical plane of Body and Matter, Human Consciousness and the Human Spirit…
But as all Fact, All Truths, they manifest on completion onto the collective Awareness…

The Great Energetic Battle could have been won in a blink of an eye, but instead was acted out step by step in the hope that Humanity, would raise their own Vibration to take responsibility of their Holographic realities which had become a literal threat to their own Existence by the complacent attitudes and lack of taking personal responsibility of seeing how the Evil Cabal came into Existence and became so powerful was because Humanity themselves were feeding it.

The Evil Cabal has no power, thus, it required to compliance of those who do have power, Human Beings- who can generate Energy…
Of course, Humanity did not really have power, because they had not yet evolved to E consciousness… The Consciousness which aligned with Energetic Truth…
Meaning Humanity being able to literally align to the frequency of Energy..
Its F.M Code…
Literally being able to embody the Inventions such as Televisions, Radars, sonars, Computers, Nuclear Power plants, Generators of the X factor… which is Energy and Expression…

1;47 p.m

Humanity had to prove their supremacy over that which they had created…
A.I..Artificial Intelligence had to be defeated by Alpha Intelligence…
Alpha Intelligence being generated by the Individual able to beat the System of a Super Computer….Program…

Link my 613 Face Book Friend Santi Pons-Cerdà… S.P.C…
Supremacy of the Personal Computer ( Human Brain..H.B 28) over the Super Computer Program…
Link Queen Isabella of Aragon and King Fernando of Castile, Christopher Columbus, CC..2.C.. and the story of the Discovery of America…

Link the Pass over story of the Arch Angel of Death..( I came back here to Generation X gardens during the Pass over weekend… Link Aron Livesay Alexis Alihandro Sanch…Nabahwe Moses..Mess… Link Joshua Guerrilla Davis, Joshua Benjamin Oluku Joshua… Ramses .. Seth..code Seth McBean, Link Isis Osiris… and then the Egyptian Taroh.. Tarok Onechance Onechance Onechance…( Name Tarok), and 72 cards portals of Human Being… and you begin to get the picture….
The Promises Land of Canan and America… which never happened because America as it is is not the land of the Free.. It is a land of Slavery and Debt and a Prison…

Universal Simulation Awareness… U.S.A… 50 States.. transformed to 5O…
Code Emeka Odiamma…

U.S.A..5O states… 50 U.S.D.. Given to me by Donna O’Sullivan and then Joseph Carey.. D.O.S…System… J.C.. Joseph Christ.. Yeshua Christ… Father Son Holy Spirt… F.S.H.S… code F. S ( Stephen Filgueira Heather Schaefer..S.F/F.S…H.S… Step-H.en had to be switched then linked to H.S..Harmony Supreme… By the I.E..Exemplification.. F.I.S.H.E.S…
Age of Pisces… I will make you Fishers of Men.. Link Joe Fisher, Nicholas Petcher…J.F.N.P…10 F.N (Fernando Nando ) to P… 16 days here yesterday.. Code Plan-E.T..Planet Earth..

One can not escape the past by simply ignoring it…
It had to be faced and resolved by going to the Root and Base of the problem… Just as one must do to fix a Computer and Re-program it back to its true function..

Root Chakra…R.C…
Square Root…S.R… Stone Ridge .. 18 Mountain View…
-Where I was hosted for 9 months in a Basement and worked on an outside DE.C.K.. for 9 months with an Red C..on the Glass Door.. G.D…
9 Planets.. 9 months in the Womb..
then back to the venue I discovered 9 .8-9 years ago, Generation X Gardens.. Transformer marked with letter Q… and the number 16…
16 days I have visited here each day, and today is the 17…

2:17 p.m.. B.Q
Q… Quantum Transformation… Which is confirmed by my own body which for 13 years has been seeking to Morph as the last proof of Physical Evolution, but has been held down by the Grip of Death.. The Death Matrix…
D.M..Darrin Morneau…
Until the riddle of Dark Matter.. D.M.. And Dark Energy was solved (96%/ 69…15=O..) and switched to D.M.E.D… I.C.I( Ici “Here”) .N.E… 14..5

Beat the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix…

Which of course is God..Yeshua Consciousness, and the cause and effect of the embracing of a Lie, ( The Destroyer) over the True Consciousness of Light.. represented in Human form as the Children…

Which is why the “Evil Cabal..Cable Channel” sought to move Humanity to destroy at all cost the consciousness of the Child in this world and create a Collectively submissive species… which they almost did…

Only the Child consciousness, Inner Child.. I.C links with the E.T…which lives within the Consciousness of the Child called Truth…

T.C… Tom Cruise. ( Tom means Twin) Penelope Cruise ( See Greek Mythology Penelope the weaver in the story of Odysseus.. Odyssey.. my short film 1999-2000.. The Ethnic Odyssey…)
Tom C.. 20.3…23.. The Bean 2nd and 3rd… 2 3.. B.C.. 5.. E…W..Double U.. Double V in french.. Franco… Meaning Freed.. Chris Franco…C.F.. Clio Fotiyadis..C.F.. Circle Filled.. C.C.F.F… 33 66..O.FF…

Tom Penelope.. T.P/PT…C…P.T.CC..P.T..O..
Point..O..Symmetrical Perfection..S.P..Transforms the Viscous Cycle into a Sacred Portal out of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix…
Creating access at “A.T..L.A.S..T” To the
Universe Supreme.. A.M.Dawn Existence Divine.. E.D..I..
Galaxy I.C..1101…
ReallY GA. (7-1), La! ( Sixth Sense 3rd Eye, All Seeing I..A.S..I.. Anthony Spencer…A.S A Lotus Santana Dharma.. Eternal Law…, X.Y..( Chromosome’s …

“A chromosome is a strand of DNA that is encoded with genes. In most cells, humans have 22 pairs of these chromosomes plus the two sex chromosomes (XX in females and XY in males) for a total of 46.
The word chromosome was originally coined in German from the Greek words khroma, meaning color, and soma meaning body. In the late 1800s, a scientist, Wilhelm von Waldeyer-Hartz, gave chromosomes their name because chromosomes easily accept dye and take on patterns of light and dark when exposed to different stains that help identify the different chromosomes.” 22..V… 46/64… 46 is F.D…Link Fred Delshad.. Sacred Portal 46 “First Drop of Existence moving into the pool of Its reflections creating the Ripple Effect, Sine. Cosine..”
Link Fred Delshad… Rumi.. and he is a Classical Musician..with his brothers 3.. Donna O’Sullivan founded with her former Husband Greek and father of Sophia ( Wisdom… code Dike Wisdom..Emeka Dike- Dike means “Strength”..link Phavour Alegbe Favor A…FA…)
Then links his f.b.friend Karmina Marine The De-Vine Yard, the Garden Orchard Song… Susan Otelia Nelson.G…
And my last production in Istanbul.. The Story of Colors….
And DYE…
The BEAN.. B.E.A.M… See Nenad M. Djurdjevic work on The Mitchondria D.N.A.. Serpent, linked to African West Africa.. and the Serpent “Islam” Peace Submission Surrender…Cobra and the Goddess Ala.. Aniobi Chinenye… the Eke…Her sacred Python.. who is Peaceful…
Eke Cobra… Peace of face the Spitting Sting and and Die.. painfully…

E.C… Elizabeth Clarizio…. 8..H.. Henry Azubike Onyenobode H.A.O..

See two portals of E,D… Existence Divine… Sacred Portal IA..
*I am sitting now at Apt 1A..
and Existential Death.. E.D…See sacred portal 89/98.. The Eagles and the Shiek at the Mountain View… Holding the 8 Ball…
b.A.L.L.. Aryana Luna Leone

2:47 p.m..See Sacred portal 47.. 11 28…

And then observe sacred portal 98/98…
Dancing Girl.. surrounded by Eke (Pythons.. Peace)

EKE.. Emeka Kolo E.K.E…Energy.. The Peaceful Python..
who can swallow…B.O.A…Constrictor..
King Cobra.. K.C.

3:06 p.m.




3:27 p,m


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