
5/6/2016 13:11 – Facebook Post

5/6/2016 13:11 – Facebook Post

There were dancing fountains and musical falls, undulating streams through golden clouds and all in equipoise of one love,epitome of one single joy.From that motion of love I came and sure will return one sunny day; but in this journey here,in this hangover,I will keep searching. Will have to find why Orwell said,”in a time of universal deceit,telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. Racing through competition,antagonism and violence, fire of political hatred,in the dark alley of social envy, in the abyss of one’s loneliness and alienation, where is that joy hiding with its celestial bubbles of ecstatic dance and incessant waves of love…..the music that goes with the dance of this journey, I am the swan, I know; and cannot rest till it is found.

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