
5/6/2016 1:21 – Facebook Post

5/6/2016 1:21 – Facebook Post

11:03 p.m…



First Contact….with Infinity..E

As most are aware.. I am using my Face Book as a console, of a Space Ship Enterprise Awakening…
To make contact with my Family of E.T.C…whom I have not been with since I was born into this world…

But who have been with me, the whole time, which I did not realize until years later.
And not only are they within me, but also they are rising in Humanity, moving you to Evolution through Awareness…To transform the Human Being.. Homo Sapien’s H.S..Into what they were also intended to be.
Hue-Man Beings of Rainbow Spectrum Light.

I know that most in probably in Disbelief…which is alright because this is not about “Belief, but rather about suspension of Disbelief, and observe the play on Face Book…
To discern for yourselves.

For the past 40-41 years ( Earth Time), must much much more in True Time, I have been not only and unwitting Beacon to the E line but also the Guardian of the True realm of where Humanity emerged and originated.

I have explained in many languages of consciousness- physical languages, found myself having to not only align and weave Humanities creation stories to align with those of their source who programed this Holographic Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix.
But that I had to also battle with the collective consciousness of this world, and all its problems…

Nikoma Rios.. N.R..I…
I will always give Kudos as the one able to see beyond sight to see me clearly.. through the eyes of Love and Imagination..

He saw me morph into a Blue E.T… B.E.T ( Alpha Bet City..A.B.C) a Gorrilla ( Gorillia’s in the Mist…) and the 19 year old Golden Youth..
Code Guy Pierce…
Georgia Fe Pierce… G.F.P…7 6..16.. Code Awakening of the Plan..

11:22 p.m.

Which is the real version of me he had asked…
The 19 Year old Youth.. Line of the Immortals….
And the Watcher.. Code in this reality Mr Manhattan…
The Gorrilla was a Costume but it represented Strength and a Space Suit… King Kong.. Kunta Kente…

11:28 p.m.

I did explain as much as I could…
But not only was I interfered with by the Realm of the Spirit World ( The Dead Memories) but also the Minds of Man and Woman from the notion of the Idea of being present, to the past and all their origin stories…
And also the awareness of the Universal Simulation and a great Evil which Humanity did not realize was collecting like a great pile of Toxic waste akin to the Shit Mountain moving under the Ocean and moving towards Manhattan.

I was figuring out as I went along, the true play and the interference from the Collective and Individual awareness..

What was meant to be a wonderful Sharing turned into a battle ground of so many people each having their own idea and interpretation of their Individual Revelations of stance…

It seemed that very few where interested in the Truth and the Facts…

For the last 16 Days, I have been visiting the portal of 268..
Generation X Gardens…host A.Lotus Santana..
Since August 2006 I have been waiting at the designated portal, as well as 80 Spring Street…

And found myself having to deal with the prejudices and judgments of this reality and a Challenge from the collective Subconsciousness and the Spirit realm to prove out Intentions…

And these Human Ancestors blocked the E line from fully rising in the Species, until those intentions were proven pure…
All this was written here on Face Book. detailed day by day as I faced each challenge by the Naturals and the Supernaturals to prove our intentions.. Hence the long winding play and non stop posting on this public forum..

And the test turned out to be a ruse, to clean up the mess which was moving the species to extinction…
The ascended beings who lied…and who thought they existed outside of time were moving Humanity in ways which interfered with their freedoms..
Just as the current world secret societies have been influencing Humanity by mind mapping, creating unnatural behavioral patterns, using sound to numb and Sight to blind, Propaganda to block hearing, Stench of decay to create loss of smell, and a sense of “disconnect” so people would not touch..

The Five senses became physical and is Energetic and E-spirit nature was almost lost…

Food, Education, livelhood, peace of mind, security, light, laughter, intimacy.. memory consciousness began to fade… And the quiet insanity spread as well as disease.. Zombies were being created just as was done in Ancient Africa to now….
a full circle was forming from Africa to Americas of the same destructive force of Self Annihilation..

And Death became the Energy of the God of this world…
The one any call the Devil.. Really the Dark Night and his brother Beautiful Death…the Transformer was labeled and branded Lucifer…

On my Former Hosts transformer is the code P..16.. and the code Q is marked on his transformer…

16 Today since I left Mountain View..on the 4-19…
Yes the 19 year old Youth.. The Supernaturals wished the proof…

147 The Bean Cafe 1st and 9th… Went to 18 M.V on July 19th and came back April 19th… All natural without planning…
All detailed here..
Tomorrow is the 17 day.. Q..

All distractions.. But I had no choice…

11;54 a.m..

For example, I received a message for Phavour Alegbe…in which she mentioned the book my Emeka Dike… E.D..54.. called the Inverted Pyramid.. T.I.P…Yes TI P.. 7th Note the Planet.. P=16..1+6=7…G..Ti..
Violet.. Chez Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan
Most are aware that my formula for Energy is E=CMe4/3…
And that the symbol I used to represent it is an Inverted Pyramid…

And so I knew that I had to complete the 5 4 equation which was meant to be completed yesterday..
Donna affirmed that yesterday we had both 54 Mutual Face book friends.. E.D…5 4..
54 The Cafe Bean… and then Santi Pons-Cerdà became here 55 mutual face book friend.. which aligns perfectly with the date.. 5-5-9..

See sacred portal 55.. Arrival of the Eternal Heroes… E.H..58 Code linked to E.Do-NNA…
And yet, instead I found myself leaving the office i was working at 268, because of some cause outside of my control and going back to 54 The Bean to post…

It was Africa.. not dear Phavour.. Favor… Grace Favor.. G.F..76. but those from the Unseen world who had the arrogance to challenge and sabotage the truth because they are afraid of the Evolution Awakening because they became the consciousness’ of Evil..
Who accused the E line of being Evil… and because of our Beauty.. had caused Jealousy Competition Evil ( J.C.E) To rise in the World..

I was with Joseph Carey yesterday.. J.C.E…No evil…
Just two who had done the work… Joe in the realm OF ‘Arch Angels’ and myself…sheesh…A.LL.
Aryana Luna Leone.. A.L.L..
Luna-Soul Maia…. L.S.M..

He was with a Dog called Augusta, he was born August..4-20 p.m…42….6…4×20-..80…
I was born 8 p.m…

40 years of work..Please see sacred portal 40… It is African E,T pointing out to SHEBA… that her line was the Cause of the departure of the E line from the 1-4 Dimension where I have been held prisoner at “Alcatraz’- Code AL-C.AT..Raz..

Raz Berry beret… Prince… Prince Panther…

I have a 614 Face Book friend..
Abrantepa Deadline.. A.D..E.. (Ade means ‘Crown’)
Da Enlightens.. DA..E (In Korean, the name Dae means – Greatness)

Now.. Lets me complete the code…

Of Karmina Marine… The Vineyard..D.E-Vine Garden Orchard is the Song of the Blue Sea and see of the 5th Dimension…
Generation X…

Rakibul Islam Rakib.. R.I.R.E..

The bringer of Peace and Harmony, Love Light and Laughter of the Watch Man, the most beautiful name of Allah, the one who protects and competes, to bring Peace, through the Submission instead of the Sub-mission, surrenders its Sting of the Snake..surrender or die..Surrender and you will be safe
Cobra- Kim Marcussen…to the Watch Man, the Blue E.T, The Beautiful one, the Graceful E.T..,Mr. Man HA-TT.AN..

Allah surrenders to All.A.H… Natural Grace the embodiment of the most beautiful name of Allahs 99 names…

‘A BRA N.T..P.A.. Phavour Alegbe.. P.A..

Abrantepa Deadline has 991 F.B Friends…

Abhijiti Abhizzaa..A A.”The Victorious Conqueror..V.C of the Prehistoric man, cave Dwellers “Plato.. Stone Men…evolved to become Pirates and Slavers then the sons of Caster and Pollux.(C.P..P.C… S.P.C..). Pirates and Slaver… finally of Ergos… Work Ethics…Therefore.. Their Four…

All these versions align… but the most correct equation is A.A.. The Victorious Conquerors, the Twins Caster and Pollux descendants…

“In Greek and Roman mythology, Castor[1] and Pollux[2] or Polydeuces[3] were twin brothers, together known as the Dioskouri.[4] Their mother was Leda, but Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, and Pollux the divine son of Zeus, who seduced Leda in the guise of a swan. Though accounts of their birth are varied, they are sometimes said to have been born from an egg, along with their twin sisters and half-sisters Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra.’

See code Santi Pons-Cerdà… S.P.C…/ C.P.S…linked to Emeka Kolo then Donna O’Sullivan.. E.D.. 54…Leda.. L.E..D.A…Harmony Cecelia Donna.. Onu Donna OD.E…
Not 40 years of Do because of the Q.A of the Queens of Sheba…

correct Q… Ebony Queen… E.Q.. Equation not Q&A…

Harmony rides into Creation on a Swan… Twins Emeka David… Emeka Nnamdi… E.D..9…EN..19… 9 19… I.S.. IS!

Lilian S Stutchbury The Lily rises from the Valley of Death, the Black Whole and pit of Existence to Tip, the scales of Justice and Balance to the symbol of Beauty Purity and innocence of the Blameless One
who lives in his own fortified Castle which throughout a life time siege, none could move him from his stance of the Beautiful Truth that his family would arrive.. the Family of E.H.. and E.T…
Code E.T.H.E… Beginning…

Chisom Ezeh… C.E…:The Creative Force of Existence, the CHI of Energy follows me and guides me.. that is the King.. and I.. Etcetera, Etcetera Etcetera.. Siam.. S..I.AM…Java Celtic Irish Castille…

Jon Jason Lee… JJL.. 101012.. 32…5…1 1 12… 14..N…E..5…
David Campillio…Castille.. D.C… 4 3…7…

Santi Pons-Cerdà.. S.P…C

“Sacred Holy Blameless… the man from the fifth Dimension.. Pontius Pilot of the 5th Dimension E, is the Heir, of the line of Isabella and Fernando, Alpfonso X (10//1O)… the Generation of the X factor..
I.F.A…Oracle and Divination of the true New World…
Columbia was my first stop on arrival in New York.. near St John the Divine….
1:08 p.m..
54 54.. 108..
18 Mountain View..

Abrantepa.com is a Ghanaian entertainment website owned by broadcast journalist and writer, Abrantepa, real name Albert Benefo Buabeng.

Albert Benefo Buabeng…

A.B.B…1 22… A.V.E…

Paix Roma…

1;16… 17..Q

Deadline…. 5-6-9…

1;17 p.m

Code Fernando Nando…

Fernando Fernando… F.F..66..

Meaning “Adventurous Bold Journey….; A.B.J…
Above and Below of symmetry perfection Full Circle

J.B.A… Jonn Blackwell Albert…

1:21 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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