
5/6/2015 23:10 – Facebook Post

5/6/2015 23:10 – Facebook Post
5/6/2015 23:10 – Facebook Post

From Andrese Harris Burton

Spot on.

But I would expand the U.S as a Country to the Entire Human Existence having become a WEB instead of Universal Matrix Awareness…Of Existence

Meaning the U S A..O E is really a University Of Evolution of Consciousness to C..

What is C..?

C Span…

1O:28-9 p.m

C is for Human consciousness to evolve to the speed of Light….
L=12 Letter.
Add Awareness to Being..
* represented in this play by my former host A and former Sponsor Billy Hung.
A +B = 12= 3….C
C= Is the Speed of Light.

Humans perceptions of out universe is that we see our reality from light sent out from its source “millions” of years before…

But let’s say the Light from the source can be aligned to the literal actual speed of light by the evolution of consciousness through the Human Being reaching the same level then surpassing the physical universe.

Meaning that the Human Being proves its self the Master of physical Nature by going beyond it.

This is what I have found myself doing on Face Book (While distracted by human thought process and belief system through the ages which acted as a “Force of Gravity” Consciousness which refracts and impedes human consciousness which when you are born is already parrallel or in balance with the physical universe.

As many have witnessed as I have been posting while providing evidence of my Harmony going beyond the 1-7 contained in the Human Body (Physical Nature) to Harmonize with Time and Space, “Feng Shui” as well as people, names events past present…
Reprogramming reality by realigning to the original Unseen” called Harmony, 8 of the cosmos :Nature Creation Expression..

Moving it full circle to 9 then to I.A.O.H
B.O H.. C OH ..D.OH…E.O.H…
Represented by
Lord Al my former host Lady Andrese
Lord B…Hung
Lord Chukwu Harmony
Lord David P.G..
Now to Emeka Kolo..
Then to F ACT…
1O 57..

Meaning a I have been aligning not only the computer to echo the play but also human consciousness both Physical and Energetic to Impulse Stimuli response outside and within..
(the E in you takes its cues from the E line not the false self..the True Self – the Eternal You Expressed

This is the Harmony as a Human Being (Not as A God) to demonstrated the power of Being A Human Being potential made Kinetic by Expression Truth.

Aligns to the physical world, harmonizes with it, surpases A the B to the Consciousness of C speed of Light and then goes Beyond Dimensions D to Beyond Alpha… A..Nature Naturalness to A+D…1+4= 5 (Hi 5 is Hi E) and
N+N is 14+14= 28= 1 Circle

The E here is the Expansion
Evolution of Being which moves all Physical and Elemental Ethereal Material Nature to it point.
Beyond the Speed of light

To the source light emanation RA RE..
To the Being undercover in this world

You may not wish to.believe that this is what I have done, butbit is all recorded here and I did it

Despite Distraction of “Evil Thoughts and Human Beast and Monstrous Spirit’s

11:O9 p.m

No zeros
No ground zero


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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