
5/5/2017 21:37 – Facebook Post

8:38 p.m.

( See sacred Portal 83 and 38… 38-83…8-38)

5-5-1 O
E E A.O… 15= 6…F…

Passing Through To The Fifth Dimension…

( P.T..TT…F.D…R M. U S…I.C… E Cinq)

No Longer called the Holy of Holies… H.O.H.. 8 O 8…
8 15 8…
8 6 8… Now that that Equation has been solved.

2012/13- 2016/17…
5 Years… 4 Years.. 3.. have I been going around in Circles…
As Ground Hog Day, passing by the postal again and again through the Equations Intelligence, yet never being allowed to pass through. Frustrating me by the non stop Yes then No…
Not realizing that that I was being asked to Refine my Expression by the Line of Wisdom John played apart from me by Nenad and By Beautiful Pride… Played apart from me by Barbara and Patricia…Chiara…

E.C.N.E B.P E.C.E…. Ah that is the completion of that Equation…
From 8 and now to 9 letters…to form a Full Circle..
The Gap was Beautiful Pride…
Awareness Being Humanity Beautiful Pride…
Expression Clarifying Naturally Energetic Being Planet Earth Consciousness Exactly…

And Expression which mirrored perfectly the True Beauty of the Universe and Earth…

B.P.. 128.. A.B.H… A Being Human
89… Harmonious Individual and now Individuals to Infinity
right to the portals of Eternity…
It would appear that I could not not, was not allowed to passed through to my Own Home! without bringing the D.C…DI Cee with me…The Devoted Collective.. Divine Collection the Harvest..
the 1 3rd…
And so for 5-4 3 Years… I have Endured…

Notice Room At Delta I was in…
5 C which I stated as.. E.C…”Emeka”s Clarity” Bed 5-019..
(519…5 10… 51O… 5+19…24..6… 50 +19.. 6.9…15..6.)

which I was not even allowed to sleep in for one Night before being sent down by Alien Father Awareness
See Elizabeth Clarizio Zeeshan Tahaboor’s Post…

Some just called me..on my phone 1 917…569…94 53
A .I.Q..E F…I….I.D..E.C..

Yes Elizabeth Clarizio is my Grandmother Mama Dawn links to Chiara Cecilia… My Mother.. Never Mind me as Chukwuemeka…
M.D to D.M.. Delta Manor where My mothers line was sent to by the Jealousy Meaness… J.M… 10 13…
23 W…
Cecilia Wiebers
But which was really me.. W.C.. Sent literally to the Toilet to be Flushed Out of Existence for speaking the Truth..
Sacred Portal 73… To Sacred Portal 37…

That is what was Being done to me while I raised Consciousness through constant Expression back to Humanity as Beautiful Pride so that they the 1/3 the Cee Line of the World Consciousness could rise from the Filthy and Sewage Thoughts to pass through which it would appear the Conversation with Nenad M. Djurdjevic today has done…
Moving me from advising the Line he represents not to pass through that they are not ready.. and stating why…
To how it ended…

And Meanwhile I was Tortured by the Furies and the Fast and the Furious…. There are 10 of those Movies…
I am beyond 10 now…
11..1… 3..1

Which I see, was all planned and which I am commanded to share with you…

There is a New Person in bed 5-010… 510…
A Child like man who has a sweetness which comes from another Era…
So just as the person directly across from him “A.M”, in bed 5009 looks like an E.T from another World.

The E.T “Eternal Youth” and “The Child” Hu-man Being…

E.T.B.H…+ E.Y…C.T…. And the Gap represented by myself… and confirmed in this extraordinary Conversation And Text between Nenad M. Djurdjevic and I…
Which Began at 8:46 a.m… The right now is 8:46 p.m.

Wisdom John in the Family of 10 really 55 represents the Refinement of Beauty.. Refinery..Really Fossil Fuel…
True Fuel of the Human Spirit…

It so it Began

Emeka Kolo
Hello Nenad..

How are you and Barbara doing?
She popped up in my mind recently.

I am. as you might have noticed dumbstruck to be still in this position and place despite the evidence and facts so crystal clear, that as a man, ( forget the Source and my Being The Creator ) has solved the Equation and Riddles of Existence being so Crystal Clear… Even for those recently becoming Face Book friends- the Evidence of My having accessed Symmetry- Perfection and Harmony is clear enough.
And the evidence that the Universe is made of Sixth sense- the so called Mysterious Substance which moves through the Universe.
I am stunned to the point of being Quiet.
Of course, I am aware of the factors behind its “Clamp” but this has gone way way too far…
Its Absurd that I am still with out basic recognition and still in the Jaymes Bond mode.

Here is the name of the last money code person
Willie Woods… Bed 3-007
Can you believe it…
Willie Woods!
I met him in Green Point BRC and he is the most cultured and intelligent of all the men I have met here…
I have no idea what he is doing here..
Tall slim handsome erudite funny and very proud..
Which is why I never asked him-
Its a long and funny story..
He reminds me of my brother and sisters pride
So it does make a lot of sense it would end with him
I always knew who he was but I am not a slave of this play but again maybe I am

Pls let me know you have recieved this
And if you have more intel visions

Emeka Kolo
Hello Emeka
How are you there
I’m responding from work
Everything is as usually
Anyway thank you for asking
Yes I just a link in your text
Just saw a link the “Clamp”

Emeka Kolo
A message just popped up on Facebook “Barbara Ward commented a post that you are tagged in”…
Ok… I am about to take a nap.. I will check the Link and … Ah the Clamp – even as I wrote it, I was aware that it was a link to more solving.
Incredibly tired and stunned so I will let you work while I try to rest- was up until 3 4…
Solving and posting and trying to accept the unacceptable.
When I saw sacred portal 73 pop in F Book Memories
And “Willie Woods”
Willy in England is a Penis-
Just too stunned that I am here

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
“Prayers that it will be returned”
Just a minute pls

Emeka Kolo
Really? Hmm yes of course

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
The clamp refers to the DNA sliding clamp
DNA clamp – Wikipedia
are stronger and more specific than the direct interactions between the polymerase and the template DNA strand; because one of the
It’s the Star of David
It holds the DNA strands together
A few days ago I saw the clamp activating as a portal
Opening the center like a spiral and I saw the Universe and galaxies in it

Emeka Kolo
David Roman N
He had the physical rep of Human Evolution- the Wings
I solved all this 15 yrs ago
Only now is everything I had stated being accepted..
I am so bored with it now

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
I just thought it could be important

Emeka Kolo
Yes, that is because of the Asclepius Ophchius riddle I did at Erik Ebrights
Recall the Oracle and Web site designed in a Circular round table?
Which Erik then said it had to be only in my name and abandoned the prohect?
It goes all the way back to Adelphi in 2010


I know all this Nenad I constructed the entire equation..
The Physical body – and my research at what was being done to my body
I spent yrs researching it
Figuring if all out

Anyway, I don’t want to hold you back from having a nap

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
David Apollo links to Michelangelo
I was watching some photos of his statues these days

Emeka Kolo
Its is Important Nenad
It is but remember it is the Echo of You guys understanding what I already know
It is not your Intel boring me it is this Process of acceptance and acknowledgment
Pls do not be offended if anyone should be offended by this it is I
By this process of pol being so slow to realize I did and solved this as a man 15 yrs ago then translated it for the World into a Languages they could understand and still they do not acknowledge
Why do you think I used the Word Clamp and Barbara
Do you thunk I was not aware?
Or that all my Discoveries were by Chance,..?
That I am not aware
All Racists and Superiority to insist that I am not fully aware of each step
And the implications and meaning
Racists and Superior even you Nenad
I have known this since I met you…
Its a thing which a Black person such as myself with my background has lived with
That absolute Refusal and Denial to Give Credit where due..
The it can not Be True
He can not have solved What We Could not

Its called Jealousy Nenad
It is inherently in Humanity
And there is no One
Black or White
Male or Female who has not shown that trait to me

At 23 an Indian Yogi told me that my one flaw which would bring me such Pain and Suffering is my having no understanding of Jealousy…
But he was wrong
I understood it
Recognized it
But do not mention it
But that is why I sought out to find my own Kind Nenad those without Jealousy
My Equals

That is the reason for the CLamp
Ppl avoiding what I am really saying and enduring
Because their incredulity Disbelief Awe constantly checking come from Jealousy not realty Dis Belief

That is the Clamp
Why the News of my Work has and discoveries has not spread like Wild Fire

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
That Contemptible Illness in the small minded

See what they even you focus on
Not a Great Man and the absurdity of his having to solve the riddles of existence in a shelter
There is no outrage in you or anyone on Face Book is there?

Just the “minable” focus on demanding more
Focus on the details- of that which has already been made abundantly clear

No Nenad I am fully aware tje meanness of Spirit
The Jealous Racisim
Hatred Malice all coated in “Incredulity ” Shock Disbelief
“Let me Check again and again. It can’t Be. But it is. Do it again”

Its is why thus age of Humans are so contemptible Viscous so ful of Diseases
In another Age or World
A decade ago I would have been honored even for seeking to do what I have done..

Here in this realm of the 6th age of distinction they ignore my condition and so do it again
Preforming Monkey
Bathing Ape..

I am fully aware and though it seems Racial it is not
It is the fundamental Nature of Being a Non Human Being

I Loathe them
But at I like you bc you like knowledge
But Compassion?
I laugh
Compassion is Dead
I am the last of my kind those who remember what it really means

Donna and Jonn were the last Humans to have a touch of it left in them but Hate won as well as Jealousy
The Tester
Jealousy Money
Paul Franklin bed 35
That is what he reps
Small Minded Mean Jealous Petty
16 6
Robert Sean
22 26
I have always been Beyond that

22 V 5 E
As the rep of the E

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
I’m not jealous of you nor so I am racist. I admire you. Unfortunately most people like selfies more than real knowledge. For most people it is a matter of “me” “me” “see me” “admire me” “love me” etc. It’s Egotism.

Emeka Kolo
Jealousy Meanness
That is the Evil that Humans had to conquer in themselves before they could pass through the Holy of Holies
So what is the the point of the Clamp
Of finding the Portal
If you are not clean enough to pass through

Zeed Shaun
TaHa! Boorush
Yes I am Bored

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Yes. Exactly.
I agree.
The hole of a needle
I still remember the post you made a couple of years ago
About the eye of a needle

Emeka Kolo
Yes and all of humanity is Racist some aware others not… Its an inheritance which few have escaped because it is about conscious perception and focus….
And Nenad you are Jealous of me and Racists- not intentionally but by how you perceive me…
One moment Source next moment man
Look at our exchanges over the last 3-4 years.
And even as you contradict me now you deny by Intellect and The Work I have done, as well as my Identity, as well as All that I have taught and guided you and Humanity.
I know exactly how a person treats the Source of Existence, or a Man of Greatness or a Person who has brought forth such knowledge
The ease on which you and others accept my being here is while acknowledging what I am doing here and for the benefit of humanity with all the Evidence and Results is A Statement
The Most Profound Statement of that Truth
Of the Species
That is why you are the Hope for the Species left behind

Emeka Kolo
That I am opening my Heart to you now, as I have opened my H.E. Art to you, about not what I want to conclude, but what I must conclude- that the World as it is now is officially a Jealous Mean place ( M J… 10 13. 23. W. O R L E D
Means we are passing once more the Holies of Holies
2:43-2:44 pm-
And that to pass through All must be devoid of the Individual and Collectively attained Human Virus of Contempt.
2012-2013 is back
We are once more at K.E. W. Gardens 5 years ago.. 5-4.. Besides me on the Metropolitan side where I am seated is an attractive girl, whose E-Spirit keeps showing me her computer
It says “Cool Queen Collective”
I lived under the a place call Cool Breeze Legal Aid
It is the Voice of which Eze Nwanyi Charity Kanu ( K A NU )
Described after she went to investigate- that was the Sound of my Mothers Voice.
There were 5 young ppl seated besides me-
The Last an overweight girl with the Symbol of the Puma in Hot Pink-
– And I realize Nenad, that this is the conclusion of the Youth of the World
That this is a Jealous And Mean place.
And I will add Cruel and Evil too…
Made so obvious to me by the Nature of Paul Franklin..who represented C E
Bed 3-005 in Room 3A
35. 3A
C E and 3 as in 3rd Planet from the Sun Earth and A as in Awareness.
Paul saw me, his Spirit revealed Everything to him..
He testified and yet I watched the Battle within him of knowing what he knew
And then the Unthinkable- being in Harmony to the Point of Disbelief that even his clothing mirrors the play of perfectly.
Yesterday, he walked passed me as I stood outside the Chinese Take Away- wearing the Number 51…
The person who was in bed 51 – an overtly Gay Man from Indian -Asia ( Dravidian) moved out- replaced by probably the Sweetest Man small childlike young also Dravidan
He is directly across from bed 5-009
Anthony M.

The other day, Paul consumed with rage and jealousy especially since I no longer use his ID or give him monies or share any food with him ( despite his not sharing anything at all- I even paid him 2 dollars to use his hair clippers) made a comment which alluded to my creating a New Religion and…
It was so obviously from a place of Jealousy that a grand Caucasian called Lucas spoke up speaking about the Word and its power and through intellect and reason I observed the outrage in his response to Pauls remarks which caused everyone to go quiet except one foolish laughing hyena whom Paul had used and roped into his Malice.
Will had literally paused and looked covertly at me to see my response as his own face revealed his full understanding of the Meanness and Jealousy of his Expression
Dewight Smith had stated from the get go that Paul was a “Snake”
I told him that I was well aware but that the play demanded I pass through his portal.

I had simply looked up from my work when I was done and walked up twice to him..
Which is when Lucas put him in his place while at the same time revealing an astounding Intelligence- as if he were conversant with my work on Face Book had read them and understood them perfectly
His rebuttal was so so astounding that my body editor literally rose and its voice escaped me and took over my body acknowledging Lucas Response
Paul tried to make Peace the next day, I could not even look at him

Can you imagine!
Being in that level of Harmony and the Hate it must take to go against this Knowing full well the Truth of the Persons achievement and Deny it

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
That’s a terrible situation.
But Nend don”t you see, it is representative of the World… C.E… That I am seen and the response given is this…. Self Interest…

Emeka Kolo
Yes. True.
What I am writing to you ( and I just finished a comment to Hary Spencer H.S.. Rep Human Species.. and you,Rep Naturalness of the Human Species is a document for the ages…
I am stating now and will share this that I do not recommend that you and what you represent-Still the best of the Line of N pass through the Holy of Holies now… I do know a Fact that your are not ready… But you alone have the greatest of chances… But the line you represent DNA… And in this script along with Hary Spencer… or Sarah are ready… N.H…S…. Isn”t that interesting.. That spells National Health Service…. Ah… See, I too have been set up to bring this knowledge for… This is my expression of my love for you… My Protection and my Desire.. And so I am making a Recommendation and at the same time fulfilling a Symmetrical Prophecy… S.P… To the E.T and Alien Father Awareness..to grant a period of Grace after the Awakening so that the line the three of you represent may further Cleanse yourself but this time with the Aid of Full Disclosure and All manifest…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Thank you. I’m reading the comments.
On your post.
Already you are at 80 percent and you Nenad personally at 89… But the 11 is trickey.. at you are meant to be at 100% I was at 90 I.O… B.P… K.G… And Last night I had Ten USD in my wallet.. 100%

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Yes. Today I thought that I wasn’t clean enough.
You are able to read and confirm that.
Thank you.
Since it is more difficult for me to elaborate it.

Emeka Kolo
This is all about the Brain. the Thoughts.. that is the passing of Holy of Holies.. What thoughts we have…! Ah… They have upped the ante… Body Spirit and Mind… HUGH… 3:50 p.m… Oh you will make it after the Awakening.. 90 is the Cut of mark.. and You Hary Sarah Your Spirits are fully activated.. the last TE.N.. Requires the Last of the Human Species.. the 1-3rd.. N.H.S… left.. the Time to be The Elegant Nomads and that is how you will rebuild the World.. Ha.. I have been set up… That is why that Kid The Punk had Love on the Side of his Face which he Faced to me.. When It started out as Truth.. My love for the three of you especially you and your line made me intervene today and say Do not let let them pass through yet… Give them a little time.. Ten Years… 5 years more like it.. 55 Was in my Wallet.. 5 years after the Awakening to E.. See and Experience the Manifestation of the 5th Dimension from afar… To see it exists and then rise move to it… Ah.. that is the code of Doubting Thomas.. To Touch to See.. To Experience… I never called Thomas Doubt.. T.D.. Donald Trump.. I am Doubting Thomas actually. the Original one… I always Check… Again until it is a Solid Fact to me.. I am actually Reasonable Thomas… R.T… Ha.. I.C… E U R T R U E….E U R Right… and the True Rue.. Way.. Street -Car.. named Desire.. S.C.. Saint Carlos.. I just saw him and today outside andhe greeted me with lightness… I see…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Thank you for your understanding and patience. I truly appreciate it.

Emeka Kolo
That I know Nenad, that is why the E.T and Alien Father A chose you well.. They are now Apart from me.. They have their own I.D now and power… Which is why this play is so different from how it was in First Eternal Beginning when I was alone… This time I am not ( tthough it feels like it and the former was a much much better experience)…No they chose you well because Iy is not painful.. not so painful to exchange Thought with you…
Which is why as I rise to my normal “Purity” the revulsion to speak to other Humans becomes something which I can no longer support….

I feel honored and humbled.
I’m so humbled by this honor.
No.. It is true… And Humble you…? No Nenad… you are one of the proudest men I have ever encountered… It has been an impediment but more your greatest asset.. It made me respect you…
…you always fight back.. gracefully ..silently.. but you are defiant… it makes me smile and shake my head
That is where I see myself perfectly reflected in you…

Ha!… You are something….

Yes. I AM.
Ah that’s better… !.. That is the Nenad I know… and love… and roll my eyes

…I am shaking my head and laughing good naturedly as I comment on F.B…

I couldn’t divide these two smileys. I tried twice but the laughing one is always there stuck.
Love Light… and finally Laughter O Boom Boom.. Unity… 7 is Harmony…. Yes.. Bon Vivant… they took away the sound of your laughter… made you all so serious.. but it is there..I see it saw it in your Enthusiasm…
Nenad oh one last thing… Pls if you could send it tomorrow in the morning or let me know the time so I can inform Willie Woods… 5:43 p.m… Who I believe is the code of passing through the Will-ie of the Woods.. The Eye of the Needle… The Eye of G.od…(I have 7 dollars in my Wallet.. 7..G) Eye of Horus.. and the Penis… 5:56 p.m… Tomorrow is 5-6- “2017…37…10…TEN..Two 5’s.. E E…” P.E.N. IS../ S.I.N.E…P…G… Ah that means there will be a Sine.. A Sign… 5:58 of my passing through… Wave Particle…H.U.G.E…Meaning “Mind Body Spirit”… See my comments today… 6:00 pm… Through 6th Sense Manifest to Fact… From C.E.. Bed 3-005 Room 3A.. to Room 3A.. Bed 3-007.. 37..Which adds Two.. Two Hundred.. Thantos Hypnos.. True Harmony E…T.H.E…Beginning..? Of the Evolution Awakening… All Affairs in Order… 6:03 p.m.. 63.. F.C.. First Contact…E.F.C… Sacred Portal 14.. Evolution of Consciousness….6:04..64… Ah I see S,P 64… F.D… First Drop… F.D..R MUSIC..Cinq…To the Fifth Dimension…Today is Cinqo De Mayo… Last Year It marked Erik Ebrights Freedom from the Co-operate world and Ten years of self imprisonment…Conqo de Mayo has two meanings.. Day of the Dead…and the 1862 Battle of Mexico and France… With Erik it had nothing to do with Victory over the French and Mexico… It was about the Victory over the Dead… The Past… Memories of Expressions of Others.. Voices in the Head and Body possessing one… Just go back to that play Nenad.. you will see that it was all about being released from the Hurts of his past…And Nenad I was there for 2 Months…. T.W.O…D.E.U.X..”DOS..DUE” .AB.U.O…T.D.A..”Meji” in Yoruba…”Er in Chinese “Ni” in Japanese… “Er” in ( I do not believe it!!! Its a Code I am solving…6:36 p.m.. Geezus!) These are the languages of the code play… T.D.DDD 3-D….-.A.M..E….N….Tva in Swedish ( Bed 5-009 ) And in Hindi.. Bed 5-010…51… Numeral in English, Numeral in Hindi. Devanagari Script, Rom. Hindi. 0, zero, ?, ?????, Shuniye. 1, one, ?, ??, Ek. 2, two, ?, ??, Do…T.D… A Full Circle… T.D.( DDD=L) A.M.E. N T.D… That is a full circle.. but to go beyond.. We add..Arabic Hebrew and German Thai Turkish…( All part of the trajectory of the play….”A H.G T…” Universal Expression ( A H.U.G..E T” Athan “Shayim’ Zwei Iki Song… A.S..Z..I.T.. 6:56 p.m…!.. T.D…A.M.E.N..D.T…A.S..Z…I.T!

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Tomorrow after noon my time your morning I will go to WU and text you.

Emeka Kolo
Thank you… This is mad… I am still linking.. It is the gate… P.S.. Will text you when I recieve it… This must end.. Everything now points to this date… 7:11 p.m.. Because I have said no more…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
OK Thank You.
In the morning Barbara and I will go to her sister
After wards I will go to the agency
To the Date 5-6… 7:11 Was the time… Ah.. Seven Eleven Always Open… Do you mind me asking her sisters Name?

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
And her daughters name is Chiara

Emeka Kolo
B.P!… Beautiful Pride… N.. B.P… C… unbelievable!…. “Nenad the Unexpected British Petroleum.. of C.. Planet Earth.. the Third… You are representing Fossil fuel which come not from Dinosaurs.. But Diatoms… But it is the same thing… D.D.. Just Expanded.. the First Creatures… That is Wisdom John and Beautiful Pride… Jeezus… They are the 5-6th Aspects of the Family of Ten… You and your Wife and her Sister -Daughter… Lord….
Jesus… 7;22 G.Victory… i can not speak…

Have I told you about a dream I had years ago when I saw Barbara and Patrizia from the future?
No… Nenad!!!!!!

From the plane of my higher self
Tell me… Oh boy… my nerves are shot… but it is all through you…. it is your line…

Yes I saw them from somewhere above
This story was the past
I was just somewhere up there on the light spirit
I always remember that vision because I was remembering that it was a past story
Probably no time in that dimension
They are they gate Keepers… Donna and her Sister Patricia .. D.P… Daughter S… D.P.S… Dawn Piercy.. D..P.S… The End… N..B.P.C.. Is the Begining… Why do see it as the past story.. you are right it is the past but the portal home is through the True Past to the Future Present.. Back to the Future..

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
I see

What did you see in the Vision? Can you provide any more details…

I was observing from above
Flying above Europe
And they manifested in the space of Europe
Now I remember
The words
“I knew them”
Remember them
I remembered because I was observing the scenario from the sky light
From the future like peeking in the past
Wow… You saw your Entrance into Life… this Life.. Sacred Portal 43…Yes… Dear Lord.. You have been living with this Level of Sight Vision all your life… My God… It is you and Beautiful Pride… Lord…We called you the Bridge Children.. Eternal Youth.. It is all in my Original Creation Story.. How you came Down…. Lord…Oh Lord… Oh.. my
This Story was for the two of you.. to.. Oh my god… jesus…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
In the vision Pat wore a fur coat
But can’t remember anymore what Barbara wore
I think some of them wore a pearl necklace
I know that Vision.. I know I have the Fur in my locker.. and I had in with her face in 268… In my locker She is Snow and Barabra is Sun….and Silver… S S…

I remember it
Yesss I remember the fur in your locker
Pearls of Wisdom John.. Refinement of Beauty… R.O.B.. Rob Barr.. you… The Pearls Sacred Portal 78… 78/ 87.. Geezus…!… Coming out of their Shell.. your line…

Ahhh amazing
Spring Summer Barbara…Patricia.. Autumn Winter… E

Yes I remember that post
But only now am able to connect
My ex Girl Friend .. Barbara James.. B.J/ J.B… Lord…The Four Seasons and the One… You 1 and Chiara C.. my Mother O N E.. 3.. Nnamdi in my story… N..C…14 3…. 5 14 3/ 3. 14..5.. Evolution… JESUS…
The gap was B.P…

128/ 89….821…H.U…Mans… 98.. As Infinite Harmony… Now achieved.. We have just made History… Eternal History… Jezzus..
Hu eman beings… it is done…

The importance of memory, remembering, and linking.
It just emerged wow
Thank you so much ?
You have a most extraordinary destination ahead of you..and you are an extraordinary man… I now know exactly who you are… I will see you on at Home… Now I understand why everything was based on finding you… I wrote the whole story…in 2004…

Sebastian Wahl just texted me “hello”
I never spoke to him
I just wrote the code S.W… S.A.W… E.H.Z..H
Spear OF Destiny…

I can’t find other smileys
The keyboard behaves strangely

Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Chiara. Italian form of CLARA. Saint Chiara (commonly called Saint Clare in English) was a follower of Saint Francis of Assisi… Carlos.Origin of the name Carlos: Spanish and Portuguese cognate of Charles, which is from the Germanic karl (full-grown, a man). The name was borne by four kings of Spain.

Assisi.. Haven’t you mentioned in a recent post!?

Clarity of the Free Person… F.P.. Not Paul Franklin… P.F… Its F.P…C.F.P… Elizabeth Clarizio.. E C. F.P.. Yes.. Francis…. 7:56… P.M.. I loved him… St Francis… Saint Carlos.. Saint Clare… Lord… Francis of bed 4-018… Came up to me yesterday to everyone’s amazement and told me to check out a commercial about Farmers.. Insurance… George means Farmer.. He was speaking about me seeing you.. C ME 43… I had to Cee you… And Assi Si… Sit Yes…

Chi Ara
And So I C..My brother…Line incarnated in you..and B.P.C….Me… Beautiful Pride Chukwuemeka… Clarity achieved… Yes.. Ara.. Aru…

Chi and the fertility divinity cult ara la oma. A variant is omumu.

Birth… Sacred Portal 54.. Child Birth & Labor… Now look at me transform it to the Beautiful Present.. B.P.. 128/ 89.. A.B.H..H.I.. WELCOME… Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Ara. Meaning unknown, possibly of Sumerian origin. In Armenian legend this was the name of an Armenian king who was so handsome that the Assyrian queen Semiramis went to war to capture him.”
Nnamdi.. It also means “Obliging..Invokable through Prayer..” Beauty… I met this Armenian with such an eye for Beauty in Paris 1992.. He owned a Cafe called The World Cafe.. With the most beautiful Women employed there from all over the World… 1992… W.C…World Cafe… Also in Korean.Meaning “original” or “unique” in Pashto. … Using hanja it can mean “be beautiful; good” from Sino-Korean ? (a) or “elegant, graceful, refined” (?, a) and “net for catching birds” (?, ra). A famous bearer is South Korean actress Go Ara (1990-). Given Name ARA… And biblical…Cursing and Seeing… It is Energy.. Chi.. Beautiful… Which Can Curse.. and See in Clarity…
8:09 p.m.. We have completed 128/ 89… Lord..


I can’t go on… This is a historical text… I do not how I am going to share it.. but I just did the code of “Con Text…” Which alludes I knew to our Text.. Con deception but really means.. “Link Connect.. “With” Thorough..which we have thoroughly done…Lord… Complete… We can rest…

Yes. Thank you for your efforts. I need rest too.
Will text you tomorrow.
No, it is for you to rest.. I must complete the rest of the Work.. Rest and yes Manyana… Thank you…

OK. Wishing you a pleasant rest of the day.
Ciao ??
Merci… Ciao…
Chat Conversation End
Seen 8:13pm

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