
5/5/2016 0:38 – Facebook Post

5/5/2016 0:38 – Facebook Post

10;31 p.m

Excuse me for the incompletion of the last post…

I had to see Joseph Carey J.C.. and complete the Link of the alternative play for the 4th Dimension completion…
to link to the 5th Dimensional Darrin Morneau… D.M…

Please note the time… 10 31…this links the equation of
J.C.A… 3+1=4…D… 4th Dimension…10+31=41… D.A.

The equation is in the post below… 10+21= 31
( U Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix…U.S..A.M)

1O +21… Universe Supreme Alpha Manifestation…

The Code established for the 5th dimension is 1O +21..=22O..
V…O.. 5 O…E.O…

10:45 pm.

Joseph Carey “Add and Increase, the Dark Ones” The Black Ones…

*See Blackwell… Black Irish… Black Kunta Kente.. Krishna… correct code Kunta Kente Krishnna Radar.. Redha…

Joe lives at 91… opposite The Bean…2nd and 3rd.. 3rd and 2nd…
I was let into his building and he called out let us met in the Bean…
I have known Joe, since 2003.. (23)… And he has been part of this play first through me and then in his own right…
I had met him through Alberto aka U.S..who saw the great Computer ( U.S.A.Matrix) in the Sky…
And I had moved from a person called Sky Oak Speaker.. S.O.S…

( meaning I was moved and so were the E .T line by a call for ‘Aid-Help the people in the World simulation…And then betrayed my most of them to become their slave and carry all the Toxic Expression, T.E..)

*Link Alfie Nze.. and his film Toxic Waste.. T.W..IN…

Joe came to Park Slope, and offered that I come and stay with him.. Right opposite the Bean….
It was an S.O.S..
That was the first time I saw The Bean.. in 2003..
Little did I know that 2 years Later in 2005, that I would move from Augusta Georgia, A.G.G.A.. where I went to Visit my Uncles Widow and my cousins, then still in in High School and Grade School.. But now each graduates of University of Chicago, Duke University and Harvard…
It was the day the Pope John Paul died.. April 2nd..2005…

I came down through the portal of 33rd St.. Recon Sound Studios…
Johnny Larkin.. but this time connecting with Michael Frazer..M.F.

And then found myself guided to The Bean Cafe where I met Axel Anderson ( Hello Neo.. Mr Anderson…) Axel Love.. A.L.

And this led me to the 11 Year sojourn in that which I was sent to Help by the E.H ( Zorro Line.. Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn.. George Daly Shelter…26 9…not 2 69…Nnamdi.. who is me, and I would never put myself through such a hell, not when I knew that that Everything was in Harmony)…

No it was Z.I…The end of the Individual.. Not I… and even then that was just fear.. 26 is not the end, even arithmetically.. 8 is.. 2+6=8…
Zeina Hanna.. Beautiful Harmony (B.H..28) Grace Favor C…

Jaime Grace…Phavour Alegbe Cecilia Wiebers…Chukwuemeka!
Well done.. See sacred portal 1.A…

8 Is 1..1 is 8.. Light…
Alex Haley..
Achilles Heel..
Alexander Hamilton…

11;28 p.m.. My Birthday…

I wrote about the meeting with Joe and the pla
We spoke, and as always it was wonderful, to speak clearly and in the language and consciousness so near to the E consciousness and with much less room for misunderstanding..
I was fully aware that Joe could understand me perfectly…
Before Donna O’Sullivan or Billy Hung..or anyone else..
I had explained in great deal and embodied the E.T consciousness and he had been brilliant..
I also knew his secret undercover Identity…

He told me that he had entertained the idea of what he would do if I had asked him to Kill me…
* From the non stop “Pain and Suffering Supreme he had witnessed me endure, as well as having a sample of experiencing…

Dark Lord Dark Elves…

There was much more to the story..
And I commented on the the fact that each time I speak with him, the calm leaves me, and I begin to speak as if someone is drawing froth my breath…Spill the Beans…

He understood the situation…
But not the full story… but I valued his confirmation that there was an awareness which was fully aware of the evil being done to me and this cold implacable awareness, even took pleasure in it…

It was not Joe of course…

It was a Play… Joe is Mother is Part Jamaican and part Caucasian…
But looks completely Caucasian as does her son..
Black on White…B.O.W..
He is 1-4 Brown… Yet funnily enough, the entire world is Brown..

I just pointed out his Harmony, of the Bean…

He reminded me that the last time we saw was when I was when I went up to Jonn and Donna’s… J.D..( He mentioned friends Dawn and J.. and how couples are breaking up after interacting with him.. And I linked it, telling him of Jonn and Donna linked.. C.D Creation Destruction..3-4… 1/4 Brown)….


..that he had, had 80 U.S.D on him.. and had given me Half.. 40 40…
Jonn Blackwell had given me 8O…The first Day…

and today, he gave me a gift of 5O again half of what he had…

I had 50 US.D… J.B…( Victory Jonn Blackwell J.B yesterday) and after seeing the code of the time 1;02 p.m yesterday, aligned with the 50 usd I had left…
When I went out today, I split it and had a coffee at the Bean…

I did not require to take money from Joe, but it was a pure gesture… as always with him when it came to money and giving…
40-50 U.S.D… 4-5/54.. 54 the Bean..

Time and date now

11;47 p.m…

and now I have 97 U.S.D in my pocket…

And for some reason, Al.. gave me 50 cents after our meeting so I could call him… I did not protest…
It is a play…

5O usd.. 50 Cents..

97.00 USD..

See sacred Portal 97… “Light of the World..A.H.A.H..A.H….3 A.H..
then 18 Mountain View… Sacred Portal 18… 666 18… Rain-BO.W..I.E… 1-8. (Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel )
Doh rey me mi, (Mei.) fa so la Ti! Do..1-8,
1966-1984.. 18..R.. Robert… Bright Shinny Light…



I and I.. 9+9=I

54 The Bean Cafe.. 5+4=9..I Sat…
11 Years..Axel Anderson ( N.E.O..O.N.E….EN.O) and 9 years…
Generation X…
Children of A.S…
R and R… 5 and 4…9 Months ..I…

12:00 a.m..

97.. 19..7… 97..63..9…
G.F.C… Gracious First Contact..was with I.E…

And I have been in a play where my Line of the E.T came to AID-Help..
But were betrayed by the very beings who sent out Beacons, Pods. Satelites, Prayers, Messages in a Bottle..
They sent messages to save them from the Evil…
When the Evil Toxicity E.T which was killing them was they being Human Rats…
instead of Stars Nam (of the Natural A.M.. NN AM D.I), the Dream of the One Father Sacred Portal 10..1O…Jonn Blackwell Nnnamdi line..

And so see N.E.. And the sacred portal of Haun D and Donna O’Sullivan representing both portals 89/98…98/89…

As Well as 54… The Bean of LIVE…. Jay Livesay.. Aron Livesay J.A L.I.V.E S.AY… Live’s Ay.e… LA!…

Dearest Beloved…

As well as 54 South Mountain Road….

E.D.. Existence Divine… 1A..
E.D….Existential Death…Scared portal 49…13..36..

How old am I… 48 49…50…31..32…47 46…45…21..
Jesus a Shape Shifter… People Morph…

see Kim Marcussen Post I shared…

54 54.. 108….
V.IE.. LIVES SAY.. Jay Aron.. ‘Swift Victory of the Exalted Light”


One Door.. OPEN SEE SAME ME… April…
May Yam…M.Y…

Nnamdi Consequences made manifest…
Emeka Blessings Bliss Extase and a revelations of A world and an Existence.. AH!!!!!
Chukwuemeke…. Those on the Edge… the 1/3 on Probation…

And the last 1/3… Tis they who will link, rise and merge with the 1/3 who are the Beautiful Harmonious Human Beings…

1/3 Links to 3/1… 1/3 3/1..= 3.333333333333333

C.. Infinity…

Ceclia Onuabuch Umeano Kolo…


My Mothers Line….

I am now at 610 Face Book Friends…


Fourth Note… Chiamaka Obi John Mikel Obi Obi Ckc Nwakonobi

Heart… Lia Love Muniz

Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel….

12:22 a.m


Emeka Odiamma

E.O… Eternal One…



E.V.O.L.U.T.I..O.N…… Esther Uzoma Esther Ufomadu

E.E. Double UU.. 21 42?24…6 6
E.E Double V.V… 22 44…8
55…55… =20… x 625… F.B.E…67…85..13…. 6+7=13..42….
/ 31 76…

Awakening of the 4th Dimension the 5th is already Eternally

The 5th manifested the 4th and the 4-1…. Da Enlightens



I.E.D….2O…20….B.O…T..B.O… T.R.U.T.H.E B-E.AU Ti..O F.U.L.L…X Factor..
Anomaly Singularity…
And the BOOT.. ‘Get Out!.. G.O!

A,S,S.A M’Pete…

A.M…Dawn… Darrin Morneau…E Line

610 Face Book Friend …

Angel Divina P…


Tomorrow will be the 16th Day…since 4-19-2016…

16 P..

1-9 Dimension all I.E. O.I.H.E.M.M.I.N.G…W.A.Y S.A.L.O.N..E

The Ritz Paris New York….

12:36 a.m


Lowest Common Factor… X

12;37 a.m

L.C..Grace… in the Pitt of Hell of Human Existence….



12:38 am…

12- 383…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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