
5/4/2018 21:25 – Facebook Post

5/4/2018 21:25 – Facebook Post

8:04 p.m.


Cain Eden
Billy Hung

Two of them are my 1133 Facebook Friends.

I left Billy Hung’s Sponsored apartment in 2013…
33… A Full Circle.
I lived on 33rd Street where I wrote the Story of the Family of Ten which Billy Hung is aligned to as Father Ten… Sensie..

*Link Jace Horsford and Nnamdi speaking through him but as now evolved to E…
Then link that Father Aspect as Sensie…
And the story of Billy and I, and how Nnamdi spoke through him when and told him, when I could not understand why I was still waiting to go home- the Portal of the Awakening to happen here, that I was being asked to include you all in the Script which I knew was proposterous…
But which for 5- 6 years I have been doing.

Billy has 5 Facebook Friends….

And in the last five years his wealth was taken from him, he was sent to psych ward 5 times. by the very one who knew that there was nothing wrong with him.
This has been the theme non stop for this play script of the last 6. 4.. 5 years has it not?

I spoke to Billy Hung by phone his code 61…98..48….
FA… I H D H… Full Circle…
we spoke from 18;40 p.m… 6;40 p.m to 20:21 p.m…8:21 p.m.
R.D..O… 64O… Fifth Dimension Full Circle….
T.U..( You in French informal)… H.U… E MAN… Harmony Universal..

Through all his trials… and he went through Hell Fire, I know.. look at his code 1133… 33 is the Sacred Portal the Nightmare…
Two lines Cain Eden C E… B.H…
Consciousness Evolved Beings Harmonious…
C E..= 3 5… 8…
B H = 28… 10…

10 8… J.H.
Jace Horsford J.H… Sacred Geometry, opening and closing of the Flower of Life…
108… 18… My bed number… 18…R… 9…I…
R I.. R E… I Laugh…
R R I E….

Billy was unfazed, he was the same, gentle firm, clean sounding like he was still the millionaire investor, stating that the Awakening is imminent..
Sure, confident, brilliant… that is the line of the E.

He had walked through the night mare 3 years and 5 times abused by his own brother who was fully aware of the Truth, I know because I checked and it is all recorded here…
All you have to do is go back to October Dec 2012…
It is all recorded day to here, in the closest you can get to Real Time.

He was unbowed, graceful, and even expressed appreciation in that manner so like his cheerful nature..
But believe me he has a stubborn nature.

In this script he represents Facts and Darkness as Matter… Physical reality…
And to penetrate what he represents means to penetrate terrible death. The Death which I met Billy as, Zero consciousness of anything spiritual. He was not brought up that way, everything was based on the material, the physical that which is here and now.. Wealth.. Money…
But he woke up to his own epiphany and alight bulb went off in his head.
8:39 pm right now,..

H C I…
He investigated … which is what a H U.. MANN Being is…
Curiosity Investigates…
H C I…
And he never betrayed that truth which he investigated and the codes he had learned from me and applied himself and saw that they worked, and something was speaking.

And so that was the first thing he told me about was the Super Computer….
You all know why I am smiling.

2005 is when I began battling it… The Super Computer…
13 Years… Nnamdi passed at age 13… Letter M…
The Universal Mind..
Delta M U..Delta… Jace Horsford…
Delta M U S I C…/ C I.. S U M… D…

8:45 pm… Yes recall I spoke of one aspect of my brother who was called U.S… Real name Alberto..
( U S A… Universal Simulation Awareness.. Awakening)

– who I met just after I met David Roman Nicholas ( who had the evolved body with “wings”)
that was 2003. And recall that he had spoken of Father as the Super Computer whose size was his feet size 13…
Recall my speaking non stop about the Hitch HikersGuide to the Galaxy…and the meaning of Existence 42…

Sigh… M U… …complete the equation.. M U .. S IC…
And S I C K… The World is Sick… ill.. but nothing was really wrong with them was it.. It had become infected by its own Lies, Gossip and refusal to clean up its mess of ages.
Creating stories of Super heroes and Messiahs who would come and save them, while they continued to dwell in the filth of their lies and hypocritical way of seeing, choosing to see and view each other and reality…
A Choice which I have proven here which was intentional…
A Refusal to Grow up and take responsibility for their expressions.

Tom means Twin… Tom Hung .. T.H…is not the twin of Billy…
C E and B.H..Are twins…
We played Thantos and Hypnos…
C E.. 35.. 8… 2 8… 10
8 1O…
8 1 O E…
8 1 O 5/
5O 1 8… E O.. A H…
5O States
Universal Simulation Awareness …
U S A…
I met Billy when he just came from Alien Landing… A L.. In San Francisco…

I was living in East 4th Street again at Albert Santana’s.. A.L.
4th Street 4 is Delta… A L.. / L A…
LA of Sixth Sense..
L A Dawn Piercy D P..confirmed.. Daniel Powers D P…
David Powers D P… Da Enlightens..
Brotherly Love… ?
There is no Gap… See my expression it fills the illusion of the Chasm, the Response, the answering of Prayers, Expression manifestation.. to instant manifestation .. Solid Fact…

C E me I am born 28…

Tom Hung and his line can not exist… MOT.. “Word”
Tom “Twin” Twin Words.. T W… O…E..
Billy and Cain… Chukwuemeka…
C B… 3 2… ( 2012… 32.. C B).. 3 2= 5… 5… E E…
Both of saying the same thing..
I spoke to Billy last 3 years ago…
saw him last 5 years ago…
3 5.. C E… And both of express the exact same thing…

“Emeka it is going to happen any day from now…”
He told me how he went to the very edge, to different realms and portals and that there was only one place one threshold which he saw that he could not cross over…
He had Astra Projected to all the rooms in the “Akashic Record” room…
Dark Energy.. and only one who could not cross over to which he knew there was something…

9:07 p.m.

S.P… “I am the way I am the Light – clarity.. Yah! Way.. The Beautiful WAY E…
Here is the Twin.. H U… N G… 8 21… 147… 8 3 147…
11 21…
1 3…
2 3…
4 5… Yes… Tom Hung ceases to exist and his line… lie… and those who know the Truth and they consciously betray it..
I checked..

So here is the Twin of myself in the past William Hung… Billy Hung… Will Hunnitpercent Real and Eric Lile Brown…
H O W…/W O H!… W ..OH!!!…

There was so much more but Billy has become thee…
The representation of Light of Existence of the W.E… NN AM..D.I…
The HU MANN BODY as Dark Energy… 353 45… Full Circle…
The Body evolved to through Intelligence.. a Computer Body brought back to life…
Link Jace Horsford link Quanma’e Lewis.. and yes Randall Michael Wiltz…

Energy Electricity.. the Body brought back to Life Eternal..
Rising naturally through 6h Sense of the M U S IC… M U completed to understanding the Music of I.E…

9:21 p.m.
I U..
Infinite Universe … C E C I L I A… 11 22… David…
Self Regenerating…
S R… I E.. E…
R I S E E…
Y E S… S I R E E…

9:22 p.m..

The Royals… undercover… Rise to E…
R E… M I N D..E.R… Muscle Memory…
Brain Body Subconscious Subway…
125… A B E…
A B L E… TO Rise…
L E… O ..E..S…

Roar… Roar… with Existential Might…

For you are E…
Graduate Magna Cum… ( chuckle ) LAW-D…

9;25 p.m.

I Y…

I B E… J I!

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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