
5/4/2018 11:37 – Facebook Post

5/4/2018 11:37 – Facebook Post

From Cain Eden C.E

These are my initials….

I am stunned….
I have been manipulated to come to Starbucks once more,
by Jace Horsford.
The arrogance and the conceit, of this Script…
First from the line of the Lies and Deceptions which Peter was used to represent those who witness the truth and then challenge it because of its lack of Power.

– which has been defeated as witnessed Donald Trump representing the World of the Liars… and though nearly every one in this World View Lie…
The inefficiency of it- Used to full effect against me in this Script and play on my page, where it is very obvious that the Script was full of Lies and Deception…

But now I move past yet another abomination – which is those who know the Truth, know even the Identity of the Source Present, and still because of script designed where in exchange for Knowledge of Existence which gave them life and could have given them Eternal life- in exchange for sustaining the Source ( who is the one who provides the means for that very sustenance as proven by the play with Jace and Peter, from the very first moment I met them both…
Jace who entered the M.B.A. program through my divine intervention being present.. then Delta Mu Delta, and then established a relationship at last with his Father, just as Peter did with his brother… The list goes on.

I have been through this non stop for 17 years, over and over again.. is it not Chris Franco?

Despite being aware of the Truth… Those who Lie ( but know the Truth) and those who know the Truth and use it as a power tool of Self Righteousness to become pompous jack asses who forget that the Source of the Truth set them up to reveal Thier Truth.

I do not look to Peter Nyarkô or to Jace Horsford for they are just Avatars- chosen by my Son-Father now Twin – My Past Self catching up with me, to reveal the Truth of each…
And what each did with the gift of Life and Truth.

9:45 p.m.


But why would he have gone so far to let such a play of such insult go on?
Was it disbelief in that something which he created could become so vile…?
Was it that He could not conceive of such a response being given after having given so much to each .. they very gift of Life and the promise of Eternal Life…

I know his point of view very well, because I too once believed so much in People.. I was once Him…
I loved that which I had created and saw that their perfection of that Creation.
But the difference between He and myself, was that I knew that once they were given the Free Will to exist that they had the right to chose to follow the most Beautiful Example or.. not to.
And I instantly recognized when they had made to Choice exercise a free will and choice which was not the way i would have ever enacted.
It is not that these my Creation Inventions … My Art… C I A… had to be exactly as me, but there was an action and way in which is the way of the E.. which allows you to be an Individual but exercise free will and choice but which aligned with the True Beauty of Being.

I recognized that that which I had Created would only be complete not after they were simply created, but by what they Chose to enact out with free will given the Beautiful Template and even shown the way of the Source .. who played their Big Brother.
Who came undercover to show them his way, and why his way of being was supreme. Why using true grace, manners, being Truthful using the Beautiful way, in which others around all were included and which made when He or I rose, others to rise also…

I understood in that first enactment of the first Family representing the First Gestures which I did, those who chose a different way by seeing the very first gestures which they chose to enact where not the way of the Beautiful Truth of the first Gestures which brought them into Existence…
Which is how I could tell that which was True and real and that which would become the Lie from the very first gesture, and in deed the very first Look…
Because all these expression called the Family of TEN began as Me…
And the journey to their completion was not in their being Created.
But rather what they chose to do once they were Created and had Free will, choice and a beautiful template… Nature… A Beautiful Body to feel the Sensational Feelings… and the E-Spirit within – Naturalness as a guide.

The Lie comes from those who have the Truth and become arrogant with it…
It causes those who are witness to that experience of that arrogance, that lack of Grace, that loft superiority or self righteousness to reject the Truth…
To embrace and become the lie…
This does not excuse the Liars because I did not act self righteous with people, I acted like their beloved, I loved them, and they chose to see that as a weakness, “Familiarity breeds Contempt” this is what happened with Peter Nyarkô, a carelessness in perception and treatment of m- even accusation of my manipulating him for money…
No, that was not the case of my being self righteous…
I as placed in such a role of humbleness that respect for me and my truth was replaced with a certain admiration, contempt and pity…

10:10 am.

Meaning that there is no excuse for the Liars…
Nor is there an excuse for the arrogance of Truth for that too is a lie…
For Truth can not be Arrogant, conceited, make people feel inadequate…
It lifts people up, it is the Ah…!… The Ooooh.. it is the Yah!!!


It always gives appreciation…
As I moved through the lines represented by Peter and Jace in the end…
There is one thing I had noticed in the last 29 years, and especially the last 17 years.
Go on my page over the last 6.4 years.. now going on 6.5.. you will notice how I praise and acknowledge every person I interact with…

But you will hardly ever see any one of doing the same in return…
Look at Jace Horsford who represented The Truth… who was so pompous and arrogant and look at the work done with him, – despite my being aware that he was being used and molded by my expression…
Check if he ever truly gave acknowledgment and praise and appreciation publicly…

It is in the link to most of you, who never ever gave any praise, appreciation, recognition or even acknowledgement of the dedication and love given to you…
Most of you were reacting to someone also asking you to clean up your act.. to be better, to be the true you..
And resentment, seething resentment curbed your enthusiasm…made you hold back from giving spontaneous praise…
For expressions which would flow through me which even I would pause startled to give praise to my Self, as if it was apart from me.
And It is, because it is my Expression- my Creation and once expressed it has its own existence.

To have the power to hold back natural enthusiasm, natural praise and appreciation…
Peter Nyarkô used to give it more naturally that any one here I met at starbucks..
Ms Brenda could recognize truths so self evident, that it used to bring tears to my eyes…
But what do they do with that power, if you say something they do not like, or if you call them … As a Big Brother and as Their Creator…?

They will demand your Authority not based on Love you have given them, not out respect for you going out of your way to fight for them..
In deed, the most common phrase I heard over the course of the last 33 years of my working consciously on ppl since say age 17 and illusion age 19, was “No one has ever done what you have done for me”
It was always naturally done.. filling a gap…
But I began to pay attention to that phrase by the way at some later moment they would do an action so vile as if that expression they stated never was expressed or was not sincere.. yet it was.
Man I used to be confused..

But I was never confused as my Son Father, Mother Daughter was about tht which was a lie..
That which is not the way of True… Because I knew what I would never do…
And I knew that all these Creations chose.. chose to do it that way…
I knew because they are All me, the base Template I used in my Creation Invention Art … which I then broke down into a Science.. to Explain.. that which I already knew, they knew.. ( C I A S… E…)
Because the Original Blue Print of Existence was.. is me…
And this is proven by The Elegant Nomad… written in 2001…
and Jacqui Quanma’e Lewis who is in bed 4-004, My former bed a few months ago. ( see that play play and how it took place…)
2001 is 21….
21 is The Elegant Nomad written while researching undercover in a Shelter and fining Eric and David..
I wrote it in a Library and in Queen – Flushing Queen…

That is my true Past… A Man.. undercover investigating the reality around me before about to be introduced to New York via Diane Sawyer and the William Morris Agency… D.S… WM… My Agent Manny Baron.. M.B… D.S..Dina Singh who gave the intel of Galaxy 1101..I.C…
Dewight Smith who directed me here…
DS…4 19… My bed number now.. 4-018.. 4-019… 419… D A I…
4-19.. 23… W… Double V… 5… E..

10:39 a.m.

Tiffany SD
Tiffany Dawn Haynie

WM… Woods Metropiltan…

M.B… Micheal Belle.. Vue….

The Elegant Nomad… written 2001-2002…
Jacquii is 21… and spoke about how he is really
11.. which would make me energetically 22… 21… U.. Universe…
Sacred Portal 147 AB… 14 7.. 777… 21… 3…
3 of us…
Robert Karl Murphy…room 5C Bed 26… born 11 22…
Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis was room 4 C bed 26…

11 22… C.E C I L I A… D A V I D… C D… 3 4… 7…
1134 facebook friends yesterday…
now back to 1133… With Cain Eden.. C E…
33 street is where I wrote A STORY… Of how The Elegant Nomad …2001… 21… 3… 3.. 33… 333… 3333 33333… 333333… 3333333.. 33333333… 33 33 33 33 3…. 9… Manifested himself into a series of Gestures from moving here in the Present…
As a Man… replicated in New York the 11th State, that original action…

2004 was a STORY…. A TRUE STORY… But a story.. a recounting ….
I lived and wrote the story in 2004…
Jace Horsford is the manifestation of that Story which I have now understood I am transformed and formatted back into truth by my coming here at 9 O’clock when he was meant to be here…
And my being representing the Original Jace….
* Last night while I spoke to him on the phone I noted to him that I was I was standing in Delta Manor besides a person a security guard called Raphael which means “The ARCH Angel of Healing and Love…’ he was said that he was coming at 11 p.m instead..
I was so stunned.. the arrogance of this line he represented- one thing is to not know my identity, but another is to be fully aware…

But I checked my text and saw the time he sent the message was 7;57 a.m.
I had checked my phone when I “woke up” ( I don’t really sleep anymore.. so incredulous by how far thius has gone.)
I had told him that I did not wish to come here anymore… but he brushed it aside…
And that made me accept to come, but also to realize that this blatant disregard for one whom he had recognized as the Source, literally..
It would be different if he did not understand fully who he I was but last night it was even more fully indented into and onto to him…
And so I sat here stunned.. seeing the code.. 9. 11… I.K…My Bio Fathers Name… 9 11…

11:00 p,m.

Jacquii is the Truth of me as The Elegant Nomad…. The Solid Fact and enactment of my Initial expression of coming into Existence Creation…
Quanma’e Lewis.. Quanme’s means “Spring” Transformation… Easter…

Jace Horsford text me at 10 that he is on his way…
It is 11:03 p.m right…

And so I wonder about this… for I am already proven that I am the

1 11… 22… 33…44 55 66 77 88… Henrich H texted yesterday… I sent Jace Horsford a total 88 texts I notice today.. 99 I am I and I…
Ikenna Iheanacho… And I am 10:10 am…
Jaymes Jacquii… J J… Robert… J J R… 10 10 18… 38…

I am fully aware that when I saw that I had sent Jace Horsford my last text at 9:24 a.m… I.X…
That I was replacing Jace…who said 9p.m… who is age 24…
That I am the original Jace Raphael… aligning him to the correct wave length in an action manifested so unforgivable by his line that he might end up being the only one of his line to emerge from the Matrix in the end to move from being a story…
he called me at 11:11 a.m…. He says he is on his way….
I am simply speechless… but the last part of his journey and his lines journey they must do alone…
Without this “Grace” given to them through my being used as their Slave…

Perhaps through suffering there is hope … but I do not believe in such things as home .. I am RE… RA… Inside manifest Outside and not the other way around… I.O… Isis Osiris…
not O.I… or 01….
Yes I can do it that way… but no other could pass through that way because it is too hard… and so to make me RARE… Makes everyone else non existent.

I have 57 likes on my world icon.. Jace sent my the text at 7;57 AM…
So I know this was set up..
Jace states he was groggy.. could not move…
Welcome to my world… I have not slept in two days because I am being used to make a True Story a Solid Fact but a process which should have been simple is made evil by the arrogance and conciet … the superiority of having the Truth…

And I am in Starbucks where I observe the very mentality and behaviour of old infecting the young and the disease of Bad Manners… Disrespect created by elders being awful examples…

11:26 p.m.

Yes this a portal perfect… which in all my travels living in 7 countries and and scores of homes… This is the perfect representation of all that is wrong and evil in the world…

11:28 p.m.

My birhday… 11 28… 39…12… 3…21… 3….
3 6 9… 12.. 3…

All I despise and so you see with Jace Horsford play Grace of the “Holy E-Spirit ” forever leaves Humans.. And the that Humanity was sustained all these Ages by a force undercover… And that You are about to experience the Absence of it… And today while I wait for Jace Horsford you understand why It will never return no matter how the World left in the Matrix CODES… For Jace is the Rep of the best of Delta Mu… not MUSIC… But MU… S I C K….
Because you the Sick place your selves above and as more important that the md… the one who came to heal you…
Remind you how to stay clean… but instead you treat me like Swine.

11:35 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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