
5/4/2015 16:37 – Facebook Post

5/4/2015 16:37 – Facebook Post
5/4/2015 16:37 – Facebook Post

2:45-6 A.M.


2-45-46 Is code of the Energy formerly represented by my brother Nnamdi Obiekwe Kolo
N is O.K…ascended to sacred portal 46..God.

I use the code 4th the 5th, which was his birthday to anchor who I am talking to.
Recall he was born on Easter 1969, and passed on Easter 1982, meaning that he was in Harmony of the full Circle.
This year Easter was on April 5th..
33 years after he passed.
46 years after he was born.

5-4-8 is that he is me.

Which is my age in this realm.

I am sitting right now, perhaps one last time at 54 The Bean Cafe.
*pls see the great scholarship on the Bean as the great Mitochondria D N.A power house of Nenad M. Djurdjevic

I was “Lead” by the inner compass in me to the Bean in 2OO5, after comming down through 33rd Street portal of Micheal and Dominc.

Nenad M.D.
Where I was led to fight the Devil for 9 years.
The Devil was not really a persons it was Nnamdi Expressing a point of view and the battle at 268 and the 8-9 other portals, “A Loop” (and me a loup) was to listen to his point of view which was about Existence in this realm, Food Shelter…
And my having to prove through often brutal tests if I would betray the Truth, some call Gode after being brutalized by facing having no job, and all the horrors which you are put through IG you do not have money…
Would I compromise the Truth.

I had met an Alberto during 911 when I came to New York on an invitation by Alfred Knopf of Random House…to review the possibility of publishing my manuscripts.
A long delay on thier making a descion led me to a series of circumstances out of my control
In had to leave the home arranged for me to stay in New York by a friend Nicholas to stay withinn
A day of my arrival.
I then met Eric and Todd (E T) that same evening, both invited me to stay with them, I decided to go with Todd..
Whom I stayed with in Queens
I knew I was in a play and I suppose I chose Todd because no matter how dubious such an invitation was, I was looking back seeking T..
The Truth of all this set up.
Not looking for E.

Please recall that Nnamdi appeared to me as a 13 year old, in Istanbul urging me to come to New York.
Nnamdi passed at the age of 13.
Note 13 is the letter M..double U..but really double V upside down…
It is VV upside down because double U is letter 21..42..
Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy..answer to the meaning of Existence.
But Double V is 22 in the Alpha Bet…
The Birthday of both my mother and Nnamdi incarnated in a David Roman Nicholas born 1968, in Windsor Park Canada where I grew up with Nnamdi and my siblings.

MM as 13 is 26-8..
Which is the loop I was in for over 9 years with no manifestation despite my knowing it was the full circle of the past XO.
Complete with a Shelter Opposite 269 George Haly (GH-78) which reminded me of the portal I had come down in 2OO1 after 911.
Where In had met Todd and his Friend Lawrence (T.L) Alberto… Then Eric and David…
268 East forth street was directly opposite me past..
The Elegant Nomad.
It was the Full Circle of not only my journey in New York, but to the Mbari Temple XO of the begining but even went further back to First Contact but after 9 years nothing manifested except the “Awakening and Ascension of the Devil to God..
I witnessed by former host speak first of a conversation with Gode then ascend the very day I left to speak in a manner that left me no doubt that Gode was in him at the that moment..
He spoke as the Akashic Records as the sum total of all I.had written channeledbldecoded on Facebook..
I watched Nnamdi as 4-5 ascend to 46..
See sacred portal 46.
Fa! LA!
The Being of 6th sense..
Risen through reason
The Oracle (database)
Of the Intel or Matrix

I came to New York.meant to appear on Diane Sawyer show through my agency William Morris (WM) and was asked to write an article for her review on my first impressions of New York.

Shaken by my experience I looked for work and decided to investigate the streets of New York.

I was without home..
I had a place to stay but I ended up going to a Bellvue where social workers hearing about my article suggested I experience a New York Shelter if really wished to write truthfully about New York.

Which is what I did

Meeting immediately Todd Eric and David.
Then Alberto and Beverly during 911.

The Elegant Nomad was written just before and after 911.

And I could not help but see the sequence of names I kept meeting..

But especially Eric’s Davids Alberto…

In the end I saw myself in a loop of begining with the March 2O..
3-2O…2OO1…of E.D.A.
To E.D.A.H.

3:O2 pm

Saw 32 likes today

Most will wonder why I keep writing numbers and translating them to Letter’s

If you might notice my last post liked by Andrese Harris Burton A.H B..
Was called 1:32 A.M.
Which I linked to Sacred portal 132..
Brother and sister as I.
E V.
Then I roamed the streets looking for my portal Janus Door..
I am representing the Door but there must be a mirror reflection of the Door.

Please see Nenad s Share on M.portal..
M Double U…21-21..42..+x 68…
Double V…22 22…44..8-7 (16+1+7=7G)
@2 68 we saw the last play with Billy Hung of 9 after it had been established through a journey passing through a Homeless Shelter in 2OO1…where I met Eric and David.
Alberto first whose code was TL…(Todd Laurence)..
I am sitting at 54 (E-D..Eric David meaning the Eternal Ruler the Beloved) The Bean, the portal I came down when it was at 1st and 3rd.

I met.Nahid Praise Elevated Uplifted
Arabic for Venus.
E V.
My name is Emeka Victor
O did the E the N the O the V and the A…

I arrived to 32 likes.
132 am post early this morning
Sacred portal 132.
3:O2 pm
Arrived New York 3-2O-2OO1…32-21..
Meet Todd Laurence T.L..
T is 2O letter
L is 12.
Sitting at 54 (ED) the Bean on 3rd and 2nd
Former hosts 2O12..
Mayan Calendar..

T.L is True Love.
32 is C.B..Consciousness Being…

I am saying that the code 132…32
M.B…Manifest Being is
132 A C.B..
Awareness Conscious Being
Being Conscious -Awareness.

Which is 32…Consciousness Being..

How is it that the computer or the people liking my posts align with a play from beyond yet all anchored here since the day I arrived in New York and which has led me for 14years a maze,
Which began with meeting T.L.. Which led to 911 meeting Alberto (through Donald who had amensia twice.and the Oracle A at 268,speaking through A, )
then to Eric David….
Then to.me sitting at a cafe 54 The Bean 3-2 with a portal painted on its side of Love on the 3rd St side.

What is moving me,
Inside my body?
M or Double VV
Which brings Manifestation..?
Zeina Hannah.
I saw it speak through A the last day
The M…45 is now 46.
Or the VV…22..11:22..44..8

I am sitting at 2nd and third 23..
W..there is now Double me,
Robert F Black but that aligns to the R.F B Facebook the past.
MW is 13+23..46..

I am Double VV..55 25.. 7 1O 8

Nenad I would welcome your comment on this riddle and why I know that Somethhing is blocking my door..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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