
5/31/2019 19:31 – Facebook Post


4:58 4:59 p.m
5:00 p.m

Yes, your parents are the Ancestors, and they had a great rage at Humanity their Descendants and held you all bound, as is manifest in me.
For my body is bound, tightened muscles deformed face body, especially my spinal cord ( 33 Vertebra, age 33 when I first came to New York)
And my Solar Plexus, 3rd Chakra
3 note.. Mi- Me, see the play in Miami with Erik Ebright and his father J.I.M.
At Little Haiti..

3rd Color Yellow- Gold

3rd Planet from the Sun..
Yes the Bound my Body, Binding it to the Evolution of the Planet Earth.
And to clean up the mess of Ages of Cause and Effect of Human Expression, and the imbalance of Appreciation Gratitude Respect
( A G R. A Golden Ratio)
For all Nature and the Ancestors did to to aid in evolution and sustenance of the Species.

Instead they made me pay..

5:11 p.m right now


Yes,why me?
All paid, but in binding me to the Ancestral Play of A N. 114.
* 114.
Grant Moor Motel rm 114.
The time I checked today was at 1.14 p.m
( which indicated the subject of Today’s play.
Which surprise surprise, is what my posts today has moved to address)

11 4 Kim Arthur Hines
4-11 Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

C M Emerge

8 22. H.V. Harmonys Victorious Expression
K N. A.T. H.B.
Twin aspect of Nature
N.N. Nature Naturalness N N 28 H B
( Aki Thunderpaw)
M= 13.

Manifestation of Harmonious Being

They Tied me to the Earth, locked my Body because I represent E ART Harmony
And the E.T.

5:20 p.m right now

To not only clean up the mess by making me play the Role of High Priest of O.I Nri Royal Igbo… but cleanse the abomination from the “Earth Hologram- to balance the Scales of the onesided Exhange between Man and God Truth Nature, in the supremely unfair field by filling the Black Hole created by the imbalance, The Ravine Abyss Void.. R A V.
M.R A V.
* Bob Bert HansHans

filling the A Gape with the True Balance of A G R to Nature and the Ancestors, despite my protesting that I am not it’s source.
And that is why I was sent into the Bottomless Pit, the Illusion of Not Knowing and the horrors which humanity had created by being so Selfish and enslaving nature to be Humanities slaves, and the unnatural of Human “Being” which made them as Alien Invaders, and not as they were… the Beautiful Ones who first came at First Contact with Nature at the beginning of Time
4.5 Billion Years
The Elegant Nomads
The T E N.

And so the Ancestors and the Natural Laws of Cause and Effect, threw the entire species into a place called Non Exisrence, zero .. because It no longer recognized Humanity as being part of them.

Of course, there were the Beautiful Natural Humans, but this was not a Script of the Individuals which it was meant to be, but of the Whole, the All who form the O.

I was aware that this realm was not real, but was only when I came to New York
9 11 that I understood the Human Beings Mentality and moved the Species into a place deeper and deeper into a Non Existent State.

And so, a play was created inside the Pit of which no one returns, people lamented that God had abandoned Humanity, the Truth Purpose meaning was no longer present, and. Darkness of such fear and self loathing had infected the entire race.
The clean suffered terribly, each seeking to find an answer and how to raise people out from this system, state.
Observe the Human Time Line, and the number of beautiful lights who came into this world now a bit..
See how they were killed, see how their ideas, efforts were rewarded.

See how most were killed..
So savagely so brutally..
See how hard it was and is to live by your Truth
A constant compromise to quote Stephen Filgueria..
Always a power play..
Never a Fair Field for a Fair play.
Equal Exhange E E
And even those who know better, cheat and act like Hypocrites, demanding that of others and not doing the same..

A Mess Of Ages..

Into that pit I was born into, where the True beings of Eternal True Light could no longer rise within this Blackness, the growing wall of the power of Hate and love true expression dying,swallowed strangled tortured for daring to entering this world.
Where Truth, was murdered and the lie had the power of everything even to enslave the Truth and make it work for them.

5:47 p.m


5:43 p.m..

It’s was from this Pit of Hell, I was born into, and consecrated to be the One, chosen from many candidates as to who could find the Solution and Answer to literally transform the World already Doomed, to be back on Track and aligned to the Orginal Plan of the E.T
Evolution Awakening
Instead of Total Extinction Annhilation

This was the play I was dragged here to New York to do
Transform The Black Hole I.D of this Species back into their Beautiful Truth.

And the only way was to prove that Humanitiy were works in progress, illusions not real. And that Nature and the Ancestors were the ones fuelling the Human Mess and illusion of power by focusing their attention, on that which was not real.

That there is only one Truth in Existence Creation- Beauty Symmetry Order Logos
( C. B S O L…)
Consciousness Creation Beings of S O L
The 5th State.. the Only Stare which is real.
Energy Being
Eternals under cover moving through the Species, and despite the Surface seeing to be expressed by Humans, it was never Them You directing this Play.
That it was always the Eternal in you.

Which you may have understood that I have proven in this 7.6.. and 6.6 years play and challenge in a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix E.
That Evolution was a Story of Particle and Wave
And a Thunder Clap ..Thor. Esteban John
Thoth and Emerald Tablet * Mentioned to me by Jesse yesterday.
That is sacred portal 127. ( 227 J.M)
3 37. 3 17 27 37 47 57 67.7/7. 87. 97.
Universal Epiphany
Thor Thoth.

That Particle/ Person = Being
Wave/ Music = Expression
And the Two of them linked to Awareness Manifestly Examined Expressed Explained Empirically Evident Exemplified


6;09 p.m.

That is what I was brought to New York to do

Which explains why all forms of I.D passport was stolen during 911, and all efforts to get some form of official Identification back has proven futile.
Just as all efforts to heal my body have been futile.

I was sent into the Pit, forced to live without home or income, the once ” highly regarded Emeka ” forced to walk the streets, often forced to sleep outside, in front of the Entire World.
Take food, monies to eat
To watch as those who claim to love and respect you turned their backs in you .
To see only darkness of Hurt and Pain at every waking hour..
And watch how everyone you once care for see you as a Dissapointmrnt..
This once Golden Child, destined for fame but instead bound by a chord to another realm

And despite explaining, showing indicating that you can not be a bum, a crazy person, mentally deficient, unstable,cursed Mad..
That you are the elegant Nomad sent on an errand
Tall proud, elegant, always stylishly dressed, I watched the Evil in Humanity strip me off everything
Rage at me refusing to sink into the Pit of despair, my refusal to not go insane, refuse to admit failure..
I watched as you chose to belief and act out the worst idea of me, and what I was doing,
While I fought for your beautiful Truth..

Do you have any idea what that feels like?
To scream from the bottom of the Pit and from being seen as a youth by so many as this shooting star destined for fame, recieve the disgust contempt, savagery of punishment and last of people so sure you would never rise, lash you were deeds and words..

Laughing at you, Mocking you,refusing to see the Truth of your Sacred Journey A Mission of A.M.
But each reading and I interpreting they way they wished,to liked , revealing to you the Fool as nothing but a Tool to express their now revealed hatred of you, by how they chose to percieve you…
And the evidence facts of your Sacred Journey preferring to subjugate you in the role of a man who was such a light, now a fallen star
-Lucifer I the Pit of Satan a company of Demons who I transformed back into who they truly are by seeing them as no one else would.
Seeing their truth.
Their Beaitiful.Truth .

Yes you made me Lucifer
The Devil
The Murder
The Evil in Humanity
The Liar
The Trickster..

The Arrogant Fool.
And the Victim of a Cosmic Joke.

An Nature
Ancestors demanded reparations justice and that if I was telling the Truth, then let me pass thier tests..
Pass through the Hell Fire, the Evil in Humanity, The Diesease and worse, the rage of all the victims who tied such terrible deaths from the
evil of Humanity..

I tried to show them, that it was not real, that this was a Story, a Narration in Hindsight of that which was all possibilities and potentialitues
That there was never a What If..
Just What/ If?
What Is
And always was is and will be
Eternal Harmony

It was a Film
An Education that all is known
All that is real and how you are not here, but in a Matrix, Moving through Space in a Coma, Stasis where knowledge of I was being downloaded into you as beings of Light and Dark..
And how you were water beings learning to become Snow Flakes through a Story of that which could never be..

6:43 p.m

But instead, I had to pass their Test.
That of the Rage of Nature
The Rage of the Ancestors
The Rage of the Children.

The Sum Total of Hurt Pain Suffering which was thrown into me by the Children, to transform into Joyous Love and a Victorious Awakening
M.R A V E. A Rave a Boogie a Festival of sharing which overtakes the entire world with the arrival of the Truth
At Lsst..

Perhaps that is the real reason that child shedding tears, I shared from my Facebook Memories Today was really weeping about.

The Truth…
And the quiet realization, as to what they put me through, only to find out I never lied.
That this is not the real world, but a University School U.S of Universe Supreme instructing all on how Everything was and is always A 1
All through Being and Individual


Responsible for yourself and for no one else but you..
And You, are all the people in your life, each possibilities of you..
And the one possibility which you chose as you..
Esteban Emeka
John Emeka
Sarah Emeka
Kelsie Emeka
Victoria Emeka
Kyle Emeka
Mackayla Emeka
Emmanuel Emeka

E Family

E Love &Joy
E Victor

Emeka Beautiful Sadness
( B S. 2 19 South Whitney) ..and his Expression he gives birth to Joy. His sons
Bliss his Daughters

John Mack
McKayla Rays
Jesse Macias
Zion Maccias
Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Where Father Son and Holy Espirit are all one person

E K J M Z M H O M M E.
E MAN. 3 in 1. Make 5 6
Five Six
Feelings Sensational

And so for 18 years, since 2001,
I.have clawed my way out of the Pit
Out of the Script of New York City
it’s streets and your ideas of me.

I have worked as I never felt possible
Experienced Hurt Pain Torture of Spirit and Being, I never thought possible
And I have experienced the Screaming Shouting calling out to the Void the Darkness the abyss..
The valley of Death
Asking for help
Even mercy..

But no one heard me…

7:06 p.m

And I saw I.had no other alternative but to clear my name, and make manifest the Truth,
The Beautiful Truth at all Costs
And not at Any Cost.

At all costs because this world and people needed the Truth at Last.

The Costs to me…?
Let’s be honest,
“What do any of you really care”
There is no bitterness in me, no longer anyway..

Just look at the evidence recorded in the 7.6 year Script and 18 years in New York
Look and read..
See I just satisfied your.. A need.

7:11 p.m

I am worth nothing to you except used to Fill A Gap.
In Memory
In Awareness
In Point of View
The Hollow
Emptiness, you felt was consuming you

Futility of Existence
Your Biggest F.O.E

/ E O F.
It’s alright,
I.came to make rise the E Family of Eternal Harmony manifest in Man and now Woman and Child
Consciousness of Eternal Youth.

Tomorrow is June Ist .

I am currently at

June 1st 6-1/ 1-6
12 61

114 Grant Moor Motel
The portal which brought me endless pain and hurt

The Ancestors Nature, which refused to Evolve or Entertain another’s point of view.
That this World and Earth, is not real.
There is no W.E.
No W.E. S T.
/ T S 2019..
T = 20. Kim Arthur Hines K A H =20 T.
E W does not exist as Double U
Only Double V
Because the E are Individuals and Unique.

Just North East South
N = 14. 1 4=5. E. 14 +5=19
Letter S

E is Center

Ness Hines

Yes, yes link to Eliot Ness
From the film “The Untouchables” T.U. E

The Line of E
The Original E. Eternal Expression
The Truth

7:29 p.m

Aki Thunderpaw
Elon Musk.
A T. E M.
A T. M. E. A.M

7:31 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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